#!/usr/bin/perl use File::Basename; use File::Temp qw(tempfile); # Checking cross compile $hostos = `uname -s | sed -e s/\-.*//`; chop($hostos); $hostarch = `uname -m | sed -e s/i.86/x86/`;chop($hostarch); $hostarch = "x86_64" if ($hostarch eq "amd64"); $hostarch = "arm" if ($hostarch =~ /^arm.*/); $hostarch = "arm64" if ($hostarch eq "aarch64"); $hostarch = "power" if ($hostarch =~ /^(powerpc|ppc).*/); $tmpf = new File::Temp( UNLINK => 1 ); $binary = $ENV{"BINARY"}; $makefile = shift(@ARGV); $config = shift(@ARGV); $compiler_name = join(" ", @ARGV); # First, we need to know the target OS and compiler name $data = `$compiler_name -E ctest.c`; if ($?) { printf STDERR "C Compiler ($compiler_name) is something wrong.\n"; die 1; } $cross_suffix = ""; if (dirname($compiler_name) ne ".") { $cross_suffix .= dirname($compiler_name) . "/"; } if (basename($compiler_name) =~ /(.*-)(.*)/) { $cross_suffix .= $1; } $compiler = ""; $compiler = LSB if ($data =~ /COMPILER_LSB/); $compiler = CLANG if ($data =~ /COMPILER_CLANG/); $compiler = PGI if ($data =~ /COMPILER_PGI/); $compiler = PATHSCALE if ($data =~ /COMPILER_PATHSCALE/); $compiler = INTEL if ($data =~ /COMPILER_INTEL/); $compiler = OPEN64 if ($data =~ /COMPILER_OPEN64/); $compiler = SUN if ($data =~ /COMPILER_SUN/); $compiler = IBM if ($data =~ /COMPILER_IBM/); $compiler = DEC if ($data =~ /COMPILER_DEC/); $compiler = GCC if ($compiler eq ""); $os = Linux if ($data =~ /OS_LINUX/); $os = FreeBSD if ($data =~ /OS_FREEBSD/); $os = NetBSD if ($data =~ /OS_NETBSD/); $os = Darwin if ($data =~ /OS_DARWIN/); $os = SunOS if ($data =~ /OS_SUNOS/); $os = AIX if ($data =~ /OS_AIX/); $os = osf if ($data =~ /OS_OSF/); $os = WINNT if ($data =~ /OS_WINNT/); $os = CYGWIN_NT if ($data =~ /OS_CYGWIN_NT/); $os = Interix if ($data =~ /OS_INTERIX/); $os = Android if ($data =~ /OS_ANDROID/); $architecture = x86 if ($data =~ /ARCH_X86/); $architecture = x86_64 if ($data =~ /ARCH_X86_64/); $architecture = power if ($data =~ /ARCH_POWER/); $architecture = mips if ($data =~ /ARCH_MIPS/); $architecture = mips64 if ($data =~ /ARCH_MIPS64/); $architecture = alpha if ($data =~ /ARCH_ALPHA/); $architecture = sparc if ($data =~ /ARCH_SPARC/); $architecture = ia64 if ($data =~ /ARCH_IA64/); $architecture = arm if ($data =~ /ARCH_ARM/); $architecture = arm64 if ($data =~ /ARCH_ARM64/); $defined = 0; if ($os eq "AIX") { $compiler_name .= " -maix32" if ($binary eq "32"); $compiler_name .= " -maix64" if ($binary eq "64"); $defined = 1; } if ($architecture eq "mips") { $compiler_name .= " -mabi=32"; $defined = 1; } if ($architecture eq "mips64") { $compiler_name .= " -mabi=n32" if ($binary eq "32"); $compiler_name .= " -mabi=64" if ($binary eq "64"); $defined = 1; } if (($architecture eq "arm") || ($architecture eq "arm64")) { $defined = 1; } if ($architecture eq "alpha") { $defined = 1; $binary = 64; } if ($architecture eq "ia64") { $defined = 1; $binary = 64; } if (($architecture eq "x86") && ($os ne Darwin) && ($os ne SunOS)) { $defined = 1; $binary =32; } if ($compiler eq "PGI") { $compiler_name .= " -tp p7" if ($binary eq "32"); $compiler_name .= " -tp p7-64" if ($binary eq "64"); $openmp = "-mp"; $defined = 1; } if ($compiler eq "IBM") { $compiler_name .= " -q32" if ($binary eq "32"); $compiler_name .= " -q64" if ($binary eq "64"); $openmp = "-qsmp=omp"; $defined = 1; } if ($compiler eq "INTEL") { $openmp = "-openmp"; } if ($compiler eq "PATHSCALE") { $openmp = "-mp"; } if ($compiler eq "OPEN64") { $openmp = "-mp"; } if ($compiler eq "CLANG") { $openmp = "-fopenmp"; } if ($compiler eq "GCC" || $compiler eq "LSB") { $openmp = "-fopenmp"; } if ($defined == 0) { $compiler_name .= " -m32" if ($binary eq "32"); $compiler_name .= " -m64" if ($binary eq "64"); } # Do again $data = `$compiler_name -E ctest.c`; if ($?) { printf STDERR "C Compiler ($compiler_name) is something wrong.\n"; die 1; } $have_msa = 0; if (($architecture eq "mips") || ($architecture eq "mips64")) { $code = '"addvi.b $w0, $w1, 1"'; $msa_flags = "-mmsa -mfp64 -msched-weight -mload-store-pairs"; print $tmpf "#include \n\n"; print $tmpf "void main(void){ __asm__ volatile($code); }\n"; $args = "$msa_flags -o $tmpf.o -x c $tmpf"; my @cmd = ("$compiler_name $args"); system(@cmd) == 0; if ($? != 0) { $have_msa = 0; } else { $have_msa = 1; } unlink("$tmpf.o"); } $architecture = x86 if ($data =~ /ARCH_X86/); $architecture = x86_64 if ($data =~ /ARCH_X86_64/); $architecture = power if ($data =~ /ARCH_POWER/); $architecture = mips if ($data =~ /ARCH_MIPS/); $architecture = mips64 if ($data =~ /ARCH_MIPS64/); $architecture = alpha if ($data =~ /ARCH_ALPHA/); $architecture = sparc if ($data =~ /ARCH_SPARC/); $architecture = ia64 if ($data =~ /ARCH_IA64/); $architecture = arm if ($data =~ /ARCH_ARM/); $architecture = arm64 if ($data =~ /ARCH_ARM64/); $binformat = bin32; $binformat = bin64 if ($data =~ /BINARY_64/); $data = `$compiler_name -S ctest1.c && grep globl ctest1.s | head -n 1 && rm -f ctest1.s`; $data =~ /globl\s([_\.]*)(.*)/; $need_fu = $1; $cross = 0; $cross = 1 if ($os ne $hostos); if ($architecture ne $hostarch) { $cross = 1; $cross = 0 if (($hostarch eq "x86_64") && ($architecture eq "x86")); $cross = 0 if (($hostarch eq "mips64") && ($architecture eq "mips")); } $openmp = "" if $ENV{USE_OPENMP} != 1; $linker_L = ""; $linker_l = ""; $linker_a = ""; { $link = `$compiler_name -c ctest2.c -o ctest2.o 2>&1 && $compiler_name $openmp -v ctest2.o -o ctest2 2>&1 && rm -f ctest2.o ctest2 ctest2.exe`; $link =~ s/\-Y\sP\,/\-Y/g; @flags = split(/[\s\,\n]/, $link); # remove leading and trailing quotes from each flag. @flags = map {s/^['"]|['"]$//g; $_} @flags; foreach $flags (@flags) { if ( ($flags =~ /^\-L/) && ($flags !~ /^-LIST:/) && ($flags !~ /^-LANG:/) ) { $linker_L .= $flags . " " } if ($flags =~ /^\-Y/) { $linker_L .= "-Wl,". $flags . " " } if ( ($flags =~ /^\-l/) && ($flags !~ /gfortranbegin/) && ($flags !~ /frtbegin/) && ($flags !~ /pathfstart/) && ($flags !~ /numa/) && ($flags !~ /crt[0-9]/) && ($flags !~ /gcc/) && ($flags !~ /user32/) && ($flags !~ /kernel32/) && ($flags !~ /advapi32/) && ($flags !~ /shell32/) ) { $linker_l .= $flags . " " } $linker_a .= $flags . " " if $flags =~ /\.a$/; } } open(MAKEFILE, "> $makefile") || die "Can't create $makefile"; open(CONFFILE, "> $config" ) || die "Can't create $config"; # print $data, "\n"; print MAKEFILE "OSNAME=$os\n"; print MAKEFILE "ARCH=$architecture\n"; print MAKEFILE "C_COMPILER=$compiler\n"; print MAKEFILE "BINARY32=\n" if $binformat ne bin32; print MAKEFILE "BINARY64=\n" if $binformat ne bin64; print MAKEFILE "BINARY32=1\n" if $binformat eq bin32; print MAKEFILE "BINARY64=1\n" if $binformat eq bin64; print MAKEFILE "FU=$need_fu\n" if $need_fu ne ""; print MAKEFILE "CROSS_SUFFIX=$cross_suffix\n" if $cross != 0 && $cross_suffix ne ""; print MAKEFILE "CROSS=1\n" if $cross != 0; print MAKEFILE "CEXTRALIB=$linker_L $linker_l $linker_a\n"; print MAKEFILE "HAVE_MSA=1\n" if $have_msa eq 1; print MAKEFILE "MSA_FLAGS=$msa_flags\n" if $have_msa eq 1; $os =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/; $architecture =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/; $compiler =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/; print CONFFILE "#define OS_$os\t1\n"; print CONFFILE "#define ARCH_$architecture\t1\n"; print CONFFILE "#define C_$compiler\t1\n"; print CONFFILE "#define __32BIT__\t1\n" if $binformat eq bin32; print CONFFILE "#define __64BIT__\t1\n" if $binformat eq bin64; print CONFFILE "#define FUNDERSCORE\t$need_fu\n" if $need_fu ne ""; print CONFFILE "#define HAVE_MSA\t1\n" if $have_msa eq 1; if ($os eq "LINUX") { # @pthread = split(/\s+/, `nm /lib/libpthread.so* | grep _pthread_create`); # if ($pthread[2] ne "") { # print CONFFILE "#define PTHREAD_CREATE_FUNC $pthread[2]\n"; # } else { print CONFFILE "#define PTHREAD_CREATE_FUNC pthread_create\n"; # } } else { print CONFFILE "#define PTHREAD_CREATE_FUNC pthread_create\n"; } close(MAKEFILE); close(CONFFILE);