use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::fs; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::{Command, Output}; use semver::Version; use shlex::Shlex; use super::library::Linkage; use super::{Result, TARGET_ENV_MSVC}; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct LinkLib(pub Linkage, pub String); impl LinkLib { #[inline] pub fn emit_cargo_rustc_link(&self) -> String { format!( "cargo:rustc-link-lib={}{}", self.0.as_cargo_rustc_link_spec_no_static(), self.1 ) // replace with cargo:: syntax when MSRV is 1.77 } /// Returns Some(new_file_name) if some parts of the filename were removed, None otherwise pub fn cleanup_lib_filename(filename: &OsStr) -> Option<&OsStr> { let mut new_filename = filename; // used to check for the file extension (with dots stripped) and for the part of the filename const LIB_EXTS: [&str; 6] = [".so.", ".a.", ".dll.", ".lib.", ".dylib.", ".tbd."]; let filename_path = Path::new(new_filename); // strip lib extension from the filename if let (Some(stem), Some(extension)) = (filename_path.file_stem(), filename_path.extension().and_then(OsStr::to_str)) { if LIB_EXTS.iter().any(|e| e.trim_matches('.').eq_ignore_ascii_case(extension)) { new_filename = stem; } } if let Some(mut file) = new_filename.to_str() { let orig_len = file.len(); // strip "lib" prefix from the filename unless targeting MSVC if !*TARGET_ENV_MSVC { file = file.strip_prefix("lib").unwrap_or(file); } // strip lib extension + suffix (e.g. .so.4.6.0) from the filename LIB_EXTS.iter().for_each(|&inner_ext| { if let Some(inner_ext_idx) = file.find(inner_ext) { file = &file[..inner_ext_idx]; } }); if orig_len != file.len() { new_filename = OsStr::new(file); } } if new_filename.len() != filename.len() { Some(new_filename) } else { None } } } impl From<&str> for LinkLib { fn from(value: &str) -> Self { let (linkage, value) = Linkage::from_prefixed_str(value); let path = Path::new(value); let value = path .file_name() .and_then(Self::cleanup_lib_filename) .and_then(OsStr::to_str) .unwrap_or(value); Self(linkage, value.to_string()) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct LinkSearch(pub Linkage, pub PathBuf); impl LinkSearch { #[inline] pub fn emit_cargo_rustc_link_search(&self) -> String { format!( "cargo:rustc-link-search={}{}", self.0.as_cargo_rustc_link_search_spec(), self.1.to_str().expect("Can't convert link search path to UTF-8 string") ) // replace with cargo:: syntax when MSRV is 1.77 } } impl From<&str> for LinkSearch { fn from(value: &str) -> Self { let (linkage, value) = Linkage::from_prefixed_str(value); Self(linkage, value.into()) } } pub struct ProbeResult { pub version: Option, pub include_paths: Vec, pub link_paths: Vec, pub link_libs: Vec, } pub struct CmakeProbe<'r> { cmake_bin: PathBuf, build_dir: PathBuf, src_dir: &'r Path, package_name: &'r str, toolchain: Option<&'r Path>, is_release: bool, } impl<'r> CmakeProbe<'r> { pub fn new( cmake_bin: Option, build_dir: &Path, src_dir: &'r Path, package_name: &'r str, toolchain: Option<&'r Path>, is_release: bool, ) -> Self { Self { cmake_bin: cmake_bin.unwrap_or_else(|| "cmake".into()), build_dir: build_dir.join("cmake_probe_build"), src_dir, package_name, toolchain, is_release, } } fn prepare(&self) -> Result<()> { self.cleanup()?; fs::create_dir(&self.build_dir)?; Ok(()) } fn cleanup(&self) -> Result<()> { if self.build_dir.exists() { fs::remove_dir_all(&self.build_dir)?; } Ok(()) } fn make_cmd(&self) -> Command { let mut out = Command::new(&self.cmake_bin); out.current_dir(&self.build_dir) .args(["-S"]) .arg(self.src_dir) .arg(format!("-DOCVRS_PACKAGE_NAME={}", &self.package_name)); if let Some(toolchain) = self.toolchain { out.arg(format!( "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE={}", toolchain.to_str().expect("Non-UTF-8 toolchain location") )); } if self.is_release { out.arg("-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release"); } else { out.arg("-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug"); } out } fn extract_from_output(output: &Output, version: &mut Option, opencv_include_paths: &mut Vec) -> Result<()> { if output.status.success() { let mut line = String::with_capacity(256); let mut reader = BufReader::new(output.stderr.as_slice()); while let Ok(bytes_read) = reader.read_line(&mut line) { if bytes_read == 0 { break; } if line.starts_with("OCVRS") { if let Some((name, value)) = line.split_once(':') { match name { "OCVRS_INCLUDE_DIRS" => { opencv_include_paths.extend(value.split(';').filter(|s| !s.is_empty()).map(|s| PathBuf::from(s.trim()))); } "OCVRS_VERSION" => { *version = Some(Version::parse(value.trim())?); } _ => {} } } } line.clear(); } Ok(()) } else { Err( format!( "cmake returned an error\n stdout: {:?}\n stderr: {:?}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout), String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr) ) .into(), ) } } pub(crate) fn extract_from_cmdline( cmdline: &str, skip_cmd: bool, include_paths: &mut Vec, link_paths: &mut Vec, link_libs: &mut Vec, ) { eprintln!("=== Extracting build arguments from: {cmdline}"); let mut args = Shlex::new(cmdline.trim()); if skip_cmd {; } while let Some(arg) = { let arg = arg.trim(); if let Some(path) = arg.strip_prefix("-I") { let path = PathBuf::from(path.trim_start()); if !include_paths.contains(&path) { include_paths.push(path); } } else if let Some(path) = arg.strip_prefix("-L").or_else(|| arg.strip_prefix("-Wl,-rpath,")) { let path = LinkSearch(Linkage::Default, PathBuf::from(path.trim_start())); if !link_paths.contains(&path) { link_paths.push(path); } } else if let Some(lib) = arg.strip_prefix("-l") { // unresolved cmake dependency specification like Qt5::Core if !lib.contains("::") && lib != "gflags_shared" { link_libs.push(LinkLib(Linkage::Default, lib.trim_start().to_string())); } } else if let Some(framework) = arg.strip_prefix("-framework") { let framework = framework.trim_start(); let framework = if framework.is_empty() {"No framework name after -framework") } else { framework.to_string() }; link_libs.push(LinkLib(Linkage::Framework, framework)); } else if let Some(output_file) = arg.strip_prefix("-o") { if output_file.trim().is_empty() {"No output file after -o"); } } else if !arg.starts_with('-') { let path = Path::new(arg); if let Some(cleaned_lib_filename) = path.file_name().and_then(LinkLib::cleanup_lib_filename) { let linkage = Linkage::from_path(path); if let Some(parent) = path.parent().map(|p| p.to_owned()) { let search_path = LinkSearch(linkage, parent); if !link_paths.contains(&search_path) { link_paths.push(search_path); } } else { panic!("{}", arg.to_string()); } link_libs.push(LinkLib( linkage, cleaned_lib_filename.to_str().expect("Non-UTF8 filename").to_string(), )); } } else { eprintln!("=== Unexpected cmake compiler argument found: {arg}"); } } } fn extract_from_makefile(&self, link_paths: &mut Vec, link_libs: &mut Vec) -> Result<()> { let link_cmdline = fs::read_to_string(self.build_dir.join("CMakeFiles/ocvrs_probe.dir/link.txt"))?; Self::extract_from_cmdline(&link_cmdline, true, &mut vec![], link_paths, link_libs); Ok(()) } fn extract_from_ninja( &self, include_paths: &mut Vec, link_paths: &mut Vec, link_libs: &mut Vec, ) -> Result<()> { let mut link_cmdline = BufReader::new(File::open(self.build_dir.join(""))?); let mut line = String::with_capacity(2048); #[derive(Copy, Clone)] enum State { Searching, Reading, } let mut state = State::Searching; while let Ok(bytes_read) = link_cmdline.read_line(&mut line) { if bytes_read == 0 { break; } match state { State::Searching => { if line.starts_with("build ocvrs_probe") { state = State::Reading; } } State::Reading => { let trimmed_line = line.trim_start(); if let Some(paths) = trimmed_line.strip_prefix("LINK_PATH = ") { Self::extract_from_cmdline(paths, false, include_paths, link_paths, link_libs); } else if let Some(libs) = trimmed_line.strip_prefix("LINK_LIBRARIES = ") { Self::extract_from_cmdline(libs, false, include_paths, link_paths, link_libs); } } } line.clear(); } Ok(()) } pub fn probe_makefile(&self) -> Result { self.prepare()?; let mut cmd = self.make_cmd(); cmd.args(["-G", "Unix Makefiles"]); let mut version = None; let mut include_paths = Vec::with_capacity(2); let mut link_paths = Vec::with_capacity(2); let mut link_libs = Vec::with_capacity(64); eprintln!("=== cmake makefiles probe command: {cmd:?}"); cmd.output() .map_err(Box::::from) .and_then(|output| Self::extract_from_output(&output, &mut version, &mut include_paths))?; self.extract_from_makefile(&mut link_paths, &mut link_libs)?; self.cleanup()?; Ok(ProbeResult { version, include_paths, link_paths, link_libs, }) } pub fn probe_ninja(&self, ninja_bin: Option<&Path>) -> Result { self.prepare()?; let mut cmd = self.make_cmd(); cmd.args(["-G", "Ninja"]); if let Some(ninja_bin) = ninja_bin { cmd.arg(format!( "-DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM={}", ninja_bin.to_str().expect("Non-UTF-8 ninja location") )); } let mut version = None; let mut include_paths = Vec::with_capacity(2); let mut link_paths = Vec::with_capacity(2); let mut link_libs = Vec::with_capacity(64); eprintln!("=== cmake ninja probe command: {cmd:?}"); cmd.output() .map_err(Box::::from) .and_then(|output| Self::extract_from_output(&output, &mut version, &mut include_paths))?; self.extract_from_ninja(&mut include_paths, &mut link_paths, &mut link_libs)?; self.cleanup()?; Ok(ProbeResult { version, include_paths, link_paths, link_libs, }) } pub fn probe_find_package(&self) -> Result { self.prepare()?; let mut include_paths = Vec::with_capacity(2); let mut link_paths = Vec::with_capacity(2); let mut link_libs = Vec::with_capacity(64); let mut cmd = self.make_cmd(); cmd.args(["--find-package", "-DCOMPILER_ID=GNU", "-DLANGUAGE=CXX", "-DMODE=COMPILE"]) .arg(format!("-DNAME={}", self.package_name)); eprintln!("=== cmake find-package compile probe command: {cmd:?}"); cmd.output().map_err(Box::::from).and_then(|output| { if output.status.success() { let stdout = String::from_utf8(output.stdout)?; eprintln!("=== cmake include arguments: {stdout:#?}"); Self::extract_from_cmdline(&stdout, false, &mut include_paths, &mut link_paths, &mut link_libs); Ok(()) } else { Err( format!( "cmake returned an error\n stdout: {:?}\n stderr: {:?}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout), String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr) ) .into(), ) } })?; cmd = self.make_cmd(); cmd.args(["--find-package", "-DCOMPILER_ID=GNU", "-DLANGUAGE=CXX", "-DMODE=LINK"]) .arg(format!("-DNAME={}", self.package_name)); eprintln!("=== cmake find-package link probe command: {cmd:?}"); cmd.output().map_err(Box::::from).and_then(|output| { if output.status.success() { let stdout = String::from_utf8(output.stdout)?; eprintln!("=== cmake link arguments: {stdout:#?}"); Self::extract_from_cmdline(&stdout, false, &mut include_paths, &mut link_paths, &mut link_libs); Ok(()) } else { Err( format!( "cmake returned an error\n stdout: {:?}\n stderr: {:?}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout), String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr) ) .into(), ) } })?; Ok(ProbeResult { version: None, include_paths, link_paths, link_libs, }) } }