## ## Author: Hank Anderson ## cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.4) project(OpenBLAS) set(OpenBLAS_MAJOR_VERSION 0) set(OpenBLAS_MINOR_VERSION 2) set(OpenBLAS_PATCH_VERSION 19) set(OpenBLAS_VERSION "${OpenBLAS_MAJOR_VERSION}.${OpenBLAS_MINOR_VERSION}.${OpenBLAS_PATCH_VERSION}") enable_language(ASM) enable_language(C) if(MSVC) set(OpenBLAS_LIBNAME libopenblas) else() set(OpenBLAS_LIBNAME openblas) endif() ####### if(MSVC) option(BUILD_WITHOUT_LAPACK "Without LAPACK and LAPACKE (Only BLAS or CBLAS)" ON) endif() option(BUILD_WITHOUT_CBLAS "Without CBLAS" OFF) option(BUILD_DEBUG "Build Debug Version" OFF) ####### if(BUILD_WITHOUT_LAPACK) set(NO_LAPACK 1) set(NO_LAPACKE 1) endif() if(BUILD_DEBUG) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug) else() set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release) endif() if(BUILD_WITHOUT_CBLAS) set(NO_CBLAS 1) endif() ####### message(WARNING "CMake support is experimental. This will not produce the same Makefiles that OpenBLAS ships with. Only x86 support is currently available.") include("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/utils.cmake") include("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/system.cmake") set(BLASDIRS interface driver/level2 driver/level3 driver/others) if (NOT DYNAMIC_ARCH) list(APPEND BLASDIRS kernel) endif () if (DEFINED SANITY_CHECK) list(APPEND BLASDIRS reference) endif () set(SUBDIRS ${BLASDIRS}) if (NOT NO_LAPACK) list(APPEND SUBDIRS lapack) endif () # set which float types we want to build for if (NOT DEFINED BUILD_SINGLE AND NOT DEFINED BUILD_DOUBLE AND NOT DEFINED BUILD_COMPLEX AND NOT DEFINED BUILD_COMPLEX16) # if none are defined, build for all set(BUILD_SINGLE true) set(BUILD_DOUBLE true) set(BUILD_COMPLEX true) set(BUILD_COMPLEX16 true) endif () set(FLOAT_TYPES "") if (BUILD_SINGLE) message(STATUS "Building Single Precision") list(APPEND FLOAT_TYPES "SINGLE") # defines nothing endif () if (BUILD_DOUBLE) message(STATUS "Building Double Precision") list(APPEND FLOAT_TYPES "DOUBLE") # defines DOUBLE endif () if (BUILD_COMPLEX) message(STATUS "Building Complex Precision") list(APPEND FLOAT_TYPES "COMPLEX") # defines COMPLEX endif () if (BUILD_COMPLEX16) message(STATUS "Building Double Complex Precision") list(APPEND FLOAT_TYPES "ZCOMPLEX") # defines COMPLEX and DOUBLE endif () set(SUBDIRS_ALL ${SUBDIRS} test ctest utest exports benchmark ../laswp ../bench) # all :: libs netlib tests shared # libs : if (NOT DEFINED CORE OR "${CORE}" STREQUAL "UNKNOWN") message(FATAL_ERROR "Detecting CPU failed. Please set TARGET explicitly, e.g. make TARGET=your_cpu_target. Please read README for details.") endif () if (${NO_STATIC} AND ${NO_SHARED}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Neither static nor shared are enabled.") endif () #Set default output directory set( CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/lib ) set( CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/lib ) # get obj vars into format that add_library likes: $ (see http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.0/command/add_library.html) set(TARGET_OBJS "") foreach (SUBDIR ${SUBDIRS}) add_subdirectory(${SUBDIR}) string(REPLACE "/" "_" subdir_obj ${SUBDIR}) list(APPEND TARGET_OBJS "$") endforeach () # netlib: # Can't just use lapack-netlib's CMake files, since they are set up to search for BLAS, build and install a binary. We just want to build a couple of lib files out of lapack and lapacke. # Not using add_subdirectory here because lapack-netlib already has its own CMakeLists.txt. Instead include a cmake script with the sources we want. if (NOT NOFORTRAN AND NOT NO_LAPACK) include("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/lapack.cmake") if (NOT NO_LAPACKE) include("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/lapacke.cmake") endif () endif () #Only generate .def for dll on MSVC if(MSVC) set(OpenBLAS_DEF_FILE "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/openblas.def") endif() # add objects to the openblas lib add_library(${OpenBLAS_LIBNAME} SHARED ${LA_SOURCES} ${LAPACKE_SOURCES} ${TARGET_OBJS} ${OpenBLAS_DEF_FILE}) include("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/export.cmake") # Set output for libopenblas set_target_properties( ${OpenBLAS_LIBNAME} PROPERTIES RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/lib) foreach (OUTPUTCONFIG ${CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES}) string( TOUPPER ${OUTPUTCONFIG} OUTPUTCONFIG ) set_target_properties( ${OpenBLAS_LIBNAME} PROPERTIES RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_${OUTPUTCONFIG} ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/lib) set_target_properties( ${OpenBLAS_LIBNAME} PROPERTIES LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_${OUTPUTCONFIG} ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/lib) set_target_properties( ${OpenBLAS_LIBNAME} PROPERTIES ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_${OUTPUTCONFIG} ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/lib) endforeach() enable_testing() add_subdirectory(utest) if(NOT MSVC) #only build shared library for MSVC add_library(${OpenBLAS_LIBNAME}_static STATIC ${LA_SOURCES} ${LAPACKE_SOURCES} ${TARGET_OBJS}) set_target_properties(${OpenBLAS_LIBNAME}_static PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${OpenBLAS_LIBNAME}) set_target_properties(${OpenBLAS_LIBNAME}_static PROPERTIES CLEAN_DIRECT_OUTPUT 1) if(SMP) target_link_libraries(${OpenBLAS_LIBNAME} pthread) target_link_libraries(${OpenBLAS_LIBNAME}_static pthread) endif() #build test and ctest add_subdirectory(test) if(NOT NO_CBLAS) add_subdirectory(ctest) endif() endif() set_target_properties(${OpenBLAS_LIBNAME} PROPERTIES VERSION ${OpenBLAS_MAJOR_VERSION}.${OpenBLAS_MINOR_VERSION} SOVERSION ${OpenBLAS_MAJOR_VERSION} ) # TODO: Why is the config saved here? Is this necessary with CMake? #Save the config files for installation # @cp Makefile.conf Makefile.conf_last # @cp config.h config_last.h #ifdef QUAD_PRECISION # @echo "#define QUAD_PRECISION">> config_last.h #endif #ifeq ($(EXPRECISION), 1) # @echo "#define EXPRECISION">> config_last.h #endif ### #ifeq ($(DYNAMIC_ARCH), 1) # @$(MAKE) -C kernel commonlibs || exit 1 # @for d in $(DYNAMIC_CORE) ; \ # do $(MAKE) GOTOBLAS_MAKEFILE= -C kernel TARGET_CORE=$$d kernel || exit 1 ;\ # done # @echo DYNAMIC_ARCH=1 >> Makefile.conf_last #endif #ifdef USE_THREAD # @echo USE_THREAD=$(USE_THREAD) >> Makefile.conf_last #endif # @touch lib.grd