use std::ops::Deref; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::Command; use std::time::Instant; use std::{env, fs, thread}; use collector::Collector; use opencv_binding_generator::{Generator, IteratorExt}; use super::docs::transfer_bindings_to_docs; use super::{files_with_predicate, Library, Result, MODULES, OUT_DIR, SRC_CPP_DIR, SRC_DIR}; #[path = "generator/"] mod collector; pub struct BindingGenerator { build_script_path: PathBuf, } impl BindingGenerator { pub fn new(build_script_path: PathBuf) -> Self { Self { build_script_path } } pub fn generate_wrapper(&self, opencv_header_dir: &Path, opencv: &Library, ffi_export_suffix: &str) -> Result<()> { let target_docs_dir = env::var_os("OCVRS_DOCS_GENERATE_DIR").map(PathBuf::from); let target_module_dir = OUT_DIR.join("opencv"); let manual_dir = SRC_DIR.join("manual"); eprintln!("=== Generating code in: {}", OUT_DIR.display()); eprintln!("=== Placing generated bindings into: {}", target_module_dir.display()); if let Some(target_docs_dir) = target_docs_dir.as_ref() { eprintln!( "=== Placing static generated docs bindings into: {}", target_docs_dir.display() ); } eprintln!("=== Using OpenCV headers from: {}", opencv_header_dir.display()); let non_dll_files = files_with_predicate(&OUT_DIR, |p| { p.extension().map_or(true, |ext| !ext.eq_ignore_ascii_case("dll")) })?; for path in non_dll_files { let _ = fs::remove_file(path); } let modules = MODULES.get().expect("MODULES not initialized");, opencv_header_dir, opencv)?; Collector::new(modules, ffi_export_suffix, &target_module_dir, &manual_dir, &OUT_DIR).collect_bindings()?; if let Some(target_docs_dir) = target_docs_dir { if !target_docs_dir.exists() { fs::create_dir(&target_docs_dir)?; } transfer_bindings_to_docs(&OUT_DIR, &target_docs_dir); } Ok(()) } fn run(&self, modules: &[String], opencv_header_dir: &Path, opencv: &Library) -> Result<()> { let additional_include_dirs = opencv .include_paths .iter() .filter(|&include_path| include_path != opencv_header_dir) .map(|path| path.as_path()) .collect::>(); let gen = Generator::new(opencv_header_dir, &additional_include_dirs, &SRC_CPP_DIR); if !gen.is_clang_loaded() { eprintln!("=== ERROR: Unable to load libclang library, check item #8 in"); eprintln!( "=== Try enabling `clang-runtime` feature of the `opencv` crate, or alternatively disabling it if it's enabled" ); return Err("a `libclang` shared library is not loaded on this thread".into()); } eprintln!("=== Clang: {}", gen.clang_version()); eprintln!("=== Clang command line args: {:#?}", gen.build_clang_command_line_args()); let additional_include_dirs = additional_include_dirs .into_iter() .map(|p| p.to_str().expect("Can't convert additional include dir to UTF-8 string")) .join(","); let job_server = Jobserver::build()?; let start = Instant::now(); eprintln!("=== Generating {} modules", modules.len()); thread::scope(|scope| { let join_handles = modules .iter() .map(|module| { let token = job_server.acquire().expect("Can't acquire token from job server"); thread::Builder::new() .name(format!("gen-{module}")) .spawn_scoped(scope, { let additional_include_dirs = additional_include_dirs.as_str(); move || { let module_start = Instant::now(); let mut bin_generator = Command::new(&self.build_script_path); bin_generator .arg(opencv_header_dir) .arg(&*SRC_CPP_DIR) .arg(&*OUT_DIR) .arg(module) .arg(additional_include_dirs); eprintln!("=== Running: {bin_generator:?}"); let res = bin_generator .status() .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Can't run bindings generator for module: {module}, error: {e}")); if !res.success() { panic!("Failed to run the bindings generator for module: {module}"); } eprintln!("=== Generated: {module} in {:?}", module_start.elapsed()); drop(token); // needed to move the token to the thread } }) .expect("Error spawning thread") }) .collect::>(); for join_handle in join_handles { join_handle.join().expect("Generator process panicked"); } }); eprintln!("=== Total binding generation time: {:?}", start.elapsed()); Ok(()) } } pub struct Jobserver { client: jobserver::Client, reacquire_token_on_drop: bool, } impl Jobserver { pub fn build() -> Result { unsafe { jobserver::Client::from_env() } .and_then(|client| { let own_token_released = client.release_raw().is_ok(); let available_jobs = client.available().unwrap_or(0); if available_jobs > 0 { eprintln!("=== Using environment job server with the the amount of available jobs: {available_jobs}"); Some(Jobserver { client, reacquire_token_on_drop: own_token_released, }) } else { if own_token_released { client.acquire_raw().expect("Can't reacquire build script thread token"); } eprintln!( "=== Available jobs from the environment created jobserver is: {available_jobs} or there is an error reading that value" ); None } }) .or_else(|| { let num_jobs = env::var("NUM_JOBS") .ok() .and_then(|jobs| jobs.parse().ok()) .or_else(|| thread::available_parallelism().map(|p| p.get()).ok()) .unwrap_or(2) .max(1); eprintln!("=== Creating a new job server with num_jobs: {num_jobs}"); jobserver::Client::new(num_jobs).ok().map(|client| Jobserver { client, reacquire_token_on_drop: false, }) }) .ok_or_else(|| "Can't create job server".into()) } } impl Drop for Jobserver { fn drop(&mut self) { if self.reacquire_token_on_drop { self.client.acquire_raw().expect("Can't reacquire build script thread token"); } } } impl Deref for Jobserver { type Target = jobserver::Client; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.client } }