pub mod dnn { //! # Deep Neural Network module //! This module contains: //! - API for new layers creation, layers are building bricks of neural networks; //! - set of built-in most-useful Layers; //! - API to construct and modify comprehensive neural networks from layers; //! - functionality for loading serialized networks models from different frameworks. //! //! Functionality of this module is designed only for forward pass computations (i.e. network testing). //! A network training is in principle not supported. use crate::mod_prelude::*; use crate::{core, sys, types}; pub mod prelude { pub use super::{AbsLayerTrait, AbsLayerTraitConst, AccumLayerTrait, AccumLayerTraitConst, AcosLayerTrait, AcosLayerTraitConst, AcoshLayerTrait, AcoshLayerTraitConst, ActivationLayerInt8Trait, ActivationLayerInt8TraitConst, ActivationLayerTrait, ActivationLayerTraitConst, ArgLayerTrait, ArgLayerTraitConst, AsinLayerTrait, AsinLayerTraitConst, AsinhLayerTrait, AsinhLayerTraitConst, AtanLayerTrait, AtanLayerTraitConst, AtanhLayerTrait, AtanhLayerTraitConst, AttentionLayerTrait, AttentionLayerTraitConst, BNLLLayerTrait, BNLLLayerTraitConst, BackendNodeTrait, BackendNodeTraitConst, BackendWrapperTrait, BackendWrapperTraitConst, BaseConvolutionLayerTrait, BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst, BatchNormLayerInt8Trait, BatchNormLayerInt8TraitConst, BatchNormLayerTrait, BatchNormLayerTraitConst, BlankLayerTrait, BlankLayerTraitConst, CeilLayerTrait, CeilLayerTraitConst, CeluLayerTrait, CeluLayerTraitConst, ChannelsPReLULayerTrait, ChannelsPReLULayerTraitConst, ClassificationModelTrait, ClassificationModelTraitConst, CompareLayerTrait, CompareLayerTraitConst, ConcatLayerTrait, ConcatLayerTraitConst, ConstLayerTrait, ConstLayerTraitConst, ConvolutionLayerInt8Trait, ConvolutionLayerInt8TraitConst, ConvolutionLayerTrait, ConvolutionLayerTraitConst, CorrelationLayerTrait, CorrelationLayerTraitConst, CosLayerTrait, CosLayerTraitConst, CoshLayerTrait, CoshLayerTraitConst, CropAndResizeLayerTrait, CropAndResizeLayerTraitConst, CropLayerTrait, CropLayerTraitConst, CumSumLayerTrait, CumSumLayerTraitConst, DataAugmentationLayerTrait, DataAugmentationLayerTraitConst, DeconvolutionLayerTrait, DeconvolutionLayerTraitConst, DequantizeLayerTrait, DequantizeLayerTraitConst, DetectionModelTrait, DetectionModelTraitConst, DetectionOutputLayerTrait, DetectionOutputLayerTraitConst, DictTrait, DictTraitConst, DictValueTrait, DictValueTraitConst, ELULayerTrait, ELULayerTraitConst, EinsumLayerTrait, EinsumLayerTraitConst, EltwiseLayerInt8Trait, EltwiseLayerInt8TraitConst, EltwiseLayerTrait, EltwiseLayerTraitConst, ErfLayerTrait, ErfLayerTraitConst, ExpLayerTrait, ExpLayerTraitConst, ExpandLayerTrait, ExpandLayerTraitConst, FlattenLayerTrait, FlattenLayerTraitConst, FloorLayerTrait, FloorLayerTraitConst, FlowWarpLayerTrait, FlowWarpLayerTraitConst, GRULayerTrait, GRULayerTraitConst, GatherElementsLayerTrait, GatherElementsLayerTraitConst, GatherLayerTrait, GatherLayerTraitConst, GeluApproximationLayerTrait, GeluApproximationLayerTraitConst, GeluLayerTrait, GeluLayerTraitConst, GemmLayerTrait, GemmLayerTraitConst, GroupNormLayerTrait, GroupNormLayerTraitConst, HardSigmoidLayerTrait, HardSigmoidLayerTraitConst, HardSwishLayerTrait, HardSwishLayerTraitConst, InnerProductLayerInt8Trait, InnerProductLayerInt8TraitConst, InnerProductLayerTrait, InnerProductLayerTraitConst, InstanceNormLayerTrait, InstanceNormLayerTraitConst, InterpLayerTrait, InterpLayerTraitConst, KeypointsModelTrait, KeypointsModelTraitConst, LRNLayerTrait, LRNLayerTraitConst, LSTMLayerTrait, LSTMLayerTraitConst, LayerFactoryTrait, LayerFactoryTraitConst, LayerNormLayerTrait, LayerNormLayerTraitConst, LayerParamsTrait, LayerParamsTraitConst, LayerTrait, LayerTraitConst, LogLayerTrait, LogLayerTraitConst, MVNLayerTrait, MVNLayerTraitConst, MatMulLayerTrait, MatMulLayerTraitConst, MaxUnpoolLayerTrait, MaxUnpoolLayerTraitConst, MishLayerTrait, MishLayerTraitConst, ModelTrait, ModelTraitConst, NaryEltwiseLayerTrait, NaryEltwiseLayerTraitConst, NetTrait, NetTraitConst, NormalizeBBoxLayerTrait, NormalizeBBoxLayerTraitConst, NotLayerTrait, NotLayerTraitConst, PaddingLayerTrait, PaddingLayerTraitConst, PermuteLayerTrait, PermuteLayerTraitConst, PoolingLayerInt8Trait, PoolingLayerInt8TraitConst, PoolingLayerTrait, PoolingLayerTraitConst, PowerLayerTrait, PowerLayerTraitConst, PriorBoxLayerTrait, PriorBoxLayerTraitConst, ProposalLayerTrait, ProposalLayerTraitConst, QuantizeLayerTrait, QuantizeLayerTraitConst, RNNLayerTrait, RNNLayerTraitConst, ReLU6LayerTrait, ReLU6LayerTraitConst, ReLULayerTrait, ReLULayerTraitConst, ReciprocalLayerTrait, ReciprocalLayerTraitConst, ReduceLayerTrait, ReduceLayerTraitConst, RegionLayerTrait, RegionLayerTraitConst, ReorgLayerTrait, ReorgLayerTraitConst, RequantizeLayerTrait, RequantizeLayerTraitConst, ReshapeLayerTrait, ReshapeLayerTraitConst, ResizeLayerTrait, ResizeLayerTraitConst, RoundLayerTrait, RoundLayerTraitConst, ScaleLayerInt8Trait, ScaleLayerInt8TraitConst, ScaleLayerTrait, ScaleLayerTraitConst, ScatterLayerTrait, ScatterLayerTraitConst, ScatterNDLayerTrait, ScatterNDLayerTraitConst, SegmentationModelTrait, SegmentationModelTraitConst, SeluLayerTrait, SeluLayerTraitConst, ShiftLayerInt8Trait, ShiftLayerInt8TraitConst, ShiftLayerTrait, ShiftLayerTraitConst, ShrinkLayerTrait, ShrinkLayerTraitConst, ShuffleChannelLayerTrait, ShuffleChannelLayerTraitConst, SigmoidLayerTrait, SigmoidLayerTraitConst, SignLayerTrait, SignLayerTraitConst, SinLayerTrait, SinLayerTraitConst, SinhLayerTrait, SinhLayerTraitConst, SliceLayerTrait, SliceLayerTraitConst, SoftmaxLayerInt8Trait, SoftmaxLayerInt8TraitConst, SoftmaxLayerTrait, SoftmaxLayerTraitConst, SoftplusLayerTrait, SoftplusLayerTraitConst, SoftsignLayerTrait, SoftsignLayerTraitConst, SplitLayerTrait, SplitLayerTraitConst, SqrtLayerTrait, SqrtLayerTraitConst, SwishLayerTrait, SwishLayerTraitConst, TanHLayerTrait, TanHLayerTraitConst, TanLayerTrait, TanLayerTraitConst, TextDetectionModelTrait, TextDetectionModelTraitConst, TextDetectionModel_DBTrait, TextDetectionModel_DBTraitConst, TextDetectionModel_EASTTrait, TextDetectionModel_EASTTraitConst, TextRecognitionModelTrait, TextRecognitionModelTraitConst, ThresholdedReluLayerTrait, ThresholdedReluLayerTraitConst, TileLayerTrait, TileLayerTraitConst, _RangeTrait, _RangeTraitConst}; } pub const CV_DNN_BACKEND_INFERENCE_ENGINE_NGRAPH: &str = "NGRAPH"; pub const CV_DNN_BACKEND_INFERENCE_ENGINE_NN_BUILDER_API: &str = "NN_BUILDER"; pub const CV_DNN_INFERENCE_ENGINE_CPU_TYPE_ARM_COMPUTE: &str = "ARM_COMPUTE"; pub const CV_DNN_INFERENCE_ENGINE_CPU_TYPE_X86: &str = "X86"; pub const CV_DNN_INFERENCE_ENGINE_VPU_TYPE_MYRIAD_2: &str = "Myriad2"; pub const CV_DNN_INFERENCE_ENGINE_VPU_TYPE_MYRIAD_X: &str = "MyriadX"; pub const CV_DNN_INFERENCE_ENGINE_VPU_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED: &str = ""; pub const DNN_BACKEND_CANN: i32 = 8; pub const DNN_BACKEND_CUDA: i32 = 5; /// DNN_BACKEND_DEFAULT equals to OPENCV_DNN_BACKEND_DEFAULT, which can be defined using CMake or a configuration parameter pub const DNN_BACKEND_DEFAULT: i32 = 0; /// DNN_BACKEND_DEFAULT equals to OPENCV_DNN_BACKEND_DEFAULT, which can be defined using CMake or a configuration parameter pub const DNN_BACKEND_HALIDE: i32 = 1; /// Intel OpenVINO computational backend /// /// Note: Tutorial how to build OpenCV with OpenVINO: [tutorial_dnn_openvino] pub const DNN_BACKEND_INFERENCE_ENGINE: i32 = 2; pub const DNN_BACKEND_OPENCV: i32 = 3; pub const DNN_BACKEND_TIMVX: i32 = 7; pub const DNN_BACKEND_VKCOM: i32 = 4; pub const DNN_BACKEND_WEBNN: i32 = 6; /// OpenCV data layout for 5D data. pub const DNN_LAYOUT_NCDHW: i32 = 3; /// OpenCV data layout for 4D data. pub const DNN_LAYOUT_NCHW: i32 = 2; /// OpenCV data layout for 2D data. pub const DNN_LAYOUT_ND: i32 = 1; /// Tensorflow-like data layout for 5D data. pub const DNN_LAYOUT_NDHWC: i32 = 5; /// Tensorflow-like data layout for 4D data. pub const DNN_LAYOUT_NHWC: i32 = 4; /// Tensorflow-like data layout, it should only be used at tf or tflite model parsing. pub const DNN_LAYOUT_PLANAR: i32 = 6; pub const DNN_LAYOUT_UNKNOWN: i32 = 0; pub const DNN_PMODE_CROP_CENTER: i32 = 1; pub const DNN_PMODE_LETTERBOX: i32 = 2; pub const DNN_PMODE_NULL: i32 = 0; pub const DNN_TARGET_CPU: i32 = 0; pub const DNN_TARGET_CPU_FP16: i32 = 10; pub const DNN_TARGET_CUDA: i32 = 6; pub const DNN_TARGET_CUDA_FP16: i32 = 7; /// FPGA device with CPU fallbacks using Inference Engine's Heterogeneous plugin. pub const DNN_TARGET_FPGA: i32 = 5; pub const DNN_TARGET_HDDL: i32 = 8; pub const DNN_TARGET_MYRIAD: i32 = 3; pub const DNN_TARGET_NPU: i32 = 9; pub const DNN_TARGET_OPENCL: i32 = 1; pub const DNN_TARGET_OPENCL_FP16: i32 = 2; pub const DNN_TARGET_VULKAN: i32 = 4; pub const OPENCV_DNN_API_VERSION: i32 = 20240521; pub const SoftNMSMethod_SOFTNMS_GAUSSIAN: i32 = 2; pub const SoftNMSMethod_SOFTNMS_LINEAR: i32 = 1; /// Enum of computation backends supported by layers. /// ## See also /// Net::setPreferableBackend #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Backend { /// DNN_BACKEND_DEFAULT equals to OPENCV_DNN_BACKEND_DEFAULT, which can be defined using CMake or a configuration parameter DNN_BACKEND_DEFAULT = 0, /// DNN_BACKEND_DEFAULT equals to OPENCV_DNN_BACKEND_DEFAULT, which can be defined using CMake or a configuration parameter DNN_BACKEND_HALIDE = 1, /// Intel OpenVINO computational backend /// /// Note: Tutorial how to build OpenCV with OpenVINO: [tutorial_dnn_openvino] DNN_BACKEND_INFERENCE_ENGINE = 2, DNN_BACKEND_OPENCV = 3, DNN_BACKEND_VKCOM = 4, DNN_BACKEND_CUDA = 5, DNN_BACKEND_WEBNN = 6, DNN_BACKEND_TIMVX = 7, DNN_BACKEND_CANN = 8, } impl TryFrom for Backend { type Error = crate::Error; fn try_from(value: i32) -> Result { match value { 0 => Ok(Self::DNN_BACKEND_DEFAULT), 1 => Ok(Self::DNN_BACKEND_HALIDE), 2 => Ok(Self::DNN_BACKEND_INFERENCE_ENGINE), 3 => Ok(Self::DNN_BACKEND_OPENCV), 4 => Ok(Self::DNN_BACKEND_VKCOM), 5 => Ok(Self::DNN_BACKEND_CUDA), 6 => Ok(Self::DNN_BACKEND_WEBNN), 7 => Ok(Self::DNN_BACKEND_TIMVX), 8 => Ok(Self::DNN_BACKEND_CANN), _ => Err(crate::Error::new(crate::core::StsBadArg, format!("Value: {value} is not valid for enum: crate::dnn::Backend"))), } } } opencv_type_enum! { crate::dnn::Backend } /// Enum of data layout for model inference. /// ## See also /// Image2BlobParams #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum DataLayout { DNN_LAYOUT_UNKNOWN = 0, /// OpenCV data layout for 2D data. DNN_LAYOUT_ND = 1, /// OpenCV data layout for 4D data. DNN_LAYOUT_NCHW = 2, /// OpenCV data layout for 5D data. DNN_LAYOUT_NCDHW = 3, /// Tensorflow-like data layout for 4D data. DNN_LAYOUT_NHWC = 4, /// Tensorflow-like data layout for 5D data. DNN_LAYOUT_NDHWC = 5, /// Tensorflow-like data layout, it should only be used at tf or tflite model parsing. DNN_LAYOUT_PLANAR = 6, } impl TryFrom for DataLayout { type Error = crate::Error; fn try_from(value: i32) -> Result { match value { 0 => Ok(Self::DNN_LAYOUT_UNKNOWN), 1 => Ok(Self::DNN_LAYOUT_ND), 2 => Ok(Self::DNN_LAYOUT_NCHW), 3 => Ok(Self::DNN_LAYOUT_NCDHW), 4 => Ok(Self::DNN_LAYOUT_NHWC), 5 => Ok(Self::DNN_LAYOUT_NDHWC), 6 => Ok(Self::DNN_LAYOUT_PLANAR), _ => Err(crate::Error::new(crate::core::StsBadArg, format!("Value: {value} is not valid for enum: crate::dnn::DataLayout"))), } } } opencv_type_enum! { crate::dnn::DataLayout } /// Enum of image processing mode. /// To facilitate the specialization pre-processing requirements of the dnn model. /// For example, the `letter box` often used in the Yolo series of models. /// ## See also /// Image2BlobParams #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ImagePaddingMode { DNN_PMODE_NULL = 0, DNN_PMODE_CROP_CENTER = 1, DNN_PMODE_LETTERBOX = 2, } impl TryFrom for ImagePaddingMode { type Error = crate::Error; fn try_from(value: i32) -> Result { match value { 0 => Ok(Self::DNN_PMODE_NULL), 1 => Ok(Self::DNN_PMODE_CROP_CENTER), 2 => Ok(Self::DNN_PMODE_LETTERBOX), _ => Err(crate::Error::new(crate::core::StsBadArg, format!("Value: {value} is not valid for enum: crate::dnn::ImagePaddingMode"))), } } } opencv_type_enum! { crate::dnn::ImagePaddingMode } /// Enum of Soft NMS methods. /// ## See also /// softNMSBoxes #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum SoftNMSMethod { SOFTNMS_LINEAR = 1, SOFTNMS_GAUSSIAN = 2, } impl TryFrom for SoftNMSMethod { type Error = crate::Error; fn try_from(value: i32) -> Result { match value { 1 => Ok(Self::SOFTNMS_LINEAR), 2 => Ok(Self::SOFTNMS_GAUSSIAN), _ => Err(crate::Error::new(crate::core::StsBadArg, format!("Value: {value} is not valid for enum: crate::dnn::SoftNMSMethod"))), } } } opencv_type_enum! { crate::dnn::SoftNMSMethod } /// Enum of target devices for computations. /// ## See also /// Net::setPreferableTarget #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Target { DNN_TARGET_CPU = 0, DNN_TARGET_OPENCL = 1, DNN_TARGET_OPENCL_FP16 = 2, DNN_TARGET_MYRIAD = 3, DNN_TARGET_VULKAN = 4, /// FPGA device with CPU fallbacks using Inference Engine's Heterogeneous plugin. DNN_TARGET_FPGA = 5, DNN_TARGET_CUDA = 6, DNN_TARGET_CUDA_FP16 = 7, DNN_TARGET_HDDL = 8, DNN_TARGET_NPU = 9, DNN_TARGET_CPU_FP16 = 10, } impl TryFrom for Target { type Error = crate::Error; fn try_from(value: i32) -> Result { match value { 0 => Ok(Self::DNN_TARGET_CPU), 1 => Ok(Self::DNN_TARGET_OPENCL), 2 => Ok(Self::DNN_TARGET_OPENCL_FP16), 3 => Ok(Self::DNN_TARGET_MYRIAD), 4 => Ok(Self::DNN_TARGET_VULKAN), 5 => Ok(Self::DNN_TARGET_FPGA), 6 => Ok(Self::DNN_TARGET_CUDA), 7 => Ok(Self::DNN_TARGET_CUDA_FP16), 8 => Ok(Self::DNN_TARGET_HDDL), 9 => Ok(Self::DNN_TARGET_NPU), 10 => Ok(Self::DNN_TARGET_CPU_FP16), _ => Err(crate::Error::new(crate::core::StsBadArg, format!("Value: {value} is not valid for enum: crate::dnn::Target"))), } } } opencv_type_enum! { crate::dnn::Target } /// Each Layer class must provide this function to the factory pub type LayerFactory_Constructor = Option *mut c_void>; pub type MatShape = core::Vector; /// Container for strings and integers. /// /// /// **Deprecated**: Use getLayerId() with int result. #[deprecated = "Use getLayerId() with int result."] pub type Net_LayerId = crate::dnn::DictValue; /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [nms_boxes_batched_1] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * eta: 1.f /// * top_k: 0 #[inline] pub fn nms_boxes_batched_1_def(bboxes: &core::Vector, scores: &core::Vector, class_ids: &core::Vector, score_threshold: f32, nms_threshold: f32, indices: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NMSBoxesBatched_const_vectorLRect2dGR_const_vectorLfloatGR_const_vectorLintGR_const_float_const_float_vectorLintGR(bboxes.as_raw_VectorOfRect2d(), scores.as_raw_VectorOff32(), class_ids.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), score_threshold, nms_threshold, indices.as_raw_mut_VectorOfi32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * eta: 1.f /// * top_k: 0 #[inline] pub fn nms_boxes_batched_1(bboxes: &core::Vector, scores: &core::Vector, class_ids: &core::Vector, score_threshold: f32, nms_threshold: f32, indices: &mut core::Vector, eta: f32, top_k: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NMSBoxesBatched_const_vectorLRect2dGR_const_vectorLfloatGR_const_vectorLintGR_const_float_const_float_vectorLintGR_const_float_const_int(bboxes.as_raw_VectorOfRect2d(), scores.as_raw_VectorOff32(), class_ids.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), score_threshold, nms_threshold, indices.as_raw_mut_VectorOfi32(), eta, top_k, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Performs batched non maximum suppression on given boxes and corresponding scores across different classes. /// /// ## Parameters /// * bboxes: a set of bounding boxes to apply NMS. /// * scores: a set of corresponding confidences. /// * class_ids: a set of corresponding class ids. Ids are integer and usually start from 0. /// * score_threshold: a threshold used to filter boxes by score. /// * nms_threshold: a threshold used in non maximum suppression. /// * indices: the kept indices of bboxes after NMS. /// * eta: a coefficient in adaptive threshold formula: ![inline formula]( /// * top_k: if `>0`, keep at most @p top_k picked indices. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [nms_boxes_batched] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * eta: 1.f /// * top_k: 0 #[inline] pub fn nms_boxes_batched_def(bboxes: &core::Vector, scores: &core::Vector, class_ids: &core::Vector, score_threshold: f32, nms_threshold: f32, indices: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NMSBoxesBatched_const_vectorLRectGR_const_vectorLfloatGR_const_vectorLintGR_const_float_const_float_vectorLintGR(bboxes.as_raw_VectorOfRect(), scores.as_raw_VectorOff32(), class_ids.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), score_threshold, nms_threshold, indices.as_raw_mut_VectorOfi32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Performs batched non maximum suppression on given boxes and corresponding scores across different classes. /// /// ## Parameters /// * bboxes: a set of bounding boxes to apply NMS. /// * scores: a set of corresponding confidences. /// * class_ids: a set of corresponding class ids. Ids are integer and usually start from 0. /// * score_threshold: a threshold used to filter boxes by score. /// * nms_threshold: a threshold used in non maximum suppression. /// * indices: the kept indices of bboxes after NMS. /// * eta: a coefficient in adaptive threshold formula: ![inline formula]( /// * top_k: if `>0`, keep at most @p top_k picked indices. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * eta: 1.f /// * top_k: 0 #[inline] pub fn nms_boxes_batched(bboxes: &core::Vector, scores: &core::Vector, class_ids: &core::Vector, score_threshold: f32, nms_threshold: f32, indices: &mut core::Vector, eta: f32, top_k: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NMSBoxesBatched_const_vectorLRectGR_const_vectorLfloatGR_const_vectorLintGR_const_float_const_float_vectorLintGR_const_float_const_int(bboxes.as_raw_VectorOfRect(), scores.as_raw_VectorOff32(), class_ids.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), score_threshold, nms_threshold, indices.as_raw_mut_VectorOfi32(), eta, top_k, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [nms_boxes_f64] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * eta: 1.f /// * top_k: 0 #[inline] pub fn nms_boxes_f64_def(bboxes: &core::Vector, scores: &core::Vector, score_threshold: f32, nms_threshold: f32, indices: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NMSBoxes_const_vectorLRect2dGR_const_vectorLfloatGR_const_float_const_float_vectorLintGR(bboxes.as_raw_VectorOfRect2d(), scores.as_raw_VectorOff32(), score_threshold, nms_threshold, indices.as_raw_mut_VectorOfi32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * eta: 1.f /// * top_k: 0 #[inline] pub fn nms_boxes_f64(bboxes: &core::Vector, scores: &core::Vector, score_threshold: f32, nms_threshold: f32, indices: &mut core::Vector, eta: f32, top_k: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NMSBoxes_const_vectorLRect2dGR_const_vectorLfloatGR_const_float_const_float_vectorLintGR_const_float_const_int(bboxes.as_raw_VectorOfRect2d(), scores.as_raw_VectorOff32(), score_threshold, nms_threshold, indices.as_raw_mut_VectorOfi32(), eta, top_k, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Performs non maximum suppression given boxes and corresponding scores. /// /// ## Parameters /// * bboxes: a set of bounding boxes to apply NMS. /// * scores: a set of corresponding confidences. /// * score_threshold: a threshold used to filter boxes by score. /// * nms_threshold: a threshold used in non maximum suppression. /// * indices: the kept indices of bboxes after NMS. /// * eta: a coefficient in adaptive threshold formula: ![inline formula]( /// * top_k: if `>0`, keep at most @p top_k picked indices. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [nms_boxes] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * eta: 1.f /// * top_k: 0 #[inline] pub fn nms_boxes_def(bboxes: &core::Vector, scores: &core::Vector, score_threshold: f32, nms_threshold: f32, indices: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NMSBoxes_const_vectorLRectGR_const_vectorLfloatGR_const_float_const_float_vectorLintGR(bboxes.as_raw_VectorOfRect(), scores.as_raw_VectorOff32(), score_threshold, nms_threshold, indices.as_raw_mut_VectorOfi32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Performs non maximum suppression given boxes and corresponding scores. /// /// ## Parameters /// * bboxes: a set of bounding boxes to apply NMS. /// * scores: a set of corresponding confidences. /// * score_threshold: a threshold used to filter boxes by score. /// * nms_threshold: a threshold used in non maximum suppression. /// * indices: the kept indices of bboxes after NMS. /// * eta: a coefficient in adaptive threshold formula: ![inline formula]( /// * top_k: if `>0`, keep at most @p top_k picked indices. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * eta: 1.f /// * top_k: 0 #[inline] pub fn nms_boxes(bboxes: &core::Vector, scores: &core::Vector, score_threshold: f32, nms_threshold: f32, indices: &mut core::Vector, eta: f32, top_k: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NMSBoxes_const_vectorLRectGR_const_vectorLfloatGR_const_float_const_float_vectorLintGR_const_float_const_int(bboxes.as_raw_VectorOfRect(), scores.as_raw_VectorOff32(), score_threshold, nms_threshold, indices.as_raw_mut_VectorOfi32(), eta, top_k, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [nms_boxes_rotated] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * eta: 1.f /// * top_k: 0 #[inline] pub fn nms_boxes_rotated_def(bboxes: &core::Vector, scores: &core::Vector, score_threshold: f32, nms_threshold: f32, indices: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NMSBoxes_const_vectorLRotatedRectGR_const_vectorLfloatGR_const_float_const_float_vectorLintGR(bboxes.as_raw_VectorOfRotatedRect(), scores.as_raw_VectorOff32(), score_threshold, nms_threshold, indices.as_raw_mut_VectorOfi32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * eta: 1.f /// * top_k: 0 #[inline] pub fn nms_boxes_rotated(bboxes: &core::Vector, scores: &core::Vector, score_threshold: f32, nms_threshold: f32, indices: &mut core::Vector, eta: f32, top_k: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NMSBoxes_const_vectorLRotatedRectGR_const_vectorLfloatGR_const_float_const_float_vectorLintGR_const_float_const_int(bboxes.as_raw_VectorOfRotatedRect(), scores.as_raw_VectorOff32(), score_threshold, nms_threshold, indices.as_raw_mut_VectorOfi32(), eta, top_k, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Creates 4-dimensional blob from image with given params. /// /// @details This function is an extension of [blobFromImage] to meet more image preprocess needs. /// Given input image and preprocessing parameters, and function outputs the blob. /// /// ## Parameters /// * image: input image (all with 1-, 3- or 4-channels). /// * param: struct of Image2BlobParams, contains all parameters needed by processing of image to blob. /// ## Returns /// 4-dimensional Mat. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [blob_from_image_with_params] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * param: Image2BlobParams() #[inline] pub fn blob_from_image_with_params_def(image: &impl ToInputArray) -> Result { input_array_arg!(image); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_blobFromImageWithParams_const__InputArrayR(image.as_raw__InputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Creates 4-dimensional blob from image with given params. /// /// @details This function is an extension of [blobFromImage] to meet more image preprocess needs. /// Given input image and preprocessing parameters, and function outputs the blob. /// /// ## Parameters /// * image: input image (all with 1-, 3- or 4-channels). /// * param: struct of Image2BlobParams, contains all parameters needed by processing of image to blob. /// ## Returns /// 4-dimensional Mat. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * param: Image2BlobParams() #[inline] pub fn blob_from_image_with_params(image: &impl ToInputArray, param: crate::dnn::Image2BlobParams) -> Result { input_array_arg!(image); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_blobFromImageWithParams_const__InputArrayR_const_Image2BlobParamsR(image.as_raw__InputArray(), ¶m, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// @overload /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [blob_from_image_with_params_1] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * param: Image2BlobParams() #[inline] pub fn blob_from_image_with_params_1_def(image: &impl ToInputArray, blob: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(image); output_array_arg!(blob); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_blobFromImageWithParams_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR(image.as_raw__InputArray(), blob.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Creates 4-dimensional blob from image with given params. /// /// @details This function is an extension of [blobFromImage] to meet more image preprocess needs. /// Given input image and preprocessing parameters, and function outputs the blob. /// /// ## Parameters /// * image: input image (all with 1-, 3- or 4-channels). /// * param: struct of Image2BlobParams, contains all parameters needed by processing of image to blob. /// ## Returns /// 4-dimensional Mat. /// /// ## Overloaded parameters /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * param: Image2BlobParams() #[inline] pub fn blob_from_image_with_params_1(image: &impl ToInputArray, blob: &mut impl ToOutputArray, param: crate::dnn::Image2BlobParams) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(image); output_array_arg!(blob); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_blobFromImageWithParams_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR_const_Image2BlobParamsR(image.as_raw__InputArray(), blob.as_raw__OutputArray(), ¶m, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Creates 4-dimensional blob from image. Optionally resizes and crops @p image from center, /// subtract @p mean values, scales values by @p scalefactor, swap Blue and Red channels. /// ## Parameters /// * image: input image (with 1-, 3- or 4-channels). /// * scalefactor: multiplier for @p images values. /// * size: spatial size for output image /// * mean: scalar with mean values which are subtracted from channels. Values are intended /// to be in (mean-R, mean-G, mean-B) order if @p image has BGR ordering and @p swapRB is true. /// * swapRB: flag which indicates that swap first and last channels /// in 3-channel image is necessary. /// * crop: flag which indicates whether image will be cropped after resize or not /// * ddepth: Depth of output blob. Choose CV_32F or CV_8U. /// @details if @p crop is true, input image is resized so one side after resize is equal to corresponding /// dimension in @p size and another one is equal or larger. Then, crop from the center is performed. /// If @p crop is false, direct resize without cropping and preserving aspect ratio is performed. /// ## Returns /// 4-dimensional Mat with NCHW dimensions order. /// /// /// Note: /// The order and usage of `scalefactor` and `mean` are (input - mean) * scalefactor. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [blob_from_image] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * scalefactor: 1.0 /// * size: Size() /// * mean: Scalar() /// * swap_rb: false /// * crop: false /// * ddepth: CV_32F #[inline] pub fn blob_from_image_def(image: &impl ToInputArray) -> Result { input_array_arg!(image); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_blobFromImage_const__InputArrayR(image.as_raw__InputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Creates 4-dimensional blob from image. /// @details This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. /// It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [blob_from_image_to] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * scalefactor: 1.0 /// * size: Size() /// * mean: Scalar() /// * swap_rb: false /// * crop: false /// * ddepth: CV_32F #[inline] pub fn blob_from_image_to_def(image: &impl ToInputArray, blob: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(image); output_array_arg!(blob); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_blobFromImage_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR(image.as_raw__InputArray(), blob.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Creates 4-dimensional blob from image. /// @details This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. /// It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * scalefactor: 1.0 /// * size: Size() /// * mean: Scalar() /// * swap_rb: false /// * crop: false /// * ddepth: CV_32F #[inline] pub fn blob_from_image_to(image: &impl ToInputArray, blob: &mut impl ToOutputArray, scalefactor: f64, size: core::Size, mean: core::Scalar, swap_rb: bool, crop: bool, ddepth: i32) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(image); output_array_arg!(blob); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_blobFromImage_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR_double_const_SizeR_const_ScalarR_bool_bool_int(image.as_raw__InputArray(), blob.as_raw__OutputArray(), scalefactor, &size, &mean, swap_rb, crop, ddepth, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Creates 4-dimensional blob from image. Optionally resizes and crops @p image from center, /// subtract @p mean values, scales values by @p scalefactor, swap Blue and Red channels. /// ## Parameters /// * image: input image (with 1-, 3- or 4-channels). /// * scalefactor: multiplier for @p images values. /// * size: spatial size for output image /// * mean: scalar with mean values which are subtracted from channels. Values are intended /// to be in (mean-R, mean-G, mean-B) order if @p image has BGR ordering and @p swapRB is true. /// * swapRB: flag which indicates that swap first and last channels /// in 3-channel image is necessary. /// * crop: flag which indicates whether image will be cropped after resize or not /// * ddepth: Depth of output blob. Choose CV_32F or CV_8U. /// @details if @p crop is true, input image is resized so one side after resize is equal to corresponding /// dimension in @p size and another one is equal or larger. Then, crop from the center is performed. /// If @p crop is false, direct resize without cropping and preserving aspect ratio is performed. /// ## Returns /// 4-dimensional Mat with NCHW dimensions order. /// /// /// Note: /// The order and usage of `scalefactor` and `mean` are (input - mean) * scalefactor. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * scalefactor: 1.0 /// * size: Size() /// * mean: Scalar() /// * swap_rb: false /// * crop: false /// * ddepth: CV_32F #[inline] pub fn blob_from_image(image: &impl ToInputArray, scalefactor: f64, size: core::Size, mean: core::Scalar, swap_rb: bool, crop: bool, ddepth: i32) -> Result { input_array_arg!(image); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_blobFromImage_const__InputArrayR_double_const_SizeR_const_ScalarR_bool_bool_int(image.as_raw__InputArray(), scalefactor, &size, &mean, swap_rb, crop, ddepth, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Creates 4-dimensional blob from series of images with given params. /// /// @details This function is an extension of [blobFromImages] to meet more image preprocess needs. /// Given input image and preprocessing parameters, and function outputs the blob. /// /// ## Parameters /// * images: input image (all with 1-, 3- or 4-channels). /// * param: struct of Image2BlobParams, contains all parameters needed by processing of image to blob. /// ## Returns /// 4-dimensional Mat. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [blob_from_images_with_params] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * param: Image2BlobParams() #[inline] pub fn blob_from_images_with_params_def(images: &impl ToInputArray) -> Result { input_array_arg!(images); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_blobFromImagesWithParams_const__InputArrayR(images.as_raw__InputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Creates 4-dimensional blob from series of images with given params. /// /// @details This function is an extension of [blobFromImages] to meet more image preprocess needs. /// Given input image and preprocessing parameters, and function outputs the blob. /// /// ## Parameters /// * images: input image (all with 1-, 3- or 4-channels). /// * param: struct of Image2BlobParams, contains all parameters needed by processing of image to blob. /// ## Returns /// 4-dimensional Mat. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * param: Image2BlobParams() #[inline] pub fn blob_from_images_with_params(images: &impl ToInputArray, param: crate::dnn::Image2BlobParams) -> Result { input_array_arg!(images); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_blobFromImagesWithParams_const__InputArrayR_const_Image2BlobParamsR(images.as_raw__InputArray(), ¶m, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// @overload /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [blob_from_images_with_params_1] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * param: Image2BlobParams() #[inline] pub fn blob_from_images_with_params_1_def(images: &impl ToInputArray, blob: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(images); output_array_arg!(blob); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_blobFromImagesWithParams_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR(images.as_raw__InputArray(), blob.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Creates 4-dimensional blob from series of images with given params. /// /// @details This function is an extension of [blobFromImages] to meet more image preprocess needs. /// Given input image and preprocessing parameters, and function outputs the blob. /// /// ## Parameters /// * images: input image (all with 1-, 3- or 4-channels). /// * param: struct of Image2BlobParams, contains all parameters needed by processing of image to blob. /// ## Returns /// 4-dimensional Mat. /// /// ## Overloaded parameters /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * param: Image2BlobParams() #[inline] pub fn blob_from_images_with_params_1(images: &impl ToInputArray, blob: &mut impl ToOutputArray, param: crate::dnn::Image2BlobParams) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(images); output_array_arg!(blob); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_blobFromImagesWithParams_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR_const_Image2BlobParamsR(images.as_raw__InputArray(), blob.as_raw__OutputArray(), ¶m, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Creates 4-dimensional blob from series of images. Optionally resizes and /// crops @p images from center, subtract @p mean values, scales values by @p scalefactor, /// swap Blue and Red channels. /// ## Parameters /// * images: input images (all with 1-, 3- or 4-channels). /// * size: spatial size for output image /// * mean: scalar with mean values which are subtracted from channels. Values are intended /// to be in (mean-R, mean-G, mean-B) order if @p image has BGR ordering and @p swapRB is true. /// * scalefactor: multiplier for @p images values. /// * swapRB: flag which indicates that swap first and last channels /// in 3-channel image is necessary. /// * crop: flag which indicates whether image will be cropped after resize or not /// * ddepth: Depth of output blob. Choose CV_32F or CV_8U. /// @details if @p crop is true, input image is resized so one side after resize is equal to corresponding /// dimension in @p size and another one is equal or larger. Then, crop from the center is performed. /// If @p crop is false, direct resize without cropping and preserving aspect ratio is performed. /// ## Returns /// 4-dimensional Mat with NCHW dimensions order. /// /// /// Note: /// The order and usage of `scalefactor` and `mean` are (input - mean) * scalefactor. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [blob_from_images] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * scalefactor: 1.0 /// * size: Size() /// * mean: Scalar() /// * swap_rb: false /// * crop: false /// * ddepth: CV_32F #[inline] pub fn blob_from_images_def(images: &impl ToInputArray) -> Result { input_array_arg!(images); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_blobFromImages_const__InputArrayR(images.as_raw__InputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Creates 4-dimensional blob from series of images. /// @details This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. /// It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [blob_from_images_to] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * scalefactor: 1.0 /// * size: Size() /// * mean: Scalar() /// * swap_rb: false /// * crop: false /// * ddepth: CV_32F #[inline] pub fn blob_from_images_to_def(images: &impl ToInputArray, blob: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(images); output_array_arg!(blob); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_blobFromImages_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR(images.as_raw__InputArray(), blob.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Creates 4-dimensional blob from series of images. /// @details This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. /// It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * scalefactor: 1.0 /// * size: Size() /// * mean: Scalar() /// * swap_rb: false /// * crop: false /// * ddepth: CV_32F #[inline] pub fn blob_from_images_to(images: &impl ToInputArray, blob: &mut impl ToOutputArray, scalefactor: f64, size: core::Size, mean: core::Scalar, swap_rb: bool, crop: bool, ddepth: i32) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(images); output_array_arg!(blob); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_blobFromImages_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR_double_Size_const_ScalarR_bool_bool_int(images.as_raw__InputArray(), blob.as_raw__OutputArray(), scalefactor, &size, &mean, swap_rb, crop, ddepth, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Creates 4-dimensional blob from series of images. Optionally resizes and /// crops @p images from center, subtract @p mean values, scales values by @p scalefactor, /// swap Blue and Red channels. /// ## Parameters /// * images: input images (all with 1-, 3- or 4-channels). /// * size: spatial size for output image /// * mean: scalar with mean values which are subtracted from channels. Values are intended /// to be in (mean-R, mean-G, mean-B) order if @p image has BGR ordering and @p swapRB is true. /// * scalefactor: multiplier for @p images values. /// * swapRB: flag which indicates that swap first and last channels /// in 3-channel image is necessary. /// * crop: flag which indicates whether image will be cropped after resize or not /// * ddepth: Depth of output blob. Choose CV_32F or CV_8U. /// @details if @p crop is true, input image is resized so one side after resize is equal to corresponding /// dimension in @p size and another one is equal or larger. Then, crop from the center is performed. /// If @p crop is false, direct resize without cropping and preserving aspect ratio is performed. /// ## Returns /// 4-dimensional Mat with NCHW dimensions order. /// /// /// Note: /// The order and usage of `scalefactor` and `mean` are (input - mean) * scalefactor. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * scalefactor: 1.0 /// * size: Size() /// * mean: Scalar() /// * swap_rb: false /// * crop: false /// * ddepth: CV_32F #[inline] pub fn blob_from_images(images: &impl ToInputArray, scalefactor: f64, size: core::Size, mean: core::Scalar, swap_rb: bool, crop: bool, ddepth: i32) -> Result { input_array_arg!(images); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_blobFromImages_const__InputArrayR_double_Size_const_ScalarR_bool_bool_int(images.as_raw__InputArray(), scalefactor, &size, &mean, swap_rb, crop, ddepth, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] pub fn concat(a: &crate::dnn::MatShape, b: &crate::dnn::MatShape) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_concat_const_MatShapeR_const_MatShapeR(a.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), b.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::MatShape::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Enables detailed logging of the DNN model loading with CV DNN API. /// ## Parameters /// * isDiagnosticsMode: Indicates whether diagnostic mode should be set. /// /// Diagnostic mode provides detailed logging of the model loading stage to explore /// potential problems (ex.: not implemented layer type). /// /// /// Note: In diagnostic mode series of assertions will be skipped, it can lead to the /// expected application crash. #[inline] pub fn enable_model_diagnostics(is_diagnostics_mode: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_enableModelDiagnostics_bool(is_diagnostics_mode, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] pub fn get_available_backends() -> Result>> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_getAvailableBackends(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::>::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] pub fn get_available_targets(be: crate::dnn::Backend) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_getAvailableTargets_Backend(be, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Returns Inference Engine internal backend API. /// /// See values of `CV_DNN_BACKEND_INFERENCE_ENGINE_*` macros. /// /// `OPENCV_DNN_BACKEND_INFERENCE_ENGINE_TYPE` runtime parameter (environment variable) is ignored since 4.6.0. /// /// @deprecated #[inline] pub fn get_inference_engine_backend_type() -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_getInferenceEngineBackendType(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Returns Inference Engine CPU type. /// /// Specify OpenVINO plugin: CPU or ARM. #[inline] pub fn get_inference_engine_cpu_type() -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_getInferenceEngineCPUType(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Returns Inference Engine VPU type. /// /// See values of `CV_DNN_INFERENCE_ENGINE_VPU_TYPE_*` macros. #[inline] pub fn get_inference_engine_vpu_type() -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_getInferenceEngineVPUType(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] pub fn get_plane(m: &impl core::MatTraitConst, n: i32, cn: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_getPlane_const_MatR_int_int(m.as_raw_Mat(), n, cn, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Parse a 4D blob and output the images it contains as 2D arrays through a simpler data structure /// (std::vector). /// ## Parameters /// * blob_: 4 dimensional array (images, channels, height, width) in floating point precision (CV_32F) from /// which you would like to extract the images. /// * images_:[out] array of 2D Mat containing the images extracted from the blob in floating point precision /// (CV_32F). They are non normalized neither mean added. The number of returned images equals the first dimension /// of the blob (batch size). Every image has a number of channels equals to the second dimension of the blob (depth). #[inline] pub fn images_from_blob(blob_: &impl core::MatTraitConst, images_: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { output_array_arg!(images_); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_imagesFromBlob_const_MatR_const__OutputArrayR(blob_.as_raw_Mat(), images_.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in Caffe framework's format. /// ## Parameters /// * prototxt: path to the .prototxt file with text description of the network architecture. /// * caffeModel: path to the .caffemodel file with learned network. /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [read_net_from_caffe] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * caffe_model: String() #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_caffe_def(prototxt: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(prototxt); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromCaffe_const_StringR(prototxt.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in Caffe framework's format. /// ## Parameters /// * prototxt: path to the .prototxt file with text description of the network architecture. /// * caffeModel: path to the .caffemodel file with learned network. /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * caffe_model: String() #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_caffe(prototxt: &str, caffe_model: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(prototxt); extern_container_arg!(caffe_model); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromCaffe_const_StringR_const_StringR(prototxt.opencv_as_extern(), caffe_model.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in Caffe model in memory. /// @details This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. /// It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. /// ## Parameters /// * bufferProto: buffer containing the content of the .prototxt file /// * lenProto: length of bufferProto /// * bufferModel: buffer containing the content of the .caffemodel file /// * lenModel: length of bufferModel /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [read_net_from_caffe_str] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * buffer_model: NULL /// * len_model: 0 #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_caffe_str_def(buffer_proto: &str, len_proto: size_t) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(buffer_proto); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromCaffe_const_charX_size_t(buffer_proto.opencv_as_extern(), len_proto, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in Caffe model in memory. /// @details This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. /// It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. /// ## Parameters /// * bufferProto: buffer containing the content of the .prototxt file /// * lenProto: length of bufferProto /// * bufferModel: buffer containing the content of the .caffemodel file /// * lenModel: length of bufferModel /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * buffer_model: NULL /// * len_model: 0 #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_caffe_str(buffer_proto: &str, len_proto: size_t, buffer_model: &str, len_model: size_t) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(buffer_proto); extern_container_arg!(buffer_model); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromCaffe_const_charX_size_t_const_charX_size_t(buffer_proto.opencv_as_extern(), len_proto, buffer_model.opencv_as_extern(), len_model, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in Caffe model in memory. /// ## Parameters /// * bufferProto: buffer containing the content of the .prototxt file /// * bufferModel: buffer containing the content of the .caffemodel file /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [read_net_from_caffe_buffer] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * buffer_model: std::vector() #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_caffe_buffer_def(buffer_proto: &core::Vector) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromCaffe_const_vectorLunsigned_charGR(buffer_proto.as_raw_VectorOfu8(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in Caffe model in memory. /// ## Parameters /// * bufferProto: buffer containing the content of the .prototxt file /// * bufferModel: buffer containing the content of the .caffemodel file /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * buffer_model: std::vector() #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_caffe_buffer(buffer_proto: &core::Vector, buffer_model: &core::Vector) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromCaffe_const_vectorLunsigned_charGR_const_vectorLunsigned_charGR(buffer_proto.as_raw_VectorOfu8(), buffer_model.as_raw_VectorOfu8(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in Darknet model files. /// ## Parameters /// * cfgFile: path to the .cfg file with text description of the network architecture. /// * darknetModel: path to the .weights file with learned network. /// ## Returns /// Network object that ready to do forward, throw an exception in failure cases. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [read_net_from_darknet] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * darknet_model: String() #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_darknet_def(cfg_file: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(cfg_file); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromDarknet_const_StringR(cfg_file.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in Darknet model files. /// ## Parameters /// * cfgFile: path to the .cfg file with text description of the network architecture. /// * darknetModel: path to the .weights file with learned network. /// ## Returns /// Network object that ready to do forward, throw an exception in failure cases. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * darknet_model: String() #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_darknet(cfg_file: &str, darknet_model: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(cfg_file); extern_container_arg!(darknet_model); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromDarknet_const_StringR_const_StringR(cfg_file.opencv_as_extern(), darknet_model.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in Darknet model files. /// ## Parameters /// * bufferCfg: A buffer contains a content of .cfg file with text description of the network architecture. /// * lenCfg: Number of bytes to read from bufferCfg /// * bufferModel: A buffer contains a content of .weights file with learned network. /// * lenModel: Number of bytes to read from bufferModel /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [read_net_from_darknet_str] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * buffer_model: NULL /// * len_model: 0 #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_darknet_str_def(buffer_cfg: &str, len_cfg: size_t) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(buffer_cfg); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromDarknet_const_charX_size_t(buffer_cfg.opencv_as_extern(), len_cfg, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in Darknet model files. /// ## Parameters /// * bufferCfg: A buffer contains a content of .cfg file with text description of the network architecture. /// * lenCfg: Number of bytes to read from bufferCfg /// * bufferModel: A buffer contains a content of .weights file with learned network. /// * lenModel: Number of bytes to read from bufferModel /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * buffer_model: NULL /// * len_model: 0 #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_darknet_str(buffer_cfg: &str, len_cfg: size_t, buffer_model: &str, len_model: size_t) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(buffer_cfg); extern_container_arg!(buffer_model); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromDarknet_const_charX_size_t_const_charX_size_t(buffer_cfg.opencv_as_extern(), len_cfg, buffer_model.opencv_as_extern(), len_model, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in Darknet model files. /// ## Parameters /// * bufferCfg: A buffer contains a content of .cfg file with text description of the network architecture. /// * bufferModel: A buffer contains a content of .weights file with learned network. /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [read_net_from_darknet_buffer] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * buffer_model: std::vector() #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_darknet_buffer_def(buffer_cfg: &core::Vector) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromDarknet_const_vectorLunsigned_charGR(buffer_cfg.as_raw_VectorOfu8(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in Darknet model files. /// ## Parameters /// * bufferCfg: A buffer contains a content of .cfg file with text description of the network architecture. /// * bufferModel: A buffer contains a content of .weights file with learned network. /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * buffer_model: std::vector() #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_darknet_buffer(buffer_cfg: &core::Vector, buffer_model: &core::Vector) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromDarknet_const_vectorLunsigned_charGR_const_vectorLunsigned_charGR(buffer_cfg.as_raw_VectorOfu8(), buffer_model.as_raw_VectorOfu8(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Load a network from Intel's Model Optimizer intermediate representation. /// ## Parameters /// * xml: XML configuration file with network's topology. /// * bin: Binary file with trained weights. /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// Networks imported from Intel's Model Optimizer are launched in Intel's Inference Engine /// backend. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [read_net_from_model_optimizer] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * bin: "" #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_model_optimizer_def(xml: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(xml); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromModelOptimizer_const_StringR(xml.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Load a network from Intel's Model Optimizer intermediate representation. /// ## Parameters /// * xml: XML configuration file with network's topology. /// * bin: Binary file with trained weights. /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// Networks imported from Intel's Model Optimizer are launched in Intel's Inference Engine /// backend. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * bin: "" #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_model_optimizer(xml: &str, bin: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(xml); extern_container_arg!(bin); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromModelOptimizer_const_StringR_const_StringR(xml.opencv_as_extern(), bin.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Load a network from Intel's Model Optimizer intermediate representation. /// ## Parameters /// * bufferModelConfigPtr: Pointer to buffer which contains XML configuration with network's topology. /// * bufferModelConfigSize: Binary size of XML configuration data. /// * bufferWeightsPtr: Pointer to buffer which contains binary data with trained weights. /// * bufferWeightsSize: Binary size of trained weights data. /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// Networks imported from Intel's Model Optimizer are launched in Intel's Inference Engine /// backend. #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_model_optimizer_2(buffer_model_config_ptr: &[u8], buffer_weights_ptr: &[u8]) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromModelOptimizer_const_unsigned_charX_size_t_const_unsigned_charX_size_t(buffer_model_config_ptr.as_ptr(), buffer_model_config_ptr.len(), buffer_weights_ptr.as_ptr(), buffer_weights_ptr.len(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Load a network from Intel's Model Optimizer intermediate representation. /// ## Parameters /// * bufferModelConfig: Buffer contains XML configuration with network's topology. /// * bufferWeights: Buffer contains binary data with trained weights. /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// Networks imported from Intel's Model Optimizer are launched in Intel's Inference Engine /// backend. #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_model_optimizer_1(buffer_model_config: &core::Vector, buffer_weights: &core::Vector) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromModelOptimizer_const_vectorLunsigned_charGR_const_vectorLunsigned_charGR(buffer_model_config.as_raw_VectorOfu8(), buffer_weights.as_raw_VectorOfu8(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model ONNX. /// ## Parameters /// * onnxFile: path to the .onnx file with text description of the network architecture. /// ## Returns /// Network object that ready to do forward, throw an exception in failure cases. #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_onnx(onnx_file: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(onnx_file); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromONNX_const_StringR(onnx_file.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model from ONNX /// in-memory buffer. /// ## Parameters /// * buffer: memory address of the first byte of the buffer. /// * sizeBuffer: size of the buffer. /// ## Returns /// Network object that ready to do forward, throw an exception /// in failure cases. #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_onnx_str(buffer: &str, size_buffer: size_t) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(buffer); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromONNX_const_charX_size_t(buffer.opencv_as_extern(), size_buffer, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model from ONNX /// in-memory buffer. /// ## Parameters /// * buffer: in-memory buffer that stores the ONNX model bytes. /// ## Returns /// Network object that ready to do forward, throw an exception /// in failure cases. #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_onnx_buffer(buffer: &core::Vector) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromONNX_const_vectorLunsigned_charGR(buffer.as_raw_VectorOfu8(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in TFLite framework's format. /// ## Parameters /// * model: path to the .tflite file with binary flatbuffers description of the network architecture /// ## Returns /// Net object. #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_tf_lite(model: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromTFLite_const_StringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in TFLite framework's format. /// @details This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. /// It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. /// ## Parameters /// * bufferModel: buffer containing the content of the tflite file /// * lenModel: length of bufferModel #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_tf_lite_2(buffer_model: &str, len_model: size_t) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(buffer_model); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromTFLite_const_charX_size_t(buffer_model.opencv_as_extern(), len_model, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in TFLite framework's format. /// ## Parameters /// * bufferModel: buffer containing the content of the tflite file /// ## Returns /// Net object. #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_tf_lite_1(buffer_model: &core::Vector) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromTFLite_const_vectorLunsigned_charGR(buffer_model.as_raw_VectorOfu8(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in TensorFlow framework's format. /// ## Parameters /// * model: path to the .pb file with binary protobuf description of the network architecture /// * config: path to the .pbtxt file that contains text graph definition in protobuf format. /// Resulting Net object is built by text graph using weights from a binary one that /// let us make it more flexible. /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [read_net_from_tensorflow] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * config: String() #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_tensorflow_def(model: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromTensorflow_const_StringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in TensorFlow framework's format. /// ## Parameters /// * model: path to the .pb file with binary protobuf description of the network architecture /// * config: path to the .pbtxt file that contains text graph definition in protobuf format. /// Resulting Net object is built by text graph using weights from a binary one that /// let us make it more flexible. /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * config: String() #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_tensorflow(model: &str, config: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); extern_container_arg!(config); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromTensorflow_const_StringR_const_StringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), config.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in TensorFlow framework's format. /// @details This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. /// It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. /// ## Parameters /// * bufferModel: buffer containing the content of the pb file /// * lenModel: length of bufferModel /// * bufferConfig: buffer containing the content of the pbtxt file /// * lenConfig: length of bufferConfig /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [read_net_from_tensorflow_str] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * buffer_config: NULL /// * len_config: 0 #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_tensorflow_str_def(buffer_model: &str, len_model: size_t) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(buffer_model); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromTensorflow_const_charX_size_t(buffer_model.opencv_as_extern(), len_model, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in TensorFlow framework's format. /// @details This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. /// It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. /// ## Parameters /// * bufferModel: buffer containing the content of the pb file /// * lenModel: length of bufferModel /// * bufferConfig: buffer containing the content of the pbtxt file /// * lenConfig: length of bufferConfig /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * buffer_config: NULL /// * len_config: 0 #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_tensorflow_str(buffer_model: &str, len_model: size_t, buffer_config: &str, len_config: size_t) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(buffer_model); extern_container_arg!(buffer_config); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromTensorflow_const_charX_size_t_const_charX_size_t(buffer_model.opencv_as_extern(), len_model, buffer_config.opencv_as_extern(), len_config, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in TensorFlow framework's format. /// ## Parameters /// * bufferModel: buffer containing the content of the pb file /// * bufferConfig: buffer containing the content of the pbtxt file /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [read_net_from_tensorflow_buffer] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * buffer_config: std::vector() #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_tensorflow_buffer_def(buffer_model: &core::Vector) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromTensorflow_const_vectorLunsigned_charGR(buffer_model.as_raw_VectorOfu8(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in TensorFlow framework's format. /// ## Parameters /// * bufferModel: buffer containing the content of the pb file /// * bufferConfig: buffer containing the content of the pbtxt file /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * buffer_config: std::vector() #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_tensorflow_buffer(buffer_model: &core::Vector, buffer_config: &core::Vector) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromTensorflow_const_vectorLunsigned_charGR_const_vectorLunsigned_charGR(buffer_model.as_raw_VectorOfu8(), buffer_config.as_raw_VectorOfu8(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in Torch7 framework's format. /// ## Parameters /// * model: path to the file, dumped from Torch by using function. /// * isBinary: specifies whether the network was serialized in ascii mode or binary. /// * evaluate: specifies testing phase of network. If true, it's similar to evaluate() method in Torch. /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// /// /// Note: Ascii mode of Torch serializer is more preferable, because binary mode extensively use `long` type of C language, /// which has various bit-length on different systems. /// /// The loading file must contain serialized nn.Module object /// with importing network. Try to eliminate a custom objects from serialazing data to avoid importing errors. /// /// List of supported layers (i.e. object instances derived from Torch nn.Module class): /// - nn.Sequential /// - nn.Parallel /// - nn.Concat /// - nn.Linear /// - nn.SpatialConvolution /// - nn.SpatialMaxPooling, nn.SpatialAveragePooling /// - nn.ReLU, nn.TanH, nn.Sigmoid /// - nn.Reshape /// - nn.SoftMax, nn.LogSoftMax /// /// Also some equivalents of these classes from cunn, cudnn, and fbcunn may be successfully imported. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [read_net_from_torch] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * is_binary: true /// * evaluate: true #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_torch_def(model: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromTorch_const_StringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Reads a network model stored in Torch7 framework's format. /// ## Parameters /// * model: path to the file, dumped from Torch by using function. /// * isBinary: specifies whether the network was serialized in ascii mode or binary. /// * evaluate: specifies testing phase of network. If true, it's similar to evaluate() method in Torch. /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// /// /// Note: Ascii mode of Torch serializer is more preferable, because binary mode extensively use `long` type of C language, /// which has various bit-length on different systems. /// /// The loading file must contain serialized nn.Module object /// with importing network. Try to eliminate a custom objects from serialazing data to avoid importing errors. /// /// List of supported layers (i.e. object instances derived from Torch nn.Module class): /// - nn.Sequential /// - nn.Parallel /// - nn.Concat /// - nn.Linear /// - nn.SpatialConvolution /// - nn.SpatialMaxPooling, nn.SpatialAveragePooling /// - nn.ReLU, nn.TanH, nn.Sigmoid /// - nn.Reshape /// - nn.SoftMax, nn.LogSoftMax /// /// Also some equivalents of these classes from cunn, cudnn, and fbcunn may be successfully imported. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * is_binary: true /// * evaluate: true #[inline] pub fn read_net_from_torch(model: &str, is_binary: bool, evaluate: bool) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNetFromTorch_const_StringR_bool_bool(model.opencv_as_extern(), is_binary, evaluate, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Read deep learning network represented in one of the supported formats. /// ## Parameters /// * model: Binary file contains trained weights. The following file /// extensions are expected for models from different frameworks: /// * `*.caffemodel` (Caffe, ) /// * `*.pb` (TensorFlow, ) /// * `*.t7` | `*.net` (Torch, ) /// * `*.weights` (Darknet, ) /// * `*.bin` | `*.onnx` (OpenVINO, ) /// * `*.onnx` (ONNX, ) /// * config: Text file contains network configuration. It could be a /// file with the following extensions: /// * `*.prototxt` (Caffe, ) /// * `*.pbtxt` (TensorFlow, ) /// * `*.cfg` (Darknet, ) /// * `*.xml` (OpenVINO, ) /// * framework: Explicit framework name tag to determine a format. /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// /// This function automatically detects an origin framework of trained model /// and calls an appropriate function such [readNetFromCaffe], [readNetFromTensorflow], /// [readNetFromTorch] or [readNetFromDarknet]. An order of @p model and @p config /// arguments does not matter. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [read_net] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * config: "" /// * framework: "" #[inline] pub fn read_net_def(model: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNet_const_StringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Read deep learning network represented in one of the supported formats. /// ## Parameters /// * model: Binary file contains trained weights. The following file /// extensions are expected for models from different frameworks: /// * `*.caffemodel` (Caffe, ) /// * `*.pb` (TensorFlow, ) /// * `*.t7` | `*.net` (Torch, ) /// * `*.weights` (Darknet, ) /// * `*.bin` | `*.onnx` (OpenVINO, ) /// * `*.onnx` (ONNX, ) /// * config: Text file contains network configuration. It could be a /// file with the following extensions: /// * `*.prototxt` (Caffe, ) /// * `*.pbtxt` (TensorFlow, ) /// * `*.cfg` (Darknet, ) /// * `*.xml` (OpenVINO, ) /// * framework: Explicit framework name tag to determine a format. /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// /// This function automatically detects an origin framework of trained model /// and calls an appropriate function such [readNetFromCaffe], [readNetFromTensorflow], /// [readNetFromTorch] or [readNetFromDarknet]. An order of @p model and @p config /// arguments does not matter. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * config: "" /// * framework: "" #[inline] pub fn read_net(model: &str, config: &str, framework: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); extern_container_arg!(config); extern_container_arg!(framework); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNet_const_StringR_const_StringR_const_StringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), config.opencv_as_extern(), framework.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Read deep learning network represented in one of the supported formats. /// @details This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. /// It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. /// ## Parameters /// * framework: Name of origin framework. /// * bufferModel: A buffer with a content of binary file with weights /// * bufferConfig: A buffer with a content of text file contains network configuration. /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [read_net_1] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * buffer_config: std::vector() #[inline] pub fn read_net_1_def(framework: &str, buffer_model: &core::Vector) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(framework); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNet_const_StringR_const_vectorLunsigned_charGR(framework.opencv_as_extern(), buffer_model.as_raw_VectorOfu8(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Read deep learning network represented in one of the supported formats. /// @details This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. /// It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. /// ## Parameters /// * framework: Name of origin framework. /// * bufferModel: A buffer with a content of binary file with weights /// * bufferConfig: A buffer with a content of text file contains network configuration. /// ## Returns /// Net object. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * buffer_config: std::vector() #[inline] pub fn read_net_1(framework: &str, buffer_model: &core::Vector, buffer_config: &core::Vector) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(framework); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readNet_const_StringR_const_vectorLunsigned_charGR_const_vectorLunsigned_charGR(framework.opencv_as_extern(), buffer_model.as_raw_VectorOfu8(), buffer_config.as_raw_VectorOfu8(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Creates blob from .pb file. /// ## Parameters /// * path: to the .pb file with input tensor. /// ## Returns /// Mat. #[inline] pub fn read_tensor_from_onnx(path: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(path); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readTensorFromONNX_const_StringR(path.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Loads blob which was serialized as torch.Tensor object of Torch7 framework. /// @warning This function has the same limitations as readNetFromTorch(). /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [read_torch_blob] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * is_binary: true #[inline] pub fn read_torch_blob_def(filename: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(filename); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readTorchBlob_const_StringR(filename.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Loads blob which was serialized as torch.Tensor object of Torch7 framework. /// @warning This function has the same limitations as readNetFromTorch(). /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * is_binary: true #[inline] pub fn read_torch_blob(filename: &str, is_binary: bool) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(filename); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_readTorchBlob_const_StringR_bool(filename.opencv_as_extern(), is_binary, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Release a HDDL plugin. #[inline] pub fn release_hddl_plugin() -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_releaseHDDLPlugin(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Release a Myriad device (binded by OpenCV). /// /// Single Myriad device cannot be shared across multiple processes which uses /// Inference Engine's Myriad plugin. #[inline] pub fn reset_myriad_device() -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_resetMyriadDevice(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Specify Inference Engine internal backend API. /// /// See values of `CV_DNN_BACKEND_INFERENCE_ENGINE_*` macros. /// /// ## Returns /// previous value of internal backend API /// /// @deprecated #[inline] pub fn set_inference_engine_backend_type(new_backend_type: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(new_backend_type); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_setInferenceEngineBackendType_const_StringR(new_backend_type.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] pub fn shape_1(mat: &impl core::MatTraitConst) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_shape_const_MatR(mat.as_raw_Mat(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::MatShape::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] pub fn shape_2(sz: &impl core::MatSizeTraitConst) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_shape_const_MatSizeR(sz.as_raw_MatSize(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::MatShape::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] pub fn shape_3(mat: &impl core::UMatTraitConst) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_shape_const_UMatR(mat.as_raw_UMat(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::MatShape::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] pub fn shape(dims: &i32, n: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_shape_const_intX_const_int(dims, n, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::MatShape::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [shape_4] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * a1: -1 /// * a2: -1 /// * a3: -1 #[inline] pub fn shape_4_def(a0: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_shape_int(a0, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::MatShape::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * a1: -1 /// * a2: -1 /// * a3: -1 #[inline] pub fn shape_4(a0: i32, a1: i32, a2: i32, a3: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_shape_int_int_int_int(a0, a1, a2, a3, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::MatShape::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Convert all weights of Caffe network to half precision floating point. /// ## Parameters /// * src: Path to origin model from Caffe framework contains single /// precision floating point weights (usually has `.caffemodel` extension). /// * dst: Path to destination model with updated weights. /// * layersTypes: Set of layers types which parameters will be converted. /// By default, converts only Convolutional and Fully-Connected layers' /// weights. /// /// /// Note: Shrinked model has no origin float32 weights so it can't be used /// in origin Caffe framework anymore. However the structure of data /// is taken from NVidia's Caffe fork: . /// So the resulting model may be used there. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [shrink_caffe_model] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * layers_types: std::vector() #[inline] pub fn shrink_caffe_model_def(src: &str, dst: &str) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(src); extern_container_arg!(dst); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_shrinkCaffeModel_const_StringR_const_StringR(src.opencv_as_extern(), dst.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Convert all weights of Caffe network to half precision floating point. /// ## Parameters /// * src: Path to origin model from Caffe framework contains single /// precision floating point weights (usually has `.caffemodel` extension). /// * dst: Path to destination model with updated weights. /// * layersTypes: Set of layers types which parameters will be converted. /// By default, converts only Convolutional and Fully-Connected layers' /// weights. /// /// /// Note: Shrinked model has no origin float32 weights so it can't be used /// in origin Caffe framework anymore. However the structure of data /// is taken from NVidia's Caffe fork: . /// So the resulting model may be used there. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * layers_types: std::vector() #[inline] pub fn shrink_caffe_model(src: &str, dst: &str, layers_types: &core::Vector) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(src); extern_container_arg!(dst); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_shrinkCaffeModel_const_StringR_const_StringR_const_vectorLStringGR(src.opencv_as_extern(), dst.opencv_as_extern(), layers_types.as_raw_VectorOfString(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] pub fn slice(m: &impl core::MatTraitConst, r0: &impl crate::dnn::_RangeTraitConst) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_slice_const_MatR_const__RangeR(m.as_raw_Mat(), r0.as_raw__Range(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] pub fn slice_1(m: &impl core::MatTraitConst, r0: &impl crate::dnn::_RangeTraitConst, r1: &impl crate::dnn::_RangeTraitConst) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_slice_const_MatR_const__RangeR_const__RangeR(m.as_raw_Mat(), r0.as_raw__Range(), r1.as_raw__Range(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] pub fn slice_2(m: &impl core::MatTraitConst, r0: &impl crate::dnn::_RangeTraitConst, r1: &impl crate::dnn::_RangeTraitConst, r2: &impl crate::dnn::_RangeTraitConst) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_slice_const_MatR_const__RangeR_const__RangeR_const__RangeR(m.as_raw_Mat(), r0.as_raw__Range(), r1.as_raw__Range(), r2.as_raw__Range(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] pub fn slice_3(m: &impl core::MatTraitConst, r0: &impl crate::dnn::_RangeTraitConst, r1: &impl crate::dnn::_RangeTraitConst, r2: &impl crate::dnn::_RangeTraitConst, r3: &impl crate::dnn::_RangeTraitConst) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_slice_const_MatR_const__RangeR_const__RangeR_const__RangeR_const__RangeR(m.as_raw_Mat(), r0.as_raw__Range(), r1.as_raw__Range(), r2.as_raw__Range(), r3.as_raw__Range(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Performs soft non maximum suppression given boxes and corresponding scores. /// Reference: /// ## Parameters /// * bboxes: a set of bounding boxes to apply Soft NMS. /// * scores: a set of corresponding confidences. /// * updated_scores: a set of corresponding updated confidences. /// * score_threshold: a threshold used to filter boxes by score. /// * nms_threshold: a threshold used in non maximum suppression. /// * indices: the kept indices of bboxes after NMS. /// * top_k: keep at most @p top_k picked indices. /// * sigma: parameter of Gaussian weighting. /// * method: Gaussian or linear. /// ## See also /// SoftNMSMethod /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [soft_nms_boxes] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * top_k: 0 /// * sigma: 0.5 /// * method: SoftNMSMethod::SOFTNMS_GAUSSIAN #[inline] pub fn soft_nms_boxes_def(bboxes: &core::Vector, scores: &core::Vector, updated_scores: &mut core::Vector, score_threshold: f32, nms_threshold: f32, indices: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_softNMSBoxes_const_vectorLRectGR_const_vectorLfloatGR_vectorLfloatGR_const_float_const_float_vectorLintGR(bboxes.as_raw_VectorOfRect(), scores.as_raw_VectorOff32(), updated_scores.as_raw_mut_VectorOff32(), score_threshold, nms_threshold, indices.as_raw_mut_VectorOfi32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Performs soft non maximum suppression given boxes and corresponding scores. /// Reference: /// ## Parameters /// * bboxes: a set of bounding boxes to apply Soft NMS. /// * scores: a set of corresponding confidences. /// * updated_scores: a set of corresponding updated confidences. /// * score_threshold: a threshold used to filter boxes by score. /// * nms_threshold: a threshold used in non maximum suppression. /// * indices: the kept indices of bboxes after NMS. /// * top_k: keep at most @p top_k picked indices. /// * sigma: parameter of Gaussian weighting. /// * method: Gaussian or linear. /// ## See also /// SoftNMSMethod /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * top_k: 0 /// * sigma: 0.5 /// * method: SoftNMSMethod::SOFTNMS_GAUSSIAN #[inline] pub fn soft_nms_boxes(bboxes: &core::Vector, scores: &core::Vector, updated_scores: &mut core::Vector, score_threshold: f32, nms_threshold: f32, indices: &mut core::Vector, top_k: size_t, sigma: f32, method: crate::dnn::SoftNMSMethod) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_softNMSBoxes_const_vectorLRectGR_const_vectorLfloatGR_vectorLfloatGR_const_float_const_float_vectorLintGR_size_t_const_float_SoftNMSMethod(bboxes.as_raw_VectorOfRect(), scores.as_raw_VectorOff32(), updated_scores.as_raw_mut_VectorOff32(), score_threshold, nms_threshold, indices.as_raw_mut_VectorOfi32(), top_k, sigma, method, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [total_1] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * start: -1 /// * end: -1 #[inline] pub fn total_1_def(mat: &impl core::MatTraitConst) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_total_const_MatR(mat.as_raw_Mat(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * start: -1 /// * end: -1 #[inline] pub fn total_1(mat: &impl core::MatTraitConst, start: i32, end: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_total_const_MatR_int_int(mat.as_raw_Mat(), start, end, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [total] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * start: -1 /// * end: -1 #[inline] pub fn total_def(shape: &crate::dnn::MatShape) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_total_const_MatShapeR(shape.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * start: -1 /// * end: -1 #[inline] pub fn total(shape: &crate::dnn::MatShape, start: i32, end: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_total_const_MatShapeR_int_int(shape.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), start, end, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Create a text representation for a binary network stored in protocol buffer format. /// ## Parameters /// * model: A path to binary network. /// * output: A path to output text file to be created. /// /// /// Note: To reduce output file size, trained weights are not included. #[inline] pub fn write_text_graph(model: &str, output: &str) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(model); extern_container_arg!(output); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_writeTextGraph_const_StringR_const_StringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), output.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::AbsLayer] pub trait AbsLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_AbsLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::AbsLayer] pub trait AbsLayerTrait: crate::dnn::AbsLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_AbsLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct AbsLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { AbsLayer } impl Drop for AbsLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_AbsLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_AbsLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for AbsLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for AbsLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for AbsLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AbsLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for AbsLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for AbsLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AbsLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for AbsLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for AbsLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AbsLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::AbsLayerTraitConst for AbsLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_AbsLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::AbsLayerTrait for AbsLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_AbsLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AbsLayer, crate::dnn::AbsLayerTraitConst, as_raw_AbsLayer, crate::dnn::AbsLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_AbsLayer } impl AbsLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_AbsLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_AbsLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { AbsLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_AbsLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { AbsLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_AbsLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { AbsLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_AbsLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for AbsLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("AbsLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for AbsLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::AccumLayer] pub trait AccumLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_AccumLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::AccumLayer] pub trait AccumLayerTrait: crate::dnn::AccumLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_AccumLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct AccumLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { AccumLayer } impl Drop for AccumLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_AccumLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_AccumLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for AccumLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for AccumLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for AccumLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AccumLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for AccumLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for AccumLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AccumLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::AccumLayerTraitConst for AccumLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_AccumLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::AccumLayerTrait for AccumLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_AccumLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AccumLayer, crate::dnn::AccumLayerTraitConst, as_raw_AccumLayer, crate::dnn::AccumLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_AccumLayer } impl AccumLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_AccumLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_AccumLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { AccumLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_AccumLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { AccumLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_AccumLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for AccumLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("AccumLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for AccumLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::AcosLayer] pub trait AcosLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_AcosLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::AcosLayer] pub trait AcosLayerTrait: crate::dnn::AcosLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_AcosLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct AcosLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { AcosLayer } impl Drop for AcosLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_AcosLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_AcosLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for AcosLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for AcosLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for AcosLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AcosLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for AcosLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for AcosLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AcosLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for AcosLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for AcosLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AcosLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::AcosLayerTraitConst for AcosLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_AcosLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::AcosLayerTrait for AcosLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_AcosLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AcosLayer, crate::dnn::AcosLayerTraitConst, as_raw_AcosLayer, crate::dnn::AcosLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_AcosLayer } impl AcosLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_AcosLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_AcosLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { AcosLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_AcosLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { AcosLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_AcosLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { AcosLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_AcosLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for AcosLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("AcosLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for AcosLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::AcoshLayer] pub trait AcoshLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_AcoshLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::AcoshLayer] pub trait AcoshLayerTrait: crate::dnn::AcoshLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_AcoshLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct AcoshLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { AcoshLayer } impl Drop for AcoshLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_AcoshLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_AcoshLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for AcoshLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for AcoshLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for AcoshLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AcoshLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for AcoshLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for AcoshLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AcoshLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for AcoshLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for AcoshLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AcoshLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::AcoshLayerTraitConst for AcoshLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_AcoshLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::AcoshLayerTrait for AcoshLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_AcoshLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AcoshLayer, crate::dnn::AcoshLayerTraitConst, as_raw_AcoshLayer, crate::dnn::AcoshLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_AcoshLayer } impl AcoshLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_AcoshLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_AcoshLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { AcoshLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_AcoshLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { AcoshLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_AcoshLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { AcoshLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_AcoshLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for AcoshLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("AcoshLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for AcoshLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ActivationLayer] pub trait ActivationLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn forward_slice(&self, src: &[f32], dst: &mut [f32], out_plane_size: size_t, cn0: i32, cn1: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_forwardSlice_const_const_floatX_floatX_int_size_t_int_int(self.as_raw_ActivationLayer(), src.as_ptr(), dst.as_mut_ptr(), src.len().min(dst.len()).try_into()?, out_plane_size, cn0, cn1, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn forward_slice_1(&self, src: &[i32], lut: &[i32], dst: &mut [i32], out_plane_size: size_t, cn0: i32, cn1: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_forwardSlice_const_const_intX_const_intX_intX_int_size_t_int_int(self.as_raw_ActivationLayer(), src.as_ptr(), lut.as_ptr(), dst.as_mut_ptr(), src.len().min(lut.len()).min(dst.len()).try_into()?, out_plane_size, cn0, cn1, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ActivationLayer] pub trait ActivationLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct ActivationLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ActivationLayer } impl Drop for ActivationLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ActivationLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ActivationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ActivationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ActivationLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ActivationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ActivationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for ActivationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for ActivationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl ActivationLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::AbsLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_AbsLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::AcosLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_AcosLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::AcoshLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_AcoshLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerInt8, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_ActivationLayerInt8 } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::AsinLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_AsinLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::AsinhLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_AsinhLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::AtanLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_AtanLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::AtanhLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_AtanhLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::BNLLLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_BNLLLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::BatchNormLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_BatchNormLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerInt8, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_BatchNormLayerInt8 } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::CeilLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_CeilLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::CeluLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_CeluLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ChannelsPReLULayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_ChannelsPReLULayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::CosLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_CosLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::CoshLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_CoshLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ELULayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_ELULayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ErfLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_ErfLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ExpLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_ExpLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::FloorLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_FloorLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::GeluApproximationLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_GeluApproximationLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::GeluLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_GeluLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::HardSigmoidLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_HardSigmoidLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::HardSwishLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_HardSwishLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::LogLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_LogLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::MishLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_MishLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::NotLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_NotLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::PowerLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_PowerLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ReLU6Layer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_ReLU6Layer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ReLULayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_ReLULayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ReciprocalLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_ReciprocalLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::RoundLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_RoundLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::SeluLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_SeluLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ShrinkLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_ShrinkLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::SigmoidLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_SigmoidLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::SignLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_SignLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::SinLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_SinLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::SinhLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_SinhLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::SoftplusLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_SoftplusLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::SoftsignLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_SoftsignLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::SqrtLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_SqrtLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::SwishLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_SwishLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::TanHLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_TanHLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::TanLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_TanLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ThresholdedReluLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_ThresholdedReluLayer } boxed_cast_base! { ActivationLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ActivationLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ActivationLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ActivationLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ActivationLayerInt8] pub trait ActivationLayerInt8TraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ActivationLayerInt8(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ActivationLayerInt8] pub trait ActivationLayerInt8Trait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerInt8TraitConst + crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayerInt8(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct ActivationLayerInt8 { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ActivationLayerInt8 } impl Drop for ActivationLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ActivationLayerInt8_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ActivationLayerInt8()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ActivationLayerInt8 {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for ActivationLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for ActivationLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ActivationLayerInt8, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ActivationLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ActivationLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ActivationLayerInt8, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ActivationLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ActivationLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ActivationLayerInt8, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerInt8TraitConst for ActivationLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayerInt8(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerInt8Trait for ActivationLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayerInt8(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ActivationLayerInt8, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerInt8TraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayerInt8, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerInt8Trait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayerInt8 } impl ActivationLayerInt8 { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ActivationLayerInt8_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ActivationLayerInt8_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ActivationLayerInt8, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayerInt8_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { ActivationLayerInt8, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ActivationLayerInt8_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ActivationLayerInt8, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ActivationLayerInt8_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ActivationLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ActivationLayerInt8") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ActivationLayerInt8 { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ArgLayer] pub trait ArgLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ArgLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ArgLayer] pub trait ArgLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ArgLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_ArgLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } /// ArgMax/ArgMin layer /// /// Note: returns indices as floats, which means the supported range is [-2^24; 2^24] pub struct ArgLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ArgLayer } impl Drop for ArgLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ArgLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ArgLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ArgLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ArgLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ArgLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ArgLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ArgLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ArgLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ArgLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ArgLayerTraitConst for ArgLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ArgLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ArgLayerTrait for ArgLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ArgLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ArgLayer, crate::dnn::ArgLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ArgLayer, crate::dnn::ArgLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ArgLayer } impl ArgLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ArgLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ArgLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ArgLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ArgLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ArgLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ArgLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ArgLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ArgLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ArgLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::AsinLayer] pub trait AsinLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_AsinLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::AsinLayer] pub trait AsinLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::AsinLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_AsinLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct AsinLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { AsinLayer } impl Drop for AsinLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_AsinLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_AsinLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for AsinLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for AsinLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for AsinLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AsinLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for AsinLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for AsinLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AsinLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for AsinLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for AsinLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AsinLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::AsinLayerTraitConst for AsinLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_AsinLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::AsinLayerTrait for AsinLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_AsinLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AsinLayer, crate::dnn::AsinLayerTraitConst, as_raw_AsinLayer, crate::dnn::AsinLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_AsinLayer } impl AsinLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_AsinLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_AsinLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { AsinLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_AsinLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { AsinLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_AsinLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { AsinLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_AsinLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for AsinLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("AsinLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for AsinLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::AsinhLayer] pub trait AsinhLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_AsinhLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::AsinhLayer] pub trait AsinhLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::AsinhLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_AsinhLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct AsinhLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { AsinhLayer } impl Drop for AsinhLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_AsinhLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_AsinhLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for AsinhLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for AsinhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for AsinhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AsinhLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for AsinhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for AsinhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AsinhLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for AsinhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for AsinhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AsinhLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::AsinhLayerTraitConst for AsinhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_AsinhLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::AsinhLayerTrait for AsinhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_AsinhLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AsinhLayer, crate::dnn::AsinhLayerTraitConst, as_raw_AsinhLayer, crate::dnn::AsinhLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_AsinhLayer } impl AsinhLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_AsinhLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_AsinhLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { AsinhLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_AsinhLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { AsinhLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_AsinhLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { AsinhLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_AsinhLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for AsinhLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("AsinhLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for AsinhLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::AtanLayer] pub trait AtanLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_AtanLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::AtanLayer] pub trait AtanLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::AtanLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_AtanLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct AtanLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { AtanLayer } impl Drop for AtanLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_AtanLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_AtanLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for AtanLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for AtanLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for AtanLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AtanLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for AtanLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for AtanLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AtanLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for AtanLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for AtanLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AtanLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::AtanLayerTraitConst for AtanLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_AtanLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::AtanLayerTrait for AtanLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_AtanLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AtanLayer, crate::dnn::AtanLayerTraitConst, as_raw_AtanLayer, crate::dnn::AtanLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_AtanLayer } impl AtanLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_AtanLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_AtanLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { AtanLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_AtanLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { AtanLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_AtanLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { AtanLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_AtanLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for AtanLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("AtanLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for AtanLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::AtanhLayer] pub trait AtanhLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_AtanhLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::AtanhLayer] pub trait AtanhLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::AtanhLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_AtanhLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct AtanhLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { AtanhLayer } impl Drop for AtanhLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_AtanhLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_AtanhLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for AtanhLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for AtanhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for AtanhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AtanhLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for AtanhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for AtanhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AtanhLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for AtanhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for AtanhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AtanhLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::AtanhLayerTraitConst for AtanhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_AtanhLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::AtanhLayerTrait for AtanhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_AtanhLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AtanhLayer, crate::dnn::AtanhLayerTraitConst, as_raw_AtanhLayer, crate::dnn::AtanhLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_AtanhLayer } impl AtanhLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_AtanhLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_AtanhLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { AtanhLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_AtanhLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { AtanhLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_AtanhLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { AtanhLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_AtanhLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for AtanhLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("AtanhLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for AtanhLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::AttentionLayer] pub trait AttentionLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_AttentionLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::AttentionLayer] pub trait AttentionLayerTrait: crate::dnn::AttentionLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_AttentionLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct AttentionLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { AttentionLayer } impl Drop for AttentionLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_AttentionLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_AttentionLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for AttentionLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for AttentionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for AttentionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AttentionLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for AttentionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for AttentionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AttentionLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::AttentionLayerTraitConst for AttentionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_AttentionLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::AttentionLayerTrait for AttentionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_AttentionLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AttentionLayer, crate::dnn::AttentionLayerTraitConst, as_raw_AttentionLayer, crate::dnn::AttentionLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_AttentionLayer } impl AttentionLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_AttentionLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_AttentionLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { AttentionLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_AttentionLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { AttentionLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_AttentionLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for AttentionLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("AttentionLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for AttentionLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::BNLLLayer] pub trait BNLLLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_BNLLLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::BNLLLayer] pub trait BNLLLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::BNLLLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_BNLLLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct BNLLLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { BNLLLayer } impl Drop for BNLLLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BNLLLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_BNLLLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for BNLLLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for BNLLLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for BNLLLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BNLLLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for BNLLLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for BNLLLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BNLLLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for BNLLLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for BNLLLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BNLLLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::BNLLLayerTraitConst for BNLLLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_BNLLLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::BNLLLayerTrait for BNLLLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_BNLLLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BNLLLayer, crate::dnn::BNLLLayerTraitConst, as_raw_BNLLLayer, crate::dnn::BNLLLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_BNLLLayer } impl BNLLLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_BNLLLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BNLLLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { BNLLLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_BNLLLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { BNLLLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_BNLLLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { BNLLLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_BNLLLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for BNLLLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("BNLLLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for BNLLLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::BackendNode] pub trait BackendNodeTraitConst { fn as_raw_BackendNode(&self) -> *const c_void; /// Backend identifier. #[inline] fn backend_id(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BackendNode_propBackendId_const(self.as_raw_BackendNode()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::BackendNode] pub trait BackendNodeTrait: crate::dnn::BackendNodeTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_BackendNode(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// Backend identifier. #[inline] fn set_backend_id(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BackendNode_propBackendId_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_BackendNode(), val) }; ret } } /// Derivatives of this class encapsulates functions of certain backends. pub struct BackendNode { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { BackendNode } impl Drop for BackendNode { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BackendNode_delete(self.as_raw_mut_BackendNode()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for BackendNode {} impl crate::dnn::BackendNodeTraitConst for BackendNode { #[inline] fn as_raw_BackendNode(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::BackendNodeTrait for BackendNode { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_BackendNode(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BackendNode, crate::dnn::BackendNodeTraitConst, as_raw_BackendNode, crate::dnn::BackendNodeTrait, as_raw_mut_BackendNode } impl BackendNode { } impl std::fmt::Debug for BackendNode { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("BackendNode") .field("backend_id", &crate::dnn::BackendNodeTraitConst::backend_id(self)) .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::BackendWrapper] pub trait BackendWrapperTraitConst { fn as_raw_BackendWrapper(&self) -> *const c_void; /// Backend identifier. #[inline] fn backend_id(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BackendWrapper_propBackendId_const(self.as_raw_BackendWrapper()) }; ret } /// Target identifier. #[inline] fn target_id(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BackendWrapper_propTargetId_const(self.as_raw_BackendWrapper()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::BackendWrapper] pub trait BackendWrapperTrait: crate::dnn::BackendWrapperTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_BackendWrapper(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// Backend identifier. #[inline] fn set_backend_id(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BackendWrapper_propBackendId_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_BackendWrapper(), val) }; ret } /// Target identifier. #[inline] fn set_target_id(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BackendWrapper_propTargetId_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_BackendWrapper(), val) }; ret } /// Transfer data to CPU host memory. #[inline] fn copy_to_host(&mut self) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BackendWrapper_copyToHost(self.as_raw_mut_BackendWrapper(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Indicate that an actual data is on CPU. #[inline] fn set_host_dirty(&mut self) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BackendWrapper_setHostDirty(self.as_raw_mut_BackendWrapper(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Derivatives of this class wraps cv::Mat for different backends and targets. pub struct BackendWrapper { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { BackendWrapper } impl Drop for BackendWrapper { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BackendWrapper_delete(self.as_raw_mut_BackendWrapper()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for BackendWrapper {} impl crate::dnn::BackendWrapperTraitConst for BackendWrapper { #[inline] fn as_raw_BackendWrapper(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::BackendWrapperTrait for BackendWrapper { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_BackendWrapper(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BackendWrapper, crate::dnn::BackendWrapperTraitConst, as_raw_BackendWrapper, crate::dnn::BackendWrapperTrait, as_raw_mut_BackendWrapper } impl BackendWrapper { } impl std::fmt::Debug for BackendWrapper { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("BackendWrapper") .field("backend_id", &crate::dnn::BackendWrapperTraitConst::backend_id(self)) .field("target_id", &crate::dnn::BackendWrapperTraitConst::target_id(self)) .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayer] pub trait BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn kernel(&self) -> core::Size { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propKernel_const(self.as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); ret } #[inline] fn stride(&self) -> core::Size { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propStride_const(self.as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); ret } #[inline] fn pad(&self) -> core::Size { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propPad_const(self.as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); ret } #[inline] fn dilation(&self) -> core::Size { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propDilation_const(self.as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); ret } #[inline] fn adjust_pad(&self) -> core::Size { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propAdjustPad_const(self.as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); ret } #[inline] fn adjust_pads(&self) -> core::Vector { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propAdjust_pads_const(self.as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn kernel_size(&self) -> core::Vector { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propKernel_size_const(self.as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn strides(&self) -> core::Vector { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propStrides_const(self.as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn dilations(&self) -> core::Vector { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propDilations_const(self.as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn pads_begin(&self) -> core::Vector { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propPads_begin_const(self.as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn pads_end(&self) -> core::Vector { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propPads_end_const(self.as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn pad_mode(&self) -> String { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propPadMode_const(self.as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn num_output(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propNumOutput_const(self.as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayer] pub trait BaseConvolutionLayerTrait: crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_kernel(&mut self, val: core::Size) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propKernel_const_Size(self.as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer(), &val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_stride(&mut self, val: core::Size) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propStride_const_Size(self.as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer(), &val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_pad(&mut self, val: core::Size) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propPad_const_Size(self.as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer(), &val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_dilation(&mut self, val: core::Size) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propDilation_const_Size(self.as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer(), &val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_adjust_pad(&mut self, val: core::Size) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propAdjustPad_const_Size(self.as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer(), &val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_adjust_pads(&mut self, val: core::Vector) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propAdjust_pads_const_vectorLsize_tG(self.as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer(), val.as_raw_VectorOfsize_t()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_kernel_size(&mut self, val: core::Vector) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propKernel_size_const_vectorLsize_tG(self.as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer(), val.as_raw_VectorOfsize_t()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_strides(&mut self, val: core::Vector) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propStrides_const_vectorLsize_tG(self.as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer(), val.as_raw_VectorOfsize_t()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_dilations(&mut self, val: core::Vector) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propDilations_const_vectorLsize_tG(self.as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer(), val.as_raw_VectorOfsize_t()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_pads_begin(&mut self, val: core::Vector) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propPads_begin_const_vectorLsize_tG(self.as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer(), val.as_raw_VectorOfsize_t()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_pads_end(&mut self, val: core::Vector) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propPads_end_const_vectorLsize_tG(self.as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer(), val.as_raw_VectorOfsize_t()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_pad_mode(&mut self, val: &str) { extern_container_arg!(nofail val); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propPadMode_const_String(self.as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer(), val.opencv_as_extern()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_num_output(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_propNumOutput_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct BaseConvolutionLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { BaseConvolutionLayer } impl Drop for BaseConvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for BaseConvolutionLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for BaseConvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for BaseConvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BaseConvolutionLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for BaseConvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for BaseConvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BaseConvolutionLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst for BaseConvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTrait for BaseConvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BaseConvolutionLayer, crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst, as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer, crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer } impl BaseConvolutionLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } } boxed_cast_base! { BaseConvolutionLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { BaseConvolutionLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_BaseConvolutionLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for BaseConvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("BaseConvolutionLayer") .field("kernel", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::kernel(self)) .field("stride", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::stride(self)) .field("pad", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::pad(self)) .field("dilation", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::dilation(self)) .field("adjust_pad", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::adjust_pad(self)) .field("adjust_pads", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::adjust_pads(self)) .field("kernel_size", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::kernel_size(self)) .field("strides", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::strides(self)) .field("dilations", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::dilations(self)) .field("pads_begin", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::pads_begin(self)) .field("pads_end", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::pads_end(self)) .field("pad_mode", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::pad_mode(self)) .field("num_output", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::num_output(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for BaseConvolutionLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::BatchNormLayer] pub trait BatchNormLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_BatchNormLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn has_weights(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BatchNormLayer_propHasWeights_const(self.as_raw_BatchNormLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn has_bias(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BatchNormLayer_propHasBias_const(self.as_raw_BatchNormLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn epsilon(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BatchNormLayer_propEpsilon_const(self.as_raw_BatchNormLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::BatchNormLayer] pub trait BatchNormLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_BatchNormLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_has_weights(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BatchNormLayer_propHasWeights_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_BatchNormLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_has_bias(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BatchNormLayer_propHasBias_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_BatchNormLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_epsilon(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BatchNormLayer_propEpsilon_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_BatchNormLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct BatchNormLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { BatchNormLayer } impl Drop for BatchNormLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BatchNormLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_BatchNormLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for BatchNormLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for BatchNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for BatchNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BatchNormLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for BatchNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for BatchNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BatchNormLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for BatchNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for BatchNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BatchNormLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerTraitConst for BatchNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_BatchNormLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerTrait for BatchNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_BatchNormLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BatchNormLayer, crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerTraitConst, as_raw_BatchNormLayer, crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_BatchNormLayer } impl BatchNormLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_BatchNormLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BatchNormLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { BatchNormLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_BatchNormLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { BatchNormLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_BatchNormLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { BatchNormLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_BatchNormLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for BatchNormLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("BatchNormLayer") .field("has_weights", &crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerTraitConst::has_weights(self)) .field("has_bias", &crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerTraitConst::has_bias(self)) .field("epsilon", &crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerTraitConst::epsilon(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for BatchNormLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerInt8] pub trait BatchNormLayerInt8TraitConst: crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_BatchNormLayerInt8(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn input_sc(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BatchNormLayerInt8_propInput_sc_const(self.as_raw_BatchNormLayerInt8()) }; ret } #[inline] fn output_sc(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BatchNormLayerInt8_propOutput_sc_const(self.as_raw_BatchNormLayerInt8()) }; ret } #[inline] fn input_zp(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BatchNormLayerInt8_propInput_zp_const(self.as_raw_BatchNormLayerInt8()) }; ret } #[inline] fn output_zp(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BatchNormLayerInt8_propOutput_zp_const(self.as_raw_BatchNormLayerInt8()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerInt8] pub trait BatchNormLayerInt8Trait: crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerInt8TraitConst + crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_BatchNormLayerInt8(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_input_sc(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BatchNormLayerInt8_propInput_sc_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_BatchNormLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_output_sc(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BatchNormLayerInt8_propOutput_sc_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_BatchNormLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_input_zp(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BatchNormLayerInt8_propInput_zp_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_BatchNormLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_output_zp(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BatchNormLayerInt8_propOutput_zp_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_BatchNormLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } } pub struct BatchNormLayerInt8 { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { BatchNormLayerInt8 } impl Drop for BatchNormLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BatchNormLayerInt8_delete(self.as_raw_mut_BatchNormLayerInt8()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for BatchNormLayerInt8 {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for BatchNormLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for BatchNormLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BatchNormLayerInt8, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for BatchNormLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for BatchNormLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BatchNormLayerInt8, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerTraitConst for BatchNormLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_BatchNormLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerTrait for BatchNormLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_BatchNormLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BatchNormLayerInt8, crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerTraitConst, as_raw_BatchNormLayer, crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_BatchNormLayer } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for BatchNormLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for BatchNormLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BatchNormLayerInt8, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerInt8TraitConst for BatchNormLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_BatchNormLayerInt8(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerInt8Trait for BatchNormLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_BatchNormLayerInt8(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BatchNormLayerInt8, crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerInt8TraitConst, as_raw_BatchNormLayerInt8, crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerInt8Trait, as_raw_mut_BatchNormLayerInt8 } impl BatchNormLayerInt8 { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_BatchNormLayerInt8_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BatchNormLayerInt8_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { BatchNormLayerInt8, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_BatchNormLayerInt8_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { BatchNormLayerInt8, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_BatchNormLayerInt8_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { BatchNormLayerInt8, crate::dnn::BatchNormLayer, cv_dnn_BatchNormLayerInt8_to_BatchNormLayer } boxed_cast_base! { BatchNormLayerInt8, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_BatchNormLayerInt8_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for BatchNormLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("BatchNormLayerInt8") .field("input_sc", &crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerInt8TraitConst::input_sc(self)) .field("output_sc", &crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerInt8TraitConst::output_sc(self)) .field("input_zp", &crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerInt8TraitConst::input_zp(self)) .field("output_zp", &crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerInt8TraitConst::output_zp(self)) .field("has_weights", &crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerTraitConst::has_weights(self)) .field("has_bias", &crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerTraitConst::has_bias(self)) .field("epsilon", &crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerTraitConst::epsilon(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for BatchNormLayerInt8 { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::BlankLayer] pub trait BlankLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_BlankLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::BlankLayer] pub trait BlankLayerTrait: crate::dnn::BlankLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_BlankLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } /// # Partial List of Implemented Layers /// This subsection of dnn module contains information about built-in layers and their descriptions. /// /// Classes listed here, in fact, provides C++ API for creating instances of built-in layers. /// In addition to this way of layers instantiation, there is a more common factory API (see [dnnLayerFactory]), it allows to create layers dynamically (by name) and register new ones. /// You can use both API, but factory API is less convenient for native C++ programming and basically designed for use inside importers (see [readNetFromCaffe](), [readNetFromTorch](), [readNetFromTensorflow]()). /// /// Built-in layers partially reproduce functionality of corresponding Caffe and Torch7 layers. /// In particular, the following layers and Caffe importer were tested to reproduce Caffe functionality: /// - Convolution /// - Deconvolution /// - Pooling /// - InnerProduct /// - TanH, ReLU, Sigmoid, BNLL, Power, AbsVal /// - Softmax /// - Reshape, Flatten, Slice, Split /// - LRN /// - MVN /// - Dropout (since it does nothing on forward pass -)) pub struct BlankLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { BlankLayer } impl Drop for BlankLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BlankLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_BlankLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for BlankLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for BlankLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for BlankLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BlankLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for BlankLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for BlankLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BlankLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::BlankLayerTraitConst for BlankLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_BlankLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::BlankLayerTrait for BlankLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_BlankLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BlankLayer, crate::dnn::BlankLayerTraitConst, as_raw_BlankLayer, crate::dnn::BlankLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_BlankLayer } impl BlankLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_BlankLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_BlankLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { BlankLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_BlankLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { BlankLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_BlankLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for BlankLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("BlankLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for BlankLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::CeilLayer] pub trait CeilLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_CeilLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::CeilLayer] pub trait CeilLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::CeilLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_CeilLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct CeilLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { CeilLayer } impl Drop for CeilLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CeilLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_CeilLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for CeilLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for CeilLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for CeilLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CeilLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for CeilLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for CeilLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CeilLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for CeilLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for CeilLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CeilLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::CeilLayerTraitConst for CeilLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_CeilLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::CeilLayerTrait for CeilLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_CeilLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CeilLayer, crate::dnn::CeilLayerTraitConst, as_raw_CeilLayer, crate::dnn::CeilLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_CeilLayer } impl CeilLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_CeilLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CeilLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { CeilLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_CeilLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { CeilLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_CeilLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { CeilLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_CeilLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for CeilLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("CeilLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for CeilLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::CeluLayer] pub trait CeluLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_CeluLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn alpha(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CeluLayer_propAlpha_const(self.as_raw_CeluLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::CeluLayer] pub trait CeluLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::CeluLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_CeluLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_alpha(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CeluLayer_propAlpha_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_CeluLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct CeluLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { CeluLayer } impl Drop for CeluLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CeluLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_CeluLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for CeluLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for CeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for CeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CeluLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for CeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for CeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CeluLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for CeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for CeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CeluLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::CeluLayerTraitConst for CeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_CeluLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::CeluLayerTrait for CeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_CeluLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CeluLayer, crate::dnn::CeluLayerTraitConst, as_raw_CeluLayer, crate::dnn::CeluLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_CeluLayer } impl CeluLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_CeluLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CeluLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { CeluLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_CeluLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { CeluLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_CeluLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { CeluLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_CeluLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for CeluLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("CeluLayer") .field("alpha", &crate::dnn::CeluLayerTraitConst::alpha(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for CeluLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ChannelsPReLULayer] pub trait ChannelsPReLULayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ChannelsPReLULayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ChannelsPReLULayer] pub trait ChannelsPReLULayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::ChannelsPReLULayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ChannelsPReLULayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct ChannelsPReLULayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ChannelsPReLULayer } impl Drop for ChannelsPReLULayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ChannelsPReLULayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ChannelsPReLULayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ChannelsPReLULayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for ChannelsPReLULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for ChannelsPReLULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ChannelsPReLULayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ChannelsPReLULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ChannelsPReLULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ChannelsPReLULayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ChannelsPReLULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ChannelsPReLULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ChannelsPReLULayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ChannelsPReLULayerTraitConst for ChannelsPReLULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ChannelsPReLULayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ChannelsPReLULayerTrait for ChannelsPReLULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ChannelsPReLULayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ChannelsPReLULayer, crate::dnn::ChannelsPReLULayerTraitConst, as_raw_ChannelsPReLULayer, crate::dnn::ChannelsPReLULayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ChannelsPReLULayer } impl ChannelsPReLULayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ChannelsPReLULayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ChannelsPReLULayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ChannelsPReLULayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_ChannelsPReLULayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { ChannelsPReLULayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ChannelsPReLULayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ChannelsPReLULayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ChannelsPReLULayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ChannelsPReLULayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ChannelsPReLULayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ChannelsPReLULayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ClassificationModel] pub trait ClassificationModelTraitConst: crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst { fn as_raw_ClassificationModel(&self) -> *const c_void; /// Get enable/disable softmax post processing option. /// /// This option defaults to false, softmax post processing is not applied within the classify() function. #[inline] fn get_enable_softmax_post_processing(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ClassificationModel_getEnableSoftmaxPostProcessing_const(self.as_raw_ClassificationModel(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ClassificationModel] pub trait ClassificationModelTrait: crate::dnn::ClassificationModelTraitConst + crate::dnn::ModelTrait { fn as_raw_mut_ClassificationModel(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// Set enable/disable softmax post processing option. /// /// If this option is true, softmax is applied after forward inference within the classify() function /// to convert the confidences range to [0.0-1.0]. /// This function allows you to toggle this behavior. /// Please turn true when not contain softmax layer in model. /// ## Parameters /// * enable: Set enable softmax post processing within the classify() function. #[inline] fn set_enable_softmax_post_processing(&mut self, enable: bool) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ClassificationModel_setEnableSoftmaxPostProcessing_bool(self.as_raw_mut_ClassificationModel(), enable, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::ClassificationModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Given the @p input frame, create input blob, run net and return top-1 prediction. /// ## Parameters /// * frame: The input image. #[inline] fn classify(&mut self, frame: &impl ToInputArray) -> Result> { input_array_arg!(frame); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ClassificationModel_classify_const__InputArrayR(self.as_raw_mut_ClassificationModel(), frame.as_raw__InputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Tuple::<(i32, f32)>::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Given the @p input frame, create input blob, run net and return top-1 prediction. /// ## Parameters /// * frame: The input image. /// /// ## Overloaded parameters #[inline] fn classify_1(&mut self, frame: &impl ToInputArray, class_id: &mut i32, conf: &mut f32) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(frame); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ClassificationModel_classify_const__InputArrayR_intR_floatR(self.as_raw_mut_ClassificationModel(), frame.as_raw__InputArray(), class_id, conf, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// This class represents high-level API for classification models. /// /// ClassificationModel allows to set params for preprocessing input image. /// ClassificationModel creates net from file with trained weights and config, /// sets preprocessing input, runs forward pass and return top-1 prediction. pub struct ClassificationModel { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ClassificationModel } impl Drop for ClassificationModel { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ClassificationModel_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ClassificationModel()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ClassificationModel {} impl crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst for ClassificationModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_Model(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ModelTrait for ClassificationModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Model(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ClassificationModel, crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst, as_raw_Model, crate::dnn::ModelTrait, as_raw_mut_Model } impl crate::dnn::ClassificationModelTraitConst for ClassificationModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_ClassificationModel(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ClassificationModelTrait for ClassificationModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ClassificationModel(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ClassificationModel, crate::dnn::ClassificationModelTraitConst, as_raw_ClassificationModel, crate::dnn::ClassificationModelTrait, as_raw_mut_ClassificationModel } impl ClassificationModel { #[inline] pub fn default() -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ClassificationModel_ClassificationModel(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::ClassificationModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create classification model from network represented in one of the supported formats. /// An order of @p model and @p config arguments does not matter. /// ## Parameters /// * model: Binary file contains trained weights. /// * config: Text file contains network configuration. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * config: "" #[inline] pub fn new(model: &str, config: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); extern_container_arg!(config); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ClassificationModel_ClassificationModel_const_StringR_const_StringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), config.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::ClassificationModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create classification model from network represented in one of the supported formats. /// An order of @p model and @p config arguments does not matter. /// ## Parameters /// * model: Binary file contains trained weights. /// * config: Text file contains network configuration. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [new] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * config: "" #[inline] pub fn new_def(model: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ClassificationModel_ClassificationModel_const_StringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::ClassificationModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create model from deep learning network. /// ## Parameters /// * network: Net object. #[inline] pub fn new_1(network: &impl crate::dnn::NetTraitConst) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ClassificationModel_ClassificationModel_const_NetR(network.as_raw_Net(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::ClassificationModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } impl Clone for ClassificationModel { #[inline] fn clone(&self) -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ClassificationModel_implicitClone_const(self.as_raw_ClassificationModel())) } } } boxed_cast_base! { ClassificationModel, crate::dnn::Model, cv_dnn_ClassificationModel_to_Model } impl std::fmt::Debug for ClassificationModel { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ClassificationModel") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::CompareLayer] pub trait CompareLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_CompareLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::CompareLayer] pub trait CompareLayerTrait: crate::dnn::CompareLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_CompareLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct CompareLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { CompareLayer } impl Drop for CompareLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CompareLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_CompareLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for CompareLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for CompareLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for CompareLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CompareLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for CompareLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for CompareLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CompareLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::CompareLayerTraitConst for CompareLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_CompareLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::CompareLayerTrait for CompareLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_CompareLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CompareLayer, crate::dnn::CompareLayerTraitConst, as_raw_CompareLayer, crate::dnn::CompareLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_CompareLayer } impl CompareLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_CompareLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CompareLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { CompareLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_CompareLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { CompareLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_CompareLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for CompareLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("CompareLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for CompareLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ConcatLayer] pub trait ConcatLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ConcatLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn axis(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConcatLayer_propAxis_const(self.as_raw_ConcatLayer()) }; ret } /// Add zero padding in case of concatenation of blobs with different /// spatial sizes. /// /// Details: #[inline] fn padding(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConcatLayer_propPadding_const(self.as_raw_ConcatLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn padding_value(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConcatLayer_propPaddingValue_const(self.as_raw_ConcatLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ConcatLayer] pub trait ConcatLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ConcatLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_ConcatLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_axis(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConcatLayer_propAxis_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_ConcatLayer(), val) }; ret } /// Add zero padding in case of concatenation of blobs with different /// spatial sizes. /// /// Details: #[inline] fn set_padding(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConcatLayer_propPadding_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_ConcatLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_padding_value(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConcatLayer_propPaddingValue_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_ConcatLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct ConcatLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ConcatLayer } impl Drop for ConcatLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConcatLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ConcatLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ConcatLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ConcatLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ConcatLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ConcatLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ConcatLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ConcatLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ConcatLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ConcatLayerTraitConst for ConcatLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ConcatLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ConcatLayerTrait for ConcatLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ConcatLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ConcatLayer, crate::dnn::ConcatLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ConcatLayer, crate::dnn::ConcatLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ConcatLayer } impl ConcatLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ConcatLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConcatLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ConcatLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ConcatLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ConcatLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ConcatLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ConcatLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ConcatLayer") .field("axis", &crate::dnn::ConcatLayerTraitConst::axis(self)) .field("padding", &crate::dnn::ConcatLayerTraitConst::padding(self)) .field("padding_value", &crate::dnn::ConcatLayerTraitConst::padding_value(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ConcatLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ConstLayer] pub trait ConstLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ConstLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ConstLayer] pub trait ConstLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ConstLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_ConstLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } /// Constant layer produces the same data blob at an every forward pass. pub struct ConstLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ConstLayer } impl Drop for ConstLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConstLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ConstLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ConstLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ConstLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ConstLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ConstLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ConstLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ConstLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ConstLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ConstLayerTraitConst for ConstLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ConstLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ConstLayerTrait for ConstLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ConstLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ConstLayer, crate::dnn::ConstLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ConstLayer, crate::dnn::ConstLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ConstLayer } impl ConstLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ConstLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConstLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ConstLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ConstLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ConstLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ConstLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ConstLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ConstLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ConstLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayer] pub trait ConvolutionLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ConvolutionLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn fused_activation(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayer_propFusedActivation_const(self.as_raw_ConvolutionLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn fused_add(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayer_propFusedAdd_const(self.as_raw_ConvolutionLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn use_winograd(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayer_propUseWinograd_const(self.as_raw_ConvolutionLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayer] pub trait ConvolutionLayerTrait: crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTrait + crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ConvolutionLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// ## C++ default parameters /// * val: false #[inline] fn set_fused_activation(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayer_propFusedActivation_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_ConvolutionLayer(), val) }; ret } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * val: false #[inline] fn set_fused_add(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayer_propFusedAdd_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_ConvolutionLayer(), val) }; ret } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * val: true #[inline] fn set_use_winograd(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayer_propUseWinograd_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_ConvolutionLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct ConvolutionLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ConvolutionLayer } impl Drop for ConvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ConvolutionLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ConvolutionLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ConvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ConvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ConvolutionLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst for ConvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTrait for ConvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ConvolutionLayer, crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst, as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer, crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ConvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ConvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ConvolutionLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerTraitConst for ConvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ConvolutionLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerTrait for ConvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ConvolutionLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ConvolutionLayer, crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ConvolutionLayer, crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ConvolutionLayer } impl ConvolutionLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ConvolutionLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ConvolutionLayer, crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayer, cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayer_to_BaseConvolutionLayer } boxed_cast_base! { ConvolutionLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ConvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ConvolutionLayer") .field("fused_activation", &crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerTraitConst::fused_activation(self)) .field("fused_add", &crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerTraitConst::fused_add(self)) .field("use_winograd", &crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerTraitConst::use_winograd(self)) .field("kernel", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::kernel(self)) .field("stride", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::stride(self)) .field("pad", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::pad(self)) .field("dilation", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::dilation(self)) .field("adjust_pad", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::adjust_pad(self)) .field("adjust_pads", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::adjust_pads(self)) .field("kernel_size", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::kernel_size(self)) .field("strides", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::strides(self)) .field("dilations", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::dilations(self)) .field("pads_begin", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::pads_begin(self)) .field("pads_end", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::pads_end(self)) .field("pad_mode", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::pad_mode(self)) .field("num_output", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::num_output(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ConvolutionLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerInt8] pub trait ConvolutionLayerInt8TraitConst: crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ConvolutionLayerInt8(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn input_zp(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayerInt8_propInput_zp_const(self.as_raw_ConvolutionLayerInt8()) }; ret } #[inline] fn output_zp(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayerInt8_propOutput_zp_const(self.as_raw_ConvolutionLayerInt8()) }; ret } #[inline] fn input_sc(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayerInt8_propInput_sc_const(self.as_raw_ConvolutionLayerInt8()) }; ret } #[inline] fn output_sc(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayerInt8_propOutput_sc_const(self.as_raw_ConvolutionLayerInt8()) }; ret } #[inline] fn per_channel(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayerInt8_propPer_channel_const(self.as_raw_ConvolutionLayerInt8()) }; ret } #[inline] fn use_winograd(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayerInt8_propUseWinograd_const(self.as_raw_ConvolutionLayerInt8()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerInt8] pub trait ConvolutionLayerInt8Trait: crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTrait + crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerInt8TraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ConvolutionLayerInt8(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_input_zp(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayerInt8_propInput_zp_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_ConvolutionLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_output_zp(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayerInt8_propOutput_zp_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_ConvolutionLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_input_sc(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayerInt8_propInput_sc_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_ConvolutionLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_output_sc(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayerInt8_propOutput_sc_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_ConvolutionLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_per_channel(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayerInt8_propPer_channel_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_ConvolutionLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * val: false #[inline] fn set_use_winograd(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayerInt8_propUseWinograd_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_ConvolutionLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } } pub struct ConvolutionLayerInt8 { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ConvolutionLayerInt8 } impl Drop for ConvolutionLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayerInt8_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ConvolutionLayerInt8()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ConvolutionLayerInt8 {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ConvolutionLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ConvolutionLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ConvolutionLayerInt8, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst for ConvolutionLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTrait for ConvolutionLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ConvolutionLayerInt8, crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst, as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer, crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ConvolutionLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ConvolutionLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ConvolutionLayerInt8, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerInt8TraitConst for ConvolutionLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_ConvolutionLayerInt8(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerInt8Trait for ConvolutionLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ConvolutionLayerInt8(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ConvolutionLayerInt8, crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerInt8TraitConst, as_raw_ConvolutionLayerInt8, crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerInt8Trait, as_raw_mut_ConvolutionLayerInt8 } impl ConvolutionLayerInt8 { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayerInt8_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayerInt8_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ConvolutionLayerInt8, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayerInt8_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ConvolutionLayerInt8, crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayer, cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayerInt8_to_BaseConvolutionLayer } boxed_cast_base! { ConvolutionLayerInt8, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ConvolutionLayerInt8_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ConvolutionLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ConvolutionLayerInt8") .field("input_zp", &crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerInt8TraitConst::input_zp(self)) .field("output_zp", &crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerInt8TraitConst::output_zp(self)) .field("input_sc", &crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerInt8TraitConst::input_sc(self)) .field("output_sc", &crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerInt8TraitConst::output_sc(self)) .field("per_channel", &crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerInt8TraitConst::per_channel(self)) .field("use_winograd", &crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerInt8TraitConst::use_winograd(self)) .field("kernel", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::kernel(self)) .field("stride", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::stride(self)) .field("pad", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::pad(self)) .field("dilation", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::dilation(self)) .field("adjust_pad", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::adjust_pad(self)) .field("adjust_pads", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::adjust_pads(self)) .field("kernel_size", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::kernel_size(self)) .field("strides", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::strides(self)) .field("dilations", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::dilations(self)) .field("pads_begin", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::pads_begin(self)) .field("pads_end", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::pads_end(self)) .field("pad_mode", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::pad_mode(self)) .field("num_output", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::num_output(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ConvolutionLayerInt8 { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::CorrelationLayer] pub trait CorrelationLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_CorrelationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::CorrelationLayer] pub trait CorrelationLayerTrait: crate::dnn::CorrelationLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_CorrelationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct CorrelationLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { CorrelationLayer } impl Drop for CorrelationLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CorrelationLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_CorrelationLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for CorrelationLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for CorrelationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for CorrelationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CorrelationLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for CorrelationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for CorrelationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CorrelationLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::CorrelationLayerTraitConst for CorrelationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_CorrelationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::CorrelationLayerTrait for CorrelationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_CorrelationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CorrelationLayer, crate::dnn::CorrelationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_CorrelationLayer, crate::dnn::CorrelationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_CorrelationLayer } impl CorrelationLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_CorrelationLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CorrelationLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { CorrelationLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_CorrelationLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { CorrelationLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_CorrelationLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for CorrelationLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("CorrelationLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for CorrelationLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::CosLayer] pub trait CosLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_CosLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::CosLayer] pub trait CosLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::CosLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_CosLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct CosLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { CosLayer } impl Drop for CosLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CosLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_CosLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for CosLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for CosLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for CosLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CosLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for CosLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for CosLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CosLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for CosLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for CosLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CosLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::CosLayerTraitConst for CosLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_CosLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::CosLayerTrait for CosLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_CosLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CosLayer, crate::dnn::CosLayerTraitConst, as_raw_CosLayer, crate::dnn::CosLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_CosLayer } impl CosLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_CosLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CosLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { CosLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_CosLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { CosLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_CosLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { CosLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_CosLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for CosLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("CosLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for CosLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::CoshLayer] pub trait CoshLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_CoshLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::CoshLayer] pub trait CoshLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::CoshLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_CoshLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct CoshLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { CoshLayer } impl Drop for CoshLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CoshLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_CoshLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for CoshLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for CoshLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for CoshLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CoshLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for CoshLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for CoshLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CoshLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for CoshLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for CoshLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CoshLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::CoshLayerTraitConst for CoshLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_CoshLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::CoshLayerTrait for CoshLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_CoshLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CoshLayer, crate::dnn::CoshLayerTraitConst, as_raw_CoshLayer, crate::dnn::CoshLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_CoshLayer } impl CoshLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_CoshLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CoshLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { CoshLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_CoshLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { CoshLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_CoshLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { CoshLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_CoshLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for CoshLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("CoshLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for CoshLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::CropAndResizeLayer] pub trait CropAndResizeLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_CropAndResizeLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::CropAndResizeLayer] pub trait CropAndResizeLayerTrait: crate::dnn::CropAndResizeLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_CropAndResizeLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct CropAndResizeLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { CropAndResizeLayer } impl Drop for CropAndResizeLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CropAndResizeLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_CropAndResizeLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for CropAndResizeLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for CropAndResizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for CropAndResizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CropAndResizeLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for CropAndResizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for CropAndResizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CropAndResizeLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::CropAndResizeLayerTraitConst for CropAndResizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_CropAndResizeLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::CropAndResizeLayerTrait for CropAndResizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_CropAndResizeLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CropAndResizeLayer, crate::dnn::CropAndResizeLayerTraitConst, as_raw_CropAndResizeLayer, crate::dnn::CropAndResizeLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_CropAndResizeLayer } impl CropAndResizeLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_CropAndResizeLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CropAndResizeLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { CropAndResizeLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_CropAndResizeLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { CropAndResizeLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_CropAndResizeLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for CropAndResizeLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("CropAndResizeLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for CropAndResizeLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::CropLayer] pub trait CropLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_CropLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::CropLayer] pub trait CropLayerTrait: crate::dnn::CropLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_CropLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct CropLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { CropLayer } impl Drop for CropLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CropLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_CropLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for CropLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for CropLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for CropLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CropLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for CropLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for CropLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CropLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::CropLayerTraitConst for CropLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_CropLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::CropLayerTrait for CropLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_CropLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CropLayer, crate::dnn::CropLayerTraitConst, as_raw_CropLayer, crate::dnn::CropLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_CropLayer } impl CropLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_CropLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CropLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { CropLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_CropLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { CropLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_CropLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for CropLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("CropLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for CropLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::CumSumLayer] pub trait CumSumLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_CumSumLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn exclusive(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CumSumLayer_propExclusive_const(self.as_raw_CumSumLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn reverse(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CumSumLayer_propReverse_const(self.as_raw_CumSumLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::CumSumLayer] pub trait CumSumLayerTrait: crate::dnn::CumSumLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_CumSumLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_exclusive(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CumSumLayer_propExclusive_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_CumSumLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_reverse(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CumSumLayer_propReverse_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_CumSumLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct CumSumLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { CumSumLayer } impl Drop for CumSumLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CumSumLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_CumSumLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for CumSumLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for CumSumLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for CumSumLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CumSumLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for CumSumLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for CumSumLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CumSumLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::CumSumLayerTraitConst for CumSumLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_CumSumLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::CumSumLayerTrait for CumSumLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_CumSumLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { CumSumLayer, crate::dnn::CumSumLayerTraitConst, as_raw_CumSumLayer, crate::dnn::CumSumLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_CumSumLayer } impl CumSumLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_CumSumLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_CumSumLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { CumSumLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_CumSumLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { CumSumLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_CumSumLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for CumSumLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("CumSumLayer") .field("exclusive", &crate::dnn::CumSumLayerTraitConst::exclusive(self)) .field("reverse", &crate::dnn::CumSumLayerTraitConst::reverse(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for CumSumLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::DataAugmentationLayer] pub trait DataAugmentationLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_DataAugmentationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::DataAugmentationLayer] pub trait DataAugmentationLayerTrait: crate::dnn::DataAugmentationLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_DataAugmentationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct DataAugmentationLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { DataAugmentationLayer } impl Drop for DataAugmentationLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DataAugmentationLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_DataAugmentationLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for DataAugmentationLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for DataAugmentationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for DataAugmentationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { DataAugmentationLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for DataAugmentationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for DataAugmentationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { DataAugmentationLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::DataAugmentationLayerTraitConst for DataAugmentationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_DataAugmentationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::DataAugmentationLayerTrait for DataAugmentationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_DataAugmentationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { DataAugmentationLayer, crate::dnn::DataAugmentationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_DataAugmentationLayer, crate::dnn::DataAugmentationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_DataAugmentationLayer } impl DataAugmentationLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_DataAugmentationLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DataAugmentationLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { DataAugmentationLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_DataAugmentationLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { DataAugmentationLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_DataAugmentationLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for DataAugmentationLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("DataAugmentationLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for DataAugmentationLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::DeconvolutionLayer] pub trait DeconvolutionLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_DeconvolutionLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::DeconvolutionLayer] pub trait DeconvolutionLayerTrait: crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTrait + crate::dnn::DeconvolutionLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_DeconvolutionLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct DeconvolutionLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { DeconvolutionLayer } impl Drop for DeconvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DeconvolutionLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_DeconvolutionLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for DeconvolutionLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for DeconvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for DeconvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { DeconvolutionLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst for DeconvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTrait for DeconvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { DeconvolutionLayer, crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst, as_raw_BaseConvolutionLayer, crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_BaseConvolutionLayer } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for DeconvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for DeconvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { DeconvolutionLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::DeconvolutionLayerTraitConst for DeconvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_DeconvolutionLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::DeconvolutionLayerTrait for DeconvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_DeconvolutionLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { DeconvolutionLayer, crate::dnn::DeconvolutionLayerTraitConst, as_raw_DeconvolutionLayer, crate::dnn::DeconvolutionLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_DeconvolutionLayer } impl DeconvolutionLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_DeconvolutionLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DeconvolutionLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { DeconvolutionLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_DeconvolutionLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { DeconvolutionLayer, crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayer, cv_dnn_DeconvolutionLayer_to_BaseConvolutionLayer } boxed_cast_base! { DeconvolutionLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_DeconvolutionLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for DeconvolutionLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("DeconvolutionLayer") .field("kernel", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::kernel(self)) .field("stride", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::stride(self)) .field("pad", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::pad(self)) .field("dilation", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::dilation(self)) .field("adjust_pad", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::adjust_pad(self)) .field("adjust_pads", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::adjust_pads(self)) .field("kernel_size", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::kernel_size(self)) .field("strides", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::strides(self)) .field("dilations", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::dilations(self)) .field("pads_begin", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::pads_begin(self)) .field("pads_end", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::pads_end(self)) .field("pad_mode", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::pad_mode(self)) .field("num_output", &crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayerTraitConst::num_output(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for DeconvolutionLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::DequantizeLayer] pub trait DequantizeLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_DequantizeLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn scales(&self) -> core::Vector { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DequantizeLayer_propScales_const(self.as_raw_DequantizeLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn zeropoints(&self) -> core::Vector { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DequantizeLayer_propZeropoints_const(self.as_raw_DequantizeLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::DequantizeLayer] pub trait DequantizeLayerTrait: crate::dnn::DequantizeLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_DequantizeLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_scales(&mut self, val: core::Vector) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DequantizeLayer_propScales_const_vectorLfloatG(self.as_raw_mut_DequantizeLayer(), val.as_raw_VectorOff32()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_zeropoints(&mut self, val: core::Vector) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DequantizeLayer_propZeropoints_const_vectorLintG(self.as_raw_mut_DequantizeLayer(), val.as_raw_VectorOfi32()) }; ret } } pub struct DequantizeLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { DequantizeLayer } impl Drop for DequantizeLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DequantizeLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_DequantizeLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for DequantizeLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for DequantizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for DequantizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { DequantizeLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for DequantizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for DequantizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { DequantizeLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::DequantizeLayerTraitConst for DequantizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_DequantizeLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::DequantizeLayerTrait for DequantizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_DequantizeLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { DequantizeLayer, crate::dnn::DequantizeLayerTraitConst, as_raw_DequantizeLayer, crate::dnn::DequantizeLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_DequantizeLayer } impl DequantizeLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_DequantizeLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DequantizeLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { DequantizeLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_DequantizeLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { DequantizeLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_DequantizeLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for DequantizeLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("DequantizeLayer") .field("scales", &crate::dnn::DequantizeLayerTraitConst::scales(self)) .field("zeropoints", &crate::dnn::DequantizeLayerTraitConst::zeropoints(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for DequantizeLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::DetectionModel] pub trait DetectionModelTraitConst: crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst { fn as_raw_DetectionModel(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::DetectionModel] pub trait DetectionModelTrait: crate::dnn::DetectionModelTraitConst + crate::dnn::ModelTrait { fn as_raw_mut_DetectionModel(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// nmsAcrossClasses defaults to false, /// such that when non max suppression is used during the detect() function, it will do so per-class. /// This function allows you to toggle this behaviour. /// ## Parameters /// * value: The new value for nmsAcrossClasses #[inline] fn set_nms_across_classes(&mut self, value: bool) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DetectionModel_setNmsAcrossClasses_bool(self.as_raw_mut_DetectionModel(), value, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::DetectionModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Getter for nmsAcrossClasses. This variable defaults to false, /// such that when non max suppression is used during the detect() function, it will do so only per-class #[inline] fn get_nms_across_classes(&mut self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DetectionModel_getNmsAcrossClasses(self.as_raw_mut_DetectionModel(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Given the @p input frame, create input blob, run net and return result detections. /// ## Parameters /// * frame: The input image. /// * classIds:[out] Class indexes in result detection. /// * confidences:[out] A set of corresponding confidences. /// * boxes:[out] A set of bounding boxes. /// * confThreshold: A threshold used to filter boxes by confidences. /// * nmsThreshold: A threshold used in non maximum suppression. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * conf_threshold: 0.5f /// * nms_threshold: 0.0f #[inline] fn detect(&mut self, frame: &impl ToInputArray, class_ids: &mut core::Vector, confidences: &mut core::Vector, boxes: &mut core::Vector, conf_threshold: f32, nms_threshold: f32) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(frame); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DetectionModel_detect_const__InputArrayR_vectorLintGR_vectorLfloatGR_vectorLRectGR_float_float(self.as_raw_mut_DetectionModel(), frame.as_raw__InputArray(), class_ids.as_raw_mut_VectorOfi32(), confidences.as_raw_mut_VectorOff32(), boxes.as_raw_mut_VectorOfRect(), conf_threshold, nms_threshold, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Given the @p input frame, create input blob, run net and return result detections. /// ## Parameters /// * frame: The input image. /// * classIds:[out] Class indexes in result detection. /// * confidences:[out] A set of corresponding confidences. /// * boxes:[out] A set of bounding boxes. /// * confThreshold: A threshold used to filter boxes by confidences. /// * nmsThreshold: A threshold used in non maximum suppression. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [DetectionModelTrait::detect] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * conf_threshold: 0.5f /// * nms_threshold: 0.0f #[inline] fn detect_def(&mut self, frame: &impl ToInputArray, class_ids: &mut core::Vector, confidences: &mut core::Vector, boxes: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(frame); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DetectionModel_detect_const__InputArrayR_vectorLintGR_vectorLfloatGR_vectorLRectGR(self.as_raw_mut_DetectionModel(), frame.as_raw__InputArray(), class_ids.as_raw_mut_VectorOfi32(), confidences.as_raw_mut_VectorOff32(), boxes.as_raw_mut_VectorOfRect(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// This class represents high-level API for object detection networks. /// /// DetectionModel allows to set params for preprocessing input image. /// DetectionModel creates net from file with trained weights and config, /// sets preprocessing input, runs forward pass and return result detections. /// For DetectionModel SSD, Faster R-CNN, YOLO topologies are supported. pub struct DetectionModel { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { DetectionModel } impl Drop for DetectionModel { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DetectionModel_delete(self.as_raw_mut_DetectionModel()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for DetectionModel {} impl crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst for DetectionModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_Model(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ModelTrait for DetectionModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Model(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { DetectionModel, crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst, as_raw_Model, crate::dnn::ModelTrait, as_raw_mut_Model } impl crate::dnn::DetectionModelTraitConst for DetectionModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_DetectionModel(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::DetectionModelTrait for DetectionModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_DetectionModel(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { DetectionModel, crate::dnn::DetectionModelTraitConst, as_raw_DetectionModel, crate::dnn::DetectionModelTrait, as_raw_mut_DetectionModel } impl DetectionModel { /// Create detection model from network represented in one of the supported formats. /// An order of @p model and @p config arguments does not matter. /// ## Parameters /// * model: Binary file contains trained weights. /// * config: Text file contains network configuration. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * config: "" #[inline] pub fn new(model: &str, config: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); extern_container_arg!(config); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DetectionModel_DetectionModel_const_StringR_const_StringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), config.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::DetectionModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create detection model from network represented in one of the supported formats. /// An order of @p model and @p config arguments does not matter. /// ## Parameters /// * model: Binary file contains trained weights. /// * config: Text file contains network configuration. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [new] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * config: "" #[inline] pub fn new_def(model: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DetectionModel_DetectionModel_const_StringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::DetectionModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create model from deep learning network. /// ## Parameters /// * network: Net object. #[inline] pub fn new_1(network: &impl crate::dnn::NetTraitConst) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DetectionModel_DetectionModel_const_NetR(network.as_raw_Net(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::DetectionModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] pub fn default() -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DetectionModel_DetectionModel(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::DetectionModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } impl Clone for DetectionModel { #[inline] fn clone(&self) -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_DetectionModel_implicitClone_const(self.as_raw_DetectionModel())) } } } boxed_cast_base! { DetectionModel, crate::dnn::Model, cv_dnn_DetectionModel_to_Model } impl std::fmt::Debug for DetectionModel { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("DetectionModel") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::DetectionOutputLayer] pub trait DetectionOutputLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_DetectionOutputLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::DetectionOutputLayer] pub trait DetectionOutputLayerTrait: crate::dnn::DetectionOutputLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_DetectionOutputLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } /// Detection output layer. /// /// The layer size is: @f$ (1 \times 1 \times N \times 7) @f$ /// where N is [keep_top_k] parameter multiplied by batch size. Each row is: /// [image_id, label, confidence, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] /// where image_id is the index of image input in the batch. pub struct DetectionOutputLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { DetectionOutputLayer } impl Drop for DetectionOutputLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DetectionOutputLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_DetectionOutputLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for DetectionOutputLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for DetectionOutputLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for DetectionOutputLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { DetectionOutputLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for DetectionOutputLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for DetectionOutputLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { DetectionOutputLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::DetectionOutputLayerTraitConst for DetectionOutputLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_DetectionOutputLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::DetectionOutputLayerTrait for DetectionOutputLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_DetectionOutputLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { DetectionOutputLayer, crate::dnn::DetectionOutputLayerTraitConst, as_raw_DetectionOutputLayer, crate::dnn::DetectionOutputLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_DetectionOutputLayer } impl DetectionOutputLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_DetectionOutputLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DetectionOutputLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { DetectionOutputLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_DetectionOutputLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { DetectionOutputLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_DetectionOutputLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for DetectionOutputLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("DetectionOutputLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for DetectionOutputLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::Dict] pub trait DictTraitConst { fn as_raw_Dict(&self) -> *const c_void; /// Checks a presence of the @p key in the dictionary. #[inline] fn has(&self, key: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(key); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Dict_has_const_const_StringR(self.as_raw_Dict(), key.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// If the @p key in the dictionary then returns pointer to its value, else returns NULL. /// /// ## Overloaded parameters #[inline] unsafe fn ptr(&self, key: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(key); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); { sys::cv_dnn_Dict_ptr_const_const_StringR(self.as_raw_Dict(), key.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = { crate::dnn::DictValue::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// If the @p key in the dictionary then returns its value, else an error will be generated. #[inline] fn get(&self, key: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(key); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Dict_get_const_const_StringR(self.as_raw_Dict(), key.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::DictValue::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::Dict] pub trait DictTrait: crate::dnn::DictTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_Dict(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// If the @p key in the dictionary then returns pointer to its value, else returns NULL. #[inline] unsafe fn ptr_mut(&mut self, key: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(key); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); { sys::cv_dnn_Dict_ptr_const_StringR(self.as_raw_mut_Dict(), key.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = { crate::dnn::DictValue::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Sets new @p value for the @p key, or adds new key-value pair into the dictionary. #[inline] fn set_str(&mut self, key: &str, value: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(key); extern_container_arg!(value); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Dict_set_const_cv_String_const_StringR_const_StringR(self.as_raw_mut_Dict(), key.opencv_as_extern(), value.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Sets new @p value for the @p key, or adds new key-value pair into the dictionary. #[inline] fn set(&mut self, key: &str, value: &impl crate::dnn::DictValueTraitConst) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(key); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Dict_set_const_cv_dnn_DictValue_const_StringR_const_DictValueR(self.as_raw_mut_Dict(), key.opencv_as_extern(), value.as_raw_DictValue(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::DictValue::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Sets new @p value for the @p key, or adds new key-value pair into the dictionary. #[inline] fn set_f64(&mut self, key: &str, value: &f64) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(key); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Dict_set_const_double_const_StringR_const_doubleR(self.as_raw_mut_Dict(), key.opencv_as_extern(), value, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Sets new @p value for the @p key, or adds new key-value pair into the dictionary. #[inline] fn set_i64(&mut self, key: &str, value: &i64) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(key); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Dict_set_const_int64_t_const_StringR_const_int64_tR(self.as_raw_mut_Dict(), key.opencv_as_extern(), value, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Erase @p key from the dictionary. #[inline] fn erase(&mut self, key: &str) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(key); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Dict_erase_const_StringR(self.as_raw_mut_Dict(), key.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// This class implements name-value dictionary, values are instances of DictValue. pub struct Dict { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { Dict } impl Drop for Dict { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Dict_delete(self.as_raw_mut_Dict()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for Dict {} impl crate::dnn::DictTraitConst for Dict { #[inline] fn as_raw_Dict(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::DictTrait for Dict { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Dict(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { Dict, crate::dnn::DictTraitConst, as_raw_Dict, crate::dnn::DictTrait, as_raw_mut_Dict } impl Dict { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_Dict_defaultNew_const()) } } } impl std::fmt::Debug for Dict { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Dict") .finish() } } impl Default for Dict { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::DictValue] pub trait DictValueTraitConst { fn as_raw_DictValue(&self) -> *const c_void; /// ## C++ default parameters /// * idx: -1 #[inline] fn get_str(&self, idx: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_get_cv_String_const_int(self.as_raw_DictValue(), idx, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_str_def(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_get_cv_String_const(self.as_raw_DictValue(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * idx: -1 #[inline] fn get_f64(&self, idx: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_get_double_const_int(self.as_raw_DictValue(), idx, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_f64_def(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_get_double_const(self.as_raw_DictValue(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * idx: -1 #[inline] fn get_i32(&self, idx: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_get_int_const_int(self.as_raw_DictValue(), idx, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_i32_def(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_get_int_const(self.as_raw_DictValue(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * idx: -1 #[inline] fn get_i64(&self, idx: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_get_int64_t_const_int(self.as_raw_DictValue(), idx, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_i64_def(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_get_int64_t_const(self.as_raw_DictValue(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn size(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_size_const(self.as_raw_DictValue(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn is_int(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_isInt_const(self.as_raw_DictValue(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn is_string(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_isString_const(self.as_raw_DictValue(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn is_real(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_isReal_const(self.as_raw_DictValue(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * idx: -1 #[inline] fn get_int_value(&self, idx: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_getIntValue_const_int(self.as_raw_DictValue(), idx, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [DictValueTraitConst::get_int_value] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * idx: -1 #[inline] fn get_int_value_def(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_getIntValue_const(self.as_raw_DictValue(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * idx: -1 #[inline] fn get_real_value(&self, idx: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_getRealValue_const_int(self.as_raw_DictValue(), idx, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [DictValueTraitConst::get_real_value] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * idx: -1 #[inline] fn get_real_value_def(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_getRealValue_const(self.as_raw_DictValue(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * idx: -1 #[inline] fn get_string_value(&self, idx: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_getStringValue_const_int(self.as_raw_DictValue(), idx, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [DictValueTraitConst::get_string_value] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * idx: -1 #[inline] fn get_string_value_def(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_getStringValue_const(self.as_raw_DictValue(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::DictValue] pub trait DictValueTrait: crate::dnn::DictValueTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_DictValue(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set(&mut self, r: &impl crate::dnn::DictValueTraitConst) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_operatorST_const_DictValueR(self.as_raw_mut_DictValue(), r.as_raw_DictValue(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// This struct stores the scalar value (or array) of one of the following type: double, cv::String or int64. /// @todo Maybe int64 is useless because double type exactly stores at least 2^52 integers. pub struct DictValue { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { DictValue } impl Drop for DictValue { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_delete(self.as_raw_mut_DictValue()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for DictValue {} impl crate::dnn::DictValueTraitConst for DictValue { #[inline] fn as_raw_DictValue(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::DictValueTrait for DictValue { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_DictValue(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { DictValue, crate::dnn::DictValueTraitConst, as_raw_DictValue, crate::dnn::DictValueTrait, as_raw_mut_DictValue } impl DictValue { #[inline] pub fn copy(r: &impl crate::dnn::DictValueTraitConst) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_DictValue_const_DictValueR(r.as_raw_DictValue(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::DictValue::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] pub fn from_bool(i: bool) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_DictValue_bool(i, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::DictValue::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * i: 0 #[inline] pub fn from_i64(i: i64) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_DictValue_int64_t(i, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::DictValue::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [from_i64] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * i: 0 #[inline] pub fn from_i64_def() -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_DictValue(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::DictValue::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] pub fn from_i32(i: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_DictValue_int(i, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::DictValue::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] pub fn from_u32(p: u32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_DictValue_unsigned_int(p, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::DictValue::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] pub fn from_f64(p: f64) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_DictValue_double(p, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::DictValue::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] pub fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(s); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_DictValue_DictValue_const_charX(s.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::DictValue::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ELULayer] pub trait ELULayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ELULayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn alpha(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ELULayer_propAlpha_const(self.as_raw_ELULayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ELULayer] pub trait ELULayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::ELULayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ELULayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_alpha(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ELULayer_propAlpha_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_ELULayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct ELULayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ELULayer } impl Drop for ELULayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ELULayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ELULayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ELULayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for ELULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for ELULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ELULayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ELULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ELULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ELULayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ELULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ELULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ELULayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ELULayerTraitConst for ELULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ELULayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ELULayerTrait for ELULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ELULayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ELULayer, crate::dnn::ELULayerTraitConst, as_raw_ELULayer, crate::dnn::ELULayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ELULayer } impl ELULayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ELULayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ELULayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ELULayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_ELULayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { ELULayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ELULayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ELULayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ELULayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ELULayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ELULayer") .field("alpha", &crate::dnn::ELULayerTraitConst::alpha(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ELULayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::EinsumLayer] pub trait EinsumLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_EinsumLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::EinsumLayer] pub trait EinsumLayerTrait: crate::dnn::EinsumLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_EinsumLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } /// This function performs array summation based /// on the Einstein summation convention. The function /// allows for concise expressions of various mathematical /// operations using subscripts. /// /// By default, the labels are placed in alphabetical /// order at the end of the output. /// For example: /// if `c = einsum("i,j", a, b)`, then `c[i,j] == a[i]*b[j]`. /// However, if `c = einsum("j,i", a, b)`, then `c[i,j] = a[j]*b[i]`. /// Alternatively, you can control the output order or prevent /// an axis from being summed/force an axis to be summed /// by providing indices for the output. /// For example: /// `diag(a)` -> `einsum("ii->i", a)` /// `sum(a, axis=0)` -> `einsum("i...->", a)` /// Subscripts at the beginning and end may be specified /// by putting an ellipsis "..." in the middle. /// For instance, the function `einsum("i...i", a)` takes /// the diagonal of the first and last dimensions of /// the operand, and `einsum("ij...,jk...->ik...")` performs /// the matrix product using the first two indices /// of each operand instead of the last two. /// When there is only one operand, no axes being summed, /// and no output parameter, this function returns /// a view into the operand instead of creating a copy. pub struct EinsumLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { EinsumLayer } impl Drop for EinsumLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_EinsumLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_EinsumLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for EinsumLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for EinsumLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for EinsumLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { EinsumLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for EinsumLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for EinsumLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { EinsumLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::EinsumLayerTraitConst for EinsumLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_EinsumLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::EinsumLayerTrait for EinsumLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_EinsumLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { EinsumLayer, crate::dnn::EinsumLayerTraitConst, as_raw_EinsumLayer, crate::dnn::EinsumLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_EinsumLayer } impl EinsumLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_EinsumLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_EinsumLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { EinsumLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_EinsumLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { EinsumLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_EinsumLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for EinsumLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("EinsumLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for EinsumLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::EltwiseLayer] pub trait EltwiseLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_EltwiseLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::EltwiseLayer] pub trait EltwiseLayerTrait: crate::dnn::EltwiseLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_EltwiseLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } /// Element wise operation on inputs /// /// Extra optional parameters: /// - "operation" as string. Values are "sum" (default), "prod", "max", "div", "min" /// - "coeff" as float array. Specify weights of inputs for SUM operation /// - "output_channels_mode" as string. Values are "same" (default, all input must have the same layout), "input_0", "input_0_truncate", "max_input_channels" pub struct EltwiseLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { EltwiseLayer } impl Drop for EltwiseLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_EltwiseLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_EltwiseLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for EltwiseLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for EltwiseLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for EltwiseLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { EltwiseLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for EltwiseLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for EltwiseLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { EltwiseLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::EltwiseLayerTraitConst for EltwiseLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_EltwiseLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::EltwiseLayerTrait for EltwiseLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_EltwiseLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { EltwiseLayer, crate::dnn::EltwiseLayerTraitConst, as_raw_EltwiseLayer, crate::dnn::EltwiseLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_EltwiseLayer } impl EltwiseLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_EltwiseLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_EltwiseLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { EltwiseLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_EltwiseLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { EltwiseLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_EltwiseLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for EltwiseLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("EltwiseLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for EltwiseLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::EltwiseLayerInt8] pub trait EltwiseLayerInt8TraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_EltwiseLayerInt8(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::EltwiseLayerInt8] pub trait EltwiseLayerInt8Trait: crate::dnn::EltwiseLayerInt8TraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_EltwiseLayerInt8(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct EltwiseLayerInt8 { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { EltwiseLayerInt8 } impl Drop for EltwiseLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_EltwiseLayerInt8_delete(self.as_raw_mut_EltwiseLayerInt8()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for EltwiseLayerInt8 {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for EltwiseLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for EltwiseLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { EltwiseLayerInt8, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for EltwiseLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for EltwiseLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { EltwiseLayerInt8, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::EltwiseLayerInt8TraitConst for EltwiseLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_EltwiseLayerInt8(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::EltwiseLayerInt8Trait for EltwiseLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_EltwiseLayerInt8(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { EltwiseLayerInt8, crate::dnn::EltwiseLayerInt8TraitConst, as_raw_EltwiseLayerInt8, crate::dnn::EltwiseLayerInt8Trait, as_raw_mut_EltwiseLayerInt8 } impl EltwiseLayerInt8 { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_EltwiseLayerInt8_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_EltwiseLayerInt8_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { EltwiseLayerInt8, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_EltwiseLayerInt8_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { EltwiseLayerInt8, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_EltwiseLayerInt8_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for EltwiseLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("EltwiseLayerInt8") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for EltwiseLayerInt8 { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ErfLayer] pub trait ErfLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ErfLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ErfLayer] pub trait ErfLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::ErfLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ErfLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct ErfLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ErfLayer } impl Drop for ErfLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ErfLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ErfLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ErfLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for ErfLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for ErfLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ErfLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ErfLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ErfLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ErfLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ErfLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ErfLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ErfLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ErfLayerTraitConst for ErfLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ErfLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ErfLayerTrait for ErfLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ErfLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ErfLayer, crate::dnn::ErfLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ErfLayer, crate::dnn::ErfLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ErfLayer } impl ErfLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ErfLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ErfLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ErfLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_ErfLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { ErfLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ErfLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ErfLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ErfLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ErfLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ErfLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ErfLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ExpLayer] pub trait ExpLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ExpLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn base(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ExpLayer_propBase_const(self.as_raw_ExpLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn scale(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ExpLayer_propScale_const(self.as_raw_ExpLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn shift(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ExpLayer_propShift_const(self.as_raw_ExpLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ExpLayer] pub trait ExpLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::ExpLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ExpLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_base(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ExpLayer_propBase_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_ExpLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_scale(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ExpLayer_propScale_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_ExpLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_shift(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ExpLayer_propShift_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_ExpLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct ExpLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ExpLayer } impl Drop for ExpLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ExpLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ExpLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ExpLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for ExpLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for ExpLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ExpLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ExpLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ExpLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ExpLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ExpLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ExpLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ExpLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ExpLayerTraitConst for ExpLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ExpLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ExpLayerTrait for ExpLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ExpLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ExpLayer, crate::dnn::ExpLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ExpLayer, crate::dnn::ExpLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ExpLayer } impl ExpLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ExpLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ExpLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ExpLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_ExpLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { ExpLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ExpLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ExpLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ExpLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ExpLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ExpLayer") .field("base", &crate::dnn::ExpLayerTraitConst::base(self)) .field("scale", &crate::dnn::ExpLayerTraitConst::scale(self)) .field("shift", &crate::dnn::ExpLayerTraitConst::shift(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ExpLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ExpandLayer] pub trait ExpandLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ExpandLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ExpandLayer] pub trait ExpandLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ExpandLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_ExpandLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct ExpandLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ExpandLayer } impl Drop for ExpandLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ExpandLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ExpandLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ExpandLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ExpandLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ExpandLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ExpandLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ExpandLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ExpandLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ExpandLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ExpandLayerTraitConst for ExpandLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ExpandLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ExpandLayerTrait for ExpandLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ExpandLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ExpandLayer, crate::dnn::ExpandLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ExpandLayer, crate::dnn::ExpandLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ExpandLayer } impl ExpandLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ExpandLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ExpandLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ExpandLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ExpandLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ExpandLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ExpandLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ExpandLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ExpandLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ExpandLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::FlattenLayer] pub trait FlattenLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_FlattenLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::FlattenLayer] pub trait FlattenLayerTrait: crate::dnn::FlattenLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_FlattenLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct FlattenLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { FlattenLayer } impl Drop for FlattenLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_FlattenLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_FlattenLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for FlattenLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for FlattenLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for FlattenLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { FlattenLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for FlattenLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for FlattenLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { FlattenLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::FlattenLayerTraitConst for FlattenLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_FlattenLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::FlattenLayerTrait for FlattenLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_FlattenLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { FlattenLayer, crate::dnn::FlattenLayerTraitConst, as_raw_FlattenLayer, crate::dnn::FlattenLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_FlattenLayer } impl FlattenLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_FlattenLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_FlattenLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { FlattenLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_FlattenLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { FlattenLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_FlattenLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for FlattenLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("FlattenLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for FlattenLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::FloorLayer] pub trait FloorLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_FloorLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::FloorLayer] pub trait FloorLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::FloorLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_FloorLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct FloorLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { FloorLayer } impl Drop for FloorLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_FloorLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_FloorLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for FloorLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for FloorLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for FloorLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { FloorLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for FloorLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for FloorLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { FloorLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for FloorLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for FloorLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { FloorLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::FloorLayerTraitConst for FloorLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_FloorLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::FloorLayerTrait for FloorLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_FloorLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { FloorLayer, crate::dnn::FloorLayerTraitConst, as_raw_FloorLayer, crate::dnn::FloorLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_FloorLayer } impl FloorLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_FloorLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_FloorLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { FloorLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_FloorLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { FloorLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_FloorLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { FloorLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_FloorLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for FloorLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("FloorLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for FloorLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::FlowWarpLayer] pub trait FlowWarpLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_FlowWarpLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::FlowWarpLayer] pub trait FlowWarpLayerTrait: crate::dnn::FlowWarpLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_FlowWarpLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct FlowWarpLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { FlowWarpLayer } impl Drop for FlowWarpLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_FlowWarpLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_FlowWarpLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for FlowWarpLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for FlowWarpLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for FlowWarpLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { FlowWarpLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for FlowWarpLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for FlowWarpLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { FlowWarpLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::FlowWarpLayerTraitConst for FlowWarpLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_FlowWarpLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::FlowWarpLayerTrait for FlowWarpLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_FlowWarpLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { FlowWarpLayer, crate::dnn::FlowWarpLayerTraitConst, as_raw_FlowWarpLayer, crate::dnn::FlowWarpLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_FlowWarpLayer } impl FlowWarpLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_FlowWarpLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_FlowWarpLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { FlowWarpLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_FlowWarpLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { FlowWarpLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_FlowWarpLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for FlowWarpLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("FlowWarpLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for FlowWarpLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::GRULayer] pub trait GRULayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_GRULayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::GRULayer] pub trait GRULayerTrait: crate::dnn::GRULayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_GRULayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } /// GRU recurrent one-layer /// /// Accepts input sequence and computes the final hidden state for each element in the batch. /// /// - input[0] containing the features of the input sequence. /// input[0] should have shape [`T`, `N`, `data_dims`] where `T` is sequence length, `N` is batch size, `data_dims` is input size /// - output would have shape [`T`, `N`, `D` * `hidden_size`] where `D = 2` if layer is bidirectional otherwise `D = 1` /// /// Depends on the following attributes: /// - hidden_size - Number of neurons in the hidden layer /// - direction - RNN could be bidirectional or forward /// /// The final hidden state @f$ h_t @f$ computes by the following formulas: /// /// @f{eqnarray*}{ /// r_t = \sigma(W_{ir} x_t + b_{ir} + W_{hr} h_{(t-1)} + b_{hr}) \\ /// z_t = \sigma(W_{iz} x_t + b_{iz} + W_{hz} h_{(t-1)} + b_{hz}) \\ /// n_t = \tanh(W_{in} x_t + b_{in} + r_t \odot (W_{hn} h_{(t-1)}+ b_{hn})) \\ /// h_t = (1 - z_t) \odot n_t + z_t \odot h_{(t-1)} \\ /// @f} /// Where @f$x_t@f$ is current input, @f$h_{(t-1)}@f$ is previous or initial hidden state. /// /// @f$W_{x?}@f$, @f$W_{h?}@f$ and @f$b_{?}@f$ are learned weights represented as matrices: /// @f$W_{x?} \in R^{N_h \times N_x}@f$, @f$W_{h?} \in R^{N_h \times N_h}@f$, @f$b_? \in R^{N_h}@f$. /// /// @f$\odot@f$ is per-element multiply operation. pub struct GRULayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { GRULayer } impl Drop for GRULayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GRULayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_GRULayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for GRULayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for GRULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for GRULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GRULayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for GRULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for GRULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GRULayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::GRULayerTraitConst for GRULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_GRULayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::GRULayerTrait for GRULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_GRULayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GRULayer, crate::dnn::GRULayerTraitConst, as_raw_GRULayer, crate::dnn::GRULayerTrait, as_raw_mut_GRULayer } impl GRULayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_GRULayer_defaultNew_const()) } } /// Creates instance of GRU layer #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GRULayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { GRULayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_GRULayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { GRULayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_GRULayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for GRULayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("GRULayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for GRULayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::GatherElementsLayer] pub trait GatherElementsLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_GatherElementsLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::GatherElementsLayer] pub trait GatherElementsLayerTrait: crate::dnn::GatherElementsLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_GatherElementsLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } /// GatherElements layer /// GatherElements takes two inputs data and indices of the same rank r >= 1 and an optional attribute axis and works such that: /// output[i][j][k] = data[index[i][j][k]][j][k] if axis = 0 and r = 3 /// output[i][j][k] = data[i][index[i][j][k]][k] if axis = 1 and r = 3 /// output[i][j][k] = data[i][j][index[i][j][k]] if axis = 2 and r = 3 /// /// Gather, on the other hand, takes a data tensor of rank r >= 1, and indices tensor of rank q, and works such that: /// it gathers the enteries along axis dimension of the input data indexed by indices and concatenates them in an output tensor of rank q + (r - 1) /// e.g. If axis = 0, let k = indices[i_{0}, ..., i_{q-1}] then output[i_{0}, ..., i_{q-1}, j_{0}, ..., j_{r-2}] = input[k , j_{0}, ..., j_{r-2}]: pub struct GatherElementsLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { GatherElementsLayer } impl Drop for GatherElementsLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GatherElementsLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_GatherElementsLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for GatherElementsLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for GatherElementsLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for GatherElementsLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GatherElementsLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for GatherElementsLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for GatherElementsLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GatherElementsLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::GatherElementsLayerTraitConst for GatherElementsLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_GatherElementsLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::GatherElementsLayerTrait for GatherElementsLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_GatherElementsLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GatherElementsLayer, crate::dnn::GatherElementsLayerTraitConst, as_raw_GatherElementsLayer, crate::dnn::GatherElementsLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_GatherElementsLayer } impl GatherElementsLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_GatherElementsLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GatherElementsLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { GatherElementsLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_GatherElementsLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { GatherElementsLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_GatherElementsLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for GatherElementsLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("GatherElementsLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for GatherElementsLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::GatherLayer] pub trait GatherLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_GatherLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::GatherLayer] pub trait GatherLayerTrait: crate::dnn::GatherLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_GatherLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } /// Gather layer pub struct GatherLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { GatherLayer } impl Drop for GatherLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GatherLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_GatherLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for GatherLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for GatherLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for GatherLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GatherLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for GatherLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for GatherLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GatherLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::GatherLayerTraitConst for GatherLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_GatherLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::GatherLayerTrait for GatherLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_GatherLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GatherLayer, crate::dnn::GatherLayerTraitConst, as_raw_GatherLayer, crate::dnn::GatherLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_GatherLayer } impl GatherLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_GatherLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GatherLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { GatherLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_GatherLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { GatherLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_GatherLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for GatherLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("GatherLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for GatherLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::GeluApproximationLayer] pub trait GeluApproximationLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_GeluApproximationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::GeluApproximationLayer] pub trait GeluApproximationLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::GeluApproximationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_GeluApproximationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct GeluApproximationLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { GeluApproximationLayer } impl Drop for GeluApproximationLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GeluApproximationLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_GeluApproximationLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for GeluApproximationLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for GeluApproximationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for GeluApproximationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GeluApproximationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for GeluApproximationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for GeluApproximationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GeluApproximationLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for GeluApproximationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for GeluApproximationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GeluApproximationLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::GeluApproximationLayerTraitConst for GeluApproximationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_GeluApproximationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::GeluApproximationLayerTrait for GeluApproximationLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_GeluApproximationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GeluApproximationLayer, crate::dnn::GeluApproximationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_GeluApproximationLayer, crate::dnn::GeluApproximationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_GeluApproximationLayer } impl GeluApproximationLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_GeluApproximationLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GeluApproximationLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { GeluApproximationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_GeluApproximationLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { GeluApproximationLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_GeluApproximationLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { GeluApproximationLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_GeluApproximationLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for GeluApproximationLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("GeluApproximationLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for GeluApproximationLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::GeluLayer] pub trait GeluLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_GeluLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::GeluLayer] pub trait GeluLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::GeluLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_GeluLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct GeluLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { GeluLayer } impl Drop for GeluLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GeluLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_GeluLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for GeluLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for GeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for GeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GeluLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for GeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for GeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GeluLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for GeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for GeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GeluLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::GeluLayerTraitConst for GeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_GeluLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::GeluLayerTrait for GeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_GeluLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GeluLayer, crate::dnn::GeluLayerTraitConst, as_raw_GeluLayer, crate::dnn::GeluLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_GeluLayer } impl GeluLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_GeluLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GeluLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { GeluLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_GeluLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { GeluLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_GeluLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { GeluLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_GeluLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for GeluLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("GeluLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for GeluLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::GemmLayer] pub trait GemmLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_GemmLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn trans_a(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GemmLayer_propTrans_a_const(self.as_raw_GemmLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn trans_b(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GemmLayer_propTrans_b_const(self.as_raw_GemmLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn alpha(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GemmLayer_propAlpha_const(self.as_raw_GemmLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn beta(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GemmLayer_propBeta_const(self.as_raw_GemmLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::GemmLayer] pub trait GemmLayerTrait: crate::dnn::GemmLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_GemmLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_trans_a(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GemmLayer_propTrans_a_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_GemmLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_trans_b(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GemmLayer_propTrans_b_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_GemmLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_alpha(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GemmLayer_propAlpha_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_GemmLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_beta(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GemmLayer_propBeta_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_GemmLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct GemmLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { GemmLayer } impl Drop for GemmLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GemmLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_GemmLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for GemmLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for GemmLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for GemmLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GemmLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for GemmLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for GemmLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GemmLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::GemmLayerTraitConst for GemmLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_GemmLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::GemmLayerTrait for GemmLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_GemmLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GemmLayer, crate::dnn::GemmLayerTraitConst, as_raw_GemmLayer, crate::dnn::GemmLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_GemmLayer } impl GemmLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_GemmLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GemmLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { GemmLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_GemmLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { GemmLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_GemmLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for GemmLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("GemmLayer") .field("trans_a", &crate::dnn::GemmLayerTraitConst::trans_a(self)) .field("trans_b", &crate::dnn::GemmLayerTraitConst::trans_b(self)) .field("alpha", &crate::dnn::GemmLayerTraitConst::alpha(self)) .field("beta", &crate::dnn::GemmLayerTraitConst::beta(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for GemmLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::GroupNormLayer] pub trait GroupNormLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_GroupNormLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::GroupNormLayer] pub trait GroupNormLayerTrait: crate::dnn::GroupNormLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_GroupNormLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct GroupNormLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { GroupNormLayer } impl Drop for GroupNormLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GroupNormLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_GroupNormLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for GroupNormLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for GroupNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for GroupNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GroupNormLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for GroupNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for GroupNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GroupNormLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::GroupNormLayerTraitConst for GroupNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_GroupNormLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::GroupNormLayerTrait for GroupNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_GroupNormLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { GroupNormLayer, crate::dnn::GroupNormLayerTraitConst, as_raw_GroupNormLayer, crate::dnn::GroupNormLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_GroupNormLayer } impl GroupNormLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_GroupNormLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_GroupNormLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { GroupNormLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_GroupNormLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { GroupNormLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_GroupNormLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for GroupNormLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("GroupNormLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for GroupNormLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::HardSigmoidLayer] pub trait HardSigmoidLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_HardSigmoidLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn alpha(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_HardSigmoidLayer_propAlpha_const(self.as_raw_HardSigmoidLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn beta(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_HardSigmoidLayer_propBeta_const(self.as_raw_HardSigmoidLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::HardSigmoidLayer] pub trait HardSigmoidLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::HardSigmoidLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_HardSigmoidLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_alpha(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_HardSigmoidLayer_propAlpha_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_HardSigmoidLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_beta(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_HardSigmoidLayer_propBeta_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_HardSigmoidLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct HardSigmoidLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { HardSigmoidLayer } impl Drop for HardSigmoidLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_HardSigmoidLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_HardSigmoidLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for HardSigmoidLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for HardSigmoidLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for HardSigmoidLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { HardSigmoidLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for HardSigmoidLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for HardSigmoidLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { HardSigmoidLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for HardSigmoidLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for HardSigmoidLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { HardSigmoidLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::HardSigmoidLayerTraitConst for HardSigmoidLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_HardSigmoidLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::HardSigmoidLayerTrait for HardSigmoidLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_HardSigmoidLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { HardSigmoidLayer, crate::dnn::HardSigmoidLayerTraitConst, as_raw_HardSigmoidLayer, crate::dnn::HardSigmoidLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_HardSigmoidLayer } impl HardSigmoidLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_HardSigmoidLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_HardSigmoidLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { HardSigmoidLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_HardSigmoidLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { HardSigmoidLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_HardSigmoidLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { HardSigmoidLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_HardSigmoidLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for HardSigmoidLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("HardSigmoidLayer") .field("alpha", &crate::dnn::HardSigmoidLayerTraitConst::alpha(self)) .field("beta", &crate::dnn::HardSigmoidLayerTraitConst::beta(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for HardSigmoidLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::HardSwishLayer] pub trait HardSwishLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_HardSwishLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::HardSwishLayer] pub trait HardSwishLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::HardSwishLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_HardSwishLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct HardSwishLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { HardSwishLayer } impl Drop for HardSwishLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_HardSwishLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_HardSwishLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for HardSwishLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for HardSwishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for HardSwishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { HardSwishLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for HardSwishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for HardSwishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { HardSwishLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for HardSwishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for HardSwishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { HardSwishLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::HardSwishLayerTraitConst for HardSwishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_HardSwishLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::HardSwishLayerTrait for HardSwishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_HardSwishLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { HardSwishLayer, crate::dnn::HardSwishLayerTraitConst, as_raw_HardSwishLayer, crate::dnn::HardSwishLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_HardSwishLayer } impl HardSwishLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_HardSwishLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_HardSwishLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { HardSwishLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_HardSwishLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { HardSwishLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_HardSwishLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { HardSwishLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_HardSwishLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for HardSwishLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("HardSwishLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for HardSwishLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Processing params of image to blob. /// /// It includes all possible image processing operations and corresponding parameters. /// ## See also /// blobFromImageWithParams /// /// /// Note: /// The order and usage of `scalefactor` and `mean` are (input - mean) * scalefactor. /// The order and usage of `scalefactor`, `size`, `mean`, `swapRB`, and `ddepth` are consistent /// with the function of [blobFromImage]. #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct Image2BlobParams { /// scalefactor multiplier for input image values. pub scalefactor: core::Scalar, /// Spatial size for output image. pub size: core::Size, /// Scalar with mean values which are subtracted from channels. pub mean: core::Scalar, /// Flag which indicates that swap first and last channels pub swap_rb: bool, /// Depth of output blob. Choose CV_32F or CV_8U. pub ddepth: i32, /// Order of output dimensions. Choose DNN_LAYOUT_NCHW or DNN_LAYOUT_NHWC. pub datalayout: crate::dnn::DataLayout, /// Image padding mode. see also: ImagePaddingMode. pub paddingmode: crate::dnn::ImagePaddingMode, /// Value used in padding mode for padding. pub border_value: core::Scalar, } opencv_type_simple! { crate::dnn::Image2BlobParams } impl Image2BlobParams { #[inline] pub fn default() -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Image2BlobParams_Image2BlobParams(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * size: Size() /// * mean: Scalar() /// * swap_rb: false /// * ddepth: CV_32F /// * datalayout: DNN_LAYOUT_NCHW /// * mode: DNN_PMODE_NULL /// * border_value: 0.0 #[inline] pub fn new(scalefactor: core::Scalar, size: core::Size, mean: core::Scalar, swap_rb: bool, ddepth: i32, datalayout: crate::dnn::DataLayout, mode: crate::dnn::ImagePaddingMode, border_value: core::Scalar) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Image2BlobParams_Image2BlobParams_const_ScalarR_const_SizeR_const_ScalarR_bool_int_DataLayout_ImagePaddingMode_Scalar(&scalefactor, &size, &mean, swap_rb, ddepth, datalayout, mode, &border_value, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [new] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * size: Size() /// * mean: Scalar() /// * swap_rb: false /// * ddepth: CV_32F /// * datalayout: DNN_LAYOUT_NCHW /// * mode: DNN_PMODE_NULL /// * border_value: 0.0 #[inline] pub fn new_def(scalefactor: core::Scalar) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Image2BlobParams_Image2BlobParams_const_ScalarR(&scalefactor, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Get rectangle coordinates in original image system from rectangle in blob coordinates. /// ## Parameters /// * rBlob: rect in blob coordinates. /// * size: original input image size. /// ## Returns /// rectangle in original image coordinates. #[inline] pub fn blob_rect_to_image_rect(self, r_blob: core::Rect, size: core::Size) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Image2BlobParams_blobRectToImageRect_const_RectR_const_SizeR(&self, &r_blob, &size, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Get rectangle coordinates in original image system from rectangle in blob coordinates. /// ## Parameters /// * rBlob: rect in blob coordinates. /// * rImg: result rect in image coordinates. /// * size: original input image size. #[inline] pub fn blob_rects_to_image_rects(self, r_blob: &core::Vector, r_img: &mut core::Vector, size: core::Size) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Image2BlobParams_blobRectsToImageRects_const_vectorLRectGR_vectorLRectGR_const_SizeR(&self, r_blob.as_raw_VectorOfRect(), r_img.as_raw_mut_VectorOfRect(), &size, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::InnerProductLayer] pub trait InnerProductLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_InnerProductLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn axis(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InnerProductLayer_propAxis_const(self.as_raw_InnerProductLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::InnerProductLayer] pub trait InnerProductLayerTrait: crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_InnerProductLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_axis(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InnerProductLayer_propAxis_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_InnerProductLayer(), val) }; ret } } /// `InnerProduct`, `MatMul` and `Gemm` operations are all implemented by Fully Connected Layer. /// Parameter `is_matmul` is used to distinguish `MatMul` and `Gemm` from `InnerProduct`. pub struct InnerProductLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { InnerProductLayer } impl Drop for InnerProductLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InnerProductLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_InnerProductLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for InnerProductLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for InnerProductLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for InnerProductLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { InnerProductLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for InnerProductLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for InnerProductLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { InnerProductLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerTraitConst for InnerProductLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_InnerProductLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerTrait for InnerProductLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_InnerProductLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { InnerProductLayer, crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerTraitConst, as_raw_InnerProductLayer, crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_InnerProductLayer } impl InnerProductLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_InnerProductLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InnerProductLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { InnerProductLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_InnerProductLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { InnerProductLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_InnerProductLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for InnerProductLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("InnerProductLayer") .field("axis", &crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerTraitConst::axis(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for InnerProductLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerInt8] pub trait InnerProductLayerInt8TraitConst: crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_InnerProductLayerInt8(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn input_zp(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InnerProductLayerInt8_propInput_zp_const(self.as_raw_InnerProductLayerInt8()) }; ret } #[inline] fn output_zp(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InnerProductLayerInt8_propOutput_zp_const(self.as_raw_InnerProductLayerInt8()) }; ret } #[inline] fn input_sc(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InnerProductLayerInt8_propInput_sc_const(self.as_raw_InnerProductLayerInt8()) }; ret } #[inline] fn output_sc(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InnerProductLayerInt8_propOutput_sc_const(self.as_raw_InnerProductLayerInt8()) }; ret } #[inline] fn per_channel(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InnerProductLayerInt8_propPer_channel_const(self.as_raw_InnerProductLayerInt8()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerInt8] pub trait InnerProductLayerInt8Trait: crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerInt8TraitConst + crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_InnerProductLayerInt8(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_input_zp(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InnerProductLayerInt8_propInput_zp_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_InnerProductLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_output_zp(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InnerProductLayerInt8_propOutput_zp_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_InnerProductLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_input_sc(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InnerProductLayerInt8_propInput_sc_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_InnerProductLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_output_sc(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InnerProductLayerInt8_propOutput_sc_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_InnerProductLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_per_channel(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InnerProductLayerInt8_propPer_channel_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_InnerProductLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } } pub struct InnerProductLayerInt8 { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { InnerProductLayerInt8 } impl Drop for InnerProductLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InnerProductLayerInt8_delete(self.as_raw_mut_InnerProductLayerInt8()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for InnerProductLayerInt8 {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for InnerProductLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for InnerProductLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { InnerProductLayerInt8, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerTraitConst for InnerProductLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_InnerProductLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerTrait for InnerProductLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_InnerProductLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { InnerProductLayerInt8, crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerTraitConst, as_raw_InnerProductLayer, crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_InnerProductLayer } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for InnerProductLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for InnerProductLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { InnerProductLayerInt8, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerInt8TraitConst for InnerProductLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_InnerProductLayerInt8(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerInt8Trait for InnerProductLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_InnerProductLayerInt8(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { InnerProductLayerInt8, crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerInt8TraitConst, as_raw_InnerProductLayerInt8, crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerInt8Trait, as_raw_mut_InnerProductLayerInt8 } impl InnerProductLayerInt8 { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_InnerProductLayerInt8_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InnerProductLayerInt8_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { InnerProductLayerInt8, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_InnerProductLayerInt8_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { InnerProductLayerInt8, crate::dnn::InnerProductLayer, cv_dnn_InnerProductLayerInt8_to_InnerProductLayer } boxed_cast_base! { InnerProductLayerInt8, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_InnerProductLayerInt8_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for InnerProductLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("InnerProductLayerInt8") .field("input_zp", &crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerInt8TraitConst::input_zp(self)) .field("output_zp", &crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerInt8TraitConst::output_zp(self)) .field("input_sc", &crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerInt8TraitConst::input_sc(self)) .field("output_sc", &crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerInt8TraitConst::output_sc(self)) .field("per_channel", &crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerInt8TraitConst::per_channel(self)) .field("axis", &crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerTraitConst::axis(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for InnerProductLayerInt8 { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::InstanceNormLayer] pub trait InstanceNormLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_InstanceNormLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn epsilon(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InstanceNormLayer_propEpsilon_const(self.as_raw_InstanceNormLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::InstanceNormLayer] pub trait InstanceNormLayerTrait: crate::dnn::InstanceNormLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_InstanceNormLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_epsilon(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InstanceNormLayer_propEpsilon_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_InstanceNormLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct InstanceNormLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { InstanceNormLayer } impl Drop for InstanceNormLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InstanceNormLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_InstanceNormLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for InstanceNormLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for InstanceNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for InstanceNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { InstanceNormLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for InstanceNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for InstanceNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { InstanceNormLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::InstanceNormLayerTraitConst for InstanceNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_InstanceNormLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::InstanceNormLayerTrait for InstanceNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_InstanceNormLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { InstanceNormLayer, crate::dnn::InstanceNormLayerTraitConst, as_raw_InstanceNormLayer, crate::dnn::InstanceNormLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_InstanceNormLayer } impl InstanceNormLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_InstanceNormLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InstanceNormLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { InstanceNormLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_InstanceNormLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { InstanceNormLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_InstanceNormLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for InstanceNormLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("InstanceNormLayer") .field("epsilon", &crate::dnn::InstanceNormLayerTraitConst::epsilon(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for InstanceNormLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::InterpLayer] pub trait InterpLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_InterpLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::InterpLayer] pub trait InterpLayerTrait: crate::dnn::InterpLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_InterpLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } /// Bilinear resize layer from /// /// It differs from [ResizeLayer] in output shape and resize scales computations. pub struct InterpLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { InterpLayer } impl Drop for InterpLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InterpLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_InterpLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for InterpLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for InterpLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for InterpLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { InterpLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for InterpLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for InterpLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { InterpLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::InterpLayerTraitConst for InterpLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_InterpLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::InterpLayerTrait for InterpLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_InterpLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { InterpLayer, crate::dnn::InterpLayerTraitConst, as_raw_InterpLayer, crate::dnn::InterpLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_InterpLayer } impl InterpLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_InterpLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_InterpLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { InterpLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_InterpLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { InterpLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_InterpLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for InterpLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("InterpLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for InterpLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::KeypointsModel] pub trait KeypointsModelTraitConst: crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst { fn as_raw_KeypointsModel(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::KeypointsModel] pub trait KeypointsModelTrait: crate::dnn::KeypointsModelTraitConst + crate::dnn::ModelTrait { fn as_raw_mut_KeypointsModel(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// Given the @p input frame, create input blob, run net /// ## Parameters /// * frame: The input image. /// * thresh: minimum confidence threshold to select a keypoint /// ## Returns /// a vector holding the x and y coordinates of each detected keypoint /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * thresh: 0.5 #[inline] fn estimate(&mut self, frame: &impl ToInputArray, thresh: f32) -> Result> { input_array_arg!(frame); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_KeypointsModel_estimate_const__InputArrayR_float(self.as_raw_mut_KeypointsModel(), frame.as_raw__InputArray(), thresh, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Given the @p input frame, create input blob, run net /// ## Parameters /// * frame: The input image. /// * thresh: minimum confidence threshold to select a keypoint /// ## Returns /// a vector holding the x and y coordinates of each detected keypoint /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [KeypointsModelTrait::estimate] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * thresh: 0.5 #[inline] fn estimate_def(&mut self, frame: &impl ToInputArray) -> Result> { input_array_arg!(frame); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_KeypointsModel_estimate_const__InputArrayR(self.as_raw_mut_KeypointsModel(), frame.as_raw__InputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } /// This class represents high-level API for keypoints models /// /// KeypointsModel allows to set params for preprocessing input image. /// KeypointsModel creates net from file with trained weights and config, /// sets preprocessing input, runs forward pass and returns the x and y coordinates of each detected keypoint pub struct KeypointsModel { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { KeypointsModel } impl Drop for KeypointsModel { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_KeypointsModel_delete(self.as_raw_mut_KeypointsModel()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for KeypointsModel {} impl crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst for KeypointsModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_Model(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ModelTrait for KeypointsModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Model(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { KeypointsModel, crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst, as_raw_Model, crate::dnn::ModelTrait, as_raw_mut_Model } impl crate::dnn::KeypointsModelTraitConst for KeypointsModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_KeypointsModel(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::KeypointsModelTrait for KeypointsModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_KeypointsModel(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { KeypointsModel, crate::dnn::KeypointsModelTraitConst, as_raw_KeypointsModel, crate::dnn::KeypointsModelTrait, as_raw_mut_KeypointsModel } impl KeypointsModel { /// Create keypoints model from network represented in one of the supported formats. /// An order of @p model and @p config arguments does not matter. /// ## Parameters /// * model: Binary file contains trained weights. /// * config: Text file contains network configuration. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * config: "" #[inline] pub fn new(model: &str, config: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); extern_container_arg!(config); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_KeypointsModel_KeypointsModel_const_StringR_const_StringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), config.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::KeypointsModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create keypoints model from network represented in one of the supported formats. /// An order of @p model and @p config arguments does not matter. /// ## Parameters /// * model: Binary file contains trained weights. /// * config: Text file contains network configuration. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [new] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * config: "" #[inline] pub fn new_def(model: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_KeypointsModel_KeypointsModel_const_StringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::KeypointsModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create model from deep learning network. /// ## Parameters /// * network: Net object. #[inline] pub fn new_1(network: &impl crate::dnn::NetTraitConst) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_KeypointsModel_KeypointsModel_const_NetR(network.as_raw_Net(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::KeypointsModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } impl Clone for KeypointsModel { #[inline] fn clone(&self) -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_KeypointsModel_implicitClone_const(self.as_raw_KeypointsModel())) } } } boxed_cast_base! { KeypointsModel, crate::dnn::Model, cv_dnn_KeypointsModel_to_Model } impl std::fmt::Debug for KeypointsModel { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("KeypointsModel") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::LRNLayer] pub trait LRNLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_LRNLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn typ(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LRNLayer_propType_const(self.as_raw_LRNLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn size(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LRNLayer_propSize_const(self.as_raw_LRNLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn alpha(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LRNLayer_propAlpha_const(self.as_raw_LRNLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn beta(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LRNLayer_propBeta_const(self.as_raw_LRNLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn bias(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LRNLayer_propBias_const(self.as_raw_LRNLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn norm_by_size(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LRNLayer_propNormBySize_const(self.as_raw_LRNLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::LRNLayer] pub trait LRNLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LRNLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_LRNLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_type(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LRNLayer_propType_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_LRNLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_size(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LRNLayer_propSize_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_LRNLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_alpha(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LRNLayer_propAlpha_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_LRNLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_beta(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LRNLayer_propBeta_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_LRNLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_bias(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LRNLayer_propBias_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_LRNLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_norm_by_size(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LRNLayer_propNormBySize_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_LRNLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct LRNLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { LRNLayer } impl Drop for LRNLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LRNLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_LRNLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for LRNLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for LRNLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for LRNLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LRNLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for LRNLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for LRNLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LRNLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::LRNLayerTraitConst for LRNLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_LRNLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LRNLayerTrait for LRNLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_LRNLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LRNLayer, crate::dnn::LRNLayerTraitConst, as_raw_LRNLayer, crate::dnn::LRNLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_LRNLayer } impl LRNLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_LRNLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LRNLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { LRNLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_LRNLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { LRNLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_LRNLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for LRNLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("LRNLayer") .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LRNLayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("size", &crate::dnn::LRNLayerTraitConst::size(self)) .field("alpha", &crate::dnn::LRNLayerTraitConst::alpha(self)) .field("beta", &crate::dnn::LRNLayerTraitConst::beta(self)) .field("bias", &crate::dnn::LRNLayerTraitConst::bias(self)) .field("norm_by_size", &crate::dnn::LRNLayerTraitConst::norm_by_size(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for LRNLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::LSTMLayer] pub trait LSTMLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_LSTMLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::LSTMLayer] pub trait LSTMLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LSTMLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_LSTMLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// /// **Deprecated**: Use LayerParams::blobs instead. /// Set trained weights for LSTM layer. /// /// LSTM behavior on each step is defined by current input, previous output, previous cell state and learned weights. /// /// Let @f$x_t@f$ be current input, @f$h_t@f$ be current output, @f$c_t@f$ be current state. /// Than current output and current cell state is computed as follows: /// @f{eqnarray*}{ /// h_t &= o_t \odot tanh(c_t), \\ /// c_t &= f_t \odot c_{t-1} + i_t \odot g_t, \\ /// @f} /// where @f$\odot@f$ is per-element multiply operation and @f$i_t, f_t, o_t, g_t@f$ is internal gates that are computed using learned weights. /// /// Gates are computed as follows: /// @f{eqnarray*}{ /// i_t &= sigmoid&(W_{xi} x_t + W_{hi} h_{t-1} + b_i), \\ /// f_t &= sigmoid&(W_{xf} x_t + W_{hf} h_{t-1} + b_f), \\ /// o_t &= sigmoid&(W_{xo} x_t + W_{ho} h_{t-1} + b_o), \\ /// g_t &= tanh &(W_{xg} x_t + W_{hg} h_{t-1} + b_g), \\ /// @f} /// where @f$W_{x?}@f$, @f$W_{h?}@f$ and @f$b_{?}@f$ are learned weights represented as matrices: /// @f$W_{x?} \in R^{N_h \times N_x}@f$, @f$W_{h?} \in R^{N_h \times N_h}@f$, @f$b_? \in R^{N_h}@f$. /// /// For simplicity and performance purposes we use @f$ W_x = [W_{xi}; W_{xf}; W_{xo}, W_{xg}] @f$ /// (i.e. @f$W_x@f$ is vertical concatenation of @f$ W_{x?} @f$), @f$ W_x \in R^{4N_h \times N_x} @f$. /// The same for @f$ W_h = [W_{hi}; W_{hf}; W_{ho}, W_{hg}], W_h \in R^{4N_h \times N_h} @f$ /// and for @f$ b = [b_i; b_f, b_o, b_g]@f$, @f$b \in R^{4N_h} @f$. /// /// ## Parameters /// * Wh: is matrix defining how previous output is transformed to internal gates (i.e. according to above mentioned notation is @f$ W_h @f$) /// * Wx: is matrix defining how current input is transformed to internal gates (i.e. according to above mentioned notation is @f$ W_x @f$) /// * b: is bias vector (i.e. according to above mentioned notation is @f$ b @f$) #[deprecated = "Use LayerParams::blobs instead."] #[inline] fn set_weights(&mut self, wh: &impl core::MatTraitConst, wx: &impl core::MatTraitConst, b: &impl core::MatTraitConst) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LSTMLayer_setWeights_const_MatR_const_MatR_const_MatR(self.as_raw_mut_LSTMLayer(), wh.as_raw_Mat(), wx.as_raw_Mat(), b.as_raw_Mat(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Specifies shape of output blob which will be [[`T`], `N`] + @p outTailShape. /// @details If this parameter is empty or unset then @p outTailShape = [`Wh`.size(0)] will be used, /// where `Wh` is parameter from setWeights(). /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * out_tail_shape: MatShape() #[inline] fn set_out_shape(&mut self, out_tail_shape: &crate::dnn::MatShape) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LSTMLayer_setOutShape_const_MatShapeR(self.as_raw_mut_LSTMLayer(), out_tail_shape.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Specifies shape of output blob which will be [[`T`], `N`] + @p outTailShape. /// @details If this parameter is empty or unset then @p outTailShape = [`Wh`.size(0)] will be used, /// where `Wh` is parameter from setWeights(). /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [LSTMLayerTrait::set_out_shape] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * out_tail_shape: MatShape() #[inline] fn set_out_shape_def(&mut self) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LSTMLayer_setOutShape(self.as_raw_mut_LSTMLayer(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// /// **Deprecated**: Use flag `produce_cell_output` in LayerParams. /// Specifies either interpret first dimension of input blob as timestamp dimension either as sample. /// /// If flag is set to true then shape of input blob will be interpreted as [`T`, `N`, `[data dims]`] where `T` specifies number of timestamps, `N` is number of independent streams. /// In this case each forward() call will iterate through `T` timestamps and update layer's state `T` times. /// /// If flag is set to false then shape of input blob will be interpreted as [`N`, `[data dims]`]. /// In this case each forward() call will make one iteration and produce one timestamp with shape [`N`, `[out dims]`]. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * use_: true #[deprecated = "Use flag `produce_cell_output` in LayerParams."] #[inline] fn set_use_timstamps_dim(&mut self, use_: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LSTMLayer_setUseTimstampsDim_bool(self.as_raw_mut_LSTMLayer(), use_, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// /// **Deprecated**: Use flag `produce_cell_output` in LayerParams. /// Specifies either interpret first dimension of input blob as timestamp dimension either as sample. /// /// If flag is set to true then shape of input blob will be interpreted as [`T`, `N`, `[data dims]`] where `T` specifies number of timestamps, `N` is number of independent streams. /// In this case each forward() call will iterate through `T` timestamps and update layer's state `T` times. /// /// If flag is set to false then shape of input blob will be interpreted as [`N`, `[data dims]`]. /// In this case each forward() call will make one iteration and produce one timestamp with shape [`N`, `[out dims]`]. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [LSTMLayerTrait::set_use_timstamps_dim] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * use_: true #[deprecated = "Use flag `produce_cell_output` in LayerParams."] #[inline] fn set_use_timstamps_dim_def(&mut self) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LSTMLayer_setUseTimstampsDim(self.as_raw_mut_LSTMLayer(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// /// **Deprecated**: Use flag `use_timestamp_dim` in LayerParams. /// If this flag is set to true then layer will produce @f$ c_t @f$ as second output. /// @details Shape of the second output is the same as first output. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * produce: false #[deprecated = "Use flag `use_timestamp_dim` in LayerParams."] #[inline] fn set_produce_cell_output(&mut self, produce: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LSTMLayer_setProduceCellOutput_bool(self.as_raw_mut_LSTMLayer(), produce, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// /// **Deprecated**: Use flag `use_timestamp_dim` in LayerParams. /// If this flag is set to true then layer will produce @f$ c_t @f$ as second output. /// @details Shape of the second output is the same as first output. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [LSTMLayerTrait::set_produce_cell_output] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * produce: false #[deprecated = "Use flag `use_timestamp_dim` in LayerParams."] #[inline] fn set_produce_cell_output_def(&mut self) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LSTMLayer_setProduceCellOutput(self.as_raw_mut_LSTMLayer(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn input_name_to_index(&mut self, input_name: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(input_name); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LSTMLayer_inputNameToIndex_String(self.as_raw_mut_LSTMLayer(), input_name.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn output_name_to_index(&mut self, output_name: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(output_name); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LSTMLayer_outputNameToIndex_const_StringR(self.as_raw_mut_LSTMLayer(), output_name.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// LSTM recurrent layer pub struct LSTMLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { LSTMLayer } impl Drop for LSTMLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LSTMLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_LSTMLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for LSTMLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for LSTMLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for LSTMLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LSTMLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for LSTMLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for LSTMLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LSTMLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::LSTMLayerTraitConst for LSTMLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_LSTMLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LSTMLayerTrait for LSTMLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_LSTMLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LSTMLayer, crate::dnn::LSTMLayerTraitConst, as_raw_LSTMLayer, crate::dnn::LSTMLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_LSTMLayer } impl LSTMLayer { /// Creates instance of LSTM layer #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LSTMLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { LSTMLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_LSTMLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { LSTMLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_LSTMLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for LSTMLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("LSTMLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::Layer] pub trait LayerTraitConst: core::AlgorithmTraitConst { fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void; /// List of learned parameters must be stored here to allow read them by using Net::getParam(). #[inline] fn blobs(&self) -> core::Vector { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_propBlobs_const(self.as_raw_Layer()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } /// Name of the layer instance, can be used for logging or other internal purposes. #[inline] fn name(&self) -> String { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_propName_const(self.as_raw_Layer()) }; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } /// Type name which was used for creating layer by layer factory. #[inline] fn typ(&self) -> String { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_propType_const(self.as_raw_Layer()) }; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } /// prefer target for layer forwarding #[inline] fn preferable_target(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_propPreferableTarget_const(self.as_raw_Layer()) }; ret } /// Automatic Halide scheduling based on layer hyper-parameters. /// ## Parameters /// * node: Backend node with Halide functions. /// * inputs: Blobs that will be used in forward invocations. /// * outputs: Blobs that will be used in forward invocations. /// * targetId: Target identifier /// ## See also /// BackendNode, Target /// /// Layer don't use own Halide::Func members because we can have applied /// layers fusing. In this way the fused function should be scheduled. #[inline] fn apply_halide_scheduler(&self, node: &mut core::Ptr, inputs: &core::Vector, outputs: &core::Vector, target_id: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_applyHalideScheduler_const_PtrLBackendNodeGR_const_vectorLMatXGR_const_vectorLMatGR_int(self.as_raw_Layer(), node.as_raw_mut_PtrOfBackendNode(), inputs.as_raw_VectorOfMat(), outputs.as_raw_VectorOfMat(), target_id, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Returns parameters of layers with channel-wise multiplication and addition. /// ## Parameters /// * scale:[out] Channel-wise multipliers. Total number of values should /// be equal to number of channels. /// * shift:[out] Channel-wise offsets. Total number of values should /// be equal to number of channels. /// /// Some layers can fuse their transformations with further layers. /// In example, convolution + batch normalization. This way base layer /// use weights from layer after it. Fused layer is skipped. /// By default, @p scale and @p shift are empty that means layer has no /// element-wise multiplications or additions. #[inline] fn get_scale_shift(&self, scale: &mut impl core::MatTrait, shift: &mut impl core::MatTrait) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_getScaleShift_const_MatR_MatR(self.as_raw_Layer(), scale.as_raw_mut_Mat(), shift.as_raw_mut_Mat(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Returns scale and zeropoint of layers /// ## Parameters /// * scale:[out] Output scale /// * zeropoint:[out] Output zeropoint /// /// By default, @p scale is 1 and @p zeropoint is 0. #[inline] fn get_scale_zeropoint(&self, scale: &mut f32, zeropoint: &mut i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_getScaleZeropoint_const_floatR_intR(self.as_raw_Layer(), scale, zeropoint, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_memory_shapes(&self, inputs: &core::Vector, required_outputs: i32, outputs: &mut core::Vector, internals: &mut core::Vector) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_getMemoryShapes_const_const_vectorLMatShapeGR_const_int_vectorLMatShapeGR_vectorLMatShapeGR(self.as_raw_Layer(), inputs.as_raw_VectorOfMatShape(), required_outputs, outputs.as_raw_mut_VectorOfMatShape(), internals.as_raw_mut_VectorOfMatShape(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_flops(&self, inputs: &core::Vector, outputs: &core::Vector) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_getFLOPS_const_const_vectorLMatShapeGR_const_vectorLMatShapeGR(self.as_raw_Layer(), inputs.as_raw_VectorOfMatShape(), outputs.as_raw_VectorOfMatShape(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::Layer] pub trait LayerTrait: core::AlgorithmTrait + crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// List of learned parameters must be stored here to allow read them by using Net::getParam(). #[inline] fn set_blobs(&mut self, val: core::Vector) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_propBlobs_const_vectorLMatG(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), val.as_raw_VectorOfMat()) }; ret } /// Name of the layer instance, can be used for logging or other internal purposes. #[inline] fn set_name(&mut self, val: &str) { extern_container_arg!(nofail val); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_propName_const_String(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), val.opencv_as_extern()) }; ret } /// Type name which was used for creating layer by layer factory. #[inline] fn set_type(&mut self, val: &str) { extern_container_arg!(nofail val); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_propType_const_String(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), val.opencv_as_extern()) }; ret } /// prefer target for layer forwarding #[inline] fn set_preferable_target(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_propPreferableTarget_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), val) }; ret } /// Computes and sets internal parameters according to inputs, outputs and blobs. /// ## Parameters /// * inputs: vector of already allocated input blobs /// * outputs:[out] vector of already allocated output blobs /// /// This method is called after network has allocated all memory for input and output blobs /// and before inferencing. #[inline] fn finalize(&mut self, inputs: &impl ToInputArray, outputs: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(inputs); output_array_arg!(outputs); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_finalize_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), inputs.as_raw__InputArray(), outputs.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Given the @p input blobs, computes the output @p blobs. /// /// **Deprecated**: Use Layer::forward(InputArrayOfArrays, OutputArrayOfArrays, OutputArrayOfArrays) instead /// ## Parameters /// * input: the input blobs. /// * output:[out] allocated output blobs, which will store results of the computation. /// * internals:[out] allocated internal blobs #[deprecated = "Use Layer::forward(InputArrayOfArrays, OutputArrayOfArrays, OutputArrayOfArrays) instead"] #[inline] fn forward_mat(&mut self, input: &mut core::Vector, output: &mut core::Vector, internals: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_forward_vectorLMatXGR_vectorLMatGR_vectorLMatGR(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), input.as_raw_mut_VectorOfMat(), output.as_raw_mut_VectorOfMat(), internals.as_raw_mut_VectorOfMat(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Given the @p input blobs, computes the output @p blobs. /// ## Parameters /// * inputs: the input blobs. /// * outputs:[out] allocated output blobs, which will store results of the computation. /// * internals:[out] allocated internal blobs #[inline] fn forward(&mut self, inputs: &impl ToInputArray, outputs: &mut impl ToOutputArray, internals: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(inputs); output_array_arg!(outputs); output_array_arg!(internals); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_forward_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), inputs.as_raw__InputArray(), outputs.as_raw__OutputArray(), internals.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Tries to quantize the given layer and compute the quantization parameters required for fixed point implementation. /// ## Parameters /// * scales: input and output scales. /// * zeropoints: input and output zeropoints. /// * params:[out] Quantized parameters required for fixed point implementation of that layer. /// ## Returns /// True if layer can be quantized. #[inline] fn try_quantize(&mut self, scales: &core::Vector>, zeropoints: &core::Vector>, params: &mut impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTrait) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_tryQuantize_const_vectorLvectorLfloatGGR_const_vectorLvectorLintGGR_LayerParamsR(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), scales.as_raw_VectorOfVectorOff32(), zeropoints.as_raw_VectorOfVectorOfi32(), params.as_raw_mut_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Given the @p input blobs, computes the output @p blobs. /// ## Parameters /// * inputs: the input blobs. /// * outputs:[out] allocated output blobs, which will store results of the computation. /// * internals:[out] allocated internal blobs #[inline] fn forward_fallback(&mut self, inputs: &impl ToInputArray, outputs: &mut impl ToOutputArray, internals: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(inputs); output_array_arg!(outputs); output_array_arg!(internals); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_forward_fallback_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), inputs.as_raw__InputArray(), outputs.as_raw__OutputArray(), internals.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// /// Computes and sets internal parameters according to inputs, outputs and blobs. /// ## Parameters /// * inputs: vector of already allocated input blobs /// * outputs:[out] vector of already allocated output blobs /// /// This method is called after network has allocated all memory for input and output blobs /// and before inferencing. /// /// ## Overloaded parameters /// /// /// **Deprecated**: Use Layer::finalize(InputArrayOfArrays, OutputArrayOfArrays) instead #[deprecated = "Use Layer::finalize(InputArrayOfArrays, OutputArrayOfArrays) instead"] #[inline] fn finalize_mat_to(&mut self, inputs: &core::Vector, outputs: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_finalize_const_vectorLMatGR_vectorLMatGR(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), inputs.as_raw_VectorOfMat(), outputs.as_raw_mut_VectorOfMat(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// /// Computes and sets internal parameters according to inputs, outputs and blobs. /// ## Parameters /// * inputs: vector of already allocated input blobs /// * outputs:[out] vector of already allocated output blobs /// /// This method is called after network has allocated all memory for input and output blobs /// and before inferencing. /// /// ## Overloaded parameters /// /// /// **Deprecated**: Use Layer::finalize(InputArrayOfArrays, OutputArrayOfArrays) instead #[deprecated = "Use Layer::finalize(InputArrayOfArrays, OutputArrayOfArrays) instead"] #[inline] fn finalize_mat(&mut self, inputs: &core::Vector) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_finalize_const_vectorLMatGR(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), inputs.as_raw_VectorOfMat(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Allocates layer and computes output. /// /// **Deprecated**: This method will be removed in the future release. #[deprecated = "This method will be removed in the future release."] #[inline] fn run(&mut self, inputs: &core::Vector, outputs: &mut core::Vector, internals: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_run_const_vectorLMatGR_vectorLMatGR_vectorLMatGR(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), inputs.as_raw_VectorOfMat(), outputs.as_raw_mut_VectorOfMat(), internals.as_raw_mut_VectorOfMat(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Returns index of input blob into the input array. /// ## Parameters /// * inputName: label of input blob /// /// Each layer input and output can be labeled to easily identify them using "%[.output_name]" notation. /// This method maps label of input blob to its index into input vector. #[inline] fn input_name_to_index(&mut self, input_name: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(input_name); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_inputNameToIndex_String(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), input_name.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Returns index of output blob in output array. /// ## See also /// inputNameToIndex() #[inline] fn output_name_to_index(&mut self, output_name: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(output_name); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_outputNameToIndex_const_StringR(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), output_name.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Ask layer if it support specific backend for doing computations. /// ## Parameters /// * backendId: computation backend identifier. /// ## See also /// Backend #[inline] fn support_backend(&mut self, backend_id: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_supportBackend_int(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), backend_id, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Returns Halide backend node. /// ## Parameters /// * inputs: Input Halide buffers. /// ## See also /// BackendNode, BackendWrapper /// /// Input buffers should be exactly the same that will be used in forward invocations. /// Despite we can use Halide::ImageParam based on input shape only, /// it helps prevent some memory management issues (if something wrong, /// Halide tests will be failed). #[inline] fn init_halide(&mut self, inputs: &core::Vector>) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_initHalide_const_vectorLPtrLBackendWrapperGGR(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), inputs.as_raw_VectorOfPtrOfBackendWrapper(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn init_ngraph(&mut self, inputs: &core::Vector>, nodes: &core::Vector>) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_initNgraph_const_vectorLPtrLBackendWrapperGGR_const_vectorLPtrLBackendNodeGGR(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), inputs.as_raw_VectorOfPtrOfBackendWrapper(), nodes.as_raw_VectorOfPtrOfBackendNode(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn init_vk_com(&mut self, inputs: &core::Vector>, outputs: &mut core::Vector>) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_initVkCom_const_vectorLPtrLBackendWrapperGGR_vectorLPtrLBackendWrapperGGR(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), inputs.as_raw_VectorOfPtrOfBackendWrapper(), outputs.as_raw_mut_VectorOfPtrOfBackendWrapper(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn init_webnn(&mut self, inputs: &core::Vector>, nodes: &core::Vector>) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_initWebnn_const_vectorLPtrLBackendWrapperGGR_const_vectorLPtrLBackendNodeGGR(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), inputs.as_raw_VectorOfPtrOfBackendWrapper(), nodes.as_raw_VectorOfPtrOfBackendNode(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Returns a CUDA backend node /// /// ## Parameters /// * context: void pointer to CSLContext object /// * inputs: layer inputs /// * outputs: layer outputs #[inline] unsafe fn init_cuda(&mut self, context: *mut c_void, inputs: &core::Vector>, outputs: &core::Vector>) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_initCUDA_voidX_const_vectorLPtrLBackendWrapperGGR_const_vectorLPtrLBackendWrapperGGR(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), context, inputs.as_raw_VectorOfPtrOfBackendWrapper(), outputs.as_raw_VectorOfPtrOfBackendWrapper(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Returns a TimVX backend node /// /// ## Parameters /// * timVxInfo: void pointer to CSLContext object /// * inputsWrapper: layer inputs /// * outputsWrapper: layer outputs /// * isLast: if the node is the last one of the TimVX Graph. #[inline] unsafe fn init_tim_vx(&mut self, tim_vx_info: *mut c_void, inputs_wrapper: &core::Vector>, outputs_wrapper: &core::Vector>, is_last: bool) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_initTimVX_voidX_const_vectorLPtrLBackendWrapperGGR_const_vectorLPtrLBackendWrapperGGR_bool(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), tim_vx_info, inputs_wrapper.as_raw_VectorOfPtrOfBackendWrapper(), outputs_wrapper.as_raw_VectorOfPtrOfBackendWrapper(), is_last, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Returns a CANN backend node /// /// ## Parameters /// * inputs: input tensors of CANN operator /// * outputs: output tensors of CANN operator /// * nodes: nodes of input tensors #[inline] fn init_cann(&mut self, inputs: &core::Vector>, outputs: &core::Vector>, nodes: &core::Vector>) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_initCann_const_vectorLPtrLBackendWrapperGGR_const_vectorLPtrLBackendWrapperGGR_const_vectorLPtrLBackendNodeGGR(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), inputs.as_raw_VectorOfPtrOfBackendWrapper(), outputs.as_raw_VectorOfPtrOfBackendWrapper(), nodes.as_raw_VectorOfPtrOfBackendNode(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Implement layers fusing. /// ## Parameters /// * node: Backend node of bottom layer. /// ## See also /// BackendNode /// /// Actual for graph-based backends. If layer attached successfully, /// returns non-empty cv::Ptr to node of the same backend. /// Fuse only over the last function. #[inline] fn try_attach(&mut self, node: &core::Ptr) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_tryAttach_const_PtrLBackendNodeGR(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), node.as_raw_PtrOfBackendNode(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Tries to attach to the layer the subsequent activation layer, i.e. do the layer fusion in a partial case. /// ## Parameters /// * layer: The subsequent activation layer. /// /// Returns true if the activation layer has been attached successfully. #[inline] fn set_activation(&mut self, layer: &core::Ptr) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_setActivation_const_PtrLActivationLayerGR(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), layer.as_raw_PtrOfActivationLayer(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Try to fuse current layer with a next one /// ## Parameters /// * top: Next layer to be fused. /// ## Returns /// True if fusion was performed. #[inline] fn try_fuse(&mut self, top: &mut core::Ptr) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_tryFuse_PtrLLayerGR(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), top.as_raw_mut_PtrOfLayer(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// "Detaches" all the layers, attached to particular layer. #[inline] fn unset_attached(&mut self) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_unsetAttached(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn update_memory_shapes(&mut self, inputs: &core::Vector) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_updateMemoryShapes_const_vectorLMatShapeGR(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), inputs.as_raw_VectorOfMatShape(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_params_from(&mut self, params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_setParamsFrom_const_LayerParamsR(self.as_raw_mut_Layer(), params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// This interface class allows to build new Layers - are building blocks of networks. /// /// Each class, derived from Layer, must implement forward() method to compute outputs. /// Also before using the new layer into networks you must register your layer by using one of [dnnLayerFactory] "LayerFactory" macros. pub struct Layer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { Layer } impl Drop for Layer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_Layer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for Layer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for Layer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for Layer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { Layer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for Layer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for Layer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl Layer { #[inline] pub fn default() -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_Layer(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Layer::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] pub fn new(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Layer_Layer_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Layer::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::AbsLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_AbsLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::AccumLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_AccumLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::AcosLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_AcosLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::AcoshLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_AcoshLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerInt8, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ActivationLayerInt8 } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ArgLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ArgLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::AsinLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_AsinLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::AsinhLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_AsinhLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::AtanLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_AtanLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::AtanhLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_AtanhLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::AttentionLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_AttentionLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::BNLLLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_BNLLLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::BaseConvolutionLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_BaseConvolutionLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::BatchNormLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_BatchNormLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::BatchNormLayerInt8, cv_dnn_Layer_to_BatchNormLayerInt8 } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::BlankLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_BlankLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::CeilLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_CeilLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::CeluLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_CeluLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ChannelsPReLULayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ChannelsPReLULayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::CompareLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_CompareLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ConcatLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ConcatLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ConstLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ConstLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ConvolutionLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ConvolutionLayerInt8, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ConvolutionLayerInt8 } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::CorrelationLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_CorrelationLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::CosLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_CosLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::CoshLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_CoshLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::CropAndResizeLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_CropAndResizeLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::CropLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_CropLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::CumSumLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_CumSumLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::DataAugmentationLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_DataAugmentationLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::DeconvolutionLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_DeconvolutionLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::DequantizeLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_DequantizeLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::DetectionOutputLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_DetectionOutputLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ELULayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ELULayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::EinsumLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_EinsumLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::EltwiseLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_EltwiseLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::EltwiseLayerInt8, cv_dnn_Layer_to_EltwiseLayerInt8 } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ErfLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ErfLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ExpLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ExpLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ExpandLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ExpandLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::FlattenLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_FlattenLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::FloorLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_FloorLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::FlowWarpLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_FlowWarpLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::GRULayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_GRULayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::GatherElementsLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_GatherElementsLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::GatherLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_GatherLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::GeluApproximationLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_GeluApproximationLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::GeluLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_GeluLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::GemmLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_GemmLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::GroupNormLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_GroupNormLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::HardSigmoidLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_HardSigmoidLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::HardSwishLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_HardSwishLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::InnerProductLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_InnerProductLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::InnerProductLayerInt8, cv_dnn_Layer_to_InnerProductLayerInt8 } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::InstanceNormLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_InstanceNormLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::InterpLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_InterpLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::LRNLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_LRNLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::LSTMLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_LSTMLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::LayerNormLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_LayerNormLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::LogLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_LogLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::MVNLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_MVNLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::MatMulLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_MatMulLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::MaxUnpoolLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_MaxUnpoolLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::MishLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_MishLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::NaryEltwiseLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_NaryEltwiseLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::NormalizeBBoxLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_NormalizeBBoxLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::NotLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_NotLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::PaddingLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_PaddingLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::PermuteLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_PermuteLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::PoolingLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_PoolingLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::PoolingLayerInt8, cv_dnn_Layer_to_PoolingLayerInt8 } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::PowerLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_PowerLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::PriorBoxLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_PriorBoxLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ProposalLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ProposalLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::QuantizeLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_QuantizeLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::RNNLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_RNNLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ReLU6Layer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ReLU6Layer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ReLULayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ReLULayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ReciprocalLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ReciprocalLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ReduceLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ReduceLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::RegionLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_RegionLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ReorgLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ReorgLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::RequantizeLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_RequantizeLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ReshapeLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ReshapeLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ResizeLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ResizeLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::RoundLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_RoundLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ScaleLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ScaleLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ScaleLayerInt8, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ScaleLayerInt8 } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ScatterLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ScatterLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ScatterNDLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ScatterNDLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::SeluLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_SeluLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ShiftLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ShiftLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ShiftLayerInt8, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ShiftLayerInt8 } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ShrinkLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ShrinkLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ShuffleChannelLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ShuffleChannelLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::SigmoidLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_SigmoidLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::SignLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_SignLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::SinLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_SinLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::SinhLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_SinhLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::SliceLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_SliceLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_SoftmaxLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerInt8, cv_dnn_Layer_to_SoftmaxLayerInt8 } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::SoftplusLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_SoftplusLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::SoftsignLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_SoftsignLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::SplitLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_SplitLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::SqrtLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_SqrtLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::SwishLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_SwishLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::TanHLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_TanHLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::TanLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_TanLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::ThresholdedReluLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_ThresholdedReluLayer } boxed_cast_descendant! { Layer, crate::dnn::TileLayer, cv_dnn_Layer_to_TileLayer } boxed_cast_base! { Layer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_Layer_to_Algorithm } impl std::fmt::Debug for Layer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Layer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::LayerFactory] pub trait LayerFactoryTraitConst { fn as_raw_LayerFactory(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::LayerFactory] pub trait LayerFactoryTrait: crate::dnn::LayerFactoryTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_LayerFactory(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } /// %Layer factory allows to create instances of registered layers. pub struct LayerFactory { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { LayerFactory } impl Drop for LayerFactory { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LayerFactory_delete(self.as_raw_mut_LayerFactory()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for LayerFactory {} impl crate::dnn::LayerFactoryTraitConst for LayerFactory { #[inline] fn as_raw_LayerFactory(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerFactoryTrait for LayerFactory { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_LayerFactory(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LayerFactory, crate::dnn::LayerFactoryTraitConst, as_raw_LayerFactory, crate::dnn::LayerFactoryTrait, as_raw_mut_LayerFactory } impl LayerFactory { /// Registers the layer class with typename @p type and specified @p constructor. Thread-safe. #[inline] pub fn register_layer(typ: &str, constructor: crate::dnn::LayerFactory_Constructor) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(typ); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LayerFactory_registerLayer_const_StringR_Constructor(typ.opencv_as_extern(), constructor, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Unregisters registered layer with specified type name. Thread-safe. #[inline] pub fn unregister_layer(typ: &str) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(typ); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LayerFactory_unregisterLayer_const_StringR(typ.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Check if layer is registered. #[inline] pub fn is_layer_registered(typ: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(typ); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LayerFactory_isLayerRegistered_const_stringR(typ.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Creates instance of registered layer. /// ## Parameters /// * type: type name of creating layer. /// * params: parameters which will be used for layer initialization. /// /// Note: Thread-safe. #[inline] pub fn create_layer_instance(typ: &str, params: &mut impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTrait) -> Result> { extern_container_arg!(typ); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LayerFactory_createLayerInstance_const_StringR_LayerParamsR(typ.opencv_as_extern(), params.as_raw_mut_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } impl std::fmt::Debug for LayerFactory { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("LayerFactory") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::LayerNormLayer] pub trait LayerNormLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_LayerNormLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn has_bias(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LayerNormLayer_propHasBias_const(self.as_raw_LayerNormLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn axis(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LayerNormLayer_propAxis_const(self.as_raw_LayerNormLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn epsilon(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LayerNormLayer_propEpsilon_const(self.as_raw_LayerNormLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::LayerNormLayer] pub trait LayerNormLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerNormLayerTraitConst + crate::dnn::LayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_LayerNormLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_has_bias(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LayerNormLayer_propHasBias_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_LayerNormLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_axis(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LayerNormLayer_propAxis_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_LayerNormLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_epsilon(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LayerNormLayer_propEpsilon_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_LayerNormLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct LayerNormLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { LayerNormLayer } impl Drop for LayerNormLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LayerNormLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_LayerNormLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for LayerNormLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for LayerNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for LayerNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LayerNormLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for LayerNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for LayerNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LayerNormLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::LayerNormLayerTraitConst for LayerNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_LayerNormLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerNormLayerTrait for LayerNormLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_LayerNormLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LayerNormLayer, crate::dnn::LayerNormLayerTraitConst, as_raw_LayerNormLayer, crate::dnn::LayerNormLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_LayerNormLayer } impl LayerNormLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_LayerNormLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LayerNormLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { LayerNormLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_LayerNormLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { LayerNormLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_LayerNormLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for LayerNormLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("LayerNormLayer") .field("has_bias", &crate::dnn::LayerNormLayerTraitConst::has_bias(self)) .field("axis", &crate::dnn::LayerNormLayerTraitConst::axis(self)) .field("epsilon", &crate::dnn::LayerNormLayerTraitConst::epsilon(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for LayerNormLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::LayerParams] pub trait LayerParamsTraitConst: crate::dnn::DictTraitConst { fn as_raw_LayerParams(&self) -> *const c_void; /// List of learned parameters stored as blobs. #[inline] fn blobs(&self) -> core::Vector { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LayerParams_propBlobs_const(self.as_raw_LayerParams()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } /// Name of the layer instance (optional, can be used internal purposes). #[inline] fn name(&self) -> String { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LayerParams_propName_const(self.as_raw_LayerParams()) }; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } /// Type name which was used for creating layer by layer factory (optional). #[inline] fn typ(&self) -> String { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LayerParams_propType_const(self.as_raw_LayerParams()) }; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::LayerParams] pub trait LayerParamsTrait: crate::dnn::DictTrait + crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_LayerParams(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// List of learned parameters stored as blobs. #[inline] fn set_blobs(&mut self, val: core::Vector) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LayerParams_propBlobs_const_vectorLMatG(self.as_raw_mut_LayerParams(), val.as_raw_VectorOfMat()) }; ret } /// Name of the layer instance (optional, can be used internal purposes). #[inline] fn set_name(&mut self, val: &str) { extern_container_arg!(nofail val); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LayerParams_propName_const_String(self.as_raw_mut_LayerParams(), val.opencv_as_extern()) }; ret } /// Type name which was used for creating layer by layer factory (optional). #[inline] fn set_type(&mut self, val: &str) { extern_container_arg!(nofail val); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LayerParams_propType_const_String(self.as_raw_mut_LayerParams(), val.opencv_as_extern()) }; ret } } /// This class provides all data needed to initialize layer. /// /// It includes dictionary with scalar params (which can be read by using Dict interface), /// blob params [blobs] and optional meta information: [name] and [type] of layer instance. pub struct LayerParams { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { LayerParams } impl Drop for LayerParams { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LayerParams_delete(self.as_raw_mut_LayerParams()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for LayerParams {} impl crate::dnn::DictTraitConst for LayerParams { #[inline] fn as_raw_Dict(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::DictTrait for LayerParams { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Dict(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LayerParams, crate::dnn::DictTraitConst, as_raw_Dict, crate::dnn::DictTrait, as_raw_mut_Dict } impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst for LayerParams { #[inline] fn as_raw_LayerParams(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTrait for LayerParams { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_LayerParams(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LayerParams, crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst, as_raw_LayerParams, crate::dnn::LayerParamsTrait, as_raw_mut_LayerParams } impl LayerParams { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_LayerParams_defaultNew_const()) } } } boxed_cast_base! { LayerParams, crate::dnn::Dict, cv_dnn_LayerParams_to_Dict } impl std::fmt::Debug for LayerParams { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("LayerParams") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst::typ(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for LayerParams { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::LogLayer] pub trait LogLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_LogLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::LogLayer] pub trait LogLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::LogLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_LogLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct LogLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { LogLayer } impl Drop for LogLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LogLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_LogLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for LogLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for LogLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for LogLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LogLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for LogLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for LogLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LogLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for LogLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for LogLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LogLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::LogLayerTraitConst for LogLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_LogLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LogLayerTrait for LogLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_LogLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LogLayer, crate::dnn::LogLayerTraitConst, as_raw_LogLayer, crate::dnn::LogLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_LogLayer } impl LogLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_LogLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_LogLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { LogLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_LogLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { LogLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_LogLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { LogLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_LogLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for LogLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("LogLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for LogLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::MVNLayer] pub trait MVNLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_MVNLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn eps(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_MVNLayer_propEps_const(self.as_raw_MVNLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn norm_variance(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_MVNLayer_propNormVariance_const(self.as_raw_MVNLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn across_channels(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_MVNLayer_propAcrossChannels_const(self.as_raw_MVNLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::MVNLayer] pub trait MVNLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::MVNLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_MVNLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_eps(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_MVNLayer_propEps_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_MVNLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_norm_variance(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_MVNLayer_propNormVariance_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_MVNLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_across_channels(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_MVNLayer_propAcrossChannels_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_MVNLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct MVNLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { MVNLayer } impl Drop for MVNLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_MVNLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_MVNLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for MVNLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for MVNLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for MVNLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { MVNLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for MVNLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for MVNLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { MVNLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::MVNLayerTraitConst for MVNLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_MVNLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::MVNLayerTrait for MVNLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_MVNLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { MVNLayer, crate::dnn::MVNLayerTraitConst, as_raw_MVNLayer, crate::dnn::MVNLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_MVNLayer } impl MVNLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_MVNLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_MVNLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { MVNLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_MVNLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { MVNLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_MVNLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for MVNLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("MVNLayer") .field("eps", &crate::dnn::MVNLayerTraitConst::eps(self)) .field("norm_variance", &crate::dnn::MVNLayerTraitConst::norm_variance(self)) .field("across_channels", &crate::dnn::MVNLayerTraitConst::across_channels(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for MVNLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::MatMulLayer] pub trait MatMulLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_MatMulLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::MatMulLayer] pub trait MatMulLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::MatMulLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_MatMulLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct MatMulLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { MatMulLayer } impl Drop for MatMulLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_MatMulLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_MatMulLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for MatMulLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for MatMulLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for MatMulLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { MatMulLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for MatMulLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for MatMulLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { MatMulLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::MatMulLayerTraitConst for MatMulLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_MatMulLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::MatMulLayerTrait for MatMulLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_MatMulLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { MatMulLayer, crate::dnn::MatMulLayerTraitConst, as_raw_MatMulLayer, crate::dnn::MatMulLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_MatMulLayer } impl MatMulLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_MatMulLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_MatMulLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { MatMulLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_MatMulLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { MatMulLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_MatMulLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for MatMulLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("MatMulLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for MatMulLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::MaxUnpoolLayer] pub trait MaxUnpoolLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_MaxUnpoolLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn pool_kernel(&self) -> core::Size { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_MaxUnpoolLayer_propPoolKernel_const(self.as_raw_MaxUnpoolLayer(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); ret } #[inline] fn pool_pad(&self) -> core::Size { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_MaxUnpoolLayer_propPoolPad_const(self.as_raw_MaxUnpoolLayer(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); ret } #[inline] fn pool_stride(&self) -> core::Size { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_MaxUnpoolLayer_propPoolStride_const(self.as_raw_MaxUnpoolLayer(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::MaxUnpoolLayer] pub trait MaxUnpoolLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::MaxUnpoolLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_MaxUnpoolLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_pool_kernel(&mut self, val: core::Size) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_MaxUnpoolLayer_propPoolKernel_const_Size(self.as_raw_mut_MaxUnpoolLayer(), &val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_pool_pad(&mut self, val: core::Size) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_MaxUnpoolLayer_propPoolPad_const_Size(self.as_raw_mut_MaxUnpoolLayer(), &val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_pool_stride(&mut self, val: core::Size) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_MaxUnpoolLayer_propPoolStride_const_Size(self.as_raw_mut_MaxUnpoolLayer(), &val) }; ret } } pub struct MaxUnpoolLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { MaxUnpoolLayer } impl Drop for MaxUnpoolLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_MaxUnpoolLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_MaxUnpoolLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for MaxUnpoolLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for MaxUnpoolLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for MaxUnpoolLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { MaxUnpoolLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for MaxUnpoolLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for MaxUnpoolLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { MaxUnpoolLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::MaxUnpoolLayerTraitConst for MaxUnpoolLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_MaxUnpoolLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::MaxUnpoolLayerTrait for MaxUnpoolLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_MaxUnpoolLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { MaxUnpoolLayer, crate::dnn::MaxUnpoolLayerTraitConst, as_raw_MaxUnpoolLayer, crate::dnn::MaxUnpoolLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_MaxUnpoolLayer } impl MaxUnpoolLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_MaxUnpoolLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_MaxUnpoolLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { MaxUnpoolLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_MaxUnpoolLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { MaxUnpoolLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_MaxUnpoolLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for MaxUnpoolLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("MaxUnpoolLayer") .field("pool_kernel", &crate::dnn::MaxUnpoolLayerTraitConst::pool_kernel(self)) .field("pool_pad", &crate::dnn::MaxUnpoolLayerTraitConst::pool_pad(self)) .field("pool_stride", &crate::dnn::MaxUnpoolLayerTraitConst::pool_stride(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for MaxUnpoolLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::MishLayer] pub trait MishLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_MishLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::MishLayer] pub trait MishLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::MishLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_MishLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct MishLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { MishLayer } impl Drop for MishLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_MishLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_MishLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for MishLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for MishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for MishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { MishLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for MishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for MishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { MishLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for MishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for MishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { MishLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::MishLayerTraitConst for MishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_MishLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::MishLayerTrait for MishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_MishLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { MishLayer, crate::dnn::MishLayerTraitConst, as_raw_MishLayer, crate::dnn::MishLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_MishLayer } impl MishLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_MishLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_MishLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { MishLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_MishLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { MishLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_MishLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { MishLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_MishLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for MishLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("MishLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for MishLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::Model] pub trait ModelTraitConst { fn as_raw_Model(&self) -> *const c_void; /// Given the @p input frame, create input blob, run net and return the output @p blobs. /// ## Parameters /// * frame: The input image. /// * outs:[out] Allocated output blobs, which will store results of the computation. #[inline] fn predict(&self, frame: &impl ToInputArray, outs: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(frame); output_array_arg!(outs); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_predict_const_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR(self.as_raw_Model(), frame.as_raw__InputArray(), outs.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_network_(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_getNetwork__const(self.as_raw_Model(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::Model] pub trait ModelTrait: crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_Model(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set(&mut self, unnamed: &impl crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_operatorST_const_ModelR(self.as_raw_mut_Model(), unnamed.as_raw_Model()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_1(&mut self, mut unnamed: crate::dnn::Model) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_operatorST_ModelRR(self.as_raw_mut_Model(), unnamed.as_raw_mut_Model()) }; ret } /// Set input size for frame. /// ## Parameters /// * size: New input size. /// /// Note: If shape of the new blob less than 0, then frame size not change. #[inline] fn set_input_size(&mut self, size: core::Size) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_setInputSize_const_SizeR(self.as_raw_mut_Model(), &size, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Model::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Set input size for frame. /// ## Parameters /// * size: New input size. /// /// Note: If shape of the new blob less than 0, then frame size not change. /// /// ## Overloaded parameters /// /// * width: New input width. /// * height: New input height. #[inline] fn set_input_size_1(&mut self, width: i32, height: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_setInputSize_int_int(self.as_raw_mut_Model(), width, height, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Model::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Set mean value for frame. /// ## Parameters /// * mean: Scalar with mean values which are subtracted from channels. #[inline] fn set_input_mean(&mut self, mean: core::Scalar) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_setInputMean_const_ScalarR(self.as_raw_mut_Model(), &mean, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Model::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Set scalefactor value for frame. /// ## Parameters /// * scale: Multiplier for frame values. #[inline] fn set_input_scale(&mut self, scale: core::Scalar) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_setInputScale_const_ScalarR(self.as_raw_mut_Model(), &scale, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Model::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Set flag crop for frame. /// ## Parameters /// * crop: Flag which indicates whether image will be cropped after resize or not. #[inline] fn set_input_crop(&mut self, crop: bool) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_setInputCrop_bool(self.as_raw_mut_Model(), crop, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Model::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Set flag swapRB for frame. /// ## Parameters /// * swapRB: Flag which indicates that swap first and last channels. #[inline] fn set_input_swap_rb(&mut self, swap_rb: bool) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_setInputSwapRB_bool(self.as_raw_mut_Model(), swap_rb, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Model::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Set output names for frame. /// ## Parameters /// * outNames: Names for output layers. #[inline] fn set_output_names(&mut self, out_names: &core::Vector) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_setOutputNames_const_vectorLStringGR(self.as_raw_mut_Model(), out_names.as_raw_VectorOfString(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Model::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Set preprocessing parameters for frame. /// ## Parameters /// * size: New input size. /// * mean: Scalar with mean values which are subtracted from channels. /// * scale: Multiplier for frame values. /// * swapRB: Flag which indicates that swap first and last channels. /// * crop: Flag which indicates whether image will be cropped after resize or not. /// blob(n, c, y, x) = scale * resize( frame(y, x, c) ) - mean(c) ) /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * scale: 1.0 /// * size: Size() /// * mean: Scalar() /// * swap_rb: false /// * crop: false #[inline] fn set_input_params(&mut self, scale: f64, size: core::Size, mean: core::Scalar, swap_rb: bool, crop: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_setInputParams_double_const_SizeR_const_ScalarR_bool_bool(self.as_raw_mut_Model(), scale, &size, &mean, swap_rb, crop, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Set preprocessing parameters for frame. /// ## Parameters /// * size: New input size. /// * mean: Scalar with mean values which are subtracted from channels. /// * scale: Multiplier for frame values. /// * swapRB: Flag which indicates that swap first and last channels. /// * crop: Flag which indicates whether image will be cropped after resize or not. /// blob(n, c, y, x) = scale * resize( frame(y, x, c) ) - mean(c) ) /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [ModelTrait::set_input_params] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * scale: 1.0 /// * size: Size() /// * mean: Scalar() /// * swap_rb: false /// * crop: false #[inline] fn set_input_params_def(&mut self) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_setInputParams(self.as_raw_mut_Model(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## See also /// Net::setPreferableBackend #[inline] fn set_preferable_backend(&mut self, backend_id: crate::dnn::Backend) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_setPreferableBackend_Backend(self.as_raw_mut_Model(), backend_id, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Model::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## See also /// Net::setPreferableTarget #[inline] fn set_preferable_target(&mut self, target_id: crate::dnn::Target) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_setPreferableTarget_Target(self.as_raw_mut_Model(), target_id, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Model::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## See also /// Net::enableWinograd #[inline] fn enable_winograd(&mut self, use_winograd: bool) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_enableWinograd_bool(self.as_raw_mut_Model(), use_winograd, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Model::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_network__1(&mut self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_getNetwork_(self.as_raw_mut_Model(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } /// This class is presented high-level API for neural networks. /// /// Model allows to set params for preprocessing input image. /// Model creates net from file with trained weights and config, /// sets preprocessing input and runs forward pass. pub struct Model { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { Model } impl Drop for Model { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_delete(self.as_raw_mut_Model()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for Model {} impl crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst for Model { #[inline] fn as_raw_Model(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ModelTrait for Model { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Model(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { Model, crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst, as_raw_Model, crate::dnn::ModelTrait, as_raw_mut_Model } impl Model { #[inline] pub fn default() -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_Model(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Model::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] pub fn copy(unnamed: &impl crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst) -> crate::dnn::Model { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_Model_const_ModelR(unnamed.as_raw_Model()) }; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Model::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] pub fn copy_mut(mut unnamed: crate::dnn::Model) -> crate::dnn::Model { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_Model_ModelRR(unnamed.as_raw_mut_Model()) }; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Model::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } /// Create model from deep learning network represented in one of the supported formats. /// An order of @p model and @p config arguments does not matter. /// ## Parameters /// * model: Binary file contains trained weights. /// * config: Text file contains network configuration. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * config: "" #[inline] pub fn new(model: &str, config: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); extern_container_arg!(config); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_Model_const_StringR_const_StringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), config.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Model::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create model from deep learning network represented in one of the supported formats. /// An order of @p model and @p config arguments does not matter. /// ## Parameters /// * model: Binary file contains trained weights. /// * config: Text file contains network configuration. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [new] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * config: "" #[inline] pub fn new_def(model: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_Model_const_StringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Model::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create model from deep learning network. /// ## Parameters /// * network: Net object. #[inline] pub fn new_1(network: &impl crate::dnn::NetTraitConst) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Model_Model_const_NetR(network.as_raw_Net(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Model::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } impl Clone for Model { #[inline] fn clone(&self) -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_Model_implicitClone_const(self.as_raw_Model())) } } } impl std::fmt::Debug for Model { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Model") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::NaryEltwiseLayer] pub trait NaryEltwiseLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_NaryEltwiseLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::NaryEltwiseLayer] pub trait NaryEltwiseLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::NaryEltwiseLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_NaryEltwiseLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct NaryEltwiseLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { NaryEltwiseLayer } impl Drop for NaryEltwiseLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NaryEltwiseLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_NaryEltwiseLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for NaryEltwiseLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for NaryEltwiseLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for NaryEltwiseLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { NaryEltwiseLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for NaryEltwiseLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for NaryEltwiseLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { NaryEltwiseLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::NaryEltwiseLayerTraitConst for NaryEltwiseLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_NaryEltwiseLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::NaryEltwiseLayerTrait for NaryEltwiseLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_NaryEltwiseLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { NaryEltwiseLayer, crate::dnn::NaryEltwiseLayerTraitConst, as_raw_NaryEltwiseLayer, crate::dnn::NaryEltwiseLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_NaryEltwiseLayer } impl NaryEltwiseLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_NaryEltwiseLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NaryEltwiseLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { NaryEltwiseLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_NaryEltwiseLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { NaryEltwiseLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_NaryEltwiseLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for NaryEltwiseLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("NaryEltwiseLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for NaryEltwiseLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::Net] pub trait NetTraitConst { fn as_raw_Net(&self) -> *const c_void; /// Returns true if there are no layers in the network. #[inline] fn empty(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_empty_const(self.as_raw_Net(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Converts string name of the layer to the integer identifier. /// ## Returns /// id of the layer, or -1 if the layer wasn't found. #[inline] fn get_layer_id(&self, layer: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(layer); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getLayerId_const_const_StringR(self.as_raw_Net(), layer.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_layer_names(&self) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getLayerNames_const(self.as_raw_Net(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Returns pointer to layer with specified id or name which the network use. #[inline] fn get_layer(&self, layer_id: i32) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getLayer_const_int(self.as_raw_Net(), layer_id, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Returns pointer to layer with specified id or name which the network use. /// /// ## Overloaded parameters /// /// /// **Deprecated**: Use int getLayerId(const String &layer) #[deprecated = "Use int getLayerId(const String &layer)"] #[inline] fn get_layer_1(&self, layer_name: &str) -> Result> { extern_container_arg!(layer_name); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getLayer_const_const_StringR(self.as_raw_Net(), layer_name.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Returns pointer to layer with specified id or name which the network use. /// /// ## Overloaded parameters /// /// /// **Deprecated**: to be removed #[deprecated = "to be removed"] #[inline] fn get_layer_2(&self, layer_id: &impl crate::dnn::DictValueTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getLayer_const_const_LayerIdR(self.as_raw_Net(), layer_id.as_raw_DictValue(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Returns pointers to input layers of specific layer. #[inline] fn get_layer_inputs(&self, layer_id: i32) -> Result>> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getLayerInputs_const_int(self.as_raw_Net(), layer_id, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::>::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Returns input scale and zeropoint for a quantized Net. /// ## Parameters /// * scales: output parameter for returning input scales. /// * zeropoints: output parameter for returning input zeropoints. #[inline] fn get_input_details(&self, scales: &mut core::Vector, zeropoints: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getInputDetails_const_vectorLfloatGR_vectorLintGR(self.as_raw_Net(), scales.as_raw_mut_VectorOff32(), zeropoints.as_raw_mut_VectorOfi32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Returns output scale and zeropoint for a quantized Net. /// ## Parameters /// * scales: output parameter for returning output scales. /// * zeropoints: output parameter for returning output zeropoints. #[inline] fn get_output_details(&self, scales: &mut core::Vector, zeropoints: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getOutputDetails_const_vectorLfloatGR_vectorLintGR(self.as_raw_Net(), scales.as_raw_mut_VectorOff32(), zeropoints.as_raw_mut_VectorOfi32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Returns parameter blob of the layer. /// ## Parameters /// * layer: name or id of the layer. /// * numParam: index of the layer parameter in the Layer::blobs array. /// ## See also /// Layer::blobs /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * num_param: 0 #[inline] fn get_param(&self, layer: i32, num_param: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getParam_const_int_int(self.as_raw_Net(), layer, num_param, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Returns parameter blob of the layer. /// ## Parameters /// * layer: name or id of the layer. /// * numParam: index of the layer parameter in the Layer::blobs array. /// ## See also /// Layer::blobs /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [NetTraitConst::get_param] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * num_param: 0 #[inline] fn get_param_def(&self, layer: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getParam_const_int(self.as_raw_Net(), layer, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * num_param: 0 #[inline] fn get_param_1(&self, layer_name: &str, num_param: i32) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(layer_name); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getParam_const_const_StringR_int(self.as_raw_Net(), layer_name.opencv_as_extern(), num_param, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [NetTraitConst::get_param] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * num_param: 0 #[inline] fn get_param_def_1(&self, layer_name: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(layer_name); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getParam_const_const_StringR(self.as_raw_Net(), layer_name.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Returns indexes of layers with unconnected outputs. /// /// FIXIT: Rework API to registerOutput() approach, deprecate this call #[inline] fn get_unconnected_out_layers(&self) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getUnconnectedOutLayers_const(self.as_raw_Net(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Returns names of layers with unconnected outputs. /// /// FIXIT: Rework API to registerOutput() approach, deprecate this call #[inline] fn get_unconnected_out_layers_names(&self) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getUnconnectedOutLayersNames_const(self.as_raw_Net(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Returns input and output shapes for all layers in loaded model; /// preliminary inferencing isn't necessary. /// ## Parameters /// * netInputShapes: shapes for all input blobs in net input layer. /// * layersIds: output parameter for layer IDs. /// * inLayersShapes: output parameter for input layers shapes; /// order is the same as in layersIds /// * outLayersShapes: output parameter for output layers shapes; /// order is the same as in layersIds #[inline] fn get_layers_shapes(&self, net_input_shapes: &core::Vector, layers_ids: &mut core::Vector, in_layers_shapes: &mut core::Vector>, out_layers_shapes: &mut core::Vector>) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getLayersShapes_const_const_vectorLMatShapeGR_vectorLintGR_vectorLvectorLMatShapeGGR_vectorLvectorLMatShapeGGR(self.as_raw_Net(), net_input_shapes.as_raw_VectorOfMatShape(), layers_ids.as_raw_mut_VectorOfi32(), in_layers_shapes.as_raw_mut_VectorOfVectorOfMatShape(), out_layers_shapes.as_raw_mut_VectorOfVectorOfMatShape(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Returns input and output shapes for all layers in loaded model; /// preliminary inferencing isn't necessary. /// ## Parameters /// * netInputShapes: shapes for all input blobs in net input layer. /// * layersIds: output parameter for layer IDs. /// * inLayersShapes: output parameter for input layers shapes; /// order is the same as in layersIds /// * outLayersShapes: output parameter for output layers shapes; /// order is the same as in layersIds /// /// ## Overloaded parameters #[inline] fn get_layers_shapes_1(&self, net_input_shape: &crate::dnn::MatShape, layers_ids: &mut core::Vector, in_layers_shapes: &mut core::Vector>, out_layers_shapes: &mut core::Vector>) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getLayersShapes_const_const_MatShapeR_vectorLintGR_vectorLvectorLMatShapeGGR_vectorLvectorLMatShapeGGR(self.as_raw_Net(), net_input_shape.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), layers_ids.as_raw_mut_VectorOfi32(), in_layers_shapes.as_raw_mut_VectorOfVectorOfMatShape(), out_layers_shapes.as_raw_mut_VectorOfVectorOfMatShape(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Returns input and output shapes for layer with specified /// id in loaded model; preliminary inferencing isn't necessary. /// ## Parameters /// * netInputShape: shape input blob in net input layer. /// * layerId: id for layer. /// * inLayerShapes: output parameter for input layers shapes; /// order is the same as in layersIds /// * outLayerShapes: output parameter for output layers shapes; /// order is the same as in layersIds #[inline] fn get_layer_shapes(&self, net_input_shape: &crate::dnn::MatShape, layer_id: i32, in_layer_shapes: &mut core::Vector, out_layer_shapes: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getLayerShapes_const_const_MatShapeR_const_int_vectorLMatShapeGR_vectorLMatShapeGR(self.as_raw_Net(), net_input_shape.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), layer_id, in_layer_shapes.as_raw_mut_VectorOfMatShape(), out_layer_shapes.as_raw_mut_VectorOfMatShape(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Returns input and output shapes for layer with specified /// id in loaded model; preliminary inferencing isn't necessary. /// ## Parameters /// * netInputShape: shape input blob in net input layer. /// * layerId: id for layer. /// * inLayerShapes: output parameter for input layers shapes; /// order is the same as in layersIds /// * outLayerShapes: output parameter for output layers shapes; /// order is the same as in layersIds /// /// ## Overloaded parameters #[inline] fn get_layer_shapes_1(&self, net_input_shapes: &core::Vector, layer_id: i32, in_layer_shapes: &mut core::Vector, out_layer_shapes: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getLayerShapes_const_const_vectorLMatShapeGR_const_int_vectorLMatShapeGR_vectorLMatShapeGR(self.as_raw_Net(), net_input_shapes.as_raw_VectorOfMatShape(), layer_id, in_layer_shapes.as_raw_mut_VectorOfMatShape(), out_layer_shapes.as_raw_mut_VectorOfMatShape(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Computes FLOP for whole loaded model with specified input shapes. /// ## Parameters /// * netInputShapes: vector of shapes for all net inputs. /// ## Returns /// computed FLOP. #[inline] fn get_flops(&self, net_input_shapes: &core::Vector) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getFLOPS_const_const_vectorLMatShapeGR(self.as_raw_Net(), net_input_shapes.as_raw_VectorOfMatShape(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Computes FLOP for whole loaded model with specified input shapes. /// ## Parameters /// * netInputShapes: vector of shapes for all net inputs. /// ## Returns /// computed FLOP. /// /// ## Overloaded parameters #[inline] fn get_flops_1(&self, net_input_shape: &crate::dnn::MatShape) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getFLOPS_const_const_MatShapeR(self.as_raw_Net(), net_input_shape.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Computes FLOP for whole loaded model with specified input shapes. /// ## Parameters /// * netInputShapes: vector of shapes for all net inputs. /// ## Returns /// computed FLOP. /// /// ## Overloaded parameters #[inline] fn get_flops_2(&self, layer_id: i32, net_input_shapes: &core::Vector) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getFLOPS_const_const_int_const_vectorLMatShapeGR(self.as_raw_Net(), layer_id, net_input_shapes.as_raw_VectorOfMatShape(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Computes FLOP for whole loaded model with specified input shapes. /// ## Parameters /// * netInputShapes: vector of shapes for all net inputs. /// ## Returns /// computed FLOP. /// /// ## Overloaded parameters #[inline] fn get_flops_3(&self, layer_id: i32, net_input_shape: &crate::dnn::MatShape) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getFLOPS_const_const_int_const_MatShapeR(self.as_raw_Net(), layer_id, net_input_shape.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Returns list of types for layer used in model. /// ## Parameters /// * layersTypes: output parameter for returning types. #[inline] fn get_layer_types(&self, layers_types: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getLayerTypes_const_vectorLStringGR(self.as_raw_Net(), layers_types.as_raw_mut_VectorOfString(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Returns count of layers of specified type. /// ## Parameters /// * layerType: type. /// ## Returns /// count of layers #[inline] fn get_layers_count(&self, layer_type: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(layer_type); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getLayersCount_const_const_StringR(self.as_raw_Net(), layer_type.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Computes bytes number which are required to store /// all weights and intermediate blobs for model. /// ## Parameters /// * netInputShapes: vector of shapes for all net inputs. /// * weights: output parameter to store resulting bytes for weights. /// * blobs: output parameter to store resulting bytes for intermediate blobs. #[inline] fn get_memory_consumption(&self, net_input_shapes: &core::Vector, weights: &mut size_t, blobs: &mut size_t) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getMemoryConsumption_const_const_vectorLMatShapeGR_size_tR_size_tR(self.as_raw_Net(), net_input_shapes.as_raw_VectorOfMatShape(), weights, blobs, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Computes bytes number which are required to store /// all weights and intermediate blobs for model. /// ## Parameters /// * netInputShapes: vector of shapes for all net inputs. /// * weights: output parameter to store resulting bytes for weights. /// * blobs: output parameter to store resulting bytes for intermediate blobs. /// /// ## Overloaded parameters #[inline] fn get_memory_consumption_1(&self, net_input_shape: &crate::dnn::MatShape, weights: &mut size_t, blobs: &mut size_t) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getMemoryConsumption_const_const_MatShapeR_size_tR_size_tR(self.as_raw_Net(), net_input_shape.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), weights, blobs, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Computes bytes number which are required to store /// all weights and intermediate blobs for model. /// ## Parameters /// * netInputShapes: vector of shapes for all net inputs. /// * weights: output parameter to store resulting bytes for weights. /// * blobs: output parameter to store resulting bytes for intermediate blobs. /// /// ## Overloaded parameters #[inline] fn get_memory_consumption_for_layer(&self, layer_id: i32, net_input_shapes: &core::Vector, weights: &mut size_t, blobs: &mut size_t) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getMemoryConsumption_const_const_int_const_vectorLMatShapeGR_size_tR_size_tR(self.as_raw_Net(), layer_id, net_input_shapes.as_raw_VectorOfMatShape(), weights, blobs, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Computes bytes number which are required to store /// all weights and intermediate blobs for model. /// ## Parameters /// * netInputShapes: vector of shapes for all net inputs. /// * weights: output parameter to store resulting bytes for weights. /// * blobs: output parameter to store resulting bytes for intermediate blobs. /// /// ## Overloaded parameters #[inline] fn get_memory_consumption_2(&self, layer_id: i32, net_input_shape: &crate::dnn::MatShape, weights: &mut size_t, blobs: &mut size_t) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getMemoryConsumption_const_const_int_const_MatShapeR_size_tR_size_tR(self.as_raw_Net(), layer_id, net_input_shape.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), weights, blobs, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Computes bytes number which are required to store /// all weights and intermediate blobs for each layer. /// ## Parameters /// * netInputShapes: vector of shapes for all net inputs. /// * layerIds: output vector to save layer IDs. /// * weights: output parameter to store resulting bytes for weights. /// * blobs: output parameter to store resulting bytes for intermediate blobs. #[inline] fn get_memory_consumption_for_layers(&self, net_input_shapes: &core::Vector, layer_ids: &mut core::Vector, weights: &mut core::Vector, blobs: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getMemoryConsumption_const_const_vectorLMatShapeGR_vectorLintGR_vectorLsize_tGR_vectorLsize_tGR(self.as_raw_Net(), net_input_shapes.as_raw_VectorOfMatShape(), layer_ids.as_raw_mut_VectorOfi32(), weights.as_raw_mut_VectorOfsize_t(), blobs.as_raw_mut_VectorOfsize_t(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Computes bytes number which are required to store /// all weights and intermediate blobs for each layer. /// ## Parameters /// * netInputShapes: vector of shapes for all net inputs. /// * layerIds: output vector to save layer IDs. /// * weights: output parameter to store resulting bytes for weights. /// * blobs: output parameter to store resulting bytes for intermediate blobs. /// /// ## Overloaded parameters #[inline] fn get_memory_consumption_3(&self, net_input_shape: &crate::dnn::MatShape, layer_ids: &mut core::Vector, weights: &mut core::Vector, blobs: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getMemoryConsumption_const_const_MatShapeR_vectorLintGR_vectorLsize_tGR_vectorLsize_tGR(self.as_raw_Net(), net_input_shape.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), layer_ids.as_raw_mut_VectorOfi32(), weights.as_raw_mut_VectorOfsize_t(), blobs.as_raw_mut_VectorOfsize_t(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::Net] pub trait NetTrait: crate::dnn::NetTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_Net(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// Dump net to String /// ## Returns /// String with structure, hyperparameters, backend, target and fusion /// Call method after setInput(). To see correct backend, target and fusion run after forward(). #[inline] fn dump(&mut self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_dump(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Dump net structure, hyperparameters, backend, target and fusion to dot file /// ## Parameters /// * path: path to output file with .dot extension /// ## See also /// dump() #[inline] fn dump_to_file(&mut self, path: &str) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(path); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_dumpToFile_const_StringR(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), path.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Dump net structure, hyperparameters, backend, target and fusion to pbtxt file /// ## Parameters /// * path: path to output file with .pbtxt extension /// /// Use Netron () to open the target file to visualize the model. /// Call method after setInput(). To see correct backend, target and fusion run after forward(). #[inline] fn dump_to_pbtxt(&mut self, path: &str) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(path); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_dumpToPbtxt_const_StringR(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), path.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Adds new layer to the net. /// ## Parameters /// * name: unique name of the adding layer. /// * type: typename of the adding layer (type must be registered in LayerRegister). /// * dtype: datatype of output blobs. /// * params: parameters which will be used to initialize the creating layer. /// ## Returns /// unique identifier of created layer, or -1 if a failure will happen. #[inline] fn add_layer_type(&mut self, name: &str, typ: &str, dtype: &i32, params: &mut impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTrait) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(name); extern_container_arg!(typ); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_addLayer_const_StringR_const_StringR_const_intR_LayerParamsR(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), name.opencv_as_extern(), typ.opencv_as_extern(), dtype, params.as_raw_mut_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Adds new layer to the net. /// ## Parameters /// * name: unique name of the adding layer. /// * type: typename of the adding layer (type must be registered in LayerRegister). /// * dtype: datatype of output blobs. /// * params: parameters which will be used to initialize the creating layer. /// ## Returns /// unique identifier of created layer, or -1 if a failure will happen. /// /// ## Overloaded parameters /// Datatype of output blobs set to default CV_32F #[inline] fn add_layer(&mut self, name: &str, typ: &str, params: &mut impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTrait) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(name); extern_container_arg!(typ); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_addLayer_const_StringR_const_StringR_LayerParamsR(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), name.opencv_as_extern(), typ.opencv_as_extern(), params.as_raw_mut_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Adds new layer and connects its first input to the first output of previously added layer. /// ## See also /// addLayer() #[inline] fn add_layer_to_prev_type(&mut self, name: &str, typ: &str, dtype: &i32, params: &mut impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTrait) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(name); extern_container_arg!(typ); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_addLayerToPrev_const_StringR_const_StringR_const_intR_LayerParamsR(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), name.opencv_as_extern(), typ.opencv_as_extern(), dtype, params.as_raw_mut_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Adds new layer and connects its first input to the first output of previously added layer. /// ## See also /// addLayer() /// /// ## Overloaded parameters #[inline] fn add_layer_to_prev(&mut self, name: &str, typ: &str, params: &mut impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTrait) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(name); extern_container_arg!(typ); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_addLayerToPrev_const_StringR_const_StringR_LayerParamsR(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), name.opencv_as_extern(), typ.opencv_as_extern(), params.as_raw_mut_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Connects output of the first layer to input of the second layer. /// ## Parameters /// * outPin: descriptor of the first layer output. /// * inpPin: descriptor of the second layer input. /// /// Descriptors have the following template <layer_name>[.input_number]: /// - the first part of the template layer_name is string name of the added layer. /// If this part is empty then the network input pseudo layer will be used; /// - the second optional part of the template input_number /// is either number of the layer input, either label one. /// If this part is omitted then the first layer input will be used. /// ## See also /// setNetInputs(), Layer::inputNameToIndex(), Layer::outputNameToIndex() #[inline] fn connect_first_second(&mut self, out_pin: &str, inp_pin: &str) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(out_pin); extern_container_arg!(inp_pin); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_connect_String_String(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), out_pin.opencv_as_extern(), inp_pin.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Connects #@p outNum output of the first layer to #@p inNum input of the second layer. /// ## Parameters /// * outLayerId: identifier of the first layer /// * outNum: number of the first layer output /// * inpLayerId: identifier of the second layer /// * inpNum: number of the second layer input #[inline] fn connect(&mut self, out_layer_id: i32, out_num: i32, inp_layer_id: i32, inp_num: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_connect_int_int_int_int(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), out_layer_id, out_num, inp_layer_id, inp_num, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Registers network output with name /// /// Function may create additional 'Identity' layer. /// /// ## Parameters /// * outputName: identifier of the output /// * layerId: identifier of the second layer /// * outputPort: number of the second layer input /// /// ## Returns /// index of bound layer (the same as layerId or newly created) #[inline] fn register_output(&mut self, output_name: &str, layer_id: i32, output_port: i32) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(output_name); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_registerOutput_const_stringR_int_int(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), output_name.opencv_as_extern(), layer_id, output_port, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Sets outputs names of the network input pseudo layer. /// /// Each net always has special own the network input pseudo layer with id=0. /// This layer stores the user blobs only and don't make any computations. /// In fact, this layer provides the only way to pass user data into the network. /// As any other layer, this layer can label its outputs and this function provides an easy way to do this. #[inline] fn set_inputs_names(&mut self, input_blob_names: &core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_setInputsNames_const_vectorLStringGR(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), input_blob_names.as_raw_VectorOfString(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Specify shape of network input. #[inline] fn set_input_shape(&mut self, input_name: &str, shape: &crate::dnn::MatShape) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(input_name); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_setInputShape_const_StringR_const_MatShapeR(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), input_name.opencv_as_extern(), shape.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Runs forward pass to compute output of layer with name @p outputName. /// ## Parameters /// * outputName: name for layer which output is needed to get /// ## Returns /// blob for first output of specified layer. /// @details By default runs forward pass for the whole network. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * output_name: String() #[inline] fn forward_single(&mut self, output_name: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(output_name); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_forward_const_StringR(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), output_name.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Runs forward pass to compute output of layer with name @p outputName. /// ## Parameters /// * outputName: name for layer which output is needed to get /// ## Returns /// blob for first output of specified layer. /// @details By default runs forward pass for the whole network. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [NetTrait::forward_single] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * output_name: String() #[inline] fn forward_single_def(&mut self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_forward(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Runs forward pass to compute output of layer with name @p outputName. /// ## Parameters /// * outputName: name for layer which output is needed to get /// @details By default runs forward pass for the whole network. /// /// This is an asynchronous version of forward(const String&). /// dnn::DNN_BACKEND_INFERENCE_ENGINE backend is required. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * output_name: String() #[inline] fn forward_async(&mut self, output_name: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(output_name); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_forwardAsync_const_StringR(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), output_name.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::AsyncArray::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Runs forward pass to compute output of layer with name @p outputName. /// ## Parameters /// * outputName: name for layer which output is needed to get /// @details By default runs forward pass for the whole network. /// /// This is an asynchronous version of forward(const String&). /// dnn::DNN_BACKEND_INFERENCE_ENGINE backend is required. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [NetTrait::forward_async] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * output_name: String() #[inline] fn forward_async_def(&mut self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_forwardAsync(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::AsyncArray::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Runs forward pass to compute output of layer with name @p outputName. /// ## Parameters /// * outputBlobs: contains all output blobs for specified layer. /// * outputName: name for layer which output is needed to get /// @details If @p outputName is empty, runs forward pass for the whole network. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * output_name: String() #[inline] fn forward_layer(&mut self, output_blobs: &mut impl ToOutputArray, output_name: &str) -> Result<()> { output_array_arg!(output_blobs); extern_container_arg!(output_name); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_forward_const__OutputArrayR_const_StringR(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), output_blobs.as_raw__OutputArray(), output_name.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Runs forward pass to compute output of layer with name @p outputName. /// ## Parameters /// * outputBlobs: contains all output blobs for specified layer. /// * outputName: name for layer which output is needed to get /// @details If @p outputName is empty, runs forward pass for the whole network. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [NetTrait::forward_layer] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * output_name: String() #[inline] fn forward_layer_def(&mut self, output_blobs: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { output_array_arg!(output_blobs); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_forward_const__OutputArrayR(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), output_blobs.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Runs forward pass to compute outputs of layers listed in @p outBlobNames. /// ## Parameters /// * outputBlobs: contains blobs for first outputs of specified layers. /// * outBlobNames: names for layers which outputs are needed to get #[inline] fn forward(&mut self, output_blobs: &mut impl ToOutputArray, out_blob_names: &core::Vector) -> Result<()> { output_array_arg!(output_blobs); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_forward_const__OutputArrayR_const_vectorLStringGR(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), output_blobs.as_raw__OutputArray(), out_blob_names.as_raw_VectorOfString(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Runs forward pass to compute outputs of layers listed in @p outBlobNames. /// ## Parameters /// * outputBlobs: contains all output blobs for each layer specified in @p outBlobNames. /// * outBlobNames: names for layers which outputs are needed to get #[inline] fn forward_and_retrieve(&mut self, output_blobs: &mut core::Vector>, out_blob_names: &core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_forward_vectorLvectorLMatGGR_const_vectorLStringGR(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), output_blobs.as_raw_mut_VectorOfVectorOfMat(), out_blob_names.as_raw_VectorOfString(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Returns a quantized Net from a floating-point Net. /// ## Parameters /// * calibData: Calibration data to compute the quantization parameters. /// * inputsDtype: Datatype of quantized net's inputs. Can be CV_32F or CV_8S. /// * outputsDtype: Datatype of quantized net's outputs. Can be CV_32F or CV_8S. /// * perChannel: Quantization granularity of quantized Net. The default is true, that means quantize model /// in per-channel way (channel-wise). Set it false to quantize model in per-tensor way (or tensor-wise). /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * per_channel: true #[inline] fn quantize(&mut self, calib_data: &impl ToInputArray, inputs_dtype: i32, outputs_dtype: i32, per_channel: bool) -> Result { input_array_arg!(calib_data); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_quantize_const__InputArrayR_int_int_bool(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), calib_data.as_raw__InputArray(), inputs_dtype, outputs_dtype, per_channel, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Returns a quantized Net from a floating-point Net. /// ## Parameters /// * calibData: Calibration data to compute the quantization parameters. /// * inputsDtype: Datatype of quantized net's inputs. Can be CV_32F or CV_8S. /// * outputsDtype: Datatype of quantized net's outputs. Can be CV_32F or CV_8S. /// * perChannel: Quantization granularity of quantized Net. The default is true, that means quantize model /// in per-channel way (channel-wise). Set it false to quantize model in per-tensor way (or tensor-wise). /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [NetTrait::quantize] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * per_channel: true #[inline] fn quantize_def(&mut self, calib_data: &impl ToInputArray, inputs_dtype: i32, outputs_dtype: i32) -> Result { input_array_arg!(calib_data); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_quantize_const__InputArrayR_int_int(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), calib_data.as_raw__InputArray(), inputs_dtype, outputs_dtype, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Compile Halide layers. /// ## Parameters /// * scheduler: Path to YAML file with scheduling directives. /// ## See also /// setPreferableBackend /// /// Schedule layers that support Halide backend. Then compile them for /// specific target. For layers that not represented in scheduling file /// or if no manual scheduling used at all, automatic scheduling will be applied. #[inline] fn set_halide_scheduler(&mut self, scheduler: &str) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(scheduler); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_setHalideScheduler_const_StringR(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), scheduler.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Ask network to use specific computation backend where it supported. /// ## Parameters /// * backendId: backend identifier. /// ## See also /// Backend #[inline] fn set_preferable_backend(&mut self, backend_id: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_setPreferableBackend_int(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), backend_id, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Ask network to make computations on specific target device. /// ## Parameters /// * targetId: target identifier. /// ## See also /// Target /// /// List of supported combinations backend / target: /// | | DNN_BACKEND_OPENCV | DNN_BACKEND_INFERENCE_ENGINE | DNN_BACKEND_HALIDE | DNN_BACKEND_CUDA | /// |------------------------|--------------------|------------------------------|--------------------|-------------------| /// | DNN_TARGET_CPU | + | + | + | | /// | DNN_TARGET_OPENCL | + | + | + | | /// | DNN_TARGET_OPENCL_FP16 | + | + | | | /// | DNN_TARGET_MYRIAD | | + | | | /// | DNN_TARGET_FPGA | | + | | | /// | DNN_TARGET_CUDA | | | | + | /// | DNN_TARGET_CUDA_FP16 | | | | + | /// | DNN_TARGET_HDDL | | + | | | #[inline] fn set_preferable_target(&mut self, target_id: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_setPreferableTarget_int(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), target_id, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Sets the new input value for the network /// ## Parameters /// * blob: A new blob. Should have CV_32F or CV_8U depth. /// * name: A name of input layer. /// * scalefactor: An optional normalization scale. /// * mean: An optional mean subtraction values. /// ## See also /// connect(String, String) to know format of the descriptor. /// /// If scale or mean values are specified, a final input blob is computed /// as: /// ![block formula]( /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * name: "" /// * scalefactor: 1.0 /// * mean: Scalar() #[inline] fn set_input(&mut self, blob: &impl ToInputArray, name: &str, scalefactor: f64, mean: core::Scalar) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(blob); extern_container_arg!(name); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_setInput_const__InputArrayR_const_StringR_double_const_ScalarR(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), blob.as_raw__InputArray(), name.opencv_as_extern(), scalefactor, &mean, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Sets the new input value for the network /// ## Parameters /// * blob: A new blob. Should have CV_32F or CV_8U depth. /// * name: A name of input layer. /// * scalefactor: An optional normalization scale. /// * mean: An optional mean subtraction values. /// ## See also /// connect(String, String) to know format of the descriptor. /// /// If scale or mean values are specified, a final input blob is computed /// as: /// ![block formula]( /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [NetTrait::set_input] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * name: "" /// * scalefactor: 1.0 /// * mean: Scalar() #[inline] fn set_input_def(&mut self, blob: &impl ToInputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(blob); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_setInput_const__InputArrayR(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), blob.as_raw__InputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Sets the new value for the learned param of the layer. /// ## Parameters /// * layer: name or id of the layer. /// * numParam: index of the layer parameter in the Layer::blobs array. /// * blob: the new value. /// ## See also /// Layer::blobs /// /// Note: If shape of the new blob differs from the previous shape, /// then the following forward pass may fail. #[inline] fn set_param(&mut self, layer: i32, num_param: i32, blob: &impl core::MatTraitConst) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_setParam_int_int_const_MatR(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), layer, num_param, blob.as_raw_Mat(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_param_1(&mut self, layer_name: &str, num_param: i32, blob: &impl core::MatTraitConst) -> Result<()> { extern_container_arg!(layer_name); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_setParam_const_StringR_int_const_MatR(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), layer_name.opencv_as_extern(), num_param, blob.as_raw_Mat(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Enables or disables layer fusion in the network. /// ## Parameters /// * fusion: true to enable the fusion, false to disable. The fusion is enabled by default. #[inline] fn enable_fusion(&mut self, fusion: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_enableFusion_bool(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), fusion, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Enables or disables the Winograd compute branch. The Winograd compute branch can speed up /// 3x3 Convolution at a small loss of accuracy. /// ## Parameters /// * useWinograd: true to enable the Winograd compute branch. The default is true. #[inline] fn enable_winograd(&mut self, use_winograd: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_enableWinograd_bool(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), use_winograd, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Returns overall time for inference and timings (in ticks) for layers. /// /// Indexes in returned vector correspond to layers ids. Some layers can be fused with others, /// in this case zero ticks count will be return for that skipped layers. Supported by DNN_BACKEND_OPENCV on DNN_TARGET_CPU only. /// /// ## Parameters /// * timings:[out] vector for tick timings for all layers. /// ## Returns /// overall ticks for model inference. #[inline] fn get_perf_profile(&mut self, timings: &mut core::Vector) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_getPerfProfile_vectorLdoubleGR(self.as_raw_mut_Net(), timings.as_raw_mut_VectorOff64(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// This class allows to create and manipulate comprehensive artificial neural networks. /// /// Neural network is presented as directed acyclic graph (DAG), where vertices are Layer instances, /// and edges specify relationships between layers inputs and outputs. /// /// Each network layer has unique integer id and unique string name inside its network. /// LayerId can store either layer name or layer id. /// /// This class supports reference counting of its instances, i. e. copies point to the same instance. pub struct Net { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { Net } impl Drop for Net { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_delete(self.as_raw_mut_Net()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for Net {} impl crate::dnn::NetTraitConst for Net { #[inline] fn as_raw_Net(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::NetTrait for Net { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Net(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { Net, crate::dnn::NetTraitConst, as_raw_Net, crate::dnn::NetTrait, as_raw_mut_Net } impl Net { #[inline] pub fn default() -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_Net(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create a network from Intel's Model Optimizer intermediate representation (IR). /// ## Parameters /// * xml: XML configuration file with network's topology. /// * bin: Binary file with trained weights. /// Networks imported from Intel's Model Optimizer are launched in Intel's Inference Engine /// backend. #[inline] pub fn read_from_model_optimizer(xml: &str, bin: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(xml); extern_container_arg!(bin); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_readFromModelOptimizer_const_StringR_const_StringR(xml.opencv_as_extern(), bin.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create a network from Intel's Model Optimizer in-memory buffers with intermediate representation (IR). /// ## Parameters /// * bufferModelConfig: buffer with model's configuration. /// * bufferWeights: buffer with model's trained weights. /// ## Returns /// Net object. #[inline] pub fn read_from_model_optimizer_1(buffer_model_config: &core::Vector, buffer_weights: &core::Vector) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_readFromModelOptimizer_const_vectorLunsigned_charGR_const_vectorLunsigned_charGR(buffer_model_config.as_raw_VectorOfu8(), buffer_weights.as_raw_VectorOfu8(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create a network from Intel's Model Optimizer in-memory buffers with intermediate representation (IR). /// ## Parameters /// * bufferModelConfigPtr: buffer pointer of model's configuration. /// * bufferModelConfigSize: buffer size of model's configuration. /// * bufferWeightsPtr: buffer pointer of model's trained weights. /// * bufferWeightsSize: buffer size of model's trained weights. /// ## Returns /// Net object. #[inline] pub fn read_from_model_optimizer_2(buffer_model_config_ptr: &[u8], buffer_weights_ptr: &[u8]) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_Net_readFromModelOptimizer_const_unsigned_charX_size_t_const_unsigned_charX_size_t(buffer_model_config_ptr.as_ptr(), buffer_model_config_ptr.len(), buffer_weights_ptr.as_ptr(), buffer_weights_ptr.len(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::Net::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } impl Clone for Net { #[inline] fn clone(&self) -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_Net_implicitClone_const(self.as_raw_Net())) } } } impl std::fmt::Debug for Net { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Net") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::NormalizeBBoxLayer] pub trait NormalizeBBoxLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_NormalizeBBoxLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn pnorm(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NormalizeBBoxLayer_propPnorm_const(self.as_raw_NormalizeBBoxLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn epsilon(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NormalizeBBoxLayer_propEpsilon_const(self.as_raw_NormalizeBBoxLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn across_spatial(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NormalizeBBoxLayer_propAcrossSpatial_const(self.as_raw_NormalizeBBoxLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::NormalizeBBoxLayer] pub trait NormalizeBBoxLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::NormalizeBBoxLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_NormalizeBBoxLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_pnorm(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NormalizeBBoxLayer_propPnorm_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_NormalizeBBoxLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_epsilon(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NormalizeBBoxLayer_propEpsilon_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_NormalizeBBoxLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_across_spatial(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NormalizeBBoxLayer_propAcrossSpatial_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_NormalizeBBoxLayer(), val) }; ret } } /// ![inline formula]( - normalization layer. /// ## Parameters /// * p: Normalization factor. The most common `p = 1` for ![inline formula]( - /// normalization or `p = 2` for ![inline formula]( - normalization or a custom one. /// * eps: Parameter ![inline formula]( to prevent a division by zero. /// * across_spatial: If true, normalize an input across all non-batch dimensions. /// Otherwise normalize an every channel separately. /// /// Across spatial: /// @f[ /// norm = \sqrt[p]{\epsilon + \sum_{x, y, c} |src(x, y, c)|^p } \\ /// dst(x, y, c) = \frac{ src(x, y, c) }{norm} /// @f] /// /// Channel wise normalization: /// @f[ /// norm(c) = \sqrt[p]{\epsilon + \sum_{x, y} |src(x, y, c)|^p } \\ /// dst(x, y, c) = \frac{ src(x, y, c) }{norm(c)} /// @f] /// /// Where `x, y` - spatial coordinates, `c` - channel. /// /// An every sample in the batch is normalized separately. Optionally, /// output is scaled by the trained parameters. pub struct NormalizeBBoxLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { NormalizeBBoxLayer } impl Drop for NormalizeBBoxLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NormalizeBBoxLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_NormalizeBBoxLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for NormalizeBBoxLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for NormalizeBBoxLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for NormalizeBBoxLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { NormalizeBBoxLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for NormalizeBBoxLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for NormalizeBBoxLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { NormalizeBBoxLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::NormalizeBBoxLayerTraitConst for NormalizeBBoxLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_NormalizeBBoxLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::NormalizeBBoxLayerTrait for NormalizeBBoxLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_NormalizeBBoxLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { NormalizeBBoxLayer, crate::dnn::NormalizeBBoxLayerTraitConst, as_raw_NormalizeBBoxLayer, crate::dnn::NormalizeBBoxLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_NormalizeBBoxLayer } impl NormalizeBBoxLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_NormalizeBBoxLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NormalizeBBoxLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { NormalizeBBoxLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_NormalizeBBoxLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { NormalizeBBoxLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_NormalizeBBoxLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for NormalizeBBoxLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("NormalizeBBoxLayer") .field("pnorm", &crate::dnn::NormalizeBBoxLayerTraitConst::pnorm(self)) .field("epsilon", &crate::dnn::NormalizeBBoxLayerTraitConst::epsilon(self)) .field("across_spatial", &crate::dnn::NormalizeBBoxLayerTraitConst::across_spatial(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for NormalizeBBoxLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::NotLayer] pub trait NotLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_NotLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::NotLayer] pub trait NotLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::NotLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_NotLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct NotLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { NotLayer } impl Drop for NotLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NotLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_NotLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for NotLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for NotLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for NotLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { NotLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for NotLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for NotLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { NotLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for NotLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for NotLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { NotLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::NotLayerTraitConst for NotLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_NotLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::NotLayerTrait for NotLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_NotLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { NotLayer, crate::dnn::NotLayerTraitConst, as_raw_NotLayer, crate::dnn::NotLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_NotLayer } impl NotLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_NotLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_NotLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { NotLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_NotLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { NotLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_NotLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { NotLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_NotLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for NotLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("NotLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for NotLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::PaddingLayer] pub trait PaddingLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_PaddingLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::PaddingLayer] pub trait PaddingLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::PaddingLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_PaddingLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } /// Adds extra values for specific axes. /// ## Parameters /// * paddings: Vector of paddings in format /// ```C++ /// [ pad_before, pad_after, // [0]th dimension /// pad_before, pad_after, // [1]st dimension /// ... /// pad_before, pad_after ] // [n]th dimension /// ``` /// /// that represents number of padded values at every dimension /// starting from the first one. The rest of dimensions won't /// be padded. /// * value: Value to be padded. Defaults to zero. /// * type: Padding type: 'constant', 'reflect' /// * input_dims: Torch's parameter. If @p input_dims is not equal to the /// actual input dimensionality then the `[0]th` dimension /// is considered as a batch dimension and @p paddings are shifted /// to a one dimension. Defaults to `-1` that means padding /// corresponding to @p paddings. pub struct PaddingLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { PaddingLayer } impl Drop for PaddingLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PaddingLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_PaddingLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for PaddingLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for PaddingLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for PaddingLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PaddingLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for PaddingLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for PaddingLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PaddingLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::PaddingLayerTraitConst for PaddingLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_PaddingLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::PaddingLayerTrait for PaddingLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_PaddingLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PaddingLayer, crate::dnn::PaddingLayerTraitConst, as_raw_PaddingLayer, crate::dnn::PaddingLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_PaddingLayer } impl PaddingLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_PaddingLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PaddingLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { PaddingLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_PaddingLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { PaddingLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_PaddingLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for PaddingLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("PaddingLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for PaddingLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::PermuteLayer] pub trait PermuteLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_PermuteLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::PermuteLayer] pub trait PermuteLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::PermuteLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_PermuteLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct PermuteLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { PermuteLayer } impl Drop for PermuteLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PermuteLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_PermuteLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for PermuteLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for PermuteLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for PermuteLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PermuteLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for PermuteLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for PermuteLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PermuteLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::PermuteLayerTraitConst for PermuteLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_PermuteLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::PermuteLayerTrait for PermuteLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_PermuteLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PermuteLayer, crate::dnn::PermuteLayerTraitConst, as_raw_PermuteLayer, crate::dnn::PermuteLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_PermuteLayer } impl PermuteLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_PermuteLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PermuteLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { PermuteLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_PermuteLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { PermuteLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_PermuteLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for PermuteLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("PermuteLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for PermuteLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::PoolingLayer] pub trait PoolingLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_PoolingLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn typ(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propType_const(self.as_raw_PoolingLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn kernel_size(&self) -> core::Vector { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propKernel_size_const(self.as_raw_PoolingLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn strides(&self) -> core::Vector { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propStrides_const(self.as_raw_PoolingLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn pads_begin(&self) -> core::Vector { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propPads_begin_const(self.as_raw_PoolingLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn pads_end(&self) -> core::Vector { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propPads_end_const(self.as_raw_PoolingLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } /// Flag is true if at least one of the axes is global pooled. #[inline] fn global_pooling(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propGlobalPooling_const(self.as_raw_PoolingLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn is_global_pooling(&self) -> core::Vector { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propIsGlobalPooling_const(self.as_raw_PoolingLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn compute_max_idx(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propComputeMaxIdx_const(self.as_raw_PoolingLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn pad_mode(&self) -> String { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propPadMode_const(self.as_raw_PoolingLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn ceil_mode(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propCeilMode_const(self.as_raw_PoolingLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn ave_pool_padded_area(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propAvePoolPaddedArea_const(self.as_raw_PoolingLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn pooled_size(&self) -> core::Size { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propPooledSize_const(self.as_raw_PoolingLayer(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); ret } #[inline] fn spatial_scale(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propSpatialScale_const(self.as_raw_PoolingLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn ps_roi_out_channels(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propPsRoiOutChannels_const(self.as_raw_PoolingLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::PoolingLayer] pub trait PoolingLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_PoolingLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_type(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propType_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_PoolingLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_kernel_size(&mut self, val: core::Vector) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propKernel_size_const_vectorLsize_tG(self.as_raw_mut_PoolingLayer(), val.as_raw_VectorOfsize_t()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_strides(&mut self, val: core::Vector) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propStrides_const_vectorLsize_tG(self.as_raw_mut_PoolingLayer(), val.as_raw_VectorOfsize_t()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_pads_begin(&mut self, val: core::Vector) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propPads_begin_const_vectorLsize_tG(self.as_raw_mut_PoolingLayer(), val.as_raw_VectorOfsize_t()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_pads_end(&mut self, val: core::Vector) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propPads_end_const_vectorLsize_tG(self.as_raw_mut_PoolingLayer(), val.as_raw_VectorOfsize_t()) }; ret } /// Flag is true if at least one of the axes is global pooled. #[inline] fn set_global_pooling(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propGlobalPooling_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_PoolingLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_is_global_pooling(&mut self, val: core::Vector) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propIsGlobalPooling_const_vectorLboolG(self.as_raw_mut_PoolingLayer(), val.as_raw_VectorOfbool()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_compute_max_idx(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propComputeMaxIdx_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_PoolingLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_pad_mode(&mut self, val: &str) { extern_container_arg!(nofail val); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propPadMode_const_String(self.as_raw_mut_PoolingLayer(), val.opencv_as_extern()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_ceil_mode(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propCeilMode_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_PoolingLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_ave_pool_padded_area(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propAvePoolPaddedArea_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_PoolingLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_pooled_size(&mut self, val: core::Size) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propPooledSize_const_Size(self.as_raw_mut_PoolingLayer(), &val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_spatial_scale(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propSpatialScale_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_PoolingLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_ps_roi_out_channels(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_propPsRoiOutChannels_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_PoolingLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct PoolingLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { PoolingLayer } impl Drop for PoolingLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_PoolingLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for PoolingLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for PoolingLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for PoolingLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PoolingLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for PoolingLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for PoolingLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PoolingLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst for PoolingLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_PoolingLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTrait for PoolingLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_PoolingLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PoolingLayer, crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst, as_raw_PoolingLayer, crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_PoolingLayer } impl PoolingLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { PoolingLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { PoolingLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_PoolingLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for PoolingLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("PoolingLayer") .field("typ", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("kernel_size", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::kernel_size(self)) .field("strides", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::strides(self)) .field("pads_begin", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::pads_begin(self)) .field("pads_end", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::pads_end(self)) .field("global_pooling", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::global_pooling(self)) .field("is_global_pooling", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::is_global_pooling(self)) .field("compute_max_idx", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::compute_max_idx(self)) .field("pad_mode", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::pad_mode(self)) .field("ceil_mode", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::ceil_mode(self)) .field("ave_pool_padded_area", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::ave_pool_padded_area(self)) .field("pooled_size", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::pooled_size(self)) .field("spatial_scale", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::spatial_scale(self)) .field("ps_roi_out_channels", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::ps_roi_out_channels(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for PoolingLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::PoolingLayerInt8] pub trait PoolingLayerInt8TraitConst: crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_PoolingLayerInt8(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn input_zp(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayerInt8_propInput_zp_const(self.as_raw_PoolingLayerInt8()) }; ret } #[inline] fn output_zp(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayerInt8_propOutput_zp_const(self.as_raw_PoolingLayerInt8()) }; ret } #[inline] fn input_sc(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayerInt8_propInput_sc_const(self.as_raw_PoolingLayerInt8()) }; ret } #[inline] fn output_sc(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayerInt8_propOutput_sc_const(self.as_raw_PoolingLayerInt8()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::PoolingLayerInt8] pub trait PoolingLayerInt8Trait: crate::dnn::PoolingLayerInt8TraitConst + crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_PoolingLayerInt8(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_input_zp(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayerInt8_propInput_zp_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_PoolingLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_output_zp(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayerInt8_propOutput_zp_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_PoolingLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_input_sc(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayerInt8_propInput_sc_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_PoolingLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_output_sc(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayerInt8_propOutput_sc_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_PoolingLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } } pub struct PoolingLayerInt8 { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { PoolingLayerInt8 } impl Drop for PoolingLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayerInt8_delete(self.as_raw_mut_PoolingLayerInt8()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for PoolingLayerInt8 {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for PoolingLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for PoolingLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PoolingLayerInt8, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for PoolingLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for PoolingLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PoolingLayerInt8, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst for PoolingLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_PoolingLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTrait for PoolingLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_PoolingLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PoolingLayerInt8, crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst, as_raw_PoolingLayer, crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_PoolingLayer } impl crate::dnn::PoolingLayerInt8TraitConst for PoolingLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_PoolingLayerInt8(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::PoolingLayerInt8Trait for PoolingLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_PoolingLayerInt8(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PoolingLayerInt8, crate::dnn::PoolingLayerInt8TraitConst, as_raw_PoolingLayerInt8, crate::dnn::PoolingLayerInt8Trait, as_raw_mut_PoolingLayerInt8 } impl PoolingLayerInt8 { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayerInt8_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PoolingLayerInt8_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { PoolingLayerInt8, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_PoolingLayerInt8_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { PoolingLayerInt8, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_PoolingLayerInt8_to_Layer } boxed_cast_base! { PoolingLayerInt8, crate::dnn::PoolingLayer, cv_dnn_PoolingLayerInt8_to_PoolingLayer } impl std::fmt::Debug for PoolingLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("PoolingLayerInt8") .field("input_zp", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerInt8TraitConst::input_zp(self)) .field("output_zp", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerInt8TraitConst::output_zp(self)) .field("input_sc", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerInt8TraitConst::input_sc(self)) .field("output_sc", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerInt8TraitConst::output_sc(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("kernel_size", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::kernel_size(self)) .field("strides", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::strides(self)) .field("pads_begin", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::pads_begin(self)) .field("pads_end", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::pads_end(self)) .field("global_pooling", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::global_pooling(self)) .field("is_global_pooling", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::is_global_pooling(self)) .field("compute_max_idx", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::compute_max_idx(self)) .field("pad_mode", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::pad_mode(self)) .field("ceil_mode", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::ceil_mode(self)) .field("ave_pool_padded_area", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::ave_pool_padded_area(self)) .field("pooled_size", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::pooled_size(self)) .field("spatial_scale", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::spatial_scale(self)) .field("ps_roi_out_channels", &crate::dnn::PoolingLayerTraitConst::ps_roi_out_channels(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for PoolingLayerInt8 { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::PowerLayer] pub trait PowerLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_PowerLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn power(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PowerLayer_propPower_const(self.as_raw_PowerLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn scale(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PowerLayer_propScale_const(self.as_raw_PowerLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn shift(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PowerLayer_propShift_const(self.as_raw_PowerLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::PowerLayer] pub trait PowerLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::PowerLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_PowerLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_power(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PowerLayer_propPower_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_PowerLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_scale(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PowerLayer_propScale_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_PowerLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_shift(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PowerLayer_propShift_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_PowerLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct PowerLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { PowerLayer } impl Drop for PowerLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PowerLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_PowerLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for PowerLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for PowerLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for PowerLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PowerLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for PowerLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for PowerLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PowerLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for PowerLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for PowerLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PowerLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::PowerLayerTraitConst for PowerLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_PowerLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::PowerLayerTrait for PowerLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_PowerLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PowerLayer, crate::dnn::PowerLayerTraitConst, as_raw_PowerLayer, crate::dnn::PowerLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_PowerLayer } impl PowerLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_PowerLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PowerLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { PowerLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_PowerLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { PowerLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_PowerLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { PowerLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_PowerLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for PowerLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("PowerLayer") .field("power", &crate::dnn::PowerLayerTraitConst::power(self)) .field("scale", &crate::dnn::PowerLayerTraitConst::scale(self)) .field("shift", &crate::dnn::PowerLayerTraitConst::shift(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for PowerLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::PriorBoxLayer] pub trait PriorBoxLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_PriorBoxLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::PriorBoxLayer] pub trait PriorBoxLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::PriorBoxLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_PriorBoxLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct PriorBoxLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { PriorBoxLayer } impl Drop for PriorBoxLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PriorBoxLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_PriorBoxLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for PriorBoxLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for PriorBoxLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for PriorBoxLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PriorBoxLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for PriorBoxLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for PriorBoxLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PriorBoxLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::PriorBoxLayerTraitConst for PriorBoxLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_PriorBoxLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::PriorBoxLayerTrait for PriorBoxLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_PriorBoxLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PriorBoxLayer, crate::dnn::PriorBoxLayerTraitConst, as_raw_PriorBoxLayer, crate::dnn::PriorBoxLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_PriorBoxLayer } impl PriorBoxLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_PriorBoxLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_PriorBoxLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { PriorBoxLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_PriorBoxLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { PriorBoxLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_PriorBoxLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for PriorBoxLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("PriorBoxLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for PriorBoxLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ProposalLayer] pub trait ProposalLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ProposalLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ProposalLayer] pub trait ProposalLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::ProposalLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ProposalLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct ProposalLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ProposalLayer } impl Drop for ProposalLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ProposalLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ProposalLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ProposalLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ProposalLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ProposalLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ProposalLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ProposalLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ProposalLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ProposalLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ProposalLayerTraitConst for ProposalLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ProposalLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ProposalLayerTrait for ProposalLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ProposalLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ProposalLayer, crate::dnn::ProposalLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ProposalLayer, crate::dnn::ProposalLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ProposalLayer } impl ProposalLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ProposalLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ProposalLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ProposalLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ProposalLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ProposalLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ProposalLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ProposalLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ProposalLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ProposalLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::QuantizeLayer] pub trait QuantizeLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_QuantizeLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn scales(&self) -> core::Vector { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_QuantizeLayer_propScales_const(self.as_raw_QuantizeLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn zeropoints(&self) -> core::Vector { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_QuantizeLayer_propZeropoints_const(self.as_raw_QuantizeLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::QuantizeLayer] pub trait QuantizeLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::QuantizeLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_QuantizeLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_scales(&mut self, val: core::Vector) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_QuantizeLayer_propScales_const_vectorLfloatG(self.as_raw_mut_QuantizeLayer(), val.as_raw_VectorOff32()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_zeropoints(&mut self, val: core::Vector) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_QuantizeLayer_propZeropoints_const_vectorLintG(self.as_raw_mut_QuantizeLayer(), val.as_raw_VectorOfi32()) }; ret } } pub struct QuantizeLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { QuantizeLayer } impl Drop for QuantizeLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_QuantizeLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_QuantizeLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for QuantizeLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for QuantizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for QuantizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { QuantizeLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for QuantizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for QuantizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { QuantizeLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::QuantizeLayerTraitConst for QuantizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_QuantizeLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::QuantizeLayerTrait for QuantizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_QuantizeLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { QuantizeLayer, crate::dnn::QuantizeLayerTraitConst, as_raw_QuantizeLayer, crate::dnn::QuantizeLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_QuantizeLayer } impl QuantizeLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_QuantizeLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_QuantizeLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { QuantizeLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_QuantizeLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { QuantizeLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_QuantizeLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for QuantizeLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("QuantizeLayer") .field("scales", &crate::dnn::QuantizeLayerTraitConst::scales(self)) .field("zeropoints", &crate::dnn::QuantizeLayerTraitConst::zeropoints(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for QuantizeLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::RNNLayer] pub trait RNNLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_RNNLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::RNNLayer] pub trait RNNLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::RNNLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_RNNLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// Setups learned weights. /// /// Recurrent-layer behavior on each step is defined by current input @f$ x_t @f$, previous state @f$ h_t @f$ and learned weights as follows: /// @f{eqnarray*}{ /// h_t &= tanh&(W_{hh} h_{t-1} + W_{xh} x_t + b_h), \\ /// o_t &= tanh&(W_{ho} h_t + b_o), /// @f} /// /// ## Parameters /// * Wxh: is @f$ W_{xh} @f$ matrix /// * bh: is @f$ b_{h} @f$ vector /// * Whh: is @f$ W_{hh} @f$ matrix /// * Who: is @f$ W_{xo} @f$ matrix /// * bo: is @f$ b_{o} @f$ vector #[inline] fn set_weights(&mut self, wxh: &impl core::MatTraitConst, bh: &impl core::MatTraitConst, whh: &impl core::MatTraitConst, who: &impl core::MatTraitConst, bo: &impl core::MatTraitConst) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_RNNLayer_setWeights_const_MatR_const_MatR_const_MatR_const_MatR_const_MatR(self.as_raw_mut_RNNLayer(), wxh.as_raw_Mat(), bh.as_raw_Mat(), whh.as_raw_Mat(), who.as_raw_Mat(), bo.as_raw_Mat(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// If this flag is set to true then layer will produce @f$ h_t @f$ as second output. /// @details Shape of the second output is the same as first output. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * produce: false #[inline] fn set_produce_hidden_output(&mut self, produce: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_RNNLayer_setProduceHiddenOutput_bool(self.as_raw_mut_RNNLayer(), produce, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// If this flag is set to true then layer will produce @f$ h_t @f$ as second output. /// @details Shape of the second output is the same as first output. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [RNNLayerTrait::set_produce_hidden_output] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * produce: false #[inline] fn set_produce_hidden_output_def(&mut self) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_RNNLayer_setProduceHiddenOutput(self.as_raw_mut_RNNLayer(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Classical recurrent layer /// /// Accepts two inputs @f$x_t@f$ and @f$h_{t-1}@f$ and compute two outputs @f$o_t@f$ and @f$h_t@f$. /// /// - input: should contain packed input @f$x_t@f$. /// - output: should contain output @f$o_t@f$ (and @f$h_t@f$ if setProduceHiddenOutput() is set to true). /// /// input[0] should have shape [`T`, `N`, `data_dims`] where `T` and `N` is number of timestamps and number of independent samples of @f$x_t@f$ respectively. /// /// output[0] will have shape [`T`, `N`, @f$N_o@f$], where @f$N_o@f$ is number of rows in @f$ W_{xo} @f$ matrix. /// /// If setProduceHiddenOutput() is set to true then @p output[1] will contain a Mat with shape [`T`, `N`, @f$N_h@f$], where @f$N_h@f$ is number of rows in @f$ W_{hh} @f$ matrix. pub struct RNNLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { RNNLayer } impl Drop for RNNLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_RNNLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_RNNLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for RNNLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for RNNLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for RNNLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { RNNLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for RNNLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for RNNLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { RNNLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::RNNLayerTraitConst for RNNLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_RNNLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::RNNLayerTrait for RNNLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_RNNLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { RNNLayer, crate::dnn::RNNLayerTraitConst, as_raw_RNNLayer, crate::dnn::RNNLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_RNNLayer } impl RNNLayer { /// Creates instance of RNNLayer #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_RNNLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { RNNLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_RNNLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { RNNLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_RNNLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for RNNLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("RNNLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ReLU6Layer] pub trait ReLU6LayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ReLU6Layer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn min_value(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReLU6Layer_propMinValue_const(self.as_raw_ReLU6Layer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn max_value(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReLU6Layer_propMaxValue_const(self.as_raw_ReLU6Layer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ReLU6Layer] pub trait ReLU6LayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::ReLU6LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ReLU6Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_min_value(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReLU6Layer_propMinValue_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_ReLU6Layer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_max_value(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReLU6Layer_propMaxValue_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_ReLU6Layer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct ReLU6Layer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ReLU6Layer } impl Drop for ReLU6Layer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReLU6Layer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ReLU6Layer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ReLU6Layer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for ReLU6Layer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for ReLU6Layer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ReLU6Layer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ReLU6Layer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ReLU6Layer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ReLU6Layer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ReLU6Layer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ReLU6Layer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ReLU6Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ReLU6LayerTraitConst for ReLU6Layer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ReLU6Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ReLU6LayerTrait for ReLU6Layer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ReLU6Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ReLU6Layer, crate::dnn::ReLU6LayerTraitConst, as_raw_ReLU6Layer, crate::dnn::ReLU6LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ReLU6Layer } impl ReLU6Layer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ReLU6Layer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReLU6Layer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ReLU6Layer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_ReLU6Layer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { ReLU6Layer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ReLU6Layer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ReLU6Layer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ReLU6Layer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ReLU6Layer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ReLU6Layer") .field("min_value", &crate::dnn::ReLU6LayerTraitConst::min_value(self)) .field("max_value", &crate::dnn::ReLU6LayerTraitConst::max_value(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ReLU6Layer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ReLULayer] pub trait ReLULayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ReLULayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn negative_slope(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReLULayer_propNegativeSlope_const(self.as_raw_ReLULayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ReLULayer] pub trait ReLULayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::ReLULayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ReLULayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_negative_slope(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReLULayer_propNegativeSlope_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_ReLULayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct ReLULayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ReLULayer } impl Drop for ReLULayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReLULayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ReLULayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ReLULayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for ReLULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for ReLULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ReLULayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ReLULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ReLULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ReLULayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ReLULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ReLULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ReLULayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ReLULayerTraitConst for ReLULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ReLULayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ReLULayerTrait for ReLULayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ReLULayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ReLULayer, crate::dnn::ReLULayerTraitConst, as_raw_ReLULayer, crate::dnn::ReLULayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ReLULayer } impl ReLULayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ReLULayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReLULayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ReLULayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_ReLULayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { ReLULayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ReLULayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ReLULayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ReLULayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ReLULayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ReLULayer") .field("negative_slope", &crate::dnn::ReLULayerTraitConst::negative_slope(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ReLULayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ReciprocalLayer] pub trait ReciprocalLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ReciprocalLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ReciprocalLayer] pub trait ReciprocalLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::ReciprocalLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ReciprocalLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct ReciprocalLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ReciprocalLayer } impl Drop for ReciprocalLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReciprocalLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ReciprocalLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ReciprocalLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for ReciprocalLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for ReciprocalLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ReciprocalLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ReciprocalLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ReciprocalLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ReciprocalLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ReciprocalLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ReciprocalLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ReciprocalLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ReciprocalLayerTraitConst for ReciprocalLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ReciprocalLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ReciprocalLayerTrait for ReciprocalLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ReciprocalLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ReciprocalLayer, crate::dnn::ReciprocalLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ReciprocalLayer, crate::dnn::ReciprocalLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ReciprocalLayer } impl ReciprocalLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ReciprocalLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReciprocalLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ReciprocalLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_ReciprocalLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { ReciprocalLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ReciprocalLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ReciprocalLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ReciprocalLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ReciprocalLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ReciprocalLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ReciprocalLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ReduceLayer] pub trait ReduceLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ReduceLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ReduceLayer] pub trait ReduceLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::ReduceLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ReduceLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct ReduceLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ReduceLayer } impl Drop for ReduceLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReduceLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ReduceLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ReduceLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ReduceLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ReduceLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ReduceLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ReduceLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ReduceLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ReduceLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ReduceLayerTraitConst for ReduceLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ReduceLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ReduceLayerTrait for ReduceLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ReduceLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ReduceLayer, crate::dnn::ReduceLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ReduceLayer, crate::dnn::ReduceLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ReduceLayer } impl ReduceLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ReduceLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReduceLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ReduceLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ReduceLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ReduceLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ReduceLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ReduceLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ReduceLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ReduceLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::RegionLayer] pub trait RegionLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_RegionLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn nms_threshold(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_RegionLayer_propNmsThreshold_const(self.as_raw_RegionLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::RegionLayer] pub trait RegionLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::RegionLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_RegionLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_nms_threshold(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_RegionLayer_propNmsThreshold_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_RegionLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct RegionLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { RegionLayer } impl Drop for RegionLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_RegionLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_RegionLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for RegionLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for RegionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for RegionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { RegionLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for RegionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for RegionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { RegionLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::RegionLayerTraitConst for RegionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_RegionLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::RegionLayerTrait for RegionLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_RegionLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { RegionLayer, crate::dnn::RegionLayerTraitConst, as_raw_RegionLayer, crate::dnn::RegionLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_RegionLayer } impl RegionLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_RegionLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_RegionLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { RegionLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_RegionLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { RegionLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_RegionLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for RegionLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("RegionLayer") .field("nms_threshold", &crate::dnn::RegionLayerTraitConst::nms_threshold(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for RegionLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ReorgLayer] pub trait ReorgLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ReorgLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ReorgLayer] pub trait ReorgLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::ReorgLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ReorgLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct ReorgLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ReorgLayer } impl Drop for ReorgLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReorgLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ReorgLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ReorgLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ReorgLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ReorgLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ReorgLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ReorgLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ReorgLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ReorgLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ReorgLayerTraitConst for ReorgLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ReorgLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ReorgLayerTrait for ReorgLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ReorgLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ReorgLayer, crate::dnn::ReorgLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ReorgLayer, crate::dnn::ReorgLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ReorgLayer } impl ReorgLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ReorgLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReorgLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ReorgLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ReorgLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ReorgLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ReorgLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ReorgLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ReorgLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ReorgLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::RequantizeLayer] pub trait RequantizeLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_RequantizeLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn scale(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_RequantizeLayer_propScale_const(self.as_raw_RequantizeLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn shift(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_RequantizeLayer_propShift_const(self.as_raw_RequantizeLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::RequantizeLayer] pub trait RequantizeLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::RequantizeLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_RequantizeLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_scale(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_RequantizeLayer_propScale_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_RequantizeLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_shift(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_RequantizeLayer_propShift_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_RequantizeLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct RequantizeLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { RequantizeLayer } impl Drop for RequantizeLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_RequantizeLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_RequantizeLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for RequantizeLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for RequantizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for RequantizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { RequantizeLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for RequantizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for RequantizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { RequantizeLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::RequantizeLayerTraitConst for RequantizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_RequantizeLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::RequantizeLayerTrait for RequantizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_RequantizeLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { RequantizeLayer, crate::dnn::RequantizeLayerTraitConst, as_raw_RequantizeLayer, crate::dnn::RequantizeLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_RequantizeLayer } impl RequantizeLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_RequantizeLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_RequantizeLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { RequantizeLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_RequantizeLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { RequantizeLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_RequantizeLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for RequantizeLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("RequantizeLayer") .field("scale", &crate::dnn::RequantizeLayerTraitConst::scale(self)) .field("shift", &crate::dnn::RequantizeLayerTraitConst::shift(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for RequantizeLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ReshapeLayer] pub trait ReshapeLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ReshapeLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn new_shape_desc(&self) -> crate::dnn::MatShape { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReshapeLayer_propNewShapeDesc_const(self.as_raw_ReshapeLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::MatShape::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn new_shape_range(&self) -> core::Range { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReshapeLayer_propNewShapeRange_const(self.as_raw_ReshapeLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::Range::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ReshapeLayer] pub trait ReshapeLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::ReshapeLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ReshapeLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_new_shape_desc(&mut self, val: crate::dnn::MatShape) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReshapeLayer_propNewShapeDesc_const_MatShape(self.as_raw_mut_ReshapeLayer(), val.as_raw_VectorOfi32()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_new_shape_range(&mut self, val: core::Range) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReshapeLayer_propNewShapeRange_const_Range(self.as_raw_mut_ReshapeLayer(), val.as_raw_Range()) }; ret } } pub struct ReshapeLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ReshapeLayer } impl Drop for ReshapeLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReshapeLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ReshapeLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ReshapeLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ReshapeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ReshapeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ReshapeLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ReshapeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ReshapeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ReshapeLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ReshapeLayerTraitConst for ReshapeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ReshapeLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ReshapeLayerTrait for ReshapeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ReshapeLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ReshapeLayer, crate::dnn::ReshapeLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ReshapeLayer, crate::dnn::ReshapeLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ReshapeLayer } impl ReshapeLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ReshapeLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ReshapeLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ReshapeLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ReshapeLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ReshapeLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ReshapeLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ReshapeLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ReshapeLayer") .field("new_shape_desc", &crate::dnn::ReshapeLayerTraitConst::new_shape_desc(self)) .field("new_shape_range", &crate::dnn::ReshapeLayerTraitConst::new_shape_range(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ReshapeLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ResizeLayer] pub trait ResizeLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ResizeLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ResizeLayer] pub trait ResizeLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::ResizeLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ResizeLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } /// Resize input 4-dimensional blob by nearest neighbor or bilinear strategy. /// /// Layer is used to support TensorFlow's resize_nearest_neighbor and resize_bilinear ops. pub struct ResizeLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ResizeLayer } impl Drop for ResizeLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ResizeLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ResizeLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ResizeLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ResizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ResizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ResizeLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ResizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ResizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ResizeLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ResizeLayerTraitConst for ResizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ResizeLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ResizeLayerTrait for ResizeLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ResizeLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ResizeLayer, crate::dnn::ResizeLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ResizeLayer, crate::dnn::ResizeLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ResizeLayer } impl ResizeLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ResizeLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ResizeLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ResizeLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ResizeLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ResizeLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ResizeLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ResizeLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ResizeLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ResizeLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::RoundLayer] pub trait RoundLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_RoundLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::RoundLayer] pub trait RoundLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::RoundLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_RoundLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct RoundLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { RoundLayer } impl Drop for RoundLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_RoundLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_RoundLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for RoundLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for RoundLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for RoundLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { RoundLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for RoundLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for RoundLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { RoundLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for RoundLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for RoundLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { RoundLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::RoundLayerTraitConst for RoundLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_RoundLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::RoundLayerTrait for RoundLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_RoundLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { RoundLayer, crate::dnn::RoundLayerTraitConst, as_raw_RoundLayer, crate::dnn::RoundLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_RoundLayer } impl RoundLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_RoundLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_RoundLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { RoundLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_RoundLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { RoundLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_RoundLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { RoundLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_RoundLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for RoundLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("RoundLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for RoundLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ScaleLayer] pub trait ScaleLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ScaleLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn has_bias(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ScaleLayer_propHasBias_const(self.as_raw_ScaleLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn axis(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ScaleLayer_propAxis_const(self.as_raw_ScaleLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn mode(&self) -> String { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ScaleLayer_propMode_const(self.as_raw_ScaleLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ScaleLayer] pub trait ScaleLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::ScaleLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ScaleLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_has_bias(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ScaleLayer_propHasBias_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_ScaleLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_axis(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ScaleLayer_propAxis_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_ScaleLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_mode(&mut self, val: &str) { extern_container_arg!(nofail val); let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ScaleLayer_propMode_const_String(self.as_raw_mut_ScaleLayer(), val.opencv_as_extern()) }; ret } } pub struct ScaleLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ScaleLayer } impl Drop for ScaleLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ScaleLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ScaleLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ScaleLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ScaleLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ScaleLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ScaleLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ScaleLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ScaleLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ScaleLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ScaleLayerTraitConst for ScaleLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ScaleLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ScaleLayerTrait for ScaleLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ScaleLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ScaleLayer, crate::dnn::ScaleLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ScaleLayer, crate::dnn::ScaleLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ScaleLayer } impl ScaleLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ScaleLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ScaleLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ScaleLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ScaleLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ScaleLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ScaleLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ScaleLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ScaleLayer") .field("has_bias", &crate::dnn::ScaleLayerTraitConst::has_bias(self)) .field("axis", &crate::dnn::ScaleLayerTraitConst::axis(self)) .field("mode", &crate::dnn::ScaleLayerTraitConst::mode(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ScaleLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ScaleLayerInt8] pub trait ScaleLayerInt8TraitConst: crate::dnn::ScaleLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ScaleLayerInt8(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn output_sc(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ScaleLayerInt8_propOutput_sc_const(self.as_raw_ScaleLayerInt8()) }; ret } #[inline] fn output_zp(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ScaleLayerInt8_propOutput_zp_const(self.as_raw_ScaleLayerInt8()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ScaleLayerInt8] pub trait ScaleLayerInt8Trait: crate::dnn::ScaleLayerInt8TraitConst + crate::dnn::ScaleLayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_ScaleLayerInt8(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_output_sc(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ScaleLayerInt8_propOutput_sc_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_ScaleLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_output_zp(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ScaleLayerInt8_propOutput_zp_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_ScaleLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } } pub struct ScaleLayerInt8 { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ScaleLayerInt8 } impl Drop for ScaleLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ScaleLayerInt8_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ScaleLayerInt8()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ScaleLayerInt8 {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ScaleLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ScaleLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ScaleLayerInt8, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ScaleLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ScaleLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ScaleLayerInt8, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ScaleLayerTraitConst for ScaleLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_ScaleLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ScaleLayerTrait for ScaleLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ScaleLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ScaleLayerInt8, crate::dnn::ScaleLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ScaleLayer, crate::dnn::ScaleLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ScaleLayer } impl crate::dnn::ScaleLayerInt8TraitConst for ScaleLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_ScaleLayerInt8(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ScaleLayerInt8Trait for ScaleLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ScaleLayerInt8(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ScaleLayerInt8, crate::dnn::ScaleLayerInt8TraitConst, as_raw_ScaleLayerInt8, crate::dnn::ScaleLayerInt8Trait, as_raw_mut_ScaleLayerInt8 } impl ScaleLayerInt8 { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ScaleLayerInt8_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ScaleLayerInt8_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ScaleLayerInt8, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ScaleLayerInt8_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ScaleLayerInt8, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ScaleLayerInt8_to_Layer } boxed_cast_base! { ScaleLayerInt8, crate::dnn::ScaleLayer, cv_dnn_ScaleLayerInt8_to_ScaleLayer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ScaleLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ScaleLayerInt8") .field("output_sc", &crate::dnn::ScaleLayerInt8TraitConst::output_sc(self)) .field("output_zp", &crate::dnn::ScaleLayerInt8TraitConst::output_zp(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .field("has_bias", &crate::dnn::ScaleLayerTraitConst::has_bias(self)) .field("axis", &crate::dnn::ScaleLayerTraitConst::axis(self)) .field("mode", &crate::dnn::ScaleLayerTraitConst::mode(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ScaleLayerInt8 { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ScatterLayer] pub trait ScatterLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ScatterLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ScatterLayer] pub trait ScatterLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::ScatterLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ScatterLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct ScatterLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ScatterLayer } impl Drop for ScatterLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ScatterLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ScatterLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ScatterLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ScatterLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ScatterLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ScatterLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ScatterLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ScatterLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ScatterLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ScatterLayerTraitConst for ScatterLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ScatterLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ScatterLayerTrait for ScatterLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ScatterLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ScatterLayer, crate::dnn::ScatterLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ScatterLayer, crate::dnn::ScatterLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ScatterLayer } impl ScatterLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ScatterLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ScatterLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ScatterLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ScatterLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ScatterLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ScatterLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ScatterLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ScatterLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ScatterLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ScatterNDLayer] pub trait ScatterNDLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ScatterNDLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ScatterNDLayer] pub trait ScatterNDLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::ScatterNDLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ScatterNDLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct ScatterNDLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ScatterNDLayer } impl Drop for ScatterNDLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ScatterNDLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ScatterNDLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ScatterNDLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ScatterNDLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ScatterNDLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ScatterNDLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ScatterNDLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ScatterNDLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ScatterNDLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ScatterNDLayerTraitConst for ScatterNDLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ScatterNDLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ScatterNDLayerTrait for ScatterNDLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ScatterNDLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ScatterNDLayer, crate::dnn::ScatterNDLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ScatterNDLayer, crate::dnn::ScatterNDLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ScatterNDLayer } impl ScatterNDLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ScatterNDLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ScatterNDLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ScatterNDLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ScatterNDLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ScatterNDLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ScatterNDLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ScatterNDLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ScatterNDLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ScatterNDLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::SegmentationModel] pub trait SegmentationModelTraitConst: crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst { fn as_raw_SegmentationModel(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::SegmentationModel] pub trait SegmentationModelTrait: crate::dnn::ModelTrait + crate::dnn::SegmentationModelTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_SegmentationModel(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// Given the @p input frame, create input blob, run net /// ## Parameters /// * frame: The input image. /// * mask:[out] Allocated class prediction for each pixel #[inline] fn segment(&mut self, frame: &impl ToInputArray, mask: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(frame); output_array_arg!(mask); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SegmentationModel_segment_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR(self.as_raw_mut_SegmentationModel(), frame.as_raw__InputArray(), mask.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// This class represents high-level API for segmentation models /// /// SegmentationModel allows to set params for preprocessing input image. /// SegmentationModel creates net from file with trained weights and config, /// sets preprocessing input, runs forward pass and returns the class prediction for each pixel. pub struct SegmentationModel { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { SegmentationModel } impl Drop for SegmentationModel { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SegmentationModel_delete(self.as_raw_mut_SegmentationModel()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for SegmentationModel {} impl crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst for SegmentationModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_Model(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ModelTrait for SegmentationModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Model(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SegmentationModel, crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst, as_raw_Model, crate::dnn::ModelTrait, as_raw_mut_Model } impl crate::dnn::SegmentationModelTraitConst for SegmentationModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_SegmentationModel(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::SegmentationModelTrait for SegmentationModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_SegmentationModel(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SegmentationModel, crate::dnn::SegmentationModelTraitConst, as_raw_SegmentationModel, crate::dnn::SegmentationModelTrait, as_raw_mut_SegmentationModel } impl SegmentationModel { /// Create segmentation model from network represented in one of the supported formats. /// An order of @p model and @p config arguments does not matter. /// ## Parameters /// * model: Binary file contains trained weights. /// * config: Text file contains network configuration. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * config: "" #[inline] pub fn new(model: &str, config: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); extern_container_arg!(config); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SegmentationModel_SegmentationModel_const_StringR_const_StringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), config.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::SegmentationModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create segmentation model from network represented in one of the supported formats. /// An order of @p model and @p config arguments does not matter. /// ## Parameters /// * model: Binary file contains trained weights. /// * config: Text file contains network configuration. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [new] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * config: "" #[inline] pub fn new_def(model: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SegmentationModel_SegmentationModel_const_StringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::SegmentationModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create model from deep learning network. /// ## Parameters /// * network: Net object. #[inline] pub fn new_1(network: &impl crate::dnn::NetTraitConst) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SegmentationModel_SegmentationModel_const_NetR(network.as_raw_Net(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::SegmentationModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } impl Clone for SegmentationModel { #[inline] fn clone(&self) -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_SegmentationModel_implicitClone_const(self.as_raw_SegmentationModel())) } } } boxed_cast_base! { SegmentationModel, crate::dnn::Model, cv_dnn_SegmentationModel_to_Model } impl std::fmt::Debug for SegmentationModel { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("SegmentationModel") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::SeluLayer] pub trait SeluLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_SeluLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn alpha(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SeluLayer_propAlpha_const(self.as_raw_SeluLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn gamma(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SeluLayer_propGamma_const(self.as_raw_SeluLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::SeluLayer] pub trait SeluLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::SeluLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_SeluLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_alpha(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SeluLayer_propAlpha_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_SeluLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_gamma(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SeluLayer_propGamma_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_SeluLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct SeluLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { SeluLayer } impl Drop for SeluLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SeluLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_SeluLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for SeluLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for SeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for SeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SeluLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for SeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for SeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SeluLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for SeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for SeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SeluLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::SeluLayerTraitConst for SeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_SeluLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::SeluLayerTrait for SeluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_SeluLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SeluLayer, crate::dnn::SeluLayerTraitConst, as_raw_SeluLayer, crate::dnn::SeluLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_SeluLayer } impl SeluLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_SeluLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SeluLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { SeluLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_SeluLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { SeluLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_SeluLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { SeluLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_SeluLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for SeluLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("SeluLayer") .field("alpha", &crate::dnn::SeluLayerTraitConst::alpha(self)) .field("gamma", &crate::dnn::SeluLayerTraitConst::gamma(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for SeluLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ShiftLayer] pub trait ShiftLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ShiftLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ShiftLayer] pub trait ShiftLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::ShiftLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ShiftLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct ShiftLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ShiftLayer } impl Drop for ShiftLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ShiftLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ShiftLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ShiftLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ShiftLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ShiftLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ShiftLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ShiftLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ShiftLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ShiftLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ShiftLayerTraitConst for ShiftLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ShiftLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ShiftLayerTrait for ShiftLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ShiftLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ShiftLayer, crate::dnn::ShiftLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ShiftLayer, crate::dnn::ShiftLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ShiftLayer } impl ShiftLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ShiftLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ShiftLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ShiftLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ShiftLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ShiftLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ShiftLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ShiftLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ShiftLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ShiftLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ShiftLayerInt8] pub trait ShiftLayerInt8TraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ShiftLayerInt8(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ShiftLayerInt8] pub trait ShiftLayerInt8Trait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::ShiftLayerInt8TraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ShiftLayerInt8(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct ShiftLayerInt8 { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ShiftLayerInt8 } impl Drop for ShiftLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ShiftLayerInt8_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ShiftLayerInt8()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ShiftLayerInt8 {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ShiftLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ShiftLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ShiftLayerInt8, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ShiftLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ShiftLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ShiftLayerInt8, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ShiftLayerInt8TraitConst for ShiftLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_ShiftLayerInt8(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ShiftLayerInt8Trait for ShiftLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ShiftLayerInt8(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ShiftLayerInt8, crate::dnn::ShiftLayerInt8TraitConst, as_raw_ShiftLayerInt8, crate::dnn::ShiftLayerInt8Trait, as_raw_mut_ShiftLayerInt8 } impl ShiftLayerInt8 { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ShiftLayerInt8_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ShiftLayerInt8_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ShiftLayerInt8, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ShiftLayerInt8_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ShiftLayerInt8, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ShiftLayerInt8_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ShiftLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ShiftLayerInt8") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ShiftLayerInt8 { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ShrinkLayer] pub trait ShrinkLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ShrinkLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn bias(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ShrinkLayer_propBias_const(self.as_raw_ShrinkLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn lambd(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ShrinkLayer_propLambd_const(self.as_raw_ShrinkLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ShrinkLayer] pub trait ShrinkLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::ShrinkLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ShrinkLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_bias(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ShrinkLayer_propBias_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_ShrinkLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_lambd(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ShrinkLayer_propLambd_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_ShrinkLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct ShrinkLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ShrinkLayer } impl Drop for ShrinkLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ShrinkLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ShrinkLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ShrinkLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for ShrinkLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for ShrinkLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ShrinkLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ShrinkLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ShrinkLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ShrinkLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ShrinkLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ShrinkLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ShrinkLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ShrinkLayerTraitConst for ShrinkLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ShrinkLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ShrinkLayerTrait for ShrinkLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ShrinkLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ShrinkLayer, crate::dnn::ShrinkLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ShrinkLayer, crate::dnn::ShrinkLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ShrinkLayer } impl ShrinkLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ShrinkLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ShrinkLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ShrinkLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_ShrinkLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { ShrinkLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ShrinkLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ShrinkLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ShrinkLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ShrinkLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ShrinkLayer") .field("bias", &crate::dnn::ShrinkLayerTraitConst::bias(self)) .field("lambd", &crate::dnn::ShrinkLayerTraitConst::lambd(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ShrinkLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ShuffleChannelLayer] pub trait ShuffleChannelLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ShuffleChannelLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn group(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ShuffleChannelLayer_propGroup_const(self.as_raw_ShuffleChannelLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ShuffleChannelLayer] pub trait ShuffleChannelLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::ShuffleChannelLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ShuffleChannelLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_group(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ShuffleChannelLayer_propGroup_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_ShuffleChannelLayer(), val) }; ret } } /// Permute channels of 4-dimensional input blob. /// ## Parameters /// * group: Number of groups to split input channels and pick in turns /// into output blob. /// /// ![block formula]( /// ![block formula]( /// Read more at pub struct ShuffleChannelLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ShuffleChannelLayer } impl Drop for ShuffleChannelLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ShuffleChannelLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ShuffleChannelLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ShuffleChannelLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ShuffleChannelLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ShuffleChannelLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ShuffleChannelLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ShuffleChannelLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ShuffleChannelLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ShuffleChannelLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ShuffleChannelLayerTraitConst for ShuffleChannelLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ShuffleChannelLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ShuffleChannelLayerTrait for ShuffleChannelLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ShuffleChannelLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ShuffleChannelLayer, crate::dnn::ShuffleChannelLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ShuffleChannelLayer, crate::dnn::ShuffleChannelLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ShuffleChannelLayer } impl ShuffleChannelLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ShuffleChannelLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ShuffleChannelLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ShuffleChannelLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ShuffleChannelLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ShuffleChannelLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ShuffleChannelLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ShuffleChannelLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ShuffleChannelLayer") .field("group", &crate::dnn::ShuffleChannelLayerTraitConst::group(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ShuffleChannelLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::SigmoidLayer] pub trait SigmoidLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_SigmoidLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::SigmoidLayer] pub trait SigmoidLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::SigmoidLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_SigmoidLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct SigmoidLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { SigmoidLayer } impl Drop for SigmoidLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SigmoidLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_SigmoidLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for SigmoidLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for SigmoidLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for SigmoidLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SigmoidLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for SigmoidLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for SigmoidLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SigmoidLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for SigmoidLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for SigmoidLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SigmoidLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::SigmoidLayerTraitConst for SigmoidLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_SigmoidLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::SigmoidLayerTrait for SigmoidLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_SigmoidLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SigmoidLayer, crate::dnn::SigmoidLayerTraitConst, as_raw_SigmoidLayer, crate::dnn::SigmoidLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_SigmoidLayer } impl SigmoidLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_SigmoidLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SigmoidLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { SigmoidLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_SigmoidLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { SigmoidLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_SigmoidLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { SigmoidLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_SigmoidLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for SigmoidLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("SigmoidLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for SigmoidLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::SignLayer] pub trait SignLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_SignLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::SignLayer] pub trait SignLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::SignLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_SignLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct SignLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { SignLayer } impl Drop for SignLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SignLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_SignLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for SignLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for SignLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for SignLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SignLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for SignLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for SignLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SignLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for SignLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for SignLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SignLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::SignLayerTraitConst for SignLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_SignLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::SignLayerTrait for SignLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_SignLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SignLayer, crate::dnn::SignLayerTraitConst, as_raw_SignLayer, crate::dnn::SignLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_SignLayer } impl SignLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_SignLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SignLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { SignLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_SignLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { SignLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_SignLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { SignLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_SignLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for SignLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("SignLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for SignLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::SinLayer] pub trait SinLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_SinLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::SinLayer] pub trait SinLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::SinLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_SinLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct SinLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { SinLayer } impl Drop for SinLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SinLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_SinLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for SinLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for SinLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for SinLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SinLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for SinLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for SinLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SinLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for SinLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for SinLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SinLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::SinLayerTraitConst for SinLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_SinLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::SinLayerTrait for SinLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_SinLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SinLayer, crate::dnn::SinLayerTraitConst, as_raw_SinLayer, crate::dnn::SinLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_SinLayer } impl SinLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_SinLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SinLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { SinLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_SinLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { SinLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_SinLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { SinLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_SinLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for SinLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("SinLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for SinLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::SinhLayer] pub trait SinhLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_SinhLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::SinhLayer] pub trait SinhLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::SinhLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_SinhLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct SinhLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { SinhLayer } impl Drop for SinhLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SinhLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_SinhLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for SinhLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for SinhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for SinhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SinhLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for SinhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for SinhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SinhLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for SinhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for SinhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SinhLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::SinhLayerTraitConst for SinhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_SinhLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::SinhLayerTrait for SinhLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_SinhLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SinhLayer, crate::dnn::SinhLayerTraitConst, as_raw_SinhLayer, crate::dnn::SinhLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_SinhLayer } impl SinhLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_SinhLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SinhLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { SinhLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_SinhLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { SinhLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_SinhLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { SinhLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_SinhLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for SinhLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("SinhLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for SinhLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::SliceLayer] pub trait SliceLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_SliceLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; /// Vector of slice ranges. /// /// The first dimension equals number of output blobs. /// Inner vector has slice ranges for the first number of input dimensions. #[inline] fn slice_ranges(&self) -> core::Vector> { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SliceLayer_propSliceRanges_const(self.as_raw_SliceLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::>::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn slice_steps(&self) -> core::Vector> { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SliceLayer_propSliceSteps_const(self.as_raw_SliceLayer()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::>::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn axis(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SliceLayer_propAxis_const(self.as_raw_SliceLayer()) }; ret } #[inline] fn num_split(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SliceLayer_propNum_split_const(self.as_raw_SliceLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::SliceLayer] pub trait SliceLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::SliceLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_SliceLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// Vector of slice ranges. /// /// The first dimension equals number of output blobs. /// Inner vector has slice ranges for the first number of input dimensions. #[inline] fn set_slice_ranges(&mut self, val: core::Vector>) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SliceLayer_propSliceRanges_const_vectorLvectorLRangeGG(self.as_raw_mut_SliceLayer(), val.as_raw_VectorOfVectorOfRange()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_slice_steps(&mut self, val: core::Vector>) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SliceLayer_propSliceSteps_const_vectorLvectorLintGG(self.as_raw_mut_SliceLayer(), val.as_raw_VectorOfVectorOfi32()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_axis(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SliceLayer_propAxis_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_SliceLayer(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_num_split(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SliceLayer_propNum_split_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_SliceLayer(), val) }; ret } } /// Slice layer has several modes: /// 1. Caffe mode /// ## Parameters /// * axis: Axis of split operation /// * slice_point: Array of split points /// /// Number of output blobs equals to number of split points plus one. The /// first blob is a slice on input from 0 to @p slice_point[0] - 1 by @p axis, /// the second output blob is a slice of input from @p slice_point[0] to /// @p slice_point[1] - 1 by @p axis and the last output blob is a slice of /// input from @p slice_point[-1] up to the end of @p axis size. /// /// 2. TensorFlow mode /// * begin: Vector of start indices /// * size: Vector of sizes /// /// More convenient numpy-like slice. One and only output blob /// is a slice `input[begin[0]:begin[0]+size[0], begin[1]:begin[1]+size[1], ...]` /// /// 3. Torch mode /// * axis: Axis of split operation /// /// Split input blob on the equal parts by @p axis. pub struct SliceLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { SliceLayer } impl Drop for SliceLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SliceLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_SliceLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for SliceLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for SliceLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for SliceLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SliceLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for SliceLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for SliceLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SliceLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::SliceLayerTraitConst for SliceLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_SliceLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::SliceLayerTrait for SliceLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_SliceLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SliceLayer, crate::dnn::SliceLayerTraitConst, as_raw_SliceLayer, crate::dnn::SliceLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_SliceLayer } impl SliceLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_SliceLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SliceLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { SliceLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_SliceLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { SliceLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_SliceLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for SliceLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("SliceLayer") .field("slice_ranges", &crate::dnn::SliceLayerTraitConst::slice_ranges(self)) .field("slice_steps", &crate::dnn::SliceLayerTraitConst::slice_steps(self)) .field("axis", &crate::dnn::SliceLayerTraitConst::axis(self)) .field("num_split", &crate::dnn::SliceLayerTraitConst::num_split(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for SliceLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayer] pub trait SoftmaxLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_SoftmaxLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn log_soft_max(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SoftmaxLayer_propLogSoftMax_const(self.as_raw_SoftmaxLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayer] pub trait SoftmaxLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_SoftmaxLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_log_soft_max(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SoftmaxLayer_propLogSoftMax_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_SoftmaxLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct SoftmaxLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { SoftmaxLayer } impl Drop for SoftmaxLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SoftmaxLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_SoftmaxLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for SoftmaxLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for SoftmaxLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for SoftmaxLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SoftmaxLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for SoftmaxLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for SoftmaxLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SoftmaxLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerTraitConst for SoftmaxLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_SoftmaxLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerTrait for SoftmaxLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_SoftmaxLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SoftmaxLayer, crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerTraitConst, as_raw_SoftmaxLayer, crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_SoftmaxLayer } impl SoftmaxLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_SoftmaxLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SoftmaxLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { SoftmaxLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_SoftmaxLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { SoftmaxLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_SoftmaxLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for SoftmaxLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("SoftmaxLayer") .field("log_soft_max", &crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerTraitConst::log_soft_max(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for SoftmaxLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerInt8] pub trait SoftmaxLayerInt8TraitConst: crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_SoftmaxLayerInt8(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn output_sc(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SoftmaxLayerInt8_propOutput_sc_const(self.as_raw_SoftmaxLayerInt8()) }; ret } #[inline] fn output_zp(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SoftmaxLayerInt8_propOutput_zp_const(self.as_raw_SoftmaxLayerInt8()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerInt8] pub trait SoftmaxLayerInt8Trait: crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerInt8TraitConst + crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_SoftmaxLayerInt8(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_output_sc(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SoftmaxLayerInt8_propOutput_sc_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_SoftmaxLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_output_zp(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SoftmaxLayerInt8_propOutput_zp_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_SoftmaxLayerInt8(), val) }; ret } } pub struct SoftmaxLayerInt8 { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { SoftmaxLayerInt8 } impl Drop for SoftmaxLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SoftmaxLayerInt8_delete(self.as_raw_mut_SoftmaxLayerInt8()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for SoftmaxLayerInt8 {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for SoftmaxLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for SoftmaxLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SoftmaxLayerInt8, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for SoftmaxLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for SoftmaxLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SoftmaxLayerInt8, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerTraitConst for SoftmaxLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_SoftmaxLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerTrait for SoftmaxLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_SoftmaxLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SoftmaxLayerInt8, crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerTraitConst, as_raw_SoftmaxLayer, crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_SoftmaxLayer } impl crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerInt8TraitConst for SoftmaxLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_SoftmaxLayerInt8(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerInt8Trait for SoftmaxLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_SoftmaxLayerInt8(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SoftmaxLayerInt8, crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerInt8TraitConst, as_raw_SoftmaxLayerInt8, crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerInt8Trait, as_raw_mut_SoftmaxLayerInt8 } impl SoftmaxLayerInt8 { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_SoftmaxLayerInt8_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SoftmaxLayerInt8_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { SoftmaxLayerInt8, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_SoftmaxLayerInt8_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { SoftmaxLayerInt8, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_SoftmaxLayerInt8_to_Layer } boxed_cast_base! { SoftmaxLayerInt8, crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayer, cv_dnn_SoftmaxLayerInt8_to_SoftmaxLayer } impl std::fmt::Debug for SoftmaxLayerInt8 { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("SoftmaxLayerInt8") .field("output_sc", &crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerInt8TraitConst::output_sc(self)) .field("output_zp", &crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerInt8TraitConst::output_zp(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .field("log_soft_max", &crate::dnn::SoftmaxLayerTraitConst::log_soft_max(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for SoftmaxLayerInt8 { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::SoftplusLayer] pub trait SoftplusLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_SoftplusLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::SoftplusLayer] pub trait SoftplusLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::SoftplusLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_SoftplusLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct SoftplusLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { SoftplusLayer } impl Drop for SoftplusLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SoftplusLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_SoftplusLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for SoftplusLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for SoftplusLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for SoftplusLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SoftplusLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for SoftplusLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for SoftplusLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SoftplusLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for SoftplusLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for SoftplusLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SoftplusLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::SoftplusLayerTraitConst for SoftplusLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_SoftplusLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::SoftplusLayerTrait for SoftplusLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_SoftplusLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SoftplusLayer, crate::dnn::SoftplusLayerTraitConst, as_raw_SoftplusLayer, crate::dnn::SoftplusLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_SoftplusLayer } impl SoftplusLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_SoftplusLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SoftplusLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { SoftplusLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_SoftplusLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { SoftplusLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_SoftplusLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { SoftplusLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_SoftplusLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for SoftplusLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("SoftplusLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for SoftplusLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::SoftsignLayer] pub trait SoftsignLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_SoftsignLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::SoftsignLayer] pub trait SoftsignLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::SoftsignLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_SoftsignLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct SoftsignLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { SoftsignLayer } impl Drop for SoftsignLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SoftsignLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_SoftsignLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for SoftsignLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for SoftsignLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for SoftsignLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SoftsignLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for SoftsignLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for SoftsignLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SoftsignLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for SoftsignLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for SoftsignLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SoftsignLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::SoftsignLayerTraitConst for SoftsignLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_SoftsignLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::SoftsignLayerTrait for SoftsignLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_SoftsignLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SoftsignLayer, crate::dnn::SoftsignLayerTraitConst, as_raw_SoftsignLayer, crate::dnn::SoftsignLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_SoftsignLayer } impl SoftsignLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_SoftsignLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SoftsignLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { SoftsignLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_SoftsignLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { SoftsignLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_SoftsignLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { SoftsignLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_SoftsignLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for SoftsignLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("SoftsignLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for SoftsignLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::SplitLayer] pub trait SplitLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_SplitLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; /// Number of copies that will be produced (is ignored when negative). #[inline] fn outputs_count(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SplitLayer_propOutputsCount_const(self.as_raw_SplitLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::SplitLayer] pub trait SplitLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::SplitLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_SplitLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// Number of copies that will be produced (is ignored when negative). #[inline] fn set_outputs_count(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SplitLayer_propOutputsCount_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_SplitLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct SplitLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { SplitLayer } impl Drop for SplitLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SplitLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_SplitLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for SplitLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for SplitLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for SplitLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SplitLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for SplitLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for SplitLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SplitLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::SplitLayerTraitConst for SplitLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_SplitLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::SplitLayerTrait for SplitLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_SplitLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SplitLayer, crate::dnn::SplitLayerTraitConst, as_raw_SplitLayer, crate::dnn::SplitLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_SplitLayer } impl SplitLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_SplitLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SplitLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { SplitLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_SplitLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { SplitLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_SplitLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for SplitLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("SplitLayer") .field("outputs_count", &crate::dnn::SplitLayerTraitConst::outputs_count(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for SplitLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::SqrtLayer] pub trait SqrtLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_SqrtLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::SqrtLayer] pub trait SqrtLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::SqrtLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_SqrtLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct SqrtLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { SqrtLayer } impl Drop for SqrtLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SqrtLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_SqrtLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for SqrtLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for SqrtLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for SqrtLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SqrtLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for SqrtLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for SqrtLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SqrtLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for SqrtLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for SqrtLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SqrtLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::SqrtLayerTraitConst for SqrtLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_SqrtLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::SqrtLayerTrait for SqrtLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_SqrtLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SqrtLayer, crate::dnn::SqrtLayerTraitConst, as_raw_SqrtLayer, crate::dnn::SqrtLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_SqrtLayer } impl SqrtLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_SqrtLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SqrtLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { SqrtLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_SqrtLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { SqrtLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_SqrtLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { SqrtLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_SqrtLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for SqrtLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("SqrtLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for SqrtLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::SwishLayer] pub trait SwishLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_SwishLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::SwishLayer] pub trait SwishLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::SwishLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_SwishLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct SwishLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { SwishLayer } impl Drop for SwishLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SwishLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_SwishLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for SwishLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for SwishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for SwishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SwishLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for SwishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for SwishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SwishLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for SwishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for SwishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SwishLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::SwishLayerTraitConst for SwishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_SwishLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::SwishLayerTrait for SwishLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_SwishLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SwishLayer, crate::dnn::SwishLayerTraitConst, as_raw_SwishLayer, crate::dnn::SwishLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_SwishLayer } impl SwishLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_SwishLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_SwishLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { SwishLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_SwishLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { SwishLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_SwishLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { SwishLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_SwishLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for SwishLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("SwishLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for SwishLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::TanHLayer] pub trait TanHLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_TanHLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::TanHLayer] pub trait TanHLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::TanHLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_TanHLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct TanHLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { TanHLayer } impl Drop for TanHLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TanHLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_TanHLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for TanHLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for TanHLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for TanHLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TanHLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for TanHLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for TanHLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TanHLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for TanHLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for TanHLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TanHLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::TanHLayerTraitConst for TanHLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_TanHLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::TanHLayerTrait for TanHLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_TanHLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TanHLayer, crate::dnn::TanHLayerTraitConst, as_raw_TanHLayer, crate::dnn::TanHLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_TanHLayer } impl TanHLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_TanHLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TanHLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { TanHLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_TanHLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { TanHLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_TanHLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { TanHLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_TanHLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for TanHLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("TanHLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for TanHLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::TanLayer] pub trait TanLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_TanLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::TanLayer] pub trait TanLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::TanLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_TanLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct TanLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { TanLayer } impl Drop for TanLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TanLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_TanLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for TanLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for TanLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for TanLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TanLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for TanLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for TanLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TanLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for TanLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for TanLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TanLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::TanLayerTraitConst for TanLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_TanLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::TanLayerTrait for TanLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_TanLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TanLayer, crate::dnn::TanLayerTraitConst, as_raw_TanLayer, crate::dnn::TanLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_TanLayer } impl TanLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_TanLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TanLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { TanLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_TanLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { TanLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_TanLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { TanLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_TanLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for TanLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("TanLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for TanLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel] pub trait TextDetectionModelTraitConst: crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst { fn as_raw_TextDetectionModel(&self) -> *const c_void; /// Performs detection /// /// Given the input @p frame, prepare network input, run network inference, post-process network output and return result detections. /// /// Each result is quadrangle's 4 points in this order: /// - bottom-left /// - top-left /// - top-right /// - bottom-right /// /// Use cv::getPerspectiveTransform function to retrieve image region without perspective transformations. /// /// /// Note: If DL model doesn't support that kind of output then result may be derived from detectTextRectangles() output. /// /// ## Parameters /// * frame: The input image /// * detections:[out] array with detections' quadrangles (4 points per result) /// * confidences:[out] array with detection confidences #[inline] fn detect_with_confidences(&self, frame: &impl ToInputArray, detections: &mut core::Vector>, confidences: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(frame); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_detect_const_const__InputArrayR_vectorLvectorLPointGGR_vectorLfloatGR(self.as_raw_TextDetectionModel(), frame.as_raw__InputArray(), detections.as_raw_mut_VectorOfVectorOfPoint(), confidences.as_raw_mut_VectorOff32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Performs detection /// /// Given the input @p frame, prepare network input, run network inference, post-process network output and return result detections. /// /// Each result is quadrangle's 4 points in this order: /// - bottom-left /// - top-left /// - top-right /// - bottom-right /// /// Use cv::getPerspectiveTransform function to retrieve image region without perspective transformations. /// /// /// Note: If DL model doesn't support that kind of output then result may be derived from detectTextRectangles() output. /// /// ## Parameters /// * frame: The input image /// * detections:[out] array with detections' quadrangles (4 points per result) /// * confidences:[out] array with detection confidences /// /// ## Overloaded parameters #[inline] fn detect(&self, frame: &impl ToInputArray, detections: &mut core::Vector>) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(frame); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_detect_const_const__InputArrayR_vectorLvectorLPointGGR(self.as_raw_TextDetectionModel(), frame.as_raw__InputArray(), detections.as_raw_mut_VectorOfVectorOfPoint(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Performs detection /// /// Given the input @p frame, prepare network input, run network inference, post-process network output and return result detections. /// /// Each result is rotated rectangle. /// /// /// Note: Result may be inaccurate in case of strong perspective transformations. /// /// ## Parameters /// * frame: the input image /// * detections:[out] array with detections' RotationRect results /// * confidences:[out] array with detection confidences #[inline] fn detect_text_rectangles(&self, frame: &impl ToInputArray, detections: &mut core::Vector, confidences: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(frame); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_detectTextRectangles_const_const__InputArrayR_vectorLRotatedRectGR_vectorLfloatGR(self.as_raw_TextDetectionModel(), frame.as_raw__InputArray(), detections.as_raw_mut_VectorOfRotatedRect(), confidences.as_raw_mut_VectorOff32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Performs detection /// /// Given the input @p frame, prepare network input, run network inference, post-process network output and return result detections. /// /// Each result is rotated rectangle. /// /// /// Note: Result may be inaccurate in case of strong perspective transformations. /// /// ## Parameters /// * frame: the input image /// * detections:[out] array with detections' RotationRect results /// * confidences:[out] array with detection confidences /// /// ## Overloaded parameters #[inline] fn detect_text_rectangles_1(&self, frame: &impl ToInputArray, detections: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(frame); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_detectTextRectangles_const_const__InputArrayR_vectorLRotatedRectGR(self.as_raw_TextDetectionModel(), frame.as_raw__InputArray(), detections.as_raw_mut_VectorOfRotatedRect(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel] pub trait TextDetectionModelTrait: crate::dnn::ModelTrait + crate::dnn::TextDetectionModelTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } /// Base class for text detection networks pub struct TextDetectionModel { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { TextDetectionModel } impl Drop for TextDetectionModel { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_delete(self.as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for TextDetectionModel {} impl crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst for TextDetectionModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_Model(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ModelTrait for TextDetectionModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Model(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TextDetectionModel, crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst, as_raw_Model, crate::dnn::ModelTrait, as_raw_mut_Model } impl crate::dnn::TextDetectionModelTraitConst for TextDetectionModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_TextDetectionModel(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::TextDetectionModelTrait for TextDetectionModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TextDetectionModel, crate::dnn::TextDetectionModelTraitConst, as_raw_TextDetectionModel, crate::dnn::TextDetectionModelTrait, as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel } impl TextDetectionModel { } boxed_cast_base! { TextDetectionModel, crate::dnn::Model, cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_to_Model } impl std::fmt::Debug for TextDetectionModel { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("TextDetectionModel") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_DB] pub trait TextDetectionModel_DBTraitConst: crate::dnn::TextDetectionModelTraitConst { fn as_raw_TextDetectionModel_DB(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn get_binary_threshold(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_DB_getBinaryThreshold_const(self.as_raw_TextDetectionModel_DB(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_polygon_threshold(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_DB_getPolygonThreshold_const(self.as_raw_TextDetectionModel_DB(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_unclip_ratio(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_DB_getUnclipRatio_const(self.as_raw_TextDetectionModel_DB(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_max_candidates(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_DB_getMaxCandidates_const(self.as_raw_TextDetectionModel_DB(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_DB] pub trait TextDetectionModel_DBTrait: crate::dnn::TextDetectionModelTrait + crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_DBTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel_DB(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_binary_threshold(&mut self, binary_threshold: f32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_DB_setBinaryThreshold_float(self.as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel_DB(), binary_threshold, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_DB::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_polygon_threshold(&mut self, polygon_threshold: f32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_DB_setPolygonThreshold_float(self.as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel_DB(), polygon_threshold, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_DB::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_unclip_ratio(&mut self, unclip_ratio: f64) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_DB_setUnclipRatio_double(self.as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel_DB(), unclip_ratio, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_DB::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_max_candidates(&mut self, max_candidates: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_DB_setMaxCandidates_int(self.as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel_DB(), max_candidates, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_DB::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } /// This class represents high-level API for text detection DL networks compatible with DB model. /// /// Related publications: [liao2020real]( /// Paper: /// For more information about the hyper-parameters setting, please refer to /// /// Configurable parameters: /// - (float) binaryThreshold - The threshold of the binary map. It is usually set to 0.3. /// - (float) polygonThreshold - The threshold of text polygons. It is usually set to 0.5, 0.6, and 0.7. Default is 0.5f /// - (double) unclipRatio - The unclip ratio of the detected text region, which determines the output size. It is usually set to 2.0. /// - (int) maxCandidates - The max number of the output results. pub struct TextDetectionModel_DB { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { TextDetectionModel_DB } impl Drop for TextDetectionModel_DB { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_DB_delete(self.as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel_DB()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for TextDetectionModel_DB {} impl crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst for TextDetectionModel_DB { #[inline] fn as_raw_Model(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ModelTrait for TextDetectionModel_DB { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Model(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TextDetectionModel_DB, crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst, as_raw_Model, crate::dnn::ModelTrait, as_raw_mut_Model } impl crate::dnn::TextDetectionModelTraitConst for TextDetectionModel_DB { #[inline] fn as_raw_TextDetectionModel(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::TextDetectionModelTrait for TextDetectionModel_DB { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TextDetectionModel_DB, crate::dnn::TextDetectionModelTraitConst, as_raw_TextDetectionModel, crate::dnn::TextDetectionModelTrait, as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel } impl crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_DBTraitConst for TextDetectionModel_DB { #[inline] fn as_raw_TextDetectionModel_DB(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_DBTrait for TextDetectionModel_DB { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel_DB(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TextDetectionModel_DB, crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_DBTraitConst, as_raw_TextDetectionModel_DB, crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_DBTrait, as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel_DB } impl TextDetectionModel_DB { #[inline] pub fn default() -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_DB_TextDetectionModel_DB(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_DB::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create text detection algorithm from deep learning network. /// ## Parameters /// * network: Net object. #[inline] pub fn new(network: &impl crate::dnn::NetTraitConst) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_DB_TextDetectionModel_DB_const_NetR(network.as_raw_Net(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_DB::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create text detection model from network represented in one of the supported formats. /// An order of @p model and @p config arguments does not matter. /// ## Parameters /// * model: Binary file contains trained weights. /// * config: Text file contains network configuration. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * config: "" #[inline] pub fn new_1(model: &str, config: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); extern_container_arg!(config); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_DB_TextDetectionModel_DB_const_stringR_const_stringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), config.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_DB::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create text detection model from network represented in one of the supported formats. /// An order of @p model and @p config arguments does not matter. /// ## Parameters /// * model: Binary file contains trained weights. /// * config: Text file contains network configuration. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [new] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * config: "" #[inline] pub fn new_def(model: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_DB_TextDetectionModel_DB_const_stringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_DB::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } impl Clone for TextDetectionModel_DB { #[inline] fn clone(&self) -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_DB_implicitClone_const(self.as_raw_TextDetectionModel_DB())) } } } boxed_cast_base! { TextDetectionModel_DB, crate::dnn::Model, cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_DB_to_Model } boxed_cast_base! { TextDetectionModel_DB, crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel, cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_DB_to_TextDetectionModel } impl std::fmt::Debug for TextDetectionModel_DB { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("TextDetectionModel_DB") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_EAST] pub trait TextDetectionModel_EASTTraitConst: crate::dnn::TextDetectionModelTraitConst { fn as_raw_TextDetectionModel_EAST(&self) -> *const c_void; /// Get the detection confidence threshold #[inline] fn get_confidence_threshold(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_EAST_getConfidenceThreshold_const(self.as_raw_TextDetectionModel_EAST(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Get the detection confidence threshold #[inline] fn get_nms_threshold(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_EAST_getNMSThreshold_const(self.as_raw_TextDetectionModel_EAST(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_EAST] pub trait TextDetectionModel_EASTTrait: crate::dnn::TextDetectionModelTrait + crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_EASTTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel_EAST(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// Set the detection confidence threshold /// ## Parameters /// * confThreshold: A threshold used to filter boxes by confidences #[inline] fn set_confidence_threshold(&mut self, conf_threshold: f32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_EAST_setConfidenceThreshold_float(self.as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel_EAST(), conf_threshold, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_EAST::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Set the detection NMS filter threshold /// ## Parameters /// * nmsThreshold: A threshold used in non maximum suppression #[inline] fn set_nms_threshold(&mut self, nms_threshold: f32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_EAST_setNMSThreshold_float(self.as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel_EAST(), nms_threshold, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_EAST::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } /// This class represents high-level API for text detection DL networks compatible with EAST model. /// /// Configurable parameters: /// - (float) confThreshold - used to filter boxes by confidences, default: 0.5f /// - (float) nmsThreshold - used in non maximum suppression, default: 0.0f pub struct TextDetectionModel_EAST { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { TextDetectionModel_EAST } impl Drop for TextDetectionModel_EAST { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_EAST_delete(self.as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel_EAST()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for TextDetectionModel_EAST {} impl crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst for TextDetectionModel_EAST { #[inline] fn as_raw_Model(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ModelTrait for TextDetectionModel_EAST { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Model(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TextDetectionModel_EAST, crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst, as_raw_Model, crate::dnn::ModelTrait, as_raw_mut_Model } impl crate::dnn::TextDetectionModelTraitConst for TextDetectionModel_EAST { #[inline] fn as_raw_TextDetectionModel(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::TextDetectionModelTrait for TextDetectionModel_EAST { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TextDetectionModel_EAST, crate::dnn::TextDetectionModelTraitConst, as_raw_TextDetectionModel, crate::dnn::TextDetectionModelTrait, as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel } impl crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_EASTTraitConst for TextDetectionModel_EAST { #[inline] fn as_raw_TextDetectionModel_EAST(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_EASTTrait for TextDetectionModel_EAST { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel_EAST(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TextDetectionModel_EAST, crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_EASTTraitConst, as_raw_TextDetectionModel_EAST, crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_EASTTrait, as_raw_mut_TextDetectionModel_EAST } impl TextDetectionModel_EAST { #[inline] pub fn default() -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_EAST_TextDetectionModel_EAST(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_EAST::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create text detection algorithm from deep learning network /// ## Parameters /// * network: Net object #[inline] pub fn new(network: &impl crate::dnn::NetTraitConst) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_EAST_TextDetectionModel_EAST_const_NetR(network.as_raw_Net(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_EAST::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create text detection model from network represented in one of the supported formats. /// An order of @p model and @p config arguments does not matter. /// ## Parameters /// * model: Binary file contains trained weights. /// * config: Text file contains network configuration. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * config: "" #[inline] pub fn from_file(model: &str, config: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); extern_container_arg!(config); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_EAST_TextDetectionModel_EAST_const_stringR_const_stringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), config.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_EAST::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create text detection model from network represented in one of the supported formats. /// An order of @p model and @p config arguments does not matter. /// ## Parameters /// * model: Binary file contains trained weights. /// * config: Text file contains network configuration. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [from_file] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * config: "" #[inline] pub fn from_file_def(model: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_EAST_TextDetectionModel_EAST_const_stringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel_EAST::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } impl Clone for TextDetectionModel_EAST { #[inline] fn clone(&self) -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_EAST_implicitClone_const(self.as_raw_TextDetectionModel_EAST())) } } } boxed_cast_base! { TextDetectionModel_EAST, crate::dnn::Model, cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_EAST_to_Model } boxed_cast_base! { TextDetectionModel_EAST, crate::dnn::TextDetectionModel, cv_dnn_TextDetectionModel_EAST_to_TextDetectionModel } impl std::fmt::Debug for TextDetectionModel_EAST { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("TextDetectionModel_EAST") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::TextRecognitionModel] pub trait TextRecognitionModelTraitConst: crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst { fn as_raw_TextRecognitionModel(&self) -> *const c_void; /// Get the decoding method /// ## Returns /// the decoding method #[inline] fn get_decode_type(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextRecognitionModel_getDecodeType_const(self.as_raw_TextRecognitionModel(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Get the vocabulary for recognition. /// ## Returns /// vocabulary the associated vocabulary #[inline] fn get_vocabulary(&self) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextRecognitionModel_getVocabulary_const(self.as_raw_TextRecognitionModel(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Given the @p input frame, create input blob, run net and return recognition result /// ## Parameters /// * frame: The input image /// ## Returns /// The text recognition result #[inline] fn recognize(&self, frame: &impl ToInputArray) -> Result { input_array_arg!(frame); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextRecognitionModel_recognize_const_const__InputArrayR(self.as_raw_TextRecognitionModel(), frame.as_raw__InputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Given the @p input frame, create input blob, run net and return recognition result /// ## Parameters /// * frame: The input image /// * roiRects: List of text detection regions of interest (cv::Rect, CV_32SC4). ROIs is be cropped as the network inputs /// * results:[out] A set of text recognition results. #[inline] fn recognize_1(&self, frame: &impl ToInputArray, roi_rects: &impl ToInputArray, results: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(frame); input_array_arg!(roi_rects); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextRecognitionModel_recognize_const_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_vectorLstringGR(self.as_raw_TextRecognitionModel(), frame.as_raw__InputArray(), roi_rects.as_raw__InputArray(), results.as_raw_mut_VectorOfString(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::TextRecognitionModel] pub trait TextRecognitionModelTrait: crate::dnn::ModelTrait + crate::dnn::TextRecognitionModelTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_TextRecognitionModel(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// Set the decoding method of translating the network output into string /// ## Parameters /// * decodeType: The decoding method of translating the network output into string, currently supported type: /// - `"CTC-greedy"` greedy decoding for the output of CTC-based methods /// - `"CTC-prefix-beam-search"` Prefix beam search decoding for the output of CTC-based methods #[inline] fn set_decode_type(&mut self, decode_type: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(decode_type); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextRecognitionModel_setDecodeType_const_stringR(self.as_raw_mut_TextRecognitionModel(), decode_type.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextRecognitionModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Set the decoding method options for `"CTC-prefix-beam-search"` decode usage /// ## Parameters /// * beamSize: Beam size for search /// * vocPruneSize: Parameter to optimize big vocabulary search, /// only take top @p vocPruneSize tokens in each search step, @p vocPruneSize <= 0 stands for disable this prune. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * voc_prune_size: 0 #[inline] fn set_decode_opts_ctc_prefix_beam_search(&mut self, beam_size: i32, voc_prune_size: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextRecognitionModel_setDecodeOptsCTCPrefixBeamSearch_int_int(self.as_raw_mut_TextRecognitionModel(), beam_size, voc_prune_size, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextRecognitionModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Set the decoding method options for `"CTC-prefix-beam-search"` decode usage /// ## Parameters /// * beamSize: Beam size for search /// * vocPruneSize: Parameter to optimize big vocabulary search, /// only take top @p vocPruneSize tokens in each search step, @p vocPruneSize <= 0 stands for disable this prune. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [TextRecognitionModelTrait::set_decode_opts_ctc_prefix_beam_search] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * voc_prune_size: 0 #[inline] fn set_decode_opts_ctc_prefix_beam_search_def(&mut self, beam_size: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextRecognitionModel_setDecodeOptsCTCPrefixBeamSearch_int(self.as_raw_mut_TextRecognitionModel(), beam_size, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextRecognitionModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Set the vocabulary for recognition. /// ## Parameters /// * vocabulary: the associated vocabulary of the network. #[inline] fn set_vocabulary(&mut self, vocabulary: &core::Vector) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextRecognitionModel_setVocabulary_const_vectorLstringGR(self.as_raw_mut_TextRecognitionModel(), vocabulary.as_raw_VectorOfString(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextRecognitionModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } /// This class represents high-level API for text recognition networks. /// /// TextRecognitionModel allows to set params for preprocessing input image. /// TextRecognitionModel creates net from file with trained weights and config, /// sets preprocessing input, runs forward pass and return recognition result. /// For TextRecognitionModel, CRNN-CTC is supported. pub struct TextRecognitionModel { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { TextRecognitionModel } impl Drop for TextRecognitionModel { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextRecognitionModel_delete(self.as_raw_mut_TextRecognitionModel()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for TextRecognitionModel {} impl crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst for TextRecognitionModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_Model(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ModelTrait for TextRecognitionModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Model(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TextRecognitionModel, crate::dnn::ModelTraitConst, as_raw_Model, crate::dnn::ModelTrait, as_raw_mut_Model } impl crate::dnn::TextRecognitionModelTraitConst for TextRecognitionModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_TextRecognitionModel(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::TextRecognitionModelTrait for TextRecognitionModel { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_TextRecognitionModel(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TextRecognitionModel, crate::dnn::TextRecognitionModelTraitConst, as_raw_TextRecognitionModel, crate::dnn::TextRecognitionModelTrait, as_raw_mut_TextRecognitionModel } impl TextRecognitionModel { #[inline] pub fn default() -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextRecognitionModel_TextRecognitionModel(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextRecognitionModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create Text Recognition model from deep learning network /// Call setDecodeType() and setVocabulary() after constructor to initialize the decoding method /// ## Parameters /// * network: Net object #[inline] pub fn new(network: &impl crate::dnn::NetTraitConst) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextRecognitionModel_TextRecognitionModel_const_NetR(network.as_raw_Net(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextRecognitionModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create text recognition model from network represented in one of the supported formats /// Call setDecodeType() and setVocabulary() after constructor to initialize the decoding method /// ## Parameters /// * model: Binary file contains trained weights /// * config: Text file contains network configuration /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * config: "" #[inline] pub fn from_file(model: &str, config: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); extern_container_arg!(config); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextRecognitionModel_TextRecognitionModel_const_stringR_const_stringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), config.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextRecognitionModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Create text recognition model from network represented in one of the supported formats /// Call setDecodeType() and setVocabulary() after constructor to initialize the decoding method /// ## Parameters /// * model: Binary file contains trained weights /// * config: Text file contains network configuration /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [from_file] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * config: "" #[inline] pub fn from_file_def(model: &str) -> Result { extern_container_arg!(model); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TextRecognitionModel_TextRecognitionModel_const_stringR(model.opencv_as_extern(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::TextRecognitionModel::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } impl Clone for TextRecognitionModel { #[inline] fn clone(&self) -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_TextRecognitionModel_implicitClone_const(self.as_raw_TextRecognitionModel())) } } } boxed_cast_base! { TextRecognitionModel, crate::dnn::Model, cv_dnn_TextRecognitionModel_to_Model } impl std::fmt::Debug for TextRecognitionModel { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("TextRecognitionModel") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::ThresholdedReluLayer] pub trait ThresholdedReluLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_ThresholdedReluLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn alpha(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ThresholdedReluLayer_propAlpha_const(self.as_raw_ThresholdedReluLayer()) }; ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::ThresholdedReluLayer] pub trait ThresholdedReluLayerTrait: crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait + crate::dnn::ThresholdedReluLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_ThresholdedReluLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_alpha(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ThresholdedReluLayer_propAlpha_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_ThresholdedReluLayer(), val) }; ret } } pub struct ThresholdedReluLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { ThresholdedReluLayer } impl Drop for ThresholdedReluLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ThresholdedReluLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_ThresholdedReluLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for ThresholdedReluLayer {} impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst for ThresholdedReluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ActivationLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait for ThresholdedReluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ThresholdedReluLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ActivationLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ActivationLayer } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for ThresholdedReluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for ThresholdedReluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ThresholdedReluLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for ThresholdedReluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for ThresholdedReluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ThresholdedReluLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::ThresholdedReluLayerTraitConst for ThresholdedReluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_ThresholdedReluLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::ThresholdedReluLayerTrait for ThresholdedReluLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_ThresholdedReluLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { ThresholdedReluLayer, crate::dnn::ThresholdedReluLayerTraitConst, as_raw_ThresholdedReluLayer, crate::dnn::ThresholdedReluLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_ThresholdedReluLayer } impl ThresholdedReluLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_ThresholdedReluLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_ThresholdedReluLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { ThresholdedReluLayer, crate::dnn::ActivationLayer, cv_dnn_ThresholdedReluLayer_to_ActivationLayer } boxed_cast_base! { ThresholdedReluLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_ThresholdedReluLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { ThresholdedReluLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_ThresholdedReluLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for ThresholdedReluLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("ThresholdedReluLayer") .field("alpha", &crate::dnn::ThresholdedReluLayerTraitConst::alpha(self)) .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for ThresholdedReluLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::TileLayer] pub trait TileLayerTraitConst: crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_TileLayer(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::TileLayer] pub trait TileLayerTrait: crate::dnn::LayerTrait + crate::dnn::TileLayerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_TileLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct TileLayer { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { TileLayer } impl Drop for TileLayer { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TileLayer_delete(self.as_raw_mut_TileLayer()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for TileLayer {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for TileLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for TileLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TileLayer, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst for TileLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_Layer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::LayerTrait for TileLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Layer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TileLayer, crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst, as_raw_Layer, crate::dnn::LayerTrait, as_raw_mut_Layer } impl crate::dnn::TileLayerTraitConst for TileLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_TileLayer(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::TileLayerTrait for TileLayer { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_TileLayer(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TileLayer, crate::dnn::TileLayerTraitConst, as_raw_TileLayer, crate::dnn::TileLayerTrait, as_raw_mut_TileLayer } impl TileLayer { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_dnn_TileLayer_defaultNew_const()) } } #[inline] pub fn create(params: &impl crate::dnn::LayerParamsTraitConst) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn_TileLayer_create_const_LayerParamsR(params.as_raw_LayerParams(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { TileLayer, core::Algorithm, cv_dnn_TileLayer_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { TileLayer, crate::dnn::Layer, cv_dnn_TileLayer_to_Layer } impl std::fmt::Debug for TileLayer { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("TileLayer") .field("blobs", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::blobs(self)) .field("name", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::name(self)) .field("typ", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::typ(self)) .field("preferable_target", &crate::dnn::LayerTraitConst::preferable_target(self)) .finish() } } impl Default for TileLayer { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::dnn::_Range] pub trait _RangeTraitConst: core::RangeTraitConst { fn as_raw__Range(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::dnn::_Range] pub trait _RangeTrait: core::RangeTrait + crate::dnn::_RangeTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut__Range(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } pub struct _Range { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { _Range } impl Drop for _Range { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_dnn__Range_delete(self.as_raw_mut__Range()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for _Range {} impl core::RangeTraitConst for _Range { #[inline] fn as_raw_Range(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::RangeTrait for _Range { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Range(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { _Range, core::RangeTraitConst, as_raw_Range, core::RangeTrait, as_raw_mut_Range } impl crate::dnn::_RangeTraitConst for _Range { #[inline] fn as_raw__Range(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::dnn::_RangeTrait for _Range { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut__Range(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { _Range, crate::dnn::_RangeTraitConst, as_raw__Range, crate::dnn::_RangeTrait, as_raw_mut__Range } impl _Range { #[inline] pub fn from_base(r: &impl core::RangeTraitConst) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn__Range__Range_const_RangeR(r.as_raw_Range(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::_Range::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * size_: 1 #[inline] pub fn new(start_: i32, size_: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn__Range__Range_int_int(start_, size_, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::_Range::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [new] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * size_: 1 #[inline] pub fn new_def(start_: i32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_dnn__Range__Range_int(start_, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::dnn::_Range::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { _Range, core::Range, cv_dnn__Range_to_Range } impl std::fmt::Debug for _Range { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("_Range") .field("start", &core::RangeTraitConst::start(self)) .field("end", &core::RangeTraitConst::end(self)) .finish() } } pub use crate::manual::dnn::*; }