use std::borrow::Cow; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::{env, fmt, iter}; use dunce::canonicalize; use semver::Version; use super::cmake_probe::{CmakeProbe, LinkLib, LinkSearch}; use super::{get_version_from_headers, Result, MANIFEST_DIR, OUT_DIR, TARGET_VENDOR_APPLE}; struct PackageName; impl PackageName { pub fn env() -> Option { env::var("OPENCV_PACKAGE_NAME").ok() } pub fn env_pkg_config() -> Option { env::var("OPENCV_PKGCONFIG_NAME").ok() } pub fn env_cmake() -> Option { env::var("OPENCV_CMAKE_NAME").ok() } pub fn env_vcpkg() -> Option { env::var("OPENCV_VCPKG_NAME").ok() } pub fn pkg_config() -> Vec> { if let Some(env_name) = Self::env().or_else(Self::env_pkg_config) { vec![env_name.into()] } else { vec!["opencv4".into(), "opencv".into()] } } pub fn cmake() -> Cow<'static, str> { if let Some(env_name) = Self::env().or_else(Self::env_cmake) { env_name.into() } else { "OpenCV".into() } } pub fn vcpkg() -> Vec> { if let Some(env_name) = Self::env().or_else(Self::env_vcpkg) { vec![env_name.into()] } else { vec!["opencv4".into(), "opencv3".into()] } } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub struct EnvList<'s> { src: &'s str, } impl<'s> EnvList<'s> { pub fn is_extend(&self) -> bool { self.src.starts_with('+') } pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator { if self.is_extend() { &self.src[1..] } else { self.src } .split(',') } } impl<'s> From<&'s str> for EnvList<'s> { fn from(src: &'s str) -> Self { Self { src } } } impl fmt::Display for EnvList<'_> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Display::fmt(self.src, f) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Linkage { Default, Dynamic, Static, Framework, } impl Linkage { pub fn as_cargo_rustc_link_spec(self) -> &'static str { match self { Self::Default => "", Self::Dynamic => "dylib=", Self::Static => "static=", Self::Framework => "framework=", } } pub fn as_cargo_rustc_link_spec_no_static(self) -> &'static str { // fixme: specifying static linkage breaks things in CI match self { Self::Default | Self::Dynamic | Self::Static => "", Self::Framework => "framework=", } } pub fn as_cargo_rustc_link_search_spec(self) -> &'static str { match self { Self::Default => "", Self::Dynamic | Self::Static => "native=", Self::Framework => "framework=", } } pub fn from_path(path: &Path) -> Self { let ext = path.extension(); if Self::is_static_archive(ext) { Self::Static } else { Self::Default } } pub fn from_prefixed_str(s: &str) -> (Self, &str) { // for backwards compatibility to allow specifying as "OpenCL.framework" in addition to "framework=OpenCL" if let Some(name) = s.strip_suffix(".framework") { return (Self::Framework, name); } [Self::Dynamic, Self::Static, Self::Framework] .iter() .find_map(|l| s.strip_prefix(l.as_cargo_rustc_link_spec()).map(|s| (*l, s))) .unwrap_or((Self::Default, s)) } fn is_static_archive(ext: Option<&OsStr>) -> bool { ext.map_or(false, |ext| ext.eq_ignore_ascii_case("a")) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Library { pub include_paths: Vec, pub version: Version, pub cargo_metadata: Vec, } impl Library { fn version_from_include_paths(include_paths: impl IntoIterator>) -> Option { include_paths.into_iter().find_map(|x| get_version_from_headers(x.as_ref())) } fn process_env_var_list<'a, T: From<&'a str>>(env_list: Option>, sys_list: Vec) -> Vec { if let Some(env_list) = env_list { let mut paths = if env_list.is_extend() { sys_list } else { vec![] }; paths.extend(env_list.iter().filter(|v| !v.is_empty()).map(T::from)); paths } else { sys_list } } fn process_link_paths<'a>(link_paths: Option, sys_link_paths: Vec) -> impl Iterator + 'a { Self::process_env_var_list(link_paths, sys_link_paths) .into_iter() .flat_map(move |path| { iter::once(path.emit_cargo_rustc_link_search()).chain( (*TARGET_VENDOR_APPLE && path.0 != Linkage::Framework) .then(|| LinkSearch(Linkage::Framework, path.1).emit_cargo_rustc_link_search()), ) }) } fn process_link_libs<'a>(link_libs: Option, sys_link_libs: Vec) -> impl Iterator + 'a { Self::process_env_var_list(link_libs, sys_link_libs) .into_iter() .map(|l| l.emit_cargo_rustc_link()) } fn find_vcpkg_tool(vcpkg_root: &Path, tool_name: &str) -> Option { let tool_dirs = vcpkg_root .join("downloads/tools") .read_dir() .into_iter() .flatten() .flatten() .map(|e| e.path()) .filter(|p| { p.is_dir() && p .file_name() .and_then(OsStr::to_str) .map_or(false, |n| n.starts_with(tool_name)) }); tool_dirs .flat_map(|d| d.read_dir().into_iter().flatten().flatten()) // all subdirs inside tool dirs .map(|e| e.path()) .filter(|p| p.is_dir()) .flat_map(|p| p.read_dir().into_iter().flatten().flatten()) // all subdirs inside those dirs .map(|e| e.path()) .flat_map(|p| [p.join(format!("bin/{tool_name}")), p.join(format!("bin/{tool_name}.exe"))]) .filter_map(|p| canonicalize(p).ok()) .find(|p| p.is_file()) } pub fn probe_from_paths( include_paths: Option, link_paths: Option, link_libs: Option, ) -> Result { if let (Some(include_paths), Some(link_paths), Some(link_libs)) = (include_paths, link_paths, link_libs) { if include_paths.is_extend() || link_paths.is_extend() || link_libs.is_extend() { return Err("Some environment variables extend the system default paths (i.e. start with '+')".into()); } eprintln!("=== Configuring OpenCV library from the environment:"); eprintln!("=== include_paths: {include_paths}"); eprintln!("=== link_paths: {link_paths}"); eprintln!("=== link_libs: {link_libs}"); let mut cargo_metadata = Vec::with_capacity(64); let include_paths: Vec<_> = include_paths.iter().map(PathBuf::from).collect(); let version = Self::version_from_include_paths(&include_paths).ok_or("Could not OpenCV version from include_paths")?; cargo_metadata.extend(Self::process_link_paths(Some(link_paths), vec![])); cargo_metadata.extend(Self::process_link_libs(Some(link_libs), vec![])); Ok(Self { include_paths, version, cargo_metadata, }) } else { Err("Some environment variables are missing".into()) } } pub fn probe_pkg_config( include_paths: Option, link_paths: Option, link_libs: Option, ) -> Result { eprintln!("=== Probing OpenCV library using pkg_config"); let mut config = pkg_config::Config::new(); config.cargo_metadata(false); let mut errors = vec![]; let mut opencv = None; let possible_opencvs = PackageName::pkg_config().into_iter().map(|pkg_name| config.probe(&pkg_name)); for possible_opencv in possible_opencvs { match possible_opencv { Ok(possible_opencv) => { opencv = Some(possible_opencv); break; } Err(e) => { errors.push(e.to_string()); } } } let opencv = opencv.ok_or_else(|| errors.join(", "))?; let mut cargo_metadata = Vec::with_capacity(64); cargo_metadata.extend(Self::process_link_paths( link_paths, opencv .link_paths .into_iter() .map(|p| LinkSearch(Linkage::Default, p)) .collect(), )); if link_paths.map_or(true, |link_paths| link_paths.is_extend()) { cargo_metadata.extend(Self::process_link_paths( None, opencv .framework_paths .into_iter() .map(|p| LinkSearch(Linkage::Framework, p)) .collect(), )); } cargo_metadata.extend(Self::process_link_libs( link_libs, opencv.libs.into_iter().map(|l| LinkLib(Linkage::Default, l)).collect(), )); if link_libs.map_or(false, |link_libs| link_libs.is_extend()) { cargo_metadata.extend(Self::process_link_libs( None, opencv .frameworks .into_iter() .map(|f| LinkLib(Linkage::Framework, f)) .collect(), )); } let include_paths = Self::process_env_var_list(include_paths, opencv.include_paths); Ok(Self { include_paths, version: Version::parse(&opencv.version)?, cargo_metadata, }) } pub fn probe_cmake( include_paths: Option, link_paths: Option, link_libs: Option, toolchain: Option<&Path>, cmake_bin: Option<&Path>, ninja_bin: Option<&Path>, ) -> Result { eprintln!( "=== Probing OpenCV library using cmake{}", toolchain.map_or_else(|| "".to_string(), |tc| format!(" with toolchain: {}", tc.display())) ); let src_dir = MANIFEST_DIR.join("cmake"); let package_name = PackageName::cmake(); let cmake = CmakeProbe::new( env::var_os("OPENCV_CMAKE_BIN") .map(PathBuf::from) .or_else(||, &OUT_DIR, &src_dir, package_name.as_ref(), toolchain, env::var_os("PROFILE").map_or(false, |p| p == "release"), ); let mut probe_result = cmake .probe_ninja(ninja_bin) .or_else(|e| { eprintln!("=== Probing with cmake ninja generator failed, will try Makefile generator, error: {e}"); cmake.probe_makefile() }) .or_else(|e| { eprintln!("=== Probing with cmake Makefile generator failed, will try deprecated find_package, error: {e}"); cmake.probe_find_package() })?; if probe_result.version.is_none() { probe_result.version = Self::version_from_include_paths(&probe_result.include_paths); } let mut cargo_metadata = Vec::with_capacity(probe_result.link_paths.len() + probe_result.link_libs.len()); cargo_metadata.extend(Self::process_link_paths(link_paths, probe_result.link_paths)); cargo_metadata.extend(Self::process_link_libs(link_libs, probe_result.link_libs)); Ok(Self { include_paths: Self::process_env_var_list(include_paths, probe_result.include_paths), version: probe_result.version.unwrap_or_else(|| Version::new(0, 0, 0)), cargo_metadata, }) } pub fn probe_vcpkg(include_paths: Option, link_paths: Option, link_libs: Option) -> Result { eprintln!("=== Probing OpenCV library using vcpkg"); let mut config = vcpkg::Config::new(); config.cargo_metadata(false); let mut errors = vec![]; let mut opencv = None; let possible_opencvs = PackageName::vcpkg() .into_iter() .map(|pkg_name| config.find_package(pkg_name.as_ref())); for possible_opencv in possible_opencvs { match possible_opencv { Ok(possible_opencv) => { opencv = Some(possible_opencv); break; } Err(e) => { errors.push(e.to_string()); } } } let opencv = opencv.ok_or_else(|| errors.join(", "))?; let version = Self::version_from_include_paths(&opencv.include_paths); let include_paths = Self::process_env_var_list(include_paths, opencv.include_paths); let mut cargo_metadata = opencv.cargo_metadata; if link_paths.as_ref().map_or(false, |lp| !lp.is_extend()) { cargo_metadata.retain(|p| !p.starts_with("cargo:rustc-link-search=") && !p.starts_with("cargo::rustc-link-search=")); } cargo_metadata.extend(Self::process_link_paths(link_paths, vec![])); if link_libs.as_ref().map_or(false, |ll| !ll.is_extend()) { cargo_metadata.retain(|p| !p.starts_with("cargo:rustc-link-lib=") && !p.starts_with("cargo::rustc-link-lib=")); } cargo_metadata.extend(Self::process_link_libs(link_libs, vec![])); Ok(Self { include_paths, version: version.unwrap_or_else(|| Version::new(0, 0, 0)), cargo_metadata, }) } pub fn probe_vcpkg_cmake( include_paths: Option, link_paths: Option, link_libs: Option, ) -> Result { eprintln!("=== Probing OpenCV library using vcpkg_cmake"); let mut config = vcpkg::Config::new(); config.cargo_metadata(false); // don't care about the error here, only need to have dlls copied to outdir PackageName::vcpkg() .into_iter() .map(|pkg_name| config.find_package(&pkg_name)) .take_while(|r| r.is_err()) .count(); let vcpkg_root = canonicalize(vcpkg::find_vcpkg_root(&config)?)?; eprintln!("=== Discovered vcpkg root: {}", vcpkg_root.display()); let vcpkg_cmake = Self::find_vcpkg_tool(&vcpkg_root, "cmake"); let vcpkg_ninja = Self::find_vcpkg_tool(&vcpkg_root, "ninja"); let toolchain = vcpkg_root.join("scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake"); Self::probe_cmake( include_paths, link_paths, link_libs, Some(&toolchain), vcpkg_cmake.as_deref(), vcpkg_ninja.as_deref(), ) } pub fn probe_system(include_paths: Option, link_paths: Option, link_libs: Option) -> Result { let probe_paths = || Self::probe_from_paths(include_paths, link_paths, link_libs); let probe_pkg_config = || Self::probe_pkg_config(include_paths, link_paths, link_libs); let probe_cmake = || Self::probe_cmake(include_paths, link_paths, link_libs, None, None, None); let probe_vcpkg_cmake = || Self::probe_vcpkg_cmake(include_paths, link_paths, link_libs); let probe_vcpkg = || Self::probe_vcpkg(include_paths, link_paths, link_libs); let explicit_pkg_config = env::var_os("PKG_CONFIG_PATH").is_some() || env::var_os("OPENCV_PKGCONFIG_NAME").is_some(); let explicit_cmake = env::var_os("OpenCV_DIR").is_some() || env::var_os("OPENCV_CMAKE_NAME").is_some() || env::var_os("CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH").is_some() || env::var_os("OPENCV_CMAKE_BIN").is_some(); let explicit_vcpkg = env::var_os("VCPKG_ROOT").is_some(); eprintln!( "=== Detected probe priority boost based on environment vars: pkg_config: {explicit_pkg_config}, cmake: {explicit_cmake}, vcpkg: {explicit_vcpkg}" ); let disabled_probes = env::var("OPENCV_DISABLE_PROBES"); let disabled_probes = disabled_probes .as_ref() .map(|s| EnvList::from(s.as_str()).iter().collect()) .unwrap_or_else(|_| HashSet::new()); let mut probes = [ ("environment", &probe_paths as &dyn Fn() -> Result), ("pkg_config", &probe_pkg_config), ("cmake", &probe_cmake), ("vcpkg_cmake", &probe_vcpkg_cmake), ("vcpkg", &probe_vcpkg), ]; let mut prioritize = |probe: &str, over: &str| { let (probe_idx, over_idx) = probes .iter() .position(|(name, _)| name == &probe) .and_then(|probe_idx| { probes .iter() .position(|(name, _)| name == &over) .map(|over_idx| (probe_idx, over_idx)) }) .expect("Can't find probe to swap"); if probe_idx > over_idx { for i in (over_idx..probe_idx).rev() { probes.swap(i, i + 1); } } }; if explicit_pkg_config { if explicit_vcpkg && !explicit_cmake { prioritize("vcpkg_cmake", "cmake"); prioritize("vcpkg", "cmake"); } } else if explicit_cmake { prioritize("cmake", "pkg_config"); if explicit_vcpkg { prioritize("vcpkg_cmake", "pkg_config"); prioritize("vcpkg", "pkg_config"); } } else if explicit_vcpkg { prioritize("vcpkg_cmake", "pkg_config"); prioritize("vcpkg", "pkg_config"); } let probe_list = probes.iter().map(|(name, _)| *name).collect::>().join(", "); eprintln!("=== Probing the OpenCV library in the following order: {probe_list}"); let mut out = None; for &(name, probe) in &probes { if !disabled_probes.contains(name) { match probe() { Ok(lib) => { out = Some(lib); eprintln!("=== Successfully probed using: {name}"); break; } Err(e) => { eprintln!("=== Can't probe using: {name}, continuing with other methods because: {e}"); } } } else { eprintln!("=== Skipping probe: {name} because it's disabled using OPENCV_DISABLE_PROBES"); } } out.ok_or_else(|| { let methods = probes .iter() .map(|&(name, _)| name) .filter(|&name| !disabled_probes.contains(name)) .collect::>() .join(", "); format!("Failed to find installed OpenCV package using probes: {methods}, refer to for help").into() }) } pub fn probe() -> Result { let include_paths = env::var("OPENCV_INCLUDE_PATHS").ok(); let include_paths = include_paths.as_deref().map(EnvList::from); let link_paths = env::var("OPENCV_LINK_PATHS").ok(); let link_paths = link_paths.as_deref().map(EnvList::from); let link_libs = env::var("OPENCV_LINK_LIBS").ok(); let link_libs = link_libs.as_deref().map(EnvList::from); Self::probe_system(include_paths, link_paths, link_libs) } pub fn emit_cargo_metadata(&self) { self.cargo_metadata.iter().for_each(|meta| { println!("{meta}"); }); } }