components: schemas: insights.v1.account_settings: properties: account_sid: maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string advanced_features: nullable: true type: boolean url: format: uri nullable: true type: string voice_trace: nullable: true type: boolean type: object properties: links: nullable: true type: object sid: maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string url: format: uri nullable: true type: string type: object properties: account_sid: maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string call_sid: maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string carrier_edge: nullable: true type: object client_edge: nullable: true type: object edge: enum: - unknown_edge - carrier_edge - sip_edge - sdk_edge - client_edge nullable: true type: string group: nullable: true type: string level: enum: - UNKNOWN - DEBUG - INFO - WARNING - ERROR nullable: true type: string name: nullable: true type: string sdk_edge: nullable: true type: object sip_edge: nullable: true type: object timestamp: nullable: true type: string type: object properties: account_sid: maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string call_sid: maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string carrier_edge: nullable: true type: object client_edge: nullable: true type: object direction: enum: - unknown - inbound - outbound - both nullable: true type: string edge: enum: - unknown_edge - carrier_edge - sip_edge - sdk_edge - client_edge nullable: true type: string sdk_edge: nullable: true type: object sip_edge: nullable: true type: object timestamp: nullable: true type: string type: object properties: account_sid: maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string attributes: nullable: true type: object call_sid: maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string call_state: enum: - ringing - completed - busy - fail - noanswer - canceled - answered - undialed nullable: true type: string call_type: enum: - carrier - sip - trunking - client nullable: true type: string carrier_edge: nullable: true type: object client_edge: nullable: true type: object connect_duration: nullable: true type: integer created_time: format: date-time nullable: true type: string duration: nullable: true type: integer end_time: format: date-time nullable: true type: string from: nullable: true type: object processing_state: enum: - complete - partial nullable: true type: string properties: nullable: true type: object sdk_edge: nullable: true type: object sip_edge: nullable: true type: object start_time: format: date-time nullable: true type: string tags: items: type: string nullable: true type: array to: nullable: true type: object trust: nullable: true type: object url: format: uri nullable: true type: string type: object insights.v1.call_summaries: properties: account_sid: maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string attributes: nullable: true type: object call_sid: maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string call_state: enum: - ringing - completed - busy - fail - noanswer - canceled - answered - undialed nullable: true type: string call_type: enum: - carrier - sip - trunking - client nullable: true type: string carrier_edge: nullable: true type: object client_edge: nullable: true type: object connect_duration: nullable: true type: integer created_time: format: date-time nullable: true type: string duration: nullable: true type: integer end_time: format: date-time nullable: true type: string from: nullable: true type: object processing_state: enum: - complete - partial nullable: true type: string properties: nullable: true type: object sdk_edge: nullable: true type: object sip_edge: nullable: true type: object start_time: format: date-time nullable: true type: string tags: items: type: string nullable: true type: array to: nullable: true type: object trust: nullable: true type: object url: format: uri nullable: true type: string type: object insights.v1.conference: properties: account_sid: description: Account SID. maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string conference_sid: description: Conference SID. maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^CF[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string connect_duration_seconds: description: Duration of the conference in seconds. nullable: true type: integer create_time: description: Conference creation date/time. format: date-time nullable: true type: string detected_issues: description: Potential issues detected during the conference. nullable: true type: object duration_seconds: description: Conference duration in seconds. nullable: true type: integer end_reason: description: Conference end reason. enum: - last_participant_left - conference_ended_via_api - participant_with_end_conference_on_exit_left - last_participant_kicked - participant_with_end_conference_on_exit_kicked nullable: true type: string end_time: description: Conference end date/time. format: date-time nullable: true type: string ended_by: description: Call SID that ended the conference. maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string friendly_name: description: Custom label for the conference. nullable: true type: string links: description: Nested resource URLs. nullable: true type: object max_concurrent_participants: description: Actual maximum concurrent participants. nullable: true type: integer max_participants: description: Max participants specified in config. nullable: true type: integer mixer_region: description: Region where the conference was mixed. enum: - us1 - au1 - br1 - ie1 - jp1 - sg1 - de1 nullable: true type: string mixer_region_requested: description: Configuration-requested conference mixer region. enum: - us1 - au1 - br1 - ie1 - jp1 - sg1 - de1 nullable: true type: string processing_state: description: Processing state for the Conference Summary resource. enum: - complete - in_progress - timeout nullable: true type: string recording_enabled: description: Boolean. Indicates whether recording was enabled. nullable: true type: boolean start_time: description: Timestamp in ISO 8601 format when the conference started. format: date-time nullable: true type: string status: description: Status of conference enum: - in_progress - not_started - completed - summary_timeout nullable: true type: string tag_info: description: Object. Contains details about conference tags. nullable: true type: object tags: description: Tags for detected conference conditions and participant behaviors. items: enum: - invalid_requested_region - duplicate_identity - start_failure - region_configuration_issues - quality_warnings - participant_behavior_issues - high_packet_loss - high_jitter - high_latency - low_mos - detected_silence type: string nullable: true type: array unique_participants: description: Unique conference participants. nullable: true type: integer url: description: The URL of this resource. format: uri nullable: true type: string type: object insights.v1.conference.conference_participant: properties: account_sid: description: Account SID. maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string call_direction: description: Call direction of the participant. enum: - inbound - outbound nullable: true type: string call_sid: description: Unique SID identifier of the call. maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string call_status: description: Call status of the call that generated the participant. enum: - answered - completed - busy - fail - noanswer - ringing - canceled nullable: true type: string call_type: description: The Call Type of this Conference Participant. enum: - carrier - client - sip nullable: true type: string coached_participants: description: Call SIDs coached by this participant. items: type: string nullable: true type: array conference_region: description: The Conference Region of this Conference Participant. enum: - us1 - us2 - au1 - br1 - ie1 - jp1 - sg1 - de1 nullable: true type: string conference_sid: description: Conference SID. maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^CF[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string country_code: description: ISO alpha-2 country code of the participant. nullable: true type: string duration_seconds: description: Participant durations in seconds. nullable: true type: integer events: description: Object containing information of actions taken by participants. Nested resource URLs. nullable: true type: object from: description: Caller ID of the calling party. nullable: true type: string is_coach: description: Boolean. Indicated whether participant was a coach. nullable: true type: boolean is_moderator: description: Boolean. Indicates whether participant had startConferenceOnEnter=true or endConferenceOnExit=true. nullable: true type: boolean jitter_buffer_size: description: The Jitter Buffer Size of this Conference Participant. enum: - large - small - medium - 'off' nullable: true type: string join_time: description: ISO 8601 timestamp of participant join event. format: date-time nullable: true type: string label: description: The user-specified label of this participant. nullable: true type: string leave_time: description: ISO 8601 timestamp of participant leave event. format: date-time nullable: true type: string metrics: description: Object. Contains participant quality metrics. nullable: true type: object outbound_queue_length: description: Estimated time in queue at call creation. nullable: true type: integer outbound_time_in_queue: description: Actual time in queue (seconds). nullable: true type: integer participant_region: description: Twilio region where the participant media originates. enum: - us1 - us2 - au1 - br1 - ie1 - jp1 - sg1 - de1 nullable: true type: string participant_sid: description: SID for this participant. maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^CP[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string processing_state: description: Processing state of the Participant Summary. enum: - complete - in_progress - timeout nullable: true type: string properties: description: Participant properties and metadata. nullable: true type: object to: description: Called party. nullable: true type: string url: description: The URL of this resource. format: uri nullable: true type: string type: object insights.v1.video_room_summary: properties: account_sid: description: Account SID associated with this room. maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string codecs: description: Codecs used by participants in the room. items: enum: - VP8 - H264 - VP9 type: string nullable: true type: array concurrent_participants: description: Actual number of concurrent participants. nullable: true type: integer create_time: description: Creation time of the room. format: date-time nullable: true type: string created_method: description: How the room was created. enum: - sdk - ad_hoc - api nullable: true type: string duration_sec: description: Total room duration from create time to end time. nullable: true type: integer edge_location: description: Edge location of Twilio media servers for the room. enum: - ashburn - dublin - frankfurt - singapore - sydney - sao_paulo - roaming - umatilla - tokyo nullable: true type: string end_reason: description: Reason the room ended. enum: - room_ended_via_api - timeout nullable: true type: string end_time: description: End time for the room. format: date-time nullable: true type: string links: description: Room subresources. nullable: true type: object max_concurrent_participants: description: Maximum number of participants allowed in the room at the same time allowed by the application settings. nullable: true type: integer max_participants: description: Max number of total participants allowed by the application settings. nullable: true type: integer media_region: description: Region of Twilio media servers for the room. enum: - us1 - us2 - au1 - br1 - ie1 - jp1 - sg1 - in1 - de1 - gll nullable: true type: string processing_state: description: Video Log Analyzer resource state. Will be either `in-progress` or `complete`. enum: - complete - in_progress nullable: true type: string recording_enabled: description: Boolean indicating if recording is enabled for the room. nullable: true type: boolean room_name: description: room friendly name. nullable: true type: string room_sid: description: Unique identifier for the room. maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^RM[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string room_status: description: Status of the room. enum: - in_progress - completed nullable: true type: string room_type: description: Type of room. enum: - go - peer_to_peer - group - group_small nullable: true type: string status_callback: description: Webhook provided for status callbacks. format: uri nullable: true type: string status_callback_method: description: HTTP method provided for status callback URL. enum: - HEAD - GET - POST - PATCH - PUT - DELETE nullable: true type: string total_participant_duration_sec: description: Combined amount of participant time in the room. nullable: true type: integer total_recording_duration_sec: description: Combined amount of recorded seconds for participants in the room. nullable: true type: integer unique_participant_identities: description: Unique number of participant identities. nullable: true type: integer unique_participants: description: Number of participants. May include duplicate identities for participants who left and rejoined. nullable: true type: integer url: description: URL for the room resource. format: uri nullable: true type: string type: object insights.v1.video_room_summary.video_participant_summary: properties: account_sid: description: Account SID associated with the room. maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string codecs: description: Codecs detected from the participant. items: enum: - VP8 - H264 - VP9 type: string nullable: true type: array duration_sec: description: Amount of time in seconds the participant was in the room. nullable: true type: integer edge_location: description: Name of the edge location the participant connected to. enum: - ashburn - dublin - frankfurt - singapore - sydney - sao_paulo - roaming - umatilla - tokyo nullable: true type: string end_reason: description: Reason the participant left the room. nullable: true type: string error_code: description: Errors encountered by the participant. nullable: true type: integer error_code_url: description: Twilio error code dictionary link. nullable: true type: string join_time: description: When the participant joined the room. format: date-time nullable: true type: string leave_time: description: When the participant left the room format: date-time nullable: true type: string media_region: description: Twilio media region the participant connected to. enum: - us1 - us2 - au1 - br1 - ie1 - jp1 - sg1 - in1 - de1 - gll nullable: true type: string participant_identity: description: The application-defined string that uniquely identifies the participant within a Room. nullable: true type: string participant_sid: description: Unique identifier for the participant. maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^PA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string properties: description: Object containing information about the participant's data from the room. nullable: true type: object publisher_info: description: Object containing information about the SDK name and version. nullable: true type: object room_sid: description: Unique identifier for the room. maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 nullable: true pattern: ^RM[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string status: description: Status of the room. enum: - in_progress - completed nullable: true type: string url: description: URL of the participant resource. format: uri nullable: true type: string type: object securitySchemes: accountSid_authToken: scheme: basic type: http info: contact: email: name: Twilio Support url: description: This is the public Twilio REST API. license: name: Apache 2.0 url: termsOfService: title: Twilio - Insights version: 1.27.0 openapi: 3.0.1 paths: /v1/Conferences: description: 'TODO: Resource-level docs' get: description: Retrieve a list of Conferences. operationId: ListConference parameters: - description: The SID of the conference. in: query name: ConferenceSid schema: type: string - description: Custom label for the conference resource, up to 64 characters. in: query name: FriendlyName schema: type: string - description: Conference status. in: query name: Status schema: type: string - description: Conferences created after the provided timestamp specified in ISO 8601 format in: query name: CreatedAfter schema: type: string - description: Conferences created before the provided timestamp specified in ISO 8601 format. in: query name: CreatedBefore schema: type: string - description: Twilio region where the conference media was mixed. in: query name: MixerRegion schema: type: string - description: Tags applied by Twilio for common potential configuration, quality, or performance issues. in: query name: Tags schema: type: string - description: Account SID for the subaccount whose resources you wish to retrieve. in: query name: Subaccount schema: maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string - description: Potential configuration, behavior, or performance issues detected during the conference. in: query name: DetectedIssues schema: type: string - description: Conference end reason; e.g. last participant left, modified by API, etc. in: query name: EndReason schema: type: string - description: How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. in: query name: PageSize schema: maximum: 1000 minimum: 1 type: integer responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: conferences: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.conference' type: array meta: properties: first_page_url: format: uri type: string key: type: string next_page_url: format: uri type: string page: type: integer page_size: type: integer previous_page_url: format: uri type: string url: format: uri type: string type: object title: ListConferenceResponse type: object description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] x-maturity: - GA servers: - url: x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - conference_sid - account_sid pathType: list /v1/Conferences/{ConferenceSid}: description: 'TODO: Resource-level docs' get: description: Fetch a specific Conference. operationId: FetchConference parameters: - description: The unique SID identifier of the Conference. in: path name: ConferenceSid required: true schema: maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 pattern: ^CF[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.conference' description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] x-maturity: - GA servers: - url: x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - conference_sid - account_sid pathType: instance /v1/Conferences/{ConferenceSid}/Participants: description: 'TODO: Resource-level docs' get: description: List Conference Participants. operationId: ListConferenceParticipant parameters: - description: The unique SID identifier of the Conference. in: path name: ConferenceSid required: true schema: maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 pattern: ^CF[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string - description: The unique SID identifier of the Participant. in: query name: ParticipantSid schema: type: string - description: User-specified label for a participant. in: query name: Label schema: type: string - description: Conference events generated by application or participant activity; e.g. `hold`, `mute`, etc. in: query name: Events schema: type: string - description: How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. in: query name: PageSize schema: maximum: 1000 minimum: 1 type: integer responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: meta: properties: first_page_url: format: uri type: string key: type: string next_page_url: format: uri type: string page: type: integer page_size: type: integer previous_page_url: format: uri type: string url: format: uri type: string type: object participants: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.conference.conference_participant' type: array title: ListConferenceParticipantResponse type: object description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] x-maturity: - GA servers: - url: x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - participant_sid - conference_sid - call_sid - account_sid pathType: list /v1/Conferences/{ConferenceSid}/Participants/{ParticipantSid}: description: 'TODO: Resource-level docs' get: description: Fetch a specific Conference Participant Summary. operationId: FetchConferenceParticipant parameters: - description: The unique SID identifier of the Conference. in: path name: ConferenceSid required: true schema: maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 pattern: ^CF[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string - description: The unique SID identifier of the Participant. in: path name: ParticipantSid required: true schema: maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 pattern: ^CP[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string - description: Conference events generated by application or participant activity; e.g. `hold`, `mute`, etc. in: query name: Events schema: type: string - description: Object. Contains participant call quality metrics. in: query name: Metrics schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.conference.conference_participant' description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] x-maturity: - GA servers: - url: x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - participant_sid - conference_sid - call_sid - account_sid pathType: instance /v1/Video/Rooms: description: 'TODO: Resource-level docs' get: description: Get a list of Programmable Video Rooms. operationId: ListVideoRoomSummary parameters: - description: Type of room. Can be `go`, `peer_to_peer`, `group`, or `group_small`. in: query name: RoomType schema: items: enum: - go - peer_to_peer - group - group_small type: string type: array - description: Codecs used by participants in the room. Can be `VP8`, `H264`, or `VP9`. in: query name: Codec schema: items: enum: - VP8 - H264 - VP9 type: string type: array - description: Room friendly name. in: query name: RoomName schema: type: string - description: Only read rooms that started on or after this ISO 8601 timestamp. in: query name: CreatedAfter schema: format: date-time type: string - description: Only read rooms that started before this ISO 8601 timestamp. in: query name: CreatedBefore schema: format: date-time type: string - description: How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. in: query name: PageSize schema: maximum: 1000 minimum: 1 type: integer responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: meta: properties: first_page_url: format: uri type: string key: type: string next_page_url: format: uri type: string page: type: integer page_size: type: integer previous_page_url: format: uri type: string url: format: uri type: string type: object rooms: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.video_room_summary' type: array title: ListVideoRoomSummaryResponse type: object description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] x-maturity: - Beta servers: - url: x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - room_sid - create_time pathType: list /v1/Video/Rooms/{RoomSid}: description: 'TODO: Resource-level docs' get: description: Get Video Log Analyzer data for a Room. operationId: FetchVideoRoomSummary parameters: - description: The SID of the Room resource. in: path name: RoomSid required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.video_room_summary' description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] x-maturity: - Beta servers: - url: x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - room_sid - create_time pathType: instance /v1/Video/Rooms/{RoomSid}/Participants: description: 'TODO: Resource-level docs' get: description: Get a list of room participants. operationId: ListVideoParticipantSummary parameters: - description: The SID of the Room resource. in: path name: RoomSid required: true schema: type: string - description: How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. in: query name: PageSize schema: maximum: 1000 minimum: 1 type: integer responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: meta: properties: first_page_url: format: uri type: string key: type: string next_page_url: format: uri type: string page: type: integer page_size: type: integer previous_page_url: format: uri type: string url: format: uri type: string type: object participants: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.video_room_summary.video_participant_summary' type: array title: ListVideoParticipantSummaryResponse type: object description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] x-maturity: - Beta servers: - url: x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - participant_sid pathType: list /v1/Video/Rooms/{RoomSid}/Participants/{ParticipantSid}: description: 'TODO: Resource-level docs' get: description: Get Video Log Analyzer data for a Room Participant. operationId: FetchVideoParticipantSummary parameters: - description: The SID of the Room resource. in: path name: RoomSid required: true schema: type: string - description: The SID of the Participant resource. in: path name: ParticipantSid required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.video_room_summary.video_participant_summary' description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] x-maturity: - Beta servers: - url: x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - participant_sid pathType: instance /v1/Voice/Settings: description: 'TODO: Resource-level docs' get: description: '' operationId: FetchAccountSettings parameters: - description: '' in: query name: SubaccountSid schema: maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.account_settings' description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] x-maturity: - GA post: description: '' operationId: UpdateAccountSettings requestBody: content: application/x-www-form-urlencoded: schema: properties: AdvancedFeatures: description: '' type: boolean SubaccountSid: description: '' maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string VoiceTrace: description: '' type: boolean title: UpdateAccountSettingsRequest type: object responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.account_settings' description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] x-maturity: - GA servers: - url: x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - advanced_features - voice_trace pathType: instance /v1/Voice/Summaries: description: 'TODO: Resource-level docs' get: description: '' operationId: ListCallSummaries parameters: - description: '' in: query name: From schema: type: string - description: '' in: query name: To schema: type: string - description: '' in: query name: FromCarrier schema: type: string - description: '' in: query name: ToCarrier schema: type: string - description: '' in: query name: FromCountryCode schema: type: string - description: '' in: query name: ToCountryCode schema: type: string - description: '' in: query name: Branded schema: type: boolean - description: '' in: query name: VerifiedCaller schema: type: boolean - description: '' in: query name: HasTag schema: type: boolean - description: '' in: query name: StartTime schema: type: string - description: '' in: query name: EndTime schema: type: string - description: '' in: query name: CallType schema: type: string - description: '' in: query name: CallState schema: type: string - description: '' in: query name: Direction schema: type: string - description: '' in: query name: ProcessingState schema: enum: - completed - started - partial - all type: string - description: '' in: query name: SortBy schema: enum: - start_time - end_time type: string - description: '' in: query name: Subaccount schema: maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 pattern: ^AC[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string - description: '' in: query name: AbnormalSession schema: type: boolean - description: How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. in: query name: PageSize schema: maximum: 1000 minimum: 1 type: integer responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: call_summaries: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/insights.v1.call_summaries' type: array meta: properties: first_page_url: format: uri type: string key: type: string next_page_url: format: uri type: string page: type: integer page_size: type: integer previous_page_url: format: uri type: string url: format: uri type: string type: object title: ListCallSummariesResponse type: object description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] x-maturity: - GA servers: - url: x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - account_sid - call_sid - create_time - start_time - end_time - duration - connect_duration - call_type - call_state pathType: list /v1/Voice/{CallSid}/Events: description: 'TODO: Resource-level docs' get: description: '' operationId: ListEvent parameters: - description: '' in: path name: CallSid required: true schema: maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string - description: '' in: query name: Edge schema: enum: - unknown_edge - carrier_edge - sip_edge - sdk_edge - client_edge type: string - description: How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. in: query name: PageSize schema: maximum: 1000 minimum: 1 type: integer responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: events: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/' type: array meta: properties: first_page_url: format: uri type: string key: type: string next_page_url: format: uri type: string page: type: integer page_size: type: integer previous_page_url: format: uri type: string url: format: uri type: string type: object title: ListEventResponse type: object description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] x-maturity: - Preview servers: - url: x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - timestamp - call_sid - account_sid - edge - name pathType: list /v1/Voice/{CallSid}/Metrics: description: 'TODO: Resource-level docs' get: description: '' operationId: ListMetric parameters: - description: '' in: path name: CallSid required: true schema: maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string - description: '' in: query name: Edge schema: enum: - unknown_edge - carrier_edge - sip_edge - sdk_edge - client_edge type: string - description: '' in: query name: Direction schema: enum: - unknown - inbound - outbound - both type: string - description: How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000. in: query name: PageSize schema: maximum: 1000 minimum: 1 type: integer responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: meta: properties: first_page_url: format: uri type: string key: type: string next_page_url: format: uri type: string page: type: integer page_size: type: integer previous_page_url: format: uri type: string url: format: uri type: string type: object metrics: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/' type: array title: ListMetricResponse type: object description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] x-maturity: - Preview servers: - url: x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - timestamp - call_sid - account_sid - edge - direction pathType: list /v1/Voice/{CallSid}/Summary: description: 'TODO: Resource-level docs' get: description: '' operationId: FetchSummary parameters: - description: '' in: path name: CallSid required: true schema: maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string - description: '' in: query name: ProcessingState schema: enum: - complete - partial type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/' description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] x-maturity: - GA servers: - url: x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: - call_type - call_state - processing_state - duration pathType: instance /v1/Voice/{Sid}: description: 'TODO: Resource-level docs' get: description: '' operationId: FetchCall parameters: - description: '' in: path name: Sid required: true schema: maxLength: 34 minLength: 34 pattern: ^CA[0-9a-fA-F]{32}$ type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/' description: OK security: - accountSid_authToken: [] x-maturity: - Preview servers: - url: x-twilio: defaultOutputProperties: [] pathType: instance servers: - url: x-maturity: - description: This product is Generally Available. name: GA - description: PLEASE NOTE that this is a Beta product that is subject to change. Use it with caution. name: Beta - description: PLEASE NOTE that this is a Preview product that is subject to change. Use it with caution. If you currently do not have developer preview access, please contact name: Preview