pub mod rapid { //! # silhouette based 3D object tracking //! //! implements "RAPID-a video rate object tracker" [harris1990rapid]( with the dynamic control point extraction of [drummond2002real]( use crate::mod_prelude::*; use crate::{core, sys, types}; pub mod prelude { pub use super::{Rapid_GOSTrackerTrait, Rapid_GOSTrackerTraitConst, Rapid_OLSTrackerTrait, Rapid_OLSTrackerTraitConst, Rapid_RapidTrait, Rapid_RapidTraitConst, Rapid_TrackerTrait, Rapid_TrackerTraitConst}; } /// Collect corresponding 2d and 3d points based on correspondencies and mask /// ## Parameters /// * cols: correspondence-position per line in line-bundle-space /// * srcLocations: the source image location /// * pts2d: 2d points /// * pts3d: 3d points /// * mask: mask containing non-zero values for the elements to be retained /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [convert_correspondencies] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * pts3d: noArray() /// * mask: noArray() #[inline] pub fn convert_correspondencies_def(cols: &impl ToInputArray, src_locations: &impl ToInputArray, pts2d: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(cols); input_array_arg!(src_locations); output_array_arg!(pts2d); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_convertCorrespondencies_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR(cols.as_raw__InputArray(), src_locations.as_raw__InputArray(), pts2d.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Collect corresponding 2d and 3d points based on correspondencies and mask /// ## Parameters /// * cols: correspondence-position per line in line-bundle-space /// * srcLocations: the source image location /// * pts2d: 2d points /// * pts3d: 3d points /// * mask: mask containing non-zero values for the elements to be retained /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * pts3d: noArray() /// * mask: noArray() #[inline] pub fn convert_correspondencies(cols: &impl ToInputArray, src_locations: &impl ToInputArray, pts2d: &mut impl ToOutputArray, pts3d: &mut impl ToInputOutputArray, mask: &impl ToInputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(cols); input_array_arg!(src_locations); output_array_arg!(pts2d); input_output_array_arg!(pts3d); input_array_arg!(mask); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_convertCorrespondencies_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR_const__InputOutputArrayR_const__InputArrayR(cols.as_raw__InputArray(), src_locations.as_raw__InputArray(), pts2d.as_raw__OutputArray(), pts3d.as_raw__InputOutputArray(), mask.as_raw__InputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Debug draw markers of matched correspondences onto a lineBundle /// ## Parameters /// * bundle: the lineBundle /// * cols: column coordinates in the line bundle /// * colors: colors for the markers. Defaults to white. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [draw_correspondencies] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * colors: noArray() #[inline] pub fn draw_correspondencies_def(bundle: &mut impl ToInputOutputArray, cols: &impl ToInputArray) -> Result<()> { input_output_array_arg!(bundle); input_array_arg!(cols); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_drawCorrespondencies_const__InputOutputArrayR_const__InputArrayR(bundle.as_raw__InputOutputArray(), cols.as_raw__InputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Debug draw markers of matched correspondences onto a lineBundle /// ## Parameters /// * bundle: the lineBundle /// * cols: column coordinates in the line bundle /// * colors: colors for the markers. Defaults to white. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * colors: noArray() #[inline] pub fn draw_correspondencies(bundle: &mut impl ToInputOutputArray, cols: &impl ToInputArray, colors: &impl ToInputArray) -> Result<()> { input_output_array_arg!(bundle); input_array_arg!(cols); input_array_arg!(colors); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_drawCorrespondencies_const__InputOutputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR(bundle.as_raw__InputOutputArray(), cols.as_raw__InputArray(), colors.as_raw__InputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Debug draw search lines onto an image /// ## Parameters /// * img: the output image /// * locations: the source locations of a line bundle /// * color: the line color #[inline] pub fn draw_search_lines(img: &mut impl ToInputOutputArray, locations: &impl ToInputArray, color: core::Scalar) -> Result<()> { input_output_array_arg!(img); input_array_arg!(locations); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_drawSearchLines_const__InputOutputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_const_ScalarR(img.as_raw__InputOutputArray(), locations.as_raw__InputArray(), &color, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Draw a wireframe of a triangle mesh /// ## Parameters /// * img: the output image /// * pts2d: the 2d points obtained by [projectPoints] /// * tris: triangle face connectivity /// * color: line color /// * type: line type. See [LineTypes]. /// * cullBackface: enable back-face culling based on CCW order /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [draw_wireframe] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * typ: LINE_8 /// * cull_backface: false #[inline] pub fn draw_wireframe_def(img: &mut impl ToInputOutputArray, pts2d: &impl ToInputArray, tris: &impl ToInputArray, color: core::Scalar) -> Result<()> { input_output_array_arg!(img); input_array_arg!(pts2d); input_array_arg!(tris); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_drawWireframe_const__InputOutputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_const_ScalarR(img.as_raw__InputOutputArray(), pts2d.as_raw__InputArray(), tris.as_raw__InputArray(), &color, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Draw a wireframe of a triangle mesh /// ## Parameters /// * img: the output image /// * pts2d: the 2d points obtained by [projectPoints] /// * tris: triangle face connectivity /// * color: line color /// * type: line type. See [LineTypes]. /// * cullBackface: enable back-face culling based on CCW order /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * typ: LINE_8 /// * cull_backface: false #[inline] pub fn draw_wireframe(img: &mut impl ToInputOutputArray, pts2d: &impl ToInputArray, tris: &impl ToInputArray, color: core::Scalar, typ: i32, cull_backface: bool) -> Result<()> { input_output_array_arg!(img); input_array_arg!(pts2d); input_array_arg!(tris); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_drawWireframe_const__InputOutputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_const_ScalarR_int_bool(img.as_raw__InputOutputArray(), pts2d.as_raw__InputArray(), tris.as_raw__InputArray(), &color, typ, cull_backface, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Extract control points from the projected silhouette of a mesh /// /// see [drummond2002real]( Sec 2.1, Step b /// ## Parameters /// * num: number of control points /// * len: search radius (used to restrict the ROI) /// * pts3d: the 3D points of the mesh /// * rvec: rotation between mesh and camera /// * tvec: translation between mesh and camera /// * K: camera intrinsic /// * imsize: size of the video frame /// * tris: triangle face connectivity /// * ctl2d: the 2D locations of the control points /// * ctl3d: matching 3D points of the mesh #[inline] pub fn extract_control_points(num: i32, len: i32, pts3d: &impl ToInputArray, rvec: &impl ToInputArray, tvec: &impl ToInputArray, k: &impl ToInputArray, imsize: core::Size, tris: &impl ToInputArray, ctl2d: &mut impl ToOutputArray, ctl3d: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(pts3d); input_array_arg!(rvec); input_array_arg!(tvec); input_array_arg!(k); input_array_arg!(tris); output_array_arg!(ctl2d); output_array_arg!(ctl3d); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_extractControlPoints_int_int_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_const_SizeR_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR(num, len, pts3d.as_raw__InputArray(), rvec.as_raw__InputArray(), tvec.as_raw__InputArray(), k.as_raw__InputArray(), &imsize, tris.as_raw__InputArray(), ctl2d.as_raw__OutputArray(), ctl3d.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Extract the line bundle from an image /// ## Parameters /// * len: the search radius. The bundle will have `2*len + 1` columns. /// * ctl2d: the search lines will be centered at this points and orthogonal to the contour defined by /// them. The bundle will have as many rows. /// * img: the image to read the pixel intensities values from /// * bundle: line bundle image with size `ctl2d.rows() x (2 * len + 1)` and the same type as @p img /// * srcLocations: the source pixel locations of @p bundle in @p img as CV_16SC2 #[inline] pub fn extract_line_bundle(len: i32, ctl2d: &impl ToInputArray, img: &impl ToInputArray, bundle: &mut impl ToOutputArray, src_locations: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(ctl2d); input_array_arg!(img); output_array_arg!(bundle); output_array_arg!(src_locations); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_extractLineBundle_int_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR(len, ctl2d.as_raw__InputArray(), img.as_raw__InputArray(), bundle.as_raw__OutputArray(), src_locations.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Find corresponding image locations by searching for a maximal sobel edge along the search line (a single /// row in the bundle) /// ## Parameters /// * bundle: the line bundle /// * cols: correspondence-position per line in line-bundle-space /// * response: the sobel response for the selected point /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [find_correspondencies] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * response: noArray() #[inline] pub fn find_correspondencies_def(bundle: &impl ToInputArray, cols: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(bundle); output_array_arg!(cols); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_findCorrespondencies_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR(bundle.as_raw__InputArray(), cols.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Find corresponding image locations by searching for a maximal sobel edge along the search line (a single /// row in the bundle) /// ## Parameters /// * bundle: the line bundle /// * cols: correspondence-position per line in line-bundle-space /// * response: the sobel response for the selected point /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * response: noArray() #[inline] pub fn find_correspondencies(bundle: &impl ToInputArray, cols: &mut impl ToOutputArray, response: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(bundle); output_array_arg!(cols); output_array_arg!(response); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_findCorrespondencies_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR(bundle.as_raw__InputArray(), cols.as_raw__OutputArray(), response.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// High level function to execute a single rapid [harris1990rapid]( iteration /// /// 1. [extractControlPoints] /// 2. [extractLineBundle] /// 3. [findCorrespondencies] /// 4. [convertCorrespondencies] /// 5. [solvePnPRefineLM] /// /// ## Parameters /// * img: the video frame /// * num: number of search lines /// * len: search line radius /// * pts3d: the 3D points of the mesh /// * tris: triangle face connectivity /// * K: camera matrix /// * rvec: rotation between mesh and camera. Input values are used as an initial solution. /// * tvec: translation between mesh and camera. Input values are used as an initial solution. /// * rmsd: the 2d reprojection difference /// ## Returns /// ratio of search lines that could be extracted and matched /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [rapid] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * rmsd: 0 #[inline] pub fn rapid_def(img: &impl ToInputArray, num: i32, len: i32, pts3d: &impl ToInputArray, tris: &impl ToInputArray, k: &impl ToInputArray, rvec: &mut impl ToInputOutputArray, tvec: &mut impl ToInputOutputArray) -> Result { input_array_arg!(img); input_array_arg!(pts3d); input_array_arg!(tris); input_array_arg!(k); input_output_array_arg!(rvec); input_output_array_arg!(tvec); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_rapid_const__InputArrayR_int_int_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_const__InputOutputArrayR_const__InputOutputArrayR(img.as_raw__InputArray(), num, len, pts3d.as_raw__InputArray(), tris.as_raw__InputArray(), k.as_raw__InputArray(), rvec.as_raw__InputOutputArray(), tvec.as_raw__InputOutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// High level function to execute a single rapid [harris1990rapid]( iteration /// /// 1. [extractControlPoints] /// 2. [extractLineBundle] /// 3. [findCorrespondencies] /// 4. [convertCorrespondencies] /// 5. [solvePnPRefineLM] /// /// ## Parameters /// * img: the video frame /// * num: number of search lines /// * len: search line radius /// * pts3d: the 3D points of the mesh /// * tris: triangle face connectivity /// * K: camera matrix /// * rvec: rotation between mesh and camera. Input values are used as an initial solution. /// * tvec: translation between mesh and camera. Input values are used as an initial solution. /// * rmsd: the 2d reprojection difference /// ## Returns /// ratio of search lines that could be extracted and matched /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * rmsd: 0 #[inline] pub fn rapid(img: &impl ToInputArray, num: i32, len: i32, pts3d: &impl ToInputArray, tris: &impl ToInputArray, k: &impl ToInputArray, rvec: &mut impl ToInputOutputArray, tvec: &mut impl ToInputOutputArray, rmsd: &mut f64) -> Result { input_array_arg!(img); input_array_arg!(pts3d); input_array_arg!(tris); input_array_arg!(k); input_output_array_arg!(rvec); input_output_array_arg!(tvec); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_rapid_const__InputArrayR_int_int_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_const__InputOutputArrayR_const__InputOutputArrayR_doubleX(img.as_raw__InputArray(), num, len, pts3d.as_raw__InputArray(), tris.as_raw__InputArray(), k.as_raw__InputArray(), rvec.as_raw__InputOutputArray(), tvec.as_raw__InputOutputArray(), rmsd, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Constant methods for [crate::rapid::Rapid_GOSTracker] pub trait Rapid_GOSTrackerTraitConst: crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTraitConst { fn as_raw_Rapid_GOSTracker(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::rapid::Rapid_GOSTracker] pub trait Rapid_GOSTrackerTrait: crate::rapid::Rapid_GOSTrackerTraitConst + crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_Rapid_GOSTracker(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } /// implements "Global optimal searching for textureless 3D object tracking" [wang2015global]( pub struct Rapid_GOSTracker { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { Rapid_GOSTracker } impl Drop for Rapid_GOSTracker { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_GOSTracker_delete(self.as_raw_mut_Rapid_GOSTracker()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for Rapid_GOSTracker {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for Rapid_GOSTracker { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for Rapid_GOSTracker { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { Rapid_GOSTracker, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTraitConst for Rapid_GOSTracker { #[inline] fn as_raw_Rapid_Tracker(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTrait for Rapid_GOSTracker { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Rapid_Tracker(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { Rapid_GOSTracker, crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTraitConst, as_raw_Rapid_Tracker, crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTrait, as_raw_mut_Rapid_Tracker } impl crate::rapid::Rapid_GOSTrackerTraitConst for Rapid_GOSTracker { #[inline] fn as_raw_Rapid_GOSTracker(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::rapid::Rapid_GOSTrackerTrait for Rapid_GOSTracker { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Rapid_GOSTracker(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { Rapid_GOSTracker, crate::rapid::Rapid_GOSTrackerTraitConst, as_raw_Rapid_GOSTracker, crate::rapid::Rapid_GOSTrackerTrait, as_raw_mut_Rapid_GOSTracker } impl Rapid_GOSTracker { /// ## C++ default parameters /// * hist_bins: 4 /// * sobel_thesh: 10 #[inline] pub fn create(pts3d: &impl ToInputArray, tris: &impl ToInputArray, hist_bins: i32, sobel_thesh: u8) -> Result> { input_array_arg!(pts3d); input_array_arg!(tris); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_GOSTracker_create_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_int_unsigned_char(pts3d.as_raw__InputArray(), tris.as_raw__InputArray(), hist_bins, sobel_thesh, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [Rapid_GOSTracker::create] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * hist_bins: 4 /// * sobel_thesh: 10 #[inline] pub fn create_def(pts3d: &impl ToInputArray, tris: &impl ToInputArray) -> Result> { input_array_arg!(pts3d); input_array_arg!(tris); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_GOSTracker_create_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR(pts3d.as_raw__InputArray(), tris.as_raw__InputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { Rapid_GOSTracker, core::Algorithm, cv_rapid_GOSTracker_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { Rapid_GOSTracker, crate::rapid::Rapid_Tracker, cv_rapid_GOSTracker_to_Rapid_Tracker } impl std::fmt::Debug for Rapid_GOSTracker { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Rapid_GOSTracker") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::rapid::Rapid_OLSTracker] pub trait Rapid_OLSTrackerTraitConst: crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTraitConst { fn as_raw_Rapid_OLSTracker(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::rapid::Rapid_OLSTracker] pub trait Rapid_OLSTrackerTrait: crate::rapid::Rapid_OLSTrackerTraitConst + crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_Rapid_OLSTracker(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } /// implements "Optimal local searching for fast and robust textureless 3D object tracking in highly /// cluttered backgrounds" [seo2013optimal]( pub struct Rapid_OLSTracker { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { Rapid_OLSTracker } impl Drop for Rapid_OLSTracker { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_OLSTracker_delete(self.as_raw_mut_Rapid_OLSTracker()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for Rapid_OLSTracker {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for Rapid_OLSTracker { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for Rapid_OLSTracker { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { Rapid_OLSTracker, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTraitConst for Rapid_OLSTracker { #[inline] fn as_raw_Rapid_Tracker(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTrait for Rapid_OLSTracker { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Rapid_Tracker(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { Rapid_OLSTracker, crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTraitConst, as_raw_Rapid_Tracker, crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTrait, as_raw_mut_Rapid_Tracker } impl crate::rapid::Rapid_OLSTrackerTraitConst for Rapid_OLSTracker { #[inline] fn as_raw_Rapid_OLSTracker(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::rapid::Rapid_OLSTrackerTrait for Rapid_OLSTracker { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Rapid_OLSTracker(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { Rapid_OLSTracker, crate::rapid::Rapid_OLSTrackerTraitConst, as_raw_Rapid_OLSTracker, crate::rapid::Rapid_OLSTrackerTrait, as_raw_mut_Rapid_OLSTracker } impl Rapid_OLSTracker { /// ## C++ default parameters /// * hist_bins: 8 /// * sobel_thesh: 10 #[inline] pub fn create(pts3d: &impl ToInputArray, tris: &impl ToInputArray, hist_bins: i32, sobel_thesh: u8) -> Result> { input_array_arg!(pts3d); input_array_arg!(tris); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_OLSTracker_create_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_int_unsigned_char(pts3d.as_raw__InputArray(), tris.as_raw__InputArray(), hist_bins, sobel_thesh, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [Rapid_OLSTracker::create] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * hist_bins: 8 /// * sobel_thesh: 10 #[inline] pub fn create_def(pts3d: &impl ToInputArray, tris: &impl ToInputArray) -> Result> { input_array_arg!(pts3d); input_array_arg!(tris); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_OLSTracker_create_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR(pts3d.as_raw__InputArray(), tris.as_raw__InputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { Rapid_OLSTracker, core::Algorithm, cv_rapid_OLSTracker_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { Rapid_OLSTracker, crate::rapid::Rapid_Tracker, cv_rapid_OLSTracker_to_Rapid_Tracker } impl std::fmt::Debug for Rapid_OLSTracker { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Rapid_OLSTracker") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::rapid::Rapid_Rapid] pub trait Rapid_RapidTraitConst: crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTraitConst { fn as_raw_Rapid_Rapid(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::rapid::Rapid_Rapid] pub trait Rapid_RapidTrait: crate::rapid::Rapid_RapidTraitConst + crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTrait { fn as_raw_mut_Rapid_Rapid(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } /// wrapper around [rapid] function for uniform access pub struct Rapid_Rapid { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { Rapid_Rapid } impl Drop for Rapid_Rapid { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_Rapid_delete(self.as_raw_mut_Rapid_Rapid()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for Rapid_Rapid {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for Rapid_Rapid { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for Rapid_Rapid { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { Rapid_Rapid, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTraitConst for Rapid_Rapid { #[inline] fn as_raw_Rapid_Tracker(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTrait for Rapid_Rapid { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Rapid_Tracker(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { Rapid_Rapid, crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTraitConst, as_raw_Rapid_Tracker, crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTrait, as_raw_mut_Rapid_Tracker } impl crate::rapid::Rapid_RapidTraitConst for Rapid_Rapid { #[inline] fn as_raw_Rapid_Rapid(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::rapid::Rapid_RapidTrait for Rapid_Rapid { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Rapid_Rapid(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { Rapid_Rapid, crate::rapid::Rapid_RapidTraitConst, as_raw_Rapid_Rapid, crate::rapid::Rapid_RapidTrait, as_raw_mut_Rapid_Rapid } impl Rapid_Rapid { #[inline] pub fn create(pts3d: &impl ToInputArray, tris: &impl ToInputArray) -> Result> { input_array_arg!(pts3d); input_array_arg!(tris); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_Rapid_create_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR(pts3d.as_raw__InputArray(), tris.as_raw__InputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { Rapid_Rapid, core::Algorithm, cv_rapid_Rapid_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { Rapid_Rapid, crate::rapid::Rapid_Tracker, cv_rapid_Rapid_to_Rapid_Tracker } impl std::fmt::Debug for Rapid_Rapid { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Rapid_Rapid") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::rapid::Rapid_Tracker] pub trait Rapid_TrackerTraitConst: core::AlgorithmTraitConst { fn as_raw_Rapid_Tracker(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::rapid::Rapid_Tracker] pub trait Rapid_TrackerTrait: core::AlgorithmTrait + crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_Rapid_Tracker(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// ## C++ default parameters /// * termcrit: TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER|TermCriteria::EPS,5,1.5) #[inline] fn compute(&mut self, img: &impl ToInputArray, num: i32, len: i32, k: &impl ToInputArray, rvec: &mut impl ToInputOutputArray, tvec: &mut impl ToInputOutputArray, termcrit: core::TermCriteria) -> Result { input_array_arg!(img); input_array_arg!(k); input_output_array_arg!(rvec); input_output_array_arg!(tvec); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_Tracker_compute_const__InputArrayR_int_int_const__InputArrayR_const__InputOutputArrayR_const__InputOutputArrayR_const_TermCriteriaR(self.as_raw_mut_Rapid_Tracker(), img.as_raw__InputArray(), num, len, k.as_raw__InputArray(), rvec.as_raw__InputOutputArray(), tvec.as_raw__InputOutputArray(), &termcrit, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [Rapid_TrackerTrait::compute] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * termcrit: TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER|TermCriteria::EPS,5,1.5) #[inline] fn compute_def(&mut self, img: &impl ToInputArray, num: i32, len: i32, k: &impl ToInputArray, rvec: &mut impl ToInputOutputArray, tvec: &mut impl ToInputOutputArray) -> Result { input_array_arg!(img); input_array_arg!(k); input_output_array_arg!(rvec); input_output_array_arg!(tvec); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_Tracker_compute_const__InputArrayR_int_int_const__InputArrayR_const__InputOutputArrayR_const__InputOutputArrayR(self.as_raw_mut_Rapid_Tracker(), img.as_raw__InputArray(), num, len, k.as_raw__InputArray(), rvec.as_raw__InputOutputArray(), tvec.as_raw__InputOutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn clear_state(&mut self) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_Tracker_clearState(self.as_raw_mut_Rapid_Tracker(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Abstract base class for stateful silhouette trackers pub struct Rapid_Tracker { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { Rapid_Tracker } impl Drop for Rapid_Tracker { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_rapid_Tracker_delete(self.as_raw_mut_Rapid_Tracker()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for Rapid_Tracker {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for Rapid_Tracker { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for Rapid_Tracker { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { Rapid_Tracker, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTraitConst for Rapid_Tracker { #[inline] fn as_raw_Rapid_Tracker(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTrait for Rapid_Tracker { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Rapid_Tracker(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { Rapid_Tracker, crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTraitConst, as_raw_Rapid_Tracker, crate::rapid::Rapid_TrackerTrait, as_raw_mut_Rapid_Tracker } impl Rapid_Tracker { } boxed_cast_descendant! { Rapid_Tracker, crate::rapid::Rapid_GOSTracker, cv_rapid_Tracker_to_Rapid_GOSTracker } boxed_cast_descendant! { Rapid_Tracker, crate::rapid::Rapid_OLSTracker, cv_rapid_Tracker_to_Rapid_OLSTracker } boxed_cast_descendant! { Rapid_Tracker, crate::rapid::Rapid_Rapid, cv_rapid_Tracker_to_Rapid_Rapid } boxed_cast_base! { Rapid_Tracker, core::Algorithm, cv_rapid_Tracker_to_Algorithm } impl std::fmt::Debug for Rapid_Tracker { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Rapid_Tracker") .finish() } } }