type: object description: >- You can input a merge variable payload object to your template to render dynamic content. For example, if you have a template like: `{{variable_name}}`, pass in `{"variable_name": "Harry"}` to render `Harry`. `merge_variables` must be an object. Any type of value is accepted as long as the object is valid JSON; you can use `strings`, `numbers`, `booleans`, `arrays`, `objects`, or `null`. The max length of the object is 25,000 characters. If you call `JSON.stringify` on your object, it can be no longer than 25,000 characters. Your variable names cannot contain any whitespace or any of the following special characters: `!`, `"`, `#`, `%`, `&`, `'`, `(`, `)`, `*`, `+`, `,`, `/`, `;`, `<`, `=`, `>`, `@`, `[`, `\`, `]`, `^`, `` ` ``, `{`, `|`, `}`, `~`. More instructions can be found in [our guide to using html and merge variables](https://lob.com/resources/guides/general/using-html-and-merge-variables). Depending on your [Merge Variable strictness](https://dashboard.lob.com/#/settings/account) setting, if you define variables in your HTML but do not pass them here, you will either receive an error or the variable will render as an empty string. maxLength: 25000 nullable: true