use std::collections::HashSet; use std::env; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::time::Instant; use binding_generator::handle_running_binding_generator; use docs::handle_running_in_docsrs; use generator::BindingGenerator; use library::Library; use once_cell::sync::{Lazy, OnceCell}; use semver::{Version, VersionReq}; #[path = "build/"] mod binding_generator; #[path = "build/"] pub mod cmake_probe; #[path = "build/"] mod docs; #[path = "build/"] mod generator; #[path = "build/"] pub mod library; type Result> = std::result::Result; static MODULES: OnceCell> = OnceCell::new(); // replace with `OnceLock` when MSRV is 1.70.0 // replace `Lazy` with `LazyLock` when MSRV is 1.80.0 static OUT_DIR: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").expect("Can't read OUT_DIR env var"))); static MANIFEST_DIR: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| PathBuf::from(env::var_os("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").expect("Can't read CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR env var"))); static SRC_DIR: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| MANIFEST_DIR.join("src")); static SRC_CPP_DIR: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| MANIFEST_DIR.join("src_cpp")); static TARGET_ENV_MSVC: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ENV").map_or(false, |target_env| target_env == "msvc")); static TARGET_VENDOR_APPLE: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_VENDOR").map_or(false, |target_vendor| target_vendor == "apple")); static OPENCV_BRANCH_32: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| VersionReq::parse("~3.2").expect("Can't parse OpenCV 3.2 version requirement")); static OPENCV_BRANCH_34: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| VersionReq::parse("~3.4").expect("Can't parse OpenCV 3.4 version requirement")); static OPENCV_BRANCH_4: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| VersionReq::parse("~4").expect("Can't parse OpenCV 4 version requirement")); /// Environment vars that affect the build, the source will be rebuilt if those change, the contents of those vars will also /// be present in the debug log static AFFECTING_ENV_VARS: [&str; 18] = [ "OPENCV_PACKAGE_NAME", "OPENCV_PKGCONFIG_NAME", "OPENCV_CMAKE_NAME", "OPENCV_CMAKE_BIN", "OPENCV_VCPKG_NAME", "OPENCV_LINK_LIBS", "OPENCV_LINK_PATHS", "OPENCV_INCLUDE_PATHS", "OPENCV_DISABLE_PROBES", "OPENCV_MSVC_CRT", "CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH", "OpenCV_DIR", "PKG_CONFIG_PATH", "VCPKG_ROOT", "VCPKGRS_DYNAMIC", "VCPKGRS_TRIPLET", "OCVRS_DOCS_GENERATE_DIR", "DOCS_RS", ]; static SUPPORTED_MODULES: [&str; 67] = [ "alphamat", "aruco", "aruco_detector", "barcode", "bgsegm", "bioinspired", "calib3d", "ccalib", "core", "cudaarithm", "cudabgsegm", "cudacodec", "cudafeatures2d", "cudafilters", "cudaimgproc", "cudaobjdetect", "cudaoptflow", "cudastereo", "cudawarping", "cvv", "dnn", "dnn_superres", "dpm", "face", "features2d", "flann", "freetype", "fuzzy", "gapi", "hdf", "hfs", "highgui", "img_hash", "imgcodecs", "imgproc", "intensity_transform", "line_descriptor", "mcc", "ml", "objdetect", "optflow", "ovis", "phase_unwrapping", "photo", "plot", "quality", "rapid", "rgbd", "saliency", "sfm", "shape", "stereo", "stitching", "structured_light", "superres", "surface_matching", "text", "tracking", "video", "videoio", "videostab", "viz", "wechat_qrcode", "xfeatures2d", "ximgproc", "xobjdetect", "xphoto", ]; /// The contents of these vars will be present in the debug log, but will not cause the source rebuild static DEBUG_ENV_VARS: [&str; 1] = ["PATH"]; pub enum GenerateFullBindings { Stop, Proceed, } fn files_with_predicate<'p>( dir: &Path, mut predicate: impl FnMut(&Path) -> bool + 'p, ) -> Result + 'p> { Ok(dir .read_dir()? .flatten() .filter_map(|e| e.file_type().map_or(false, |typ| typ.is_file()).then(|| e.path())) .filter(move |p| predicate(p))) } fn files_with_extension<'e>(dir: &Path, extension: impl AsRef + 'e) -> Result + 'e> { files_with_predicate(dir, move |p| { p.extension().map_or(false, |e| e.eq_ignore_ascii_case(extension.as_ref())) }) } fn get_module_header_dir(header_dir: &Path) -> Option { let mut out = header_dir.join("opencv2.framework/Headers"); if out.exists() { return Some(out); } out = header_dir.join("opencv2"); if out.exists() { return Some(out); } None } fn get_version_header(header_dir: &Path) -> Option { get_module_header_dir(header_dir) .map(|dir| dir.join("core/version.hpp")) .filter(|dir| dir.is_file()) } fn get_version_from_headers(header_dir: &Path) -> Option { let version_hpp = get_version_header(header_dir)?; let mut major = None; let mut minor = None; let mut revision = None; let mut line = String::with_capacity(256); let mut reader = BufReader::new(File::open(version_hpp).ok()?); while let Ok(bytes_read) = reader.read_line(&mut line) { if bytes_read == 0 { break; } if let Some(line) = line.strip_prefix("#define CV_VERSION_") { let mut parts = line.split_whitespace(); if let (Some(ver_spec), Some(version)) = (, { match ver_spec { "MAJOR" => { major = Some(version.parse().ok()?); } "MINOR" => { minor = Some(version.parse().ok()?); } "REVISION" => { revision = Some(version.parse().ok()?); } _ => {} } } if major.is_some() && minor.is_some() && revision.is_some() { break; } } line.clear(); } if let (Some(major), Some(minor), Some(revision)) = (major, minor, revision) { Some(Version::new(major, minor, revision)) } else { None } } fn make_modules(opencv_dir: &Path) -> Result<()> { let enable_modules = ["core".to_string()] .into_iter() .chain(env::vars_os().filter_map(|(k, _)| { k.to_str() .and_then(|s| s.strip_prefix("CARGO_FEATURE_")) .map(str::to_lowercase) })) .collect::>(); let mut modules = files_with_extension(opencv_dir, "hpp")? .filter_map(|entry| { entry .file_stem() .and_then(OsStr::to_str) .filter(|&m| enable_modules.contains(m)) .map(str::to_string) }) .collect::>(); modules.sort_unstable(); MODULES.set(modules).expect("Can't set MODULES cache"); Ok(()) } fn build_compiler(opencv: &Library, ffi_export_suffix: &str) -> cc::Build { let mut out = cc::Build::new(); out.cpp(true) .std("c++14") // clang says error: 'auto' return without trailing return type; deduced return types are a C++14 extension .include(&*SRC_CPP_DIR) .include(&*OUT_DIR) .include(".") // OpenCV warnings .flag_if_supported("-Wno-deprecated-declarations") // declarations marked as CV_DEPRECATED .flag_if_supported("-Wno-deprecated-copy") // implicitly-declared ‘constexpr cv::MatStep::MatStep(const cv::MatStep&)’ is deprecated .flag_if_supported("-Wno-unused-parameter") // unused parameter ‘src’ in virtual void cv::dnn::dnn4_v20211004::ActivationLayer::forwardSlice(const float*, float*, int, size_t, int, int) const .flag_if_supported("-Wno-sign-compare") // comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: ‘size_t’ {aka ‘long unsigned int’} and ‘int’ in bool cv::dnn::dnn4_v20211004::isAllOnes(const MatShape&, int, int) .flag_if_supported("-Wno-comment") // multi-line comment in include/opencv4/opencv2/mcc/ccm.hpp:73:25 .flag_if_supported("-Wunused-but-set-variable") // /usr/local/Cellar/opencv@3/3.4.16_10.reinstall/include/opencv2/flann/index_testing.h:249:11: warning: variable 'p1' set but not used // crate warnings .flag_if_supported("-Wno-unused-variable") // ‘cv::CV_VERSION_OCVRS_OVERRIDE’ defined but not used .flag_if_supported("-Wno-ignored-qualifiers") // type qualifiers ignored on function return type in const size_t cv_MatStep_operator___const_int(const cv::MatStep* instance, int i) .flag_if_supported("-Wno-return-type-c-linkage") // warning: 'cv_aruco_CharucoBoard_getChessboardSize_const' has C-linkage specified, but returns user-defined type 'Result' (aka 'Result >') which is incompatible with C .flag_if_supported("-Wno-overloaded-virtual"); opencv.include_paths.iter().for_each(|p| { out.include(p); if *TARGET_VENDOR_APPLE { // Weirdly causes issues on macOS: // MSRV: replace with `reason` when MSRV is 1.81.0 #[allow(clippy::needless_borrows_for_generic_args)] out.flag_if_supported(&format!("-F{}", p.to_str().expect("Can't convert path to str"))); } }); if out.get_compiler().is_like_msvc() { if let Ok(crt) = env::var("OPENCV_MSVC_CRT") { if crt.trim().to_lowercase() == "dynamic" { out.static_crt(false); } else if crt.trim().to_lowercase() == "static" { out.static_crt(true); } else { panic!("Invalid value of OPENCV_MSVC_CRT var, expected \"static\" or \"dynamic\""); } } out.flag("-EHsc") .flag("-bigobj") .flag("-utf-8") .flag("-wd4996") .flag("-wd5054") // deprecated between enumerations of different types .flag("-wd4190") // has C-linkage specified, but returns UDT 'Result>' which is incompatible with C .flag("-wd4702") // core.cpp(386) : unreachable code .flag("-wd4100") // unreferenced formal parameter .flag("-wd4127") // conditional expression is constant .pic(false); } else { out.flag_if_supported("-Wa,-mbig-obj"); } out.define("OCVRS_FFI_EXPORT_SUFFIX", ffi_export_suffix); out } fn setup_rerun() -> Result<()> { for &v in AFFECTING_ENV_VARS.iter() { println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed={v}"); // replace with cargo:: syntax when MSRV is 1.77 } let include_exts = &[OsStr::new("cpp"), OsStr::new("hpp")]; let files_with_include_exts = files_with_predicate(&SRC_CPP_DIR, |p| p.extension().map_or(false, |e| include_exts.contains(&e)))?; for path in files_with_include_exts { if let Some(path) = path.to_str() { println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={path}"); // replace with cargo:: syntax when MSRV is 1.77 } } println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=Cargo.toml"); // replace with cargo:: syntax when MSRV is 1.77 Ok(()) } fn build_wrapper(mut cc: cc::Build) { eprintln!("=== Compiler information: {:#?}", cc.get_compiler()); let modules = MODULES.get().expect("MODULES not initialized"); for module in modules.iter() { println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=ocvrs_has_module_{module}"); // replace with cargo:: syntax when MSRV is 1.77 cc.file(OUT_DIR.join(format!("{module}.cpp"))); let manual_cpp = SRC_CPP_DIR.join(format!("manual-{module}.cpp")); if manual_cpp.exists() { cc.file(manual_cpp); } } let start = Instant::now(); cc.compile("ocvrs"); eprintln!("=== Total cpp build time: {:?}", start.elapsed()); } fn main() -> Result<()> { let args = env::args_os().skip(1).peekable(); if matches!(handle_running_binding_generator(args)?, GenerateFullBindings::Stop) { return Ok(()); } for branch in ["4", "34", "32"].iter() { println!("cargo:rustc-check-cfg=cfg(ocvrs_opencv_branch_{branch})"); // replace with cargo:: syntax when MSRV is 1.77 } for module in SUPPORTED_MODULES { println!("cargo:rustc-check-cfg=cfg(ocvrs_has_module_{module})"); // replace with cargo:: syntax when MSRV is 1.77 } if matches!(handle_running_in_docsrs(), GenerateFullBindings::Stop) { return Ok(()); } let pkg_version = env::var("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").unwrap_or_else(|_| "unknown_crate_version".to_string()); eprintln!("=== Crate version: {pkg_version}"); eprintln!("=== Environment configuration:"); for v in AFFECTING_ENV_VARS.into_iter().chain(DEBUG_ENV_VARS) { eprintln!("=== {v} = {:?}", env::var_os(v)); } eprintln!("=== Enabled features:"); let features = env::vars().filter_map(|(mut name, val)| { if val != "1" { return None; } const PREFIX: &str = "CARGO_FEATURE_"; if name.starts_with(PREFIX) { name.drain(..PREFIX.len()); Some(name) } else { None } }); for feature in features { eprintln!("=== {feature}"); } let opencv = Library::probe()?; eprintln!("=== OpenCV library configuration: {opencv:#?}"); if OPENCV_BRANCH_4.matches(&opencv.version) { println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=ocvrs_opencv_branch_4"); // replace with cargo:: syntax when MSRV is 1.77 } else if OPENCV_BRANCH_34.matches(&opencv.version) { println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=ocvrs_opencv_branch_34"); // replace with cargo:: syntax when MSRV is 1.77 } else if OPENCV_BRANCH_32.matches(&opencv.version) { println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=ocvrs_opencv_branch_32"); // replace with cargo:: syntax when MSRV is 1.77 } else { panic!( "Unsupported OpenCV version: {}, must be from 3.2, 3.4 or 4.x branch", opencv.version ); } let opencv_header_dir = opencv .include_paths .iter() .find(|p| get_version_header(p).is_some()) .expect("Discovered OpenCV include paths is empty or contains non-existent paths"); let opencv_module_header_dir = get_module_header_dir(opencv_header_dir).expect("Can't find OpenCV module header dir"); eprintln!( "=== Detected OpenCV module header dir at: {}", opencv_module_header_dir.display() ); make_modules(&opencv_module_header_dir)?; if let Some(header_version) = get_version_from_headers(opencv_header_dir) { if header_version != opencv.version { panic!( "OpenCV version from the headers: {header_version} (at {}) must match version of the OpenCV library: {} (include paths: {:?})", opencv_header_dir.display(), opencv.version, opencv.include_paths, ); } eprintln!( "=== Found OpenCV version: {header_version} in headers located at: {}", opencv_header_dir.display() ); } else { panic!( "Unable to find OpenCV version in headers located at: {}", opencv_header_dir.display() ) } setup_rerun()?; let ffi_export_suffix = format!("_{}", pkg_version.replace(".", "_")); let build_script_path = env::current_exe()?; let binding_generator = BindingGenerator::new(build_script_path); binding_generator.generate_wrapper(opencv_header_dir, &opencv, &ffi_export_suffix)?; let cc = build_compiler(&opencv, &ffi_export_suffix); build_wrapper(cc); // -l linker args should be emitted after -l static opencv.emit_cargo_metadata(); Ok(()) }