description: >- A dictionary with a data property that contains an array of up to `limit` templates. Each entry in the array is a separate template. The previous and next page of templates can be retrieved by calling the endpoint contained in the `previous_url` and `next_url` fields in the API response respectively.
If no more templates are available beyond the current set of returned results, the `next_url` field will be empty. content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: "../../../shared/models/list.yml" - type: object properties: data: type: array description: list of templates items: $ref: "../models/template.yml" example: data: - id: tmpl_d5a5a89da9106f8 description: Test Template versions: - id: vrsn_232a02fb8224791 suggest_json_editor: true description: Test Template engine: legacy html: "HTML for " date_created: "2019-07-27T23:49:01.512Z" date_modified: "2019-07-27T23:49:01.512Z" object: version published_version: id: vrsn_232a02fb8224791 suggest_json_editor: false description: Test Template engine: handlebars html: "HTML for " date_created: "2019-07-27T23:49:01.512Z" date_modified: "2019-07-27T23:49:01.512Z" object: version metadata: {} date_created: "2019-07-27T23:49:01.511Z" date_modified: "2019-07-27T23:49:01.511Z" object: template - id: tmpl_59b2150ae120887 description: Test Template versions: - id: vrsn_2a7eb63ccb795b9 description: Test Template html: "HTML for " date_created: "2019-03-29T10:22:34.643Z" date_modified: "2019-03-29T10:22:34.643Z" object: version published_version: id: vrsn_2a7eb63ccb795b9 description: Test Template html: "HTML for " date_created: "2019-03-29T10:22:34.643Z" date_modified: "2019-03-29T10:22:34.643Z" object: version metadata: {} date_created: "2019-03-29T10:22:34.642Z" date_modified: "2019-03-29T10:22:34.642Z" object: template object: list previous_url: next_url: count: 2