####################################################################### # This makefile creates the test programs for the BLAS 1 routines. # The test files are grouped as follows: # SBLAT1 -- Single precision real test routines # CBLAT1 -- Single precision complex test routines # DBLAT1 -- Double precision real test routines # ZBLAT1 -- Double precision complex test routines # # Test programs can be generated for all or some of the four different # precisions. To create the test programs, enter make followed by one # or more of the precisions desired. Some examples: # make single # make single complex # make single double complex complex16 # Alternatively, the command # make # without any arguments creates all four test programs. # The executable files which are created are called # ../xblat1s, ../xblat1d, ../xblat1c, and ../xblat1z # # To remove the object files after the executable files have been # created, enter # make clean # To force the source files to be recompiled, enter, for example, # make single FRC=FRC # ####################################################################### macro(add_blas_test name src) get_filename_component(baseNAME ${src} NAME_WE) set(TEST_INPUT "${LAPACK_SOURCE_DIR}/BLAS/${baseNAME}.in") add_executable(${name} ${src}) target_link_libraries(${name} blas) if(EXISTS "${TEST_INPUT}") add_test(NAME BLAS-${name} COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -DTEST=$ -DINPUT=${TEST_INPUT} -DINTDIR=${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR} -P "${LAPACK_SOURCE_DIR}/TESTING/runtest.cmake") else() add_test(NAME BLAS-${name} COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -DTEST=$ -DINTDIR=${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR} -P "${LAPACK_SOURCE_DIR}/TESTING/runtest.cmake") endif() endmacro(add_blas_test) if(BUILD_SINGLE) add_blas_test(xblat1s sblat1.f) add_blas_test(xblat2s sblat2.f) add_blas_test(xblat3s sblat3.f) endif() if(BUILD_DOUBLE) add_blas_test(xblat1d dblat1.f) add_blas_test(xblat2d dblat2.f) add_blas_test(xblat3d dblat3.f) endif() if(BUILD_COMPLEX) add_blas_test(xblat1c cblat1.f) add_blas_test(xblat2c cblat2.f) add_blas_test(xblat3c cblat3.f) endif() if(BUILD_COMPLEX16) add_blas_test(xblat1z zblat1.f) add_blas_test(xblat2z zblat2.f) add_blas_test(xblat3z zblat3.f) endif()