pub mod xfeatures2d { //! # Extra 2D Features Framework //! # Experimental 2D Features Algorithms //! //! This section describes experimental algorithms for 2d feature detection. //! //! # Non-free 2D Features Algorithms //! //! This section describes two popular algorithms for 2d feature detection, SIFT and SURF, that are //! known to be patented. You need to set the OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE option in cmake to use those. Use them at your own risk. //! //! # Experimental 2D Features Matching Algorithm //! //! This section describes the following matching strategies: //! - GMS: Grid-based Motion Statistics, [Bian2017gms]( //! - LOGOS: Local geometric support for high-outlier spatial verification, [Lowry2018LOGOSLG]( use crate::mod_prelude::*; use crate::{core, sys, types}; pub mod prelude { pub use super::{AffineFeature2DTrait, AffineFeature2DTraitConst, BEBLIDTrait, BEBLIDTraitConst, BoostDescTrait, BoostDescTraitConst, BriefDescriptorExtractorTrait, BriefDescriptorExtractorTraitConst, DAISYTrait, DAISYTraitConst, Elliptic_KeyPointTrait, Elliptic_KeyPointTraitConst, FREAKTrait, FREAKTraitConst, HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetectorTrait, HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetectorTraitConst, LATCHTrait, LATCHTraitConst, LUCIDTrait, LUCIDTraitConst, MSDDetectorTrait, MSDDetectorTraitConst, PCTSignaturesSQFDTrait, PCTSignaturesSQFDTraitConst, PCTSignaturesTrait, PCTSignaturesTraitConst, SURFTrait, SURFTraitConst, SURF_CUDATrait, SURF_CUDATraitConst, StarDetectorTrait, StarDetectorTraitConst, TBMRTrait, TBMRTraitConst, TEBLIDTrait, TEBLIDTraitConst, VGGTrait, VGGTraitConst}; } pub const BEBLID_SIZE_256_BITS: i32 = 101; pub const BEBLID_SIZE_512_BITS: i32 = 100; pub const BoostDesc_BGM: i32 = 100; pub const BoostDesc_BGM_BILINEAR: i32 = 102; pub const BoostDesc_BGM_HARD: i32 = 101; pub const BoostDesc_BINBOOST_128: i32 = 301; pub const BoostDesc_BINBOOST_256: i32 = 302; pub const BoostDesc_BINBOOST_64: i32 = 300; pub const BoostDesc_LBGM: i32 = 200; pub const DAISY_NRM_FULL: i32 = 102; pub const DAISY_NRM_NONE: i32 = 100; pub const DAISY_NRM_PARTIAL: i32 = 101; pub const DAISY_NRM_SIFT: i32 = 103; /// ![block formula]( pub const PCTSignatures_GAUSSIAN: i32 = 1; /// ![block formula]( pub const PCTSignatures_HEURISTIC: i32 = 2; pub const PCTSignatures_L0_25: i32 = 0; pub const PCTSignatures_L0_5: i32 = 1; pub const PCTSignatures_L1: i32 = 2; pub const PCTSignatures_L2: i32 = 3; pub const PCTSignatures_L2SQUARED: i32 = 4; pub const PCTSignatures_L5: i32 = 5; pub const PCTSignatures_L_INFINITY: i32 = 6; /// ![block formula]( pub const PCTSignatures_MINUS: i32 = 0; /// Generate points with normal (gaussian) distribution. pub const PCTSignatures_NORMAL: i32 = 2; /// Generate points in a regular grid. pub const PCTSignatures_REGULAR: i32 = 1; /// Generate numbers uniformly. pub const PCTSignatures_UNIFORM: i32 = 0; pub const SURF_CUDA_ANGLE_ROW: i32 = 5; pub const SURF_CUDA_HESSIAN_ROW: i32 = 6; pub const SURF_CUDA_LAPLACIAN_ROW: i32 = 2; pub const SURF_CUDA_OCTAVE_ROW: i32 = 3; pub const SURF_CUDA_ROWS_COUNT: i32 = 7; pub const SURF_CUDA_SIZE_ROW: i32 = 4; pub const SURF_CUDA_X_ROW: i32 = 0; pub const SURF_CUDA_Y_ROW: i32 = 1; pub const TEBLID_SIZE_256_BITS: i32 = 102; pub const TEBLID_SIZE_512_BITS: i32 = 103; pub const VGG_VGG_120: i32 = 100; pub const VGG_VGG_48: i32 = 103; pub const VGG_VGG_64: i32 = 102; pub const VGG_VGG_80: i32 = 101; /// Descriptor number of bits, each bit is a boosting weak-learner. /// The user can choose between 512 or 256 bits. #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum BEBLID_BeblidSize { SIZE_512_BITS = 100, SIZE_256_BITS = 101, } impl TryFrom for BEBLID_BeblidSize { type Error = crate::Error; fn try_from(value: i32) -> Result { match value { 100 => Ok(Self::SIZE_512_BITS), 101 => Ok(Self::SIZE_256_BITS), _ => Err(crate::Error::new(crate::core::StsBadArg, format!("Value: {value} is not valid for enum: crate::xfeatures2d::BEBLID_BeblidSize"))), } } } opencv_type_enum! { crate::xfeatures2d::BEBLID_BeblidSize } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum DAISY_NormalizationType { NRM_NONE = 100, NRM_PARTIAL = 101, NRM_FULL = 102, NRM_SIFT = 103, } impl TryFrom for DAISY_NormalizationType { type Error = crate::Error; fn try_from(value: i32) -> Result { match value { 100 => Ok(Self::NRM_NONE), 101 => Ok(Self::NRM_PARTIAL), 102 => Ok(Self::NRM_FULL), 103 => Ok(Self::NRM_SIFT), _ => Err(crate::Error::new(crate::core::StsBadArg, format!("Value: {value} is not valid for enum: crate::xfeatures2d::DAISY_NormalizationType"))), } } } opencv_type_enum! { crate::xfeatures2d::DAISY_NormalizationType } /// Lp distance function selector. #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum PCTSignatures_DistanceFunction { L0_25 = 0, L0_5 = 1, L1 = 2, L2 = 3, L2SQUARED = 4, L5 = 5, L_INFINITY = 6, } impl TryFrom for PCTSignatures_DistanceFunction { type Error = crate::Error; fn try_from(value: i32) -> Result { match value { 0 => Ok(Self::L0_25), 1 => Ok(Self::L0_5), 2 => Ok(Self::L1), 3 => Ok(Self::L2), 4 => Ok(Self::L2SQUARED), 5 => Ok(Self::L5), 6 => Ok(Self::L_INFINITY), _ => Err(crate::Error::new(crate::core::StsBadArg, format!("Value: {value} is not valid for enum: crate::xfeatures2d::PCTSignatures_DistanceFunction"))), } } } opencv_type_enum! { crate::xfeatures2d::PCTSignatures_DistanceFunction } /// Point distributions supported by random point generator. #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum PCTSignatures_PointDistribution { /// Generate numbers uniformly. UNIFORM = 0, /// Generate points in a regular grid. REGULAR = 1, /// Generate points with normal (gaussian) distribution. NORMAL = 2, } impl TryFrom for PCTSignatures_PointDistribution { type Error = crate::Error; fn try_from(value: i32) -> Result { match value { 0 => Ok(Self::UNIFORM), 1 => Ok(Self::REGULAR), 2 => Ok(Self::NORMAL), _ => Err(crate::Error::new(crate::core::StsBadArg, format!("Value: {value} is not valid for enum: crate::xfeatures2d::PCTSignatures_PointDistribution"))), } } } opencv_type_enum! { crate::xfeatures2d::PCTSignatures_PointDistribution } /// Similarity function selector. /// ## See also /// Christian Beecks, Merih Seran Uysal, Thomas Seidl. /// Signature quadratic form distance. /// In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, pages 438-445. /// ACM, 2010. /// [BeecksUS10]( /// /// Note: For selected distance function: ![block formula]( and parameter: ![block formula]( #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum PCTSignatures_SimilarityFunction { /// ![block formula]( MINUS = 0, /// ![block formula]( GAUSSIAN = 1, /// ![block formula]( HEURISTIC = 2, } impl TryFrom for PCTSignatures_SimilarityFunction { type Error = crate::Error; fn try_from(value: i32) -> Result { match value { 0 => Ok(Self::MINUS), 1 => Ok(Self::GAUSSIAN), 2 => Ok(Self::HEURISTIC), _ => Err(crate::Error::new(crate::core::StsBadArg, format!("Value: {value} is not valid for enum: crate::xfeatures2d::PCTSignatures_SimilarityFunction"))), } } } opencv_type_enum! { crate::xfeatures2d::PCTSignatures_SimilarityFunction } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum SURF_CUDA_KeypointLayout { X_ROW = 0, Y_ROW = 1, LAPLACIAN_ROW = 2, OCTAVE_ROW = 3, SIZE_ROW = 4, ANGLE_ROW = 5, HESSIAN_ROW = 6, ROWS_COUNT = 7, } impl TryFrom for SURF_CUDA_KeypointLayout { type Error = crate::Error; fn try_from(value: i32) -> Result { match value { 0 => Ok(Self::X_ROW), 1 => Ok(Self::Y_ROW), 2 => Ok(Self::LAPLACIAN_ROW), 3 => Ok(Self::OCTAVE_ROW), 4 => Ok(Self::SIZE_ROW), 5 => Ok(Self::ANGLE_ROW), 6 => Ok(Self::HESSIAN_ROW), 7 => Ok(Self::ROWS_COUNT), _ => Err(crate::Error::new(crate::core::StsBadArg, format!("Value: {value} is not valid for enum: crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDA_KeypointLayout"))), } } } opencv_type_enum! { crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDA_KeypointLayout } /// Descriptor number of bits, each bit is a box average difference. /// The user can choose between 256 or 512 bits. #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum TEBLID_TeblidSize { SIZE_256_BITS = 102, SIZE_512_BITS = 103, } impl TryFrom for TEBLID_TeblidSize { type Error = crate::Error; fn try_from(value: i32) -> Result { match value { 102 => Ok(Self::SIZE_256_BITS), 103 => Ok(Self::SIZE_512_BITS), _ => Err(crate::Error::new(crate::core::StsBadArg, format!("Value: {value} is not valid for enum: crate::xfeatures2d::TEBLID_TeblidSize"))), } } } opencv_type_enum! { crate::xfeatures2d::TEBLID_TeblidSize } pub type SurfDescriptorExtractor = crate::xfeatures2d::SURF; pub type SurfFeatureDetector = crate::xfeatures2d::SURF; /// Estimates cornerness for prespecified KeyPoints using the FAST algorithm /// /// ## Parameters /// * image: grayscale image where keypoints (corners) are detected. /// * keypoints: keypoints which should be tested to fit the FAST criteria. Keypoints not being /// detected as corners are removed. /// * threshold: threshold on difference between intensity of the central pixel and pixels of a /// circle around this pixel. /// * nonmaxSuppression: if true, non-maximum suppression is applied to detected corners /// (keypoints). /// * type: one of the three neighborhoods as defined in the paper: /// FastFeatureDetector::TYPE_9_16, FastFeatureDetector::TYPE_7_12, /// FastFeatureDetector::TYPE_5_8 /// /// Detects corners using the FAST algorithm by [Rosten06]( . /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [fast_for_point_set] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * nonmax_suppression: true /// * typ: FastFeatureDetector::TYPE_9_16 #[inline] pub fn fast_for_point_set_def(image: &impl ToInputArray, keypoints: &mut core::Vector, threshold: i32) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(image); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_FASTForPointSet_const__InputArrayR_vectorLKeyPointGR_int(image.as_raw__InputArray(), keypoints.as_raw_mut_VectorOfKeyPoint(), threshold, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Estimates cornerness for prespecified KeyPoints using the FAST algorithm /// /// ## Parameters /// * image: grayscale image where keypoints (corners) are detected. /// * keypoints: keypoints which should be tested to fit the FAST criteria. Keypoints not being /// detected as corners are removed. /// * threshold: threshold on difference between intensity of the central pixel and pixels of a /// circle around this pixel. /// * nonmaxSuppression: if true, non-maximum suppression is applied to detected corners /// (keypoints). /// * type: one of the three neighborhoods as defined in the paper: /// FastFeatureDetector::TYPE_9_16, FastFeatureDetector::TYPE_7_12, /// FastFeatureDetector::TYPE_5_8 /// /// Detects corners using the FAST algorithm by [Rosten06]( . /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * nonmax_suppression: true /// * typ: FastFeatureDetector::TYPE_9_16 #[inline] pub fn fast_for_point_set(image: &impl ToInputArray, keypoints: &mut core::Vector, threshold: i32, nonmax_suppression: bool, typ: crate::features2d::FastFeatureDetector_DetectorType) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(image); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_FASTForPointSet_const__InputArrayR_vectorLKeyPointGR_int_bool_DetectorType(image.as_raw__InputArray(), keypoints.as_raw_mut_VectorOfKeyPoint(), threshold, nonmax_suppression, typ, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// GMS (Grid-based Motion Statistics) feature matching strategy described in [Bian2017gms]( . /// ## Parameters /// * size1: Input size of image1. /// * size2: Input size of image2. /// * keypoints1: Input keypoints of image1. /// * keypoints2: Input keypoints of image2. /// * matches1to2: Input 1-nearest neighbor matches. /// * matchesGMS: Matches returned by the GMS matching strategy. /// * withRotation: Take rotation transformation into account. /// * withScale: Take scale transformation into account. /// * thresholdFactor: The higher, the less matches. /// /// Note: /// Since GMS works well when the number of features is large, we recommend to use the ORB feature and set FastThreshold to 0 to get as many as possible features quickly. /// If matching results are not satisfying, please add more features. (We use 10000 for images with 640 X 480). /// If your images have big rotation and scale changes, please set withRotation or withScale to true. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [match_gms] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * with_rotation: false /// * with_scale: false /// * threshold_factor: 6.0 #[inline] pub fn match_gms_def(size1: core::Size, size2: core::Size, keypoints1: &core::Vector, keypoints2: &core::Vector, matches1to2: &core::Vector, matches_gms: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_matchGMS_const_SizeR_const_SizeR_const_vectorLKeyPointGR_const_vectorLKeyPointGR_const_vectorLDMatchGR_vectorLDMatchGR(&size1, &size2, keypoints1.as_raw_VectorOfKeyPoint(), keypoints2.as_raw_VectorOfKeyPoint(), matches1to2.as_raw_VectorOfDMatch(), matches_gms.as_raw_mut_VectorOfDMatch(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// GMS (Grid-based Motion Statistics) feature matching strategy described in [Bian2017gms]( . /// ## Parameters /// * size1: Input size of image1. /// * size2: Input size of image2. /// * keypoints1: Input keypoints of image1. /// * keypoints2: Input keypoints of image2. /// * matches1to2: Input 1-nearest neighbor matches. /// * matchesGMS: Matches returned by the GMS matching strategy. /// * withRotation: Take rotation transformation into account. /// * withScale: Take scale transformation into account. /// * thresholdFactor: The higher, the less matches. /// /// Note: /// Since GMS works well when the number of features is large, we recommend to use the ORB feature and set FastThreshold to 0 to get as many as possible features quickly. /// If matching results are not satisfying, please add more features. (We use 10000 for images with 640 X 480). /// If your images have big rotation and scale changes, please set withRotation or withScale to true. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * with_rotation: false /// * with_scale: false /// * threshold_factor: 6.0 #[inline] pub fn match_gms(size1: core::Size, size2: core::Size, keypoints1: &core::Vector, keypoints2: &core::Vector, matches1to2: &core::Vector, matches_gms: &mut core::Vector, with_rotation: bool, with_scale: bool, threshold_factor: f64) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_matchGMS_const_SizeR_const_SizeR_const_vectorLKeyPointGR_const_vectorLKeyPointGR_const_vectorLDMatchGR_vectorLDMatchGR_const_bool_const_bool_const_double(&size1, &size2, keypoints1.as_raw_VectorOfKeyPoint(), keypoints2.as_raw_VectorOfKeyPoint(), matches1to2.as_raw_VectorOfDMatch(), matches_gms.as_raw_mut_VectorOfDMatch(), with_rotation, with_scale, threshold_factor, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// LOGOS (Local geometric support for high-outlier spatial verification) feature matching strategy described in [Lowry2018LOGOSLG]( . /// ## Parameters /// * keypoints1: Input keypoints of image1. /// * keypoints2: Input keypoints of image2. /// * nn1: Index to the closest BoW centroid for each descriptors of image1. /// * nn2: Index to the closest BoW centroid for each descriptors of image2. /// * matches1to2: Matches returned by the LOGOS matching strategy. /// /// Note: /// This matching strategy is suitable for features matching against large scale database. /// First step consists in constructing the bag-of-words (BoW) from a representative image database. /// Image descriptors are then represented by their closest codevector (nearest BoW centroid). #[inline] pub fn match_logos(keypoints1: &core::Vector, keypoints2: &core::Vector, nn1: &core::Vector, nn2: &core::Vector, matches1to2: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_matchLOGOS_const_vectorLKeyPointGR_const_vectorLKeyPointGR_const_vectorLintGR_const_vectorLintGR_vectorLDMatchGR(keypoints1.as_raw_VectorOfKeyPoint(), keypoints2.as_raw_VectorOfKeyPoint(), nn1.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), nn2.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), matches1to2.as_raw_mut_VectorOfDMatch(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Constant methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDA] pub trait SURF_CUDATraitConst { fn as_raw_SURF_CUDA(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn hessian_threshold(&self) -> f64 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propHessianThreshold_const(self.as_raw_SURF_CUDA()) }; ret } #[inline] fn n_octaves(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propNOctaves_const(self.as_raw_SURF_CUDA()) }; ret } #[inline] fn n_octave_layers(&self) -> i32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propNOctaveLayers_const(self.as_raw_SURF_CUDA()) }; ret } #[inline] fn extended(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propExtended_const(self.as_raw_SURF_CUDA()) }; ret } #[inline] fn upright(&self) -> bool { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propUpright_const(self.as_raw_SURF_CUDA()) }; ret } /// max keypoints = min(keypointsRatio * img.size().area(), 65535) #[inline] fn keypoints_ratio(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propKeypointsRatio_const(self.as_raw_SURF_CUDA()) }; ret } #[inline] fn sum(&self) -> core::GpuMat { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propSum_const(self.as_raw_SURF_CUDA()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::GpuMat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn mask1(&self) -> core::GpuMat { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propMask1_const(self.as_raw_SURF_CUDA()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::GpuMat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn mask_sum(&self) -> core::GpuMat { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propMaskSum_const(self.as_raw_SURF_CUDA()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::GpuMat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn det(&self) -> core::GpuMat { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propDet_const(self.as_raw_SURF_CUDA()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::GpuMat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn trace(&self) -> core::GpuMat { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propTrace_const(self.as_raw_SURF_CUDA()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::GpuMat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } #[inline] fn max_pos_buffer(&self) -> core::GpuMat { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propMaxPosBuffer_const(self.as_raw_SURF_CUDA()) }; let ret = unsafe { core::GpuMat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; ret } /// returns the descriptor size in float's (64 or 128) #[inline] fn descriptor_size(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_descriptorSize_const(self.as_raw_SURF_CUDA(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// returns the default norm type #[inline] fn default_norm(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_defaultNorm_const(self.as_raw_SURF_CUDA(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDA] pub trait SURF_CUDATrait: crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDATraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_hessian_threshold(&mut self, val: f64) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propHessianThreshold_const_double(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_n_octaves(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propNOctaves_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_n_octave_layers(&mut self, val: i32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propNOctaveLayers_const_int(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_extended(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propExtended_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_upright(&mut self, val: bool) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propUpright_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), val) }; ret } /// max keypoints = min(keypointsRatio * img.size().area(), 65535) #[inline] fn set_keypoints_ratio(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propKeypointsRatio_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), val) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_sum(&mut self, val: core::GpuMat) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propSum_const_GpuMat(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), val.as_raw_GpuMat()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_mask1(&mut self, val: core::GpuMat) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propMask1_const_GpuMat(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), val.as_raw_GpuMat()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_mask_sum(&mut self, val: core::GpuMat) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propMaskSum_const_GpuMat(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), val.as_raw_GpuMat()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_det(&mut self, val: core::GpuMat) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propDet_const_GpuMat(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), val.as_raw_GpuMat()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_trace(&mut self, val: core::GpuMat) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propTrace_const_GpuMat(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), val.as_raw_GpuMat()) }; ret } #[inline] fn set_max_pos_buffer(&mut self, val: core::GpuMat) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_propMaxPosBuffer_const_GpuMat(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), val.as_raw_GpuMat()) }; ret } /// upload host keypoints to device memory #[inline] fn upload_keypoints(&mut self, keypoints: &core::Vector, keypoints_gpu: &mut impl core::GpuMatTrait) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_uploadKeypoints_const_vectorLKeyPointGR_GpuMatR(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), keypoints.as_raw_VectorOfKeyPoint(), keypoints_gpu.as_raw_mut_GpuMat(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// download keypoints from device to host memory #[inline] fn download_keypoints(&mut self, keypoints_gpu: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, keypoints: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_downloadKeypoints_const_GpuMatR_vectorLKeyPointGR(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), keypoints_gpu.as_raw_GpuMat(), keypoints.as_raw_mut_VectorOfKeyPoint(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// download descriptors from device to host memory #[inline] fn download_descriptors(&mut self, descriptors_gpu: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, descriptors: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_downloadDescriptors_const_GpuMatR_vectorLfloatGR(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), descriptors_gpu.as_raw_GpuMat(), descriptors.as_raw_mut_VectorOff32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// finds the keypoints using fast hessian detector used in SURF /// supports CV_8UC1 images /// keypoints will have nFeature cols and 6 rows /// keypoints.ptr(X_ROW)[i] will contain x coordinate of i'th feature /// keypoints.ptr(Y_ROW)[i] will contain y coordinate of i'th feature /// keypoints.ptr(LAPLACIAN_ROW)[i] will contain laplacian sign of i'th feature /// keypoints.ptr(OCTAVE_ROW)[i] will contain octave of i'th feature /// keypoints.ptr(SIZE_ROW)[i] will contain size of i'th feature /// keypoints.ptr(ANGLE_ROW)[i] will contain orientation of i'th feature /// keypoints.ptr(HESSIAN_ROW)[i] will contain response of i'th feature #[inline] fn apply(&mut self, img: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, mask: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, keypoints: &mut impl core::GpuMatTrait) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_operator___const_GpuMatR_const_GpuMatR_GpuMatR(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), img.as_raw_GpuMat(), mask.as_raw_GpuMat(), keypoints.as_raw_mut_GpuMat(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// finds the keypoints and computes their descriptors. /// Optionally it can compute descriptors for the user-provided keypoints and recompute keypoints direction /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * use_provided_keypoints: false #[inline] fn apply_1(&mut self, img: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, mask: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, keypoints: &mut impl core::GpuMatTrait, descriptors: &mut impl core::GpuMatTrait, use_provided_keypoints: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_operator___const_GpuMatR_const_GpuMatR_GpuMatR_GpuMatR_bool(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), img.as_raw_GpuMat(), mask.as_raw_GpuMat(), keypoints.as_raw_mut_GpuMat(), descriptors.as_raw_mut_GpuMat(), use_provided_keypoints, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// finds the keypoints and computes their descriptors. /// Optionally it can compute descriptors for the user-provided keypoints and recompute keypoints direction /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [SURF_CUDATrait::apply] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * use_provided_keypoints: false #[inline] fn apply_def(&mut self, img: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, mask: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, keypoints: &mut impl core::GpuMatTrait, descriptors: &mut impl core::GpuMatTrait) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_operator___const_GpuMatR_const_GpuMatR_GpuMatR_GpuMatR(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), img.as_raw_GpuMat(), mask.as_raw_GpuMat(), keypoints.as_raw_mut_GpuMat(), descriptors.as_raw_mut_GpuMat(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Finds the keypoints using fast hessian detector used in SURF /// /// ## Parameters /// * img: Source image, currently supports only CV_8UC1 images. /// * mask: A mask image same size as src and of type CV_8UC1. /// * keypoints: Detected keypoints. #[inline] fn detect(&mut self, img: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, mask: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, keypoints: &mut impl core::GpuMatTrait) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_detect_const_GpuMatR_const_GpuMatR_GpuMatR(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), img.as_raw_GpuMat(), mask.as_raw_GpuMat(), keypoints.as_raw_mut_GpuMat(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn apply_2(&mut self, img: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, mask: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, keypoints: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_operator___const_GpuMatR_const_GpuMatR_vectorLKeyPointGR(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), img.as_raw_GpuMat(), mask.as_raw_GpuMat(), keypoints.as_raw_mut_VectorOfKeyPoint(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * use_provided_keypoints: false #[inline] fn apply_3(&mut self, img: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, mask: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, keypoints: &mut core::Vector, descriptors: &mut impl core::GpuMatTrait, use_provided_keypoints: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_operator___const_GpuMatR_const_GpuMatR_vectorLKeyPointGR_GpuMatR_bool(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), img.as_raw_GpuMat(), mask.as_raw_GpuMat(), keypoints.as_raw_mut_VectorOfKeyPoint(), descriptors.as_raw_mut_GpuMat(), use_provided_keypoints, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [SURF_CUDATrait::apply] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * use_provided_keypoints: false #[inline] fn apply_def_1(&mut self, img: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, mask: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, keypoints: &mut core::Vector, descriptors: &mut impl core::GpuMatTrait) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_operator___const_GpuMatR_const_GpuMatR_vectorLKeyPointGR_GpuMatR(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), img.as_raw_GpuMat(), mask.as_raw_GpuMat(), keypoints.as_raw_mut_VectorOfKeyPoint(), descriptors.as_raw_mut_GpuMat(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Finds the keypoints and computes their descriptors using fast hessian detector used in SURF /// /// ## Parameters /// * img: Source image, currently supports only CV_8UC1 images. /// * mask: A mask image same size as src and of type CV_8UC1. /// * keypoints: Detected keypoints. /// * descriptors: Keypoint descriptors. /// * useProvidedKeypoints: Compute descriptors for the user-provided keypoints and recompute keypoints direction. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * use_provided_keypoints: false #[inline] fn detect_with_descriptors(&mut self, img: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, mask: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, keypoints: &mut impl core::GpuMatTrait, descriptors: &mut impl core::GpuMatTrait, use_provided_keypoints: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_detectWithDescriptors_const_GpuMatR_const_GpuMatR_GpuMatR_GpuMatR_bool(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), img.as_raw_GpuMat(), mask.as_raw_GpuMat(), keypoints.as_raw_mut_GpuMat(), descriptors.as_raw_mut_GpuMat(), use_provided_keypoints, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Finds the keypoints and computes their descriptors using fast hessian detector used in SURF /// /// ## Parameters /// * img: Source image, currently supports only CV_8UC1 images. /// * mask: A mask image same size as src and of type CV_8UC1. /// * keypoints: Detected keypoints. /// * descriptors: Keypoint descriptors. /// * useProvidedKeypoints: Compute descriptors for the user-provided keypoints and recompute keypoints direction. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [SURF_CUDATrait::detect_with_descriptors] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * use_provided_keypoints: false #[inline] fn detect_with_descriptors_def(&mut self, img: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, mask: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, keypoints: &mut impl core::GpuMatTrait, descriptors: &mut impl core::GpuMatTrait) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_detectWithDescriptors_const_GpuMatR_const_GpuMatR_GpuMatR_GpuMatR(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), img.as_raw_GpuMat(), mask.as_raw_GpuMat(), keypoints.as_raw_mut_GpuMat(), descriptors.as_raw_mut_GpuMat(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## C++ default parameters /// * use_provided_keypoints: false #[inline] fn apply_4(&mut self, img: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, mask: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, keypoints: &mut core::Vector, descriptors: &mut core::Vector, use_provided_keypoints: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_operator___const_GpuMatR_const_GpuMatR_vectorLKeyPointGR_vectorLfloatGR_bool(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), img.as_raw_GpuMat(), mask.as_raw_GpuMat(), keypoints.as_raw_mut_VectorOfKeyPoint(), descriptors.as_raw_mut_VectorOff32(), use_provided_keypoints, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [SURF_CUDATrait::apply] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * use_provided_keypoints: false #[inline] fn apply_def_2(&mut self, img: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, mask: &impl core::GpuMatTraitConst, keypoints: &mut core::Vector, descriptors: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_operator___const_GpuMatR_const_GpuMatR_vectorLKeyPointGR_vectorLfloatGR(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), img.as_raw_GpuMat(), mask.as_raw_GpuMat(), keypoints.as_raw_mut_VectorOfKeyPoint(), descriptors.as_raw_mut_VectorOff32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn release_memory(&mut self) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_releaseMemory(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Class used for extracting Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) from an image. : /// /// The class SURF_CUDA implements Speeded Up Robust Features descriptor. There is a fast multi-scale /// Hessian keypoint detector that can be used to find the keypoints (which is the default option). But /// the descriptors can also be computed for the user-specified keypoints. Only 8-bit grayscale images /// are supported. /// /// The class SURF_CUDA can store results in the GPU and CPU memory. It provides functions to convert /// results between CPU and GPU version ( uploadKeypoints, downloadKeypoints, downloadDescriptors ). The /// format of CPU results is the same as SURF results. GPU results are stored in GpuMat. The keypoints /// matrix is ![inline formula]( matrix with the CV_32FC1 type. /// /// * keypoints.ptr\(X_ROW)[i] contains x coordinate of the i-th feature. /// * keypoints.ptr\(Y_ROW)[i] contains y coordinate of the i-th feature. /// * keypoints.ptr\(LAPLACIAN_ROW)[i] contains the laplacian sign of the i-th feature. /// * keypoints.ptr\(OCTAVE_ROW)[i] contains the octave of the i-th feature. /// * keypoints.ptr\(SIZE_ROW)[i] contains the size of the i-th feature. /// * keypoints.ptr\(ANGLE_ROW)[i] contain orientation of the i-th feature. /// * keypoints.ptr\(HESSIAN_ROW)[i] contains the response of the i-th feature. /// /// The descriptors matrix is ![inline formula]( matrix with the /// CV_32FC1 type. /// /// The class SURF_CUDA uses some buffers and provides access to it. All buffers can be safely released /// between function calls. /// ## See also /// SURF /// /// /// Note: /// * An example for using the SURF keypoint matcher on GPU can be found at /// opencv_source_code/samples/gpu/surf_keypoint_matcher.cpp pub struct SURF_CUDA { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { SURF_CUDA } impl Drop for SURF_CUDA { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_delete(self.as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for SURF_CUDA {} impl crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDATraitConst for SURF_CUDA { #[inline] fn as_raw_SURF_CUDA(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDATrait for SURF_CUDA { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SURF_CUDA, crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDATraitConst, as_raw_SURF_CUDA, crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDATrait, as_raw_mut_SURF_CUDA } impl SURF_CUDA { /// the default constructor #[inline] pub fn default() -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_SURF_CUDA(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDA::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// the full constructor taking all the necessary parameters /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * _n_octaves: 4 /// * _n_octave_layers: 2 /// * _extended: false /// * _keypoints_ratio: 0.01f /// * _upright: false #[inline] pub fn new(_hessian_threshold: f64, _n_octaves: i32, _n_octave_layers: i32, _extended: bool, _keypoints_ratio: f32, _upright: bool) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_SURF_CUDA_double_int_int_bool_float_bool(_hessian_threshold, _n_octaves, _n_octave_layers, _extended, _keypoints_ratio, _upright, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDA::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// the full constructor taking all the necessary parameters /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [new] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * _n_octaves: 4 /// * _n_octave_layers: 2 /// * _extended: false /// * _keypoints_ratio: 0.01f /// * _upright: false #[inline] pub fn new_def(_hessian_threshold: f64) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_SURF_CUDA_double(_hessian_threshold, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDA::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## Parameters /// * _hessianThreshold: Threshold for hessian keypoint detector used in SURF. /// * _nOctaves: Number of pyramid octaves the keypoint detector will use. /// * _nOctaveLayers: Number of octave layers within each octave. /// * _extended: Extended descriptor flag (true - use extended 128-element descriptors; false - use /// 64-element descriptors). /// * _keypointsRatio: Limits a maximum number of features /// * _upright: Up-right or rotated features flag (true - do not compute orientation of features; /// false - compute orientation). /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * _n_octaves: 4 /// * _n_octave_layers: 2 /// * _extended: false /// * _keypoints_ratio: 0.01f /// * _upright: false #[inline] pub fn create(_hessian_threshold: f64, _n_octaves: i32, _n_octave_layers: i32, _extended: bool, _keypoints_ratio: f32, _upright: bool) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_create_double_int_int_bool_float_bool(_hessian_threshold, _n_octaves, _n_octave_layers, _extended, _keypoints_ratio, _upright, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## Parameters /// * _hessianThreshold: Threshold for hessian keypoint detector used in SURF. /// * _nOctaves: Number of pyramid octaves the keypoint detector will use. /// * _nOctaveLayers: Number of octave layers within each octave. /// * _extended: Extended descriptor flag (true - use extended 128-element descriptors; false - use /// 64-element descriptors). /// * _keypointsRatio: Limits a maximum number of features /// * _upright: Up-right or rotated features flag (true - do not compute orientation of features; /// false - compute orientation). /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [SURF_CUDA::create] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * _n_octaves: 4 /// * _n_octave_layers: 2 /// * _extended: false /// * _keypoints_ratio: 0.01f /// * _upright: false #[inline] pub fn create_def(_hessian_threshold: f64) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_cuda_SURF_CUDA_create_double(_hessian_threshold, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } impl std::fmt::Debug for SURF_CUDA { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("SURF_CUDA") .field("hessian_threshold", &crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDATraitConst::hessian_threshold(self)) .field("n_octaves", &crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDATraitConst::n_octaves(self)) .field("n_octave_layers", &crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDATraitConst::n_octave_layers(self)) .field("extended", &crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDATraitConst::extended(self)) .field("upright", &crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDATraitConst::upright(self)) .field("keypoints_ratio", &crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDATraitConst::keypoints_ratio(self)) .field("sum", &crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDATraitConst::sum(self)) .field("mask1", &crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDATraitConst::mask1(self)) .field("mask_sum", &crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDATraitConst::mask_sum(self)) .field("det", &crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDATraitConst::det(self)) .field("trace", &crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDATraitConst::trace(self)) .field("max_pos_buffer", &crate::xfeatures2d::SURF_CUDATraitConst::max_pos_buffer(self)) .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::AffineFeature2D] pub trait AffineFeature2DTraitConst: crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst { fn as_raw_AffineFeature2D(&self) -> *const c_void; } /// Mutable methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::AffineFeature2D] pub trait AffineFeature2DTrait: crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait + crate::xfeatures2d::AffineFeature2DTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_AffineFeature2D(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// Detects keypoints in the image using the wrapped detector and /// performs affine adaptation to augment them with their elliptic regions. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * mask: noArray() #[inline] fn detect(&mut self, image: &impl ToInputArray, keypoints: &mut core::Vector, mask: &impl ToInputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(image); input_array_arg!(mask); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_AffineFeature2D_detect_const__InputArrayR_vectorLElliptic_KeyPointGR_const__InputArrayR(self.as_raw_mut_AffineFeature2D(), image.as_raw__InputArray(), keypoints.as_raw_mut_VectorOfElliptic_KeyPoint(), mask.as_raw__InputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Detects keypoints in the image using the wrapped detector and /// performs affine adaptation to augment them with their elliptic regions. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [AffineFeature2DTrait::detect] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * mask: noArray() #[inline] fn detect_def(&mut self, image: &impl ToInputArray, keypoints: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(image); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_AffineFeature2D_detect_const__InputArrayR_vectorLElliptic_KeyPointGR(self.as_raw_mut_AffineFeature2D(), image.as_raw__InputArray(), keypoints.as_raw_mut_VectorOfElliptic_KeyPoint(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Detects keypoints and computes descriptors for their surrounding /// regions, after warping them into circles. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * use_provided_keypoints: false #[inline] fn detect_and_compute(&mut self, image: &impl ToInputArray, mask: &impl ToInputArray, keypoints: &mut core::Vector, descriptors: &mut impl ToOutputArray, use_provided_keypoints: bool) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(image); input_array_arg!(mask); output_array_arg!(descriptors); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_AffineFeature2D_detectAndCompute_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_vectorLElliptic_KeyPointGR_const__OutputArrayR_bool(self.as_raw_mut_AffineFeature2D(), image.as_raw__InputArray(), mask.as_raw__InputArray(), keypoints.as_raw_mut_VectorOfElliptic_KeyPoint(), descriptors.as_raw__OutputArray(), use_provided_keypoints, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Detects keypoints and computes descriptors for their surrounding /// regions, after warping them into circles. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [AffineFeature2DTrait::detect_and_compute] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * use_provided_keypoints: false #[inline] fn detect_and_compute_def(&mut self, image: &impl ToInputArray, mask: &impl ToInputArray, keypoints: &mut core::Vector, descriptors: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(image); input_array_arg!(mask); output_array_arg!(descriptors); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_AffineFeature2D_detectAndCompute_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_vectorLElliptic_KeyPointGR_const__OutputArrayR(self.as_raw_mut_AffineFeature2D(), image.as_raw__InputArray(), mask.as_raw__InputArray(), keypoints.as_raw_mut_VectorOfElliptic_KeyPoint(), descriptors.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Class implementing affine adaptation for key points. /// /// A [FeatureDetector] and a [DescriptorExtractor] are wrapped to augment the /// detected points with their affine invariant elliptic region and to compute /// the feature descriptors on the regions after warping them into circles. /// /// The interface is equivalent to [Feature2D], adding operations for /// [Elliptic_KeyPoint] "Elliptic_KeyPoints" instead of [KeyPoint] "KeyPoints". pub struct AffineFeature2D { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { AffineFeature2D } impl Drop for AffineFeature2D { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_AffineFeature2D_delete(self.as_raw_mut_AffineFeature2D()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for AffineFeature2D {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for AffineFeature2D { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for AffineFeature2D { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AffineFeature2D, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst for AffineFeature2D { #[inline] fn as_raw_Feature2D(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait for AffineFeature2D { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Feature2D(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AffineFeature2D, crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst, as_raw_Feature2D, crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait, as_raw_mut_Feature2D } impl crate::xfeatures2d::AffineFeature2DTraitConst for AffineFeature2D { #[inline] fn as_raw_AffineFeature2D(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::xfeatures2d::AffineFeature2DTrait for AffineFeature2D { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_AffineFeature2D(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { AffineFeature2D, crate::xfeatures2d::AffineFeature2DTraitConst, as_raw_AffineFeature2D, crate::xfeatures2d::AffineFeature2DTrait, as_raw_mut_AffineFeature2D } impl AffineFeature2D { /// Creates an instance wrapping the given keypoint detector and /// descriptor extractor. #[inline] pub fn create(mut keypoint_detector: core::Ptr, mut descriptor_extractor: core::Ptr) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_AffineFeature2D_create_PtrLFeature2DG_PtrLFeature2DG(keypoint_detector.as_raw_mut_PtrOfFeature2D(), descriptor_extractor.as_raw_mut_PtrOfFeature2D(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Creates an instance where keypoint detector and descriptor /// extractor are identical. #[inline] pub fn create_1(mut keypoint_detector: core::Ptr) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_AffineFeature2D_create_PtrLFeature2DG(keypoint_detector.as_raw_mut_PtrOfFeature2D(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_descendant! { AffineFeature2D, crate::xfeatures2d::TBMR, cv_xfeatures2d_AffineFeature2D_to_TBMR } boxed_cast_base! { AffineFeature2D, core::Algorithm, cv_xfeatures2d_AffineFeature2D_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { AffineFeature2D, crate::features2d::Feature2D, cv_xfeatures2d_AffineFeature2D_to_Feature2D } impl std::fmt::Debug for AffineFeature2D { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("AffineFeature2D") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::BEBLID] pub trait BEBLIDTraitConst: crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst { fn as_raw_BEBLID(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn get_scale_factor(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BEBLID_getScaleFactor_const(self.as_raw_BEBLID(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_default_name(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BEBLID_getDefaultName_const(self.as_raw_BEBLID(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::BEBLID] pub trait BEBLIDTrait: crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait + crate::xfeatures2d::BEBLIDTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_BEBLID(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_scale_factor(&mut self, scale_factor: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BEBLID_setScaleFactor_float(self.as_raw_mut_BEBLID(), scale_factor, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Class implementing BEBLID (Boosted Efficient Binary Local Image Descriptor), /// described in [Suarez2020BEBLID]( . /// /// BEBLID \cite Suarez2020BEBLID is a efficient binary descriptor learned with boosting. /// It is able to describe keypoints from any detector just by changing the scale_factor parameter. /// In several benchmarks it has proved to largely improve other binary descriptors like ORB or /// BRISK with the same efficiency. BEBLID describes using the difference of mean gray values in /// different regions of the image around the KeyPoint, the descriptor is specifically optimized for /// image matching and patch retrieval addressing the asymmetries of these problems. /// /// If you find this code useful, please add a reference to the following paper: ///
Iago Suárez, Ghesn Sfeir, José M. Buenaposada, and Luis Baumela. /// BEBLID: Boosted efficient binary local image descriptor. /// Pattern Recognition Letters, 133:366–372, 2020.
/// /// The descriptor was trained using 1 million of randomly sampled pairs of patches /// (20% positives and 80% negatives) from the Liberty split of the UBC datasets /// \cite winder2007learning as described in the paper [Suarez2020BEBLID]( /// You can check in the [AKAZE example]( /// how well BEBLID works. Detecting 10000 keypoints with ORB and describing with BEBLID obtains /// 561 inliers (75%) whereas describing with ORB obtains only 493 inliers (63%). pub struct BEBLID { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { BEBLID } impl Drop for BEBLID { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BEBLID_delete(self.as_raw_mut_BEBLID()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for BEBLID {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for BEBLID { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for BEBLID { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BEBLID, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst for BEBLID { #[inline] fn as_raw_Feature2D(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait for BEBLID { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Feature2D(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BEBLID, crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst, as_raw_Feature2D, crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait, as_raw_mut_Feature2D } impl crate::xfeatures2d::BEBLIDTraitConst for BEBLID { #[inline] fn as_raw_BEBLID(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::xfeatures2d::BEBLIDTrait for BEBLID { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_BEBLID(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BEBLID, crate::xfeatures2d::BEBLIDTraitConst, as_raw_BEBLID, crate::xfeatures2d::BEBLIDTrait, as_raw_mut_BEBLID } impl BEBLID { /// Creates the BEBLID descriptor. /// ## Parameters /// * scale_factor: Adjust the sampling window around detected keypoints: /// - 1.00f should be the scale for ORB keypoints /// - 6.75f should be the scale for SIFT detected keypoints /// - 6.25f is default and fits for KAZE, SURF detected keypoints /// - 5.00f should be the scale for AKAZE, MSD, AGAST, FAST, BRISK keypoints /// * n_bits: Determine the number of bits in the descriptor. Should be either /// BEBLID::SIZE_512_BITS or BEBLID::SIZE_256_BITS. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * n_bits: BEBLID::SIZE_512_BITS #[inline] pub fn create(scale_factor: f32, n_bits: i32) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BEBLID_create_float_int(scale_factor, n_bits, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Creates the BEBLID descriptor. /// ## Parameters /// * scale_factor: Adjust the sampling window around detected keypoints: /// - 1.00f should be the scale for ORB keypoints /// - 6.75f should be the scale for SIFT detected keypoints /// - 6.25f is default and fits for KAZE, SURF detected keypoints /// - 5.00f should be the scale for AKAZE, MSD, AGAST, FAST, BRISK keypoints /// * n_bits: Determine the number of bits in the descriptor. Should be either /// BEBLID::SIZE_512_BITS or BEBLID::SIZE_256_BITS. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [BEBLID::create] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * n_bits: BEBLID::SIZE_512_BITS #[inline] pub fn create_def(scale_factor: f32) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BEBLID_create_float(scale_factor, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { BEBLID, core::Algorithm, cv_xfeatures2d_BEBLID_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { BEBLID, crate::features2d::Feature2D, cv_xfeatures2d_BEBLID_to_Feature2D } impl std::fmt::Debug for BEBLID { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("BEBLID") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::BoostDesc] pub trait BoostDescTraitConst: crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst { fn as_raw_BoostDesc(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn get_default_name(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_getDefaultName_const(self.as_raw_BoostDesc(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_use_scale_orientation(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_getUseScaleOrientation_const(self.as_raw_BoostDesc(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_scale_factor(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_getScaleFactor_const(self.as_raw_BoostDesc(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::BoostDesc] pub trait BoostDescTrait: crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait + crate::xfeatures2d::BoostDescTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_BoostDesc(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_use_scale_orientation(&mut self, use_scale_orientation: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_setUseScaleOrientation_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_BoostDesc(), use_scale_orientation, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_scale_factor(&mut self, scale_factor: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_setScaleFactor_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_BoostDesc(), scale_factor, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Class implementing BoostDesc (Learning Image Descriptors with Boosting), described in /// [Trzcinski13a]( and [Trzcinski13b]( /// /// ## Parameters /// * desc: type of descriptor to use, BoostDesc::BINBOOST_256 is default (256 bit long dimension) /// Available types are: BoostDesc::BGM, BoostDesc::BGM_HARD, BoostDesc::BGM_BILINEAR, BoostDesc::LBGM, /// BoostDesc::BINBOOST_64, BoostDesc::BINBOOST_128, BoostDesc::BINBOOST_256 /// * use_orientation: sample patterns using keypoints orientation, enabled by default /// * scale_factor: adjust the sampling window of detected keypoints /// 6.25f is default and fits for KAZE, SURF detected keypoints window ratio /// 6.75f should be the scale for SIFT detected keypoints window ratio /// 5.00f should be the scale for AKAZE, MSD, AGAST, FAST, BRISK keypoints window ratio /// 0.75f should be the scale for ORB keypoints ratio /// 1.50f was the default in original implementation /// /// /// Note: BGM is the base descriptor where each binary dimension is computed as the output of a single weak learner. /// BGM_HARD and BGM_BILINEAR refers to same BGM but use different type of gradient binning. In the BGM_HARD that /// use ASSIGN_HARD binning type the gradient is assigned to the nearest orientation bin. In the BGM_BILINEAR that use /// ASSIGN_BILINEAR binning type the gradient is assigned to the two neighbouring bins. In the BGM and all other modes that use /// ASSIGN_SOFT binning type the gradient is assigned to 8 nearest bins according to the cosine value between the gradient /// angle and the bin center. LBGM (alias FP-Boost) is the floating point extension where each dimension is computed /// as a linear combination of the weak learner responses. BINBOOST and subvariants are the binary extensions of LBGM /// where each bit is computed as a thresholded linear combination of a set of weak learners. /// BoostDesc header files (boostdesc_*.i) was exported from original binaries with script from /// samples subfolder. pub struct BoostDesc { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { BoostDesc } impl Drop for BoostDesc { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_delete(self.as_raw_mut_BoostDesc()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for BoostDesc {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for BoostDesc { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for BoostDesc { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BoostDesc, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst for BoostDesc { #[inline] fn as_raw_Feature2D(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait for BoostDesc { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Feature2D(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BoostDesc, crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst, as_raw_Feature2D, crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait, as_raw_mut_Feature2D } impl crate::xfeatures2d::BoostDescTraitConst for BoostDesc { #[inline] fn as_raw_BoostDesc(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::xfeatures2d::BoostDescTrait for BoostDesc { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_BoostDesc(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BoostDesc, crate::xfeatures2d::BoostDescTraitConst, as_raw_BoostDesc, crate::xfeatures2d::BoostDescTrait, as_raw_mut_BoostDesc } impl BoostDesc { /// ## C++ default parameters /// * desc: BoostDesc::BINBOOST_256 /// * use_scale_orientation: true /// * scale_factor: 6.25f #[inline] pub fn create(desc: i32, use_scale_orientation: bool, scale_factor: f32) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_create_int_bool_float(desc, use_scale_orientation, scale_factor, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [BoostDesc::create] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * desc: BoostDesc::BINBOOST_256 /// * use_scale_orientation: true /// * scale_factor: 6.25f #[inline] pub fn create_def() -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_create(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { BoostDesc, core::Algorithm, cv_xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { BoostDesc, crate::features2d::Feature2D, cv_xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_to_Feature2D } impl std::fmt::Debug for BoostDesc { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("BoostDesc") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::BriefDescriptorExtractor] pub trait BriefDescriptorExtractorTraitConst: crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst { fn as_raw_BriefDescriptorExtractor(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn get_descriptor_size(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BriefDescriptorExtractor_getDescriptorSize_const(self.as_raw_BriefDescriptorExtractor(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_use_orientation(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BriefDescriptorExtractor_getUseOrientation_const(self.as_raw_BriefDescriptorExtractor(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_default_name(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BriefDescriptorExtractor_getDefaultName_const(self.as_raw_BriefDescriptorExtractor(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::BriefDescriptorExtractor] pub trait BriefDescriptorExtractorTrait: crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait + crate::xfeatures2d::BriefDescriptorExtractorTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_BriefDescriptorExtractor(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_descriptor_size(&mut self, bytes: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BriefDescriptorExtractor_setDescriptorSize_int(self.as_raw_mut_BriefDescriptorExtractor(), bytes, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_use_orientation(&mut self, use_orientation: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BriefDescriptorExtractor_setUseOrientation_bool(self.as_raw_mut_BriefDescriptorExtractor(), use_orientation, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Class for computing BRIEF descriptors described in [calon2010]( . /// /// ## Parameters /// * bytes: legth of the descriptor in bytes, valid values are: 16, 32 (default) or 64 . /// * use_orientation: sample patterns using keypoints orientation, disabled by default. pub struct BriefDescriptorExtractor { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { BriefDescriptorExtractor } impl Drop for BriefDescriptorExtractor { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BriefDescriptorExtractor_delete(self.as_raw_mut_BriefDescriptorExtractor()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for BriefDescriptorExtractor {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for BriefDescriptorExtractor { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for BriefDescriptorExtractor { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BriefDescriptorExtractor, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst for BriefDescriptorExtractor { #[inline] fn as_raw_Feature2D(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait for BriefDescriptorExtractor { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Feature2D(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BriefDescriptorExtractor, crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst, as_raw_Feature2D, crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait, as_raw_mut_Feature2D } impl crate::xfeatures2d::BriefDescriptorExtractorTraitConst for BriefDescriptorExtractor { #[inline] fn as_raw_BriefDescriptorExtractor(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::xfeatures2d::BriefDescriptorExtractorTrait for BriefDescriptorExtractor { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_BriefDescriptorExtractor(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { BriefDescriptorExtractor, crate::xfeatures2d::BriefDescriptorExtractorTraitConst, as_raw_BriefDescriptorExtractor, crate::xfeatures2d::BriefDescriptorExtractorTrait, as_raw_mut_BriefDescriptorExtractor } impl BriefDescriptorExtractor { /// ## C++ default parameters /// * bytes: 32 /// * use_orientation: false #[inline] pub fn create(bytes: i32, use_orientation: bool) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BriefDescriptorExtractor_create_int_bool(bytes, use_orientation, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [BriefDescriptorExtractor::create] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * bytes: 32 /// * use_orientation: false #[inline] pub fn create_def() -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_BriefDescriptorExtractor_create(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { BriefDescriptorExtractor, core::Algorithm, cv_xfeatures2d_BriefDescriptorExtractor_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { BriefDescriptorExtractor, crate::features2d::Feature2D, cv_xfeatures2d_BriefDescriptorExtractor_to_Feature2D } impl std::fmt::Debug for BriefDescriptorExtractor { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("BriefDescriptorExtractor") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::DAISY] pub trait DAISYTraitConst: crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst { fn as_raw_DAISY(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn get_radius(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_getRadius_const(self.as_raw_DAISY(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_q_radius(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_getQRadius_const(self.as_raw_DAISY(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_q_theta(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_getQTheta_const(self.as_raw_DAISY(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_q_hist(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_getQHist_const(self.as_raw_DAISY(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_norm(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_getNorm_const(self.as_raw_DAISY(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_h(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_getH_const(self.as_raw_DAISY(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Mat::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_interpolation(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_getInterpolation_const(self.as_raw_DAISY(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_use_orientation(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_getUseOrientation_const(self.as_raw_DAISY(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_default_name(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_getDefaultName_const(self.as_raw_DAISY(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## Parameters /// * y: position y on image /// * x: position x on image /// * orientation: orientation on image (0->360) /// * descriptor: supplied array for descriptor storage #[inline] fn get_descriptor(&self, y: f64, x: f64, orientation: i32, descriptor: &mut f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_GetDescriptor_const_double_double_int_floatX(self.as_raw_DAISY(), y, x, orientation, descriptor, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## Parameters /// * y: position y on image /// * x: position x on image /// * orientation: orientation on image (0->360) /// * descriptor: supplied array for descriptor storage /// * H: homography matrix for warped grid #[inline] fn get_descriptor_1(&self, y: f64, x: f64, orientation: i32, descriptor: &mut f32, h: &mut f64) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_GetDescriptor_const_double_double_int_floatX_doubleX(self.as_raw_DAISY(), y, x, orientation, descriptor, h, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## Parameters /// * y: position y on image /// * x: position x on image /// * orientation: orientation on image (0->360) /// * descriptor: supplied array for descriptor storage #[inline] fn get_unnormalized_descriptor(&self, y: f64, x: f64, orientation: i32, descriptor: &mut f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_GetUnnormalizedDescriptor_const_double_double_int_floatX(self.as_raw_DAISY(), y, x, orientation, descriptor, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// ## Parameters /// * y: position y on image /// * x: position x on image /// * orientation: orientation on image (0->360) /// * descriptor: supplied array for descriptor storage /// * H: homography matrix for warped grid #[inline] fn get_unnormalized_descriptor_1(&self, y: f64, x: f64, orientation: i32, descriptor: &mut f32, h: &mut f64) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_GetUnnormalizedDescriptor_const_double_double_int_floatX_doubleX(self.as_raw_DAISY(), y, x, orientation, descriptor, h, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::DAISY] pub trait DAISYTrait: crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait + crate::xfeatures2d::DAISYTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_DAISY(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_radius(&mut self, radius: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_setRadius_float(self.as_raw_mut_DAISY(), radius, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_q_radius(&mut self, q_radius: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_setQRadius_int(self.as_raw_mut_DAISY(), q_radius, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_q_theta(&mut self, q_theta: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_setQTheta_int(self.as_raw_mut_DAISY(), q_theta, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_q_hist(&mut self, q_hist: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_setQHist_int(self.as_raw_mut_DAISY(), q_hist, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_norm(&mut self, norm: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_setNorm_int(self.as_raw_mut_DAISY(), norm, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_h(&mut self, h: &impl ToInputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(h); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_setH_const__InputArrayR(self.as_raw_mut_DAISY(), h.as_raw__InputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_interpolation(&mut self, interpolation: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_setInterpolation_bool(self.as_raw_mut_DAISY(), interpolation, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_use_orientation(&mut self, use_orientation: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_setUseOrientation_bool(self.as_raw_mut_DAISY(), use_orientation, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. /// ## Parameters /// * image: image to extract descriptors /// * keypoints: of interest within image /// * descriptors: resulted descriptors array #[inline] fn compute(&mut self, image: &impl ToInputArray, keypoints: &mut core::Vector, descriptors: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(image); output_array_arg!(descriptors); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_compute_const__InputArrayR_vectorLKeyPointGR_const__OutputArrayR(self.as_raw_mut_DAISY(), image.as_raw__InputArray(), keypoints.as_raw_mut_VectorOfKeyPoint(), descriptors.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn compute_1(&mut self, images: &impl ToInputArray, keypoints: &mut core::Vector>, descriptors: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(images); output_array_arg!(descriptors); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_compute_const__InputArrayR_vectorLvectorLKeyPointGGR_const__OutputArrayR(self.as_raw_mut_DAISY(), images.as_raw__InputArray(), keypoints.as_raw_mut_VectorOfVectorOfKeyPoint(), descriptors.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. /// ## Parameters /// * image: image to extract descriptors /// * roi: region of interest within image /// * descriptors: resulted descriptors array for roi image pixels #[inline] fn compute_2(&mut self, image: &impl ToInputArray, roi: core::Rect, descriptors: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(image); output_array_arg!(descriptors); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_compute_const__InputArrayR_Rect_const__OutputArrayR(self.as_raw_mut_DAISY(), image.as_raw__InputArray(), &roi, descriptors.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. /// ## Parameters /// * image: image to extract descriptors /// * descriptors: resulted descriptors array for all image pixels #[inline] fn compute_3(&mut self, image: &impl ToInputArray, descriptors: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(image); output_array_arg!(descriptors); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_compute_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR(self.as_raw_mut_DAISY(), image.as_raw__InputArray(), descriptors.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Class implementing DAISY descriptor, described in [Tola10]( /// /// ## Parameters /// * radius: radius of the descriptor at the initial scale /// * q_radius: amount of radial range division quantity /// * q_theta: amount of angular range division quantity /// * q_hist: amount of gradient orientations range division quantity /// * norm: choose descriptors normalization type, where /// DAISY::NRM_NONE will not do any normalization (default), /// DAISY::NRM_PARTIAL mean that histograms are normalized independently for L2 norm equal to 1.0, /// DAISY::NRM_FULL mean that descriptors are normalized for L2 norm equal to 1.0, /// DAISY::NRM_SIFT mean that descriptors are normalized for L2 norm equal to 1.0 but no individual one is bigger than 0.154 as in SIFT /// * H: optional 3x3 homography matrix used to warp the grid of daisy but sampling keypoints remains unwarped on image /// * interpolation: switch to disable interpolation for speed improvement at minor quality loss /// * use_orientation: sample patterns using keypoints orientation, disabled by default. pub struct DAISY { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { DAISY } impl Drop for DAISY { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_delete(self.as_raw_mut_DAISY()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for DAISY {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for DAISY { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for DAISY { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { DAISY, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst for DAISY { #[inline] fn as_raw_Feature2D(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait for DAISY { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Feature2D(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { DAISY, crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst, as_raw_Feature2D, crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait, as_raw_mut_Feature2D } impl crate::xfeatures2d::DAISYTraitConst for DAISY { #[inline] fn as_raw_DAISY(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::xfeatures2d::DAISYTrait for DAISY { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_DAISY(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { DAISY, crate::xfeatures2d::DAISYTraitConst, as_raw_DAISY, crate::xfeatures2d::DAISYTrait, as_raw_mut_DAISY } impl DAISY { /// ## C++ default parameters /// * radius: 15 /// * q_radius: 3 /// * q_theta: 8 /// * q_hist: 8 /// * norm: DAISY::NRM_NONE /// * h: noArray() /// * interpolation: true /// * use_orientation: false #[inline] pub fn create(radius: f32, q_radius: i32, q_theta: i32, q_hist: i32, norm: crate::xfeatures2d::DAISY_NormalizationType, h: &impl ToInputArray, interpolation: bool, use_orientation: bool) -> Result> { input_array_arg!(h); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_create_float_int_int_int_NormalizationType_const__InputArrayR_bool_bool(radius, q_radius, q_theta, q_hist, norm, h.as_raw__InputArray(), interpolation, use_orientation, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [DAISY::create] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * radius: 15 /// * q_radius: 3 /// * q_theta: 8 /// * q_hist: 8 /// * norm: DAISY::NRM_NONE /// * h: noArray() /// * interpolation: true /// * use_orientation: false #[inline] pub fn create_def() -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_create(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { DAISY, core::Algorithm, cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { DAISY, crate::features2d::Feature2D, cv_xfeatures2d_DAISY_to_Feature2D } impl std::fmt::Debug for DAISY { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("DAISY") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::Elliptic_KeyPoint] pub trait Elliptic_KeyPointTraitConst: core::KeyPointTraitConst { fn as_raw_Elliptic_KeyPoint(&self) -> *const c_void; /// the lengths of the major and minor ellipse axes #[inline] fn axes(&self) -> core::Size_ { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_Elliptic_KeyPoint_propAxes_const(self.as_raw_Elliptic_KeyPoint(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); ret } /// the integration scale at which the parameters were estimated #[inline] fn si(&self) -> f32 { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_Elliptic_KeyPoint_propSi_const(self.as_raw_Elliptic_KeyPoint()) }; ret } /// the transformation between image space and local patch space #[inline] fn transf(&self) -> core::Matx23f { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_Elliptic_KeyPoint_propTransf_const(self.as_raw_Elliptic_KeyPoint(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); ret } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::Elliptic_KeyPoint] pub trait Elliptic_KeyPointTrait: core::KeyPointTrait + crate::xfeatures2d::Elliptic_KeyPointTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_Elliptic_KeyPoint(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// the lengths of the major and minor ellipse axes #[inline] fn set_axes(&mut self, val: core::Size_) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_Elliptic_KeyPoint_propAxes_const_Size_LfloatG(self.as_raw_mut_Elliptic_KeyPoint(), &val) }; ret } /// the integration scale at which the parameters were estimated #[inline] fn set_si(&mut self, val: f32) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_Elliptic_KeyPoint_propSi_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_Elliptic_KeyPoint(), val) }; ret } /// the transformation between image space and local patch space #[inline] fn set_transf(&mut self, val: core::Matx23f) { let ret = unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_Elliptic_KeyPoint_propTransf_const_Matx23f(self.as_raw_mut_Elliptic_KeyPoint(), &val) }; ret } } /// Elliptic region around an interest point. pub struct Elliptic_KeyPoint { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { Elliptic_KeyPoint } impl Drop for Elliptic_KeyPoint { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_Elliptic_KeyPoint_delete(self.as_raw_mut_Elliptic_KeyPoint()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for Elliptic_KeyPoint {} impl core::KeyPointTraitConst for Elliptic_KeyPoint { #[inline] fn as_raw_KeyPoint(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::KeyPointTrait for Elliptic_KeyPoint { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_KeyPoint(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { Elliptic_KeyPoint, core::KeyPointTraitConst, as_raw_KeyPoint, core::KeyPointTrait, as_raw_mut_KeyPoint } impl crate::xfeatures2d::Elliptic_KeyPointTraitConst for Elliptic_KeyPoint { #[inline] fn as_raw_Elliptic_KeyPoint(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::xfeatures2d::Elliptic_KeyPointTrait for Elliptic_KeyPoint { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Elliptic_KeyPoint(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { Elliptic_KeyPoint, crate::xfeatures2d::Elliptic_KeyPointTraitConst, as_raw_Elliptic_KeyPoint, crate::xfeatures2d::Elliptic_KeyPointTrait, as_raw_mut_Elliptic_KeyPoint } impl Elliptic_KeyPoint { #[inline] pub fn default() -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_Elliptic_KeyPoint_Elliptic_KeyPoint(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::xfeatures2d::Elliptic_KeyPoint::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] pub fn new(pt: core::Point2f, angle: f32, axes: core::Size, size: f32, si: f32) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_Elliptic_KeyPoint_Elliptic_KeyPoint_Point2f_float_Size_float_float(&pt, angle, &axes, size, si, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { crate::xfeatures2d::Elliptic_KeyPoint::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { Elliptic_KeyPoint, core::KeyPoint, cv_xfeatures2d_Elliptic_KeyPoint_to_KeyPoint } impl std::fmt::Debug for Elliptic_KeyPoint { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Elliptic_KeyPoint") .field("axes", &crate::xfeatures2d::Elliptic_KeyPointTraitConst::axes(self)) .field("si", &crate::xfeatures2d::Elliptic_KeyPointTraitConst::si(self)) .field("transf", &crate::xfeatures2d::Elliptic_KeyPointTraitConst::transf(self)) .field("pt", &core::KeyPointTraitConst::pt(self)) .field("size", &core::KeyPointTraitConst::size(self)) .field("angle", &core::KeyPointTraitConst::angle(self)) .field("response", &core::KeyPointTraitConst::response(self)) .field("octave", &core::KeyPointTraitConst::octave(self)) .field("class_id", &core::KeyPointTraitConst::class_id(self)) .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::FREAK] pub trait FREAKTraitConst: crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst { fn as_raw_FREAK(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn get_orientation_normalized(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_FREAK_getOrientationNormalized_const(self.as_raw_FREAK(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_scale_normalized(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_FREAK_getScaleNormalized_const(self.as_raw_FREAK(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_pattern_scale(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_FREAK_getPatternScale_const(self.as_raw_FREAK(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_n_octaves(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_FREAK_getNOctaves_const(self.as_raw_FREAK(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_default_name(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_FREAK_getDefaultName_const(self.as_raw_FREAK(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::FREAK] pub trait FREAKTrait: crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait + crate::xfeatures2d::FREAKTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_FREAK(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_orientation_normalized(&mut self, orientation_normalized: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_FREAK_setOrientationNormalized_bool(self.as_raw_mut_FREAK(), orientation_normalized, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_scale_normalized(&mut self, scale_normalized: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_FREAK_setScaleNormalized_bool(self.as_raw_mut_FREAK(), scale_normalized, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_pattern_scale(&mut self, pattern_scale: f64) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_FREAK_setPatternScale_double(self.as_raw_mut_FREAK(), pattern_scale, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_n_octaves(&mut self, n_octaves: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_FREAK_setNOctaves_int(self.as_raw_mut_FREAK(), n_octaves, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Class implementing the FREAK (*Fast Retina Keypoint*) keypoint descriptor, described in [AOV12]( . /// /// The algorithm propose a novel keypoint descriptor inspired by the human visual system and more /// precisely the retina, coined Fast Retina Key- point (FREAK). A cascade of binary strings is /// computed by efficiently comparing image intensities over a retinal sampling pattern. FREAKs are in /// general faster to compute with lower memory load and also more robust than SIFT, SURF or BRISK. /// They are competitive alternatives to existing keypoints in particular for embedded applications. /// /// /// Note: /// * An example on how to use the FREAK descriptor can be found at /// opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/freak_demo.cpp pub struct FREAK { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { FREAK } impl Drop for FREAK { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_FREAK_delete(self.as_raw_mut_FREAK()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for FREAK {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for FREAK { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for FREAK { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { FREAK, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst for FREAK { #[inline] fn as_raw_Feature2D(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait for FREAK { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Feature2D(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { FREAK, crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst, as_raw_Feature2D, crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait, as_raw_mut_Feature2D } impl crate::xfeatures2d::FREAKTraitConst for FREAK { #[inline] fn as_raw_FREAK(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::xfeatures2d::FREAKTrait for FREAK { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_FREAK(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { FREAK, crate::xfeatures2d::FREAKTraitConst, as_raw_FREAK, crate::xfeatures2d::FREAKTrait, as_raw_mut_FREAK } impl FREAK { pub const NB_SCALES: i32 = 64; pub const NB_PAIRS: i32 = 512; pub const NB_ORIENPAIRS: i32 = 45; /// ## Parameters /// * orientationNormalized: Enable orientation normalization. /// * scaleNormalized: Enable scale normalization. /// * patternScale: Scaling of the description pattern. /// * nOctaves: Number of octaves covered by the detected keypoints. /// * selectedPairs: (Optional) user defined selected pairs indexes, /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * orientation_normalized: true /// * scale_normalized: true /// * pattern_scale: 22.0f /// * n_octaves: 4 /// * selected_pairs: std::vector() #[inline] pub fn create(orientation_normalized: bool, scale_normalized: bool, pattern_scale: f32, n_octaves: i32, selected_pairs: &core::Vector) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_FREAK_create_bool_bool_float_int_const_vectorLintGR(orientation_normalized, scale_normalized, pattern_scale, n_octaves, selected_pairs.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## Parameters /// * orientationNormalized: Enable orientation normalization. /// * scaleNormalized: Enable scale normalization. /// * patternScale: Scaling of the description pattern. /// * nOctaves: Number of octaves covered by the detected keypoints. /// * selectedPairs: (Optional) user defined selected pairs indexes, /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [FREAK::create] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * orientation_normalized: true /// * scale_normalized: true /// * pattern_scale: 22.0f /// * n_octaves: 4 /// * selected_pairs: std::vector() #[inline] pub fn create_def() -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_FREAK_create(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { FREAK, core::Algorithm, cv_xfeatures2d_FREAK_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { FREAK, crate::features2d::Feature2D, cv_xfeatures2d_FREAK_to_Feature2D } impl std::fmt::Debug for FREAK { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("FREAK") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector] pub trait HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetectorTraitConst: crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst { fn as_raw_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn get_num_octaves(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector_getNumOctaves_const(self.as_raw_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_corn_thresh(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector_getCornThresh_const(self.as_raw_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_dog_thresh(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector_getDOGThresh_const(self.as_raw_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_max_corners(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector_getMaxCorners_const(self.as_raw_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_num_layers(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector_getNumLayers_const(self.as_raw_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_default_name(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector_getDefaultName_const(self.as_raw_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector] pub trait HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetectorTrait: crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait + crate::xfeatures2d::HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetectorTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_num_octaves(&mut self, num_octaves_: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector_setNumOctaves_int(self.as_raw_mut_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector(), num_octaves_, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_corn_thresh(&mut self, corn_thresh_: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector_setCornThresh_float(self.as_raw_mut_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector(), corn_thresh_, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_dog_thresh(&mut self, dog_thresh_: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector_setDOGThresh_float(self.as_raw_mut_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector(), dog_thresh_, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_max_corners(&mut self, max_corners_: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector_setMaxCorners_int(self.as_raw_mut_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector(), max_corners_, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_num_layers(&mut self, num_layers_: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector_setNumLayers_int(self.as_raw_mut_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector(), num_layers_, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Class implementing the Harris-Laplace feature detector as described in [Mikolajczyk2004]( pub struct HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector } impl Drop for HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector_delete(self.as_raw_mut_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst for HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector { #[inline] fn as_raw_Feature2D(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait for HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Feature2D(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector, crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst, as_raw_Feature2D, crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait, as_raw_mut_Feature2D } impl crate::xfeatures2d::HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetectorTraitConst for HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector { #[inline] fn as_raw_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::xfeatures2d::HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetectorTrait for HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector, crate::xfeatures2d::HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetectorTraitConst, as_raw_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector, crate::xfeatures2d::HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetectorTrait, as_raw_mut_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector } impl HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector { /// Creates a new implementation instance. /// /// ## Parameters /// * numOctaves: the number of octaves in the scale-space pyramid /// * corn_thresh: the threshold for the Harris cornerness measure /// * DOG_thresh: the threshold for the Difference-of-Gaussians scale selection /// * maxCorners: the maximum number of corners to consider /// * num_layers: the number of intermediate scales per octave /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * num_octaves: 6 /// * corn_thresh: 0.01f /// * dog_thresh: 0.01f /// * max_corners: 5000 /// * num_layers: 4 #[inline] pub fn create(num_octaves: i32, corn_thresh: f32, dog_thresh: f32, max_corners: i32, num_layers: i32) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector_create_int_float_float_int_int(num_octaves, corn_thresh, dog_thresh, max_corners, num_layers, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Creates a new implementation instance. /// /// ## Parameters /// * numOctaves: the number of octaves in the scale-space pyramid /// * corn_thresh: the threshold for the Harris cornerness measure /// * DOG_thresh: the threshold for the Difference-of-Gaussians scale selection /// * maxCorners: the maximum number of corners to consider /// * num_layers: the number of intermediate scales per octave /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector::create] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * num_octaves: 6 /// * corn_thresh: 0.01f /// * dog_thresh: 0.01f /// * max_corners: 5000 /// * num_layers: 4 #[inline] pub fn create_def() -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector_create(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector, core::Algorithm, cv_xfeatures2d_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector, crate::features2d::Feature2D, cv_xfeatures2d_HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector_to_Feature2D } impl std::fmt::Debug for HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::LATCH] pub trait LATCHTraitConst: crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst { fn as_raw_LATCH(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn get_bytes(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_LATCH_getBytes_const(self.as_raw_LATCH(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_rotation_invariance(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_LATCH_getRotationInvariance_const(self.as_raw_LATCH(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_half_ss_dsize(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_LATCH_getHalfSSDsize_const(self.as_raw_LATCH(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_sigma(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_LATCH_getSigma_const(self.as_raw_LATCH(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_default_name(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_LATCH_getDefaultName_const(self.as_raw_LATCH(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::LATCH] pub trait LATCHTrait: crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait + crate::xfeatures2d::LATCHTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_LATCH(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_bytes(&mut self, bytes: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_LATCH_setBytes_int(self.as_raw_mut_LATCH(), bytes, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_rotation_invariance(&mut self, rotation_invariance: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_LATCH_setRotationInvariance_bool(self.as_raw_mut_LATCH(), rotation_invariance, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_half_ss_dsize(&mut self, half_ssd_size: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_LATCH_setHalfSSDsize_int(self.as_raw_mut_LATCH(), half_ssd_size, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_sigma(&mut self, sigma: f64) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_LATCH_setSigma_double(self.as_raw_mut_LATCH(), sigma, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// latch Class for computing the LATCH descriptor. /// If you find this code useful, please add a reference to the following paper in your work: /// Gil Levi and Tal Hassner, "LATCH: Learned Arrangements of Three Patch Codes", arXiv preprint arXiv:1501.03719, 15 Jan. 2015 /// /// LATCH is a binary descriptor based on learned comparisons of triplets of image patches. /// /// * bytes is the size of the descriptor - can be 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2 or 1 /// * rotationInvariance - whether or not the descriptor should compansate for orientation changes. /// * half_ssd_size - the size of half of the mini-patches size. For example, if we would like to compare triplets of patches of size 7x7x /// then the half_ssd_size should be (7-1)/2 = 3. /// * sigma - sigma value for GaussianBlur smoothing of the source image. Source image will be used without smoothing in case sigma value is 0. /// /// Note: the descriptor can be coupled with any keypoint extractor. The only demand is that if you use set rotationInvariance = True then /// you will have to use an extractor which estimates the patch orientation (in degrees). Examples for such extractors are ORB and SIFT. /// /// Note: a complete example can be found under /samples/cpp/tutorial_code/xfeatures2D/latch_match.cpp pub struct LATCH { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { LATCH } impl Drop for LATCH { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_LATCH_delete(self.as_raw_mut_LATCH()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for LATCH {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for LATCH { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for LATCH { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LATCH, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst for LATCH { #[inline] fn as_raw_Feature2D(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait for LATCH { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Feature2D(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LATCH, crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst, as_raw_Feature2D, crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait, as_raw_mut_Feature2D } impl crate::xfeatures2d::LATCHTraitConst for LATCH { #[inline] fn as_raw_LATCH(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::xfeatures2d::LATCHTrait for LATCH { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_LATCH(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LATCH, crate::xfeatures2d::LATCHTraitConst, as_raw_LATCH, crate::xfeatures2d::LATCHTrait, as_raw_mut_LATCH } impl LATCH { /// ## C++ default parameters /// * bytes: 32 /// * rotation_invariance: true /// * half_ssd_size: 3 /// * sigma: 2.0 #[inline] pub fn create(bytes: i32, rotation_invariance: bool, half_ssd_size: i32, sigma: f64) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_LATCH_create_int_bool_int_double(bytes, rotation_invariance, half_ssd_size, sigma, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [LATCH::create] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * bytes: 32 /// * rotation_invariance: true /// * half_ssd_size: 3 /// * sigma: 2.0 #[inline] pub fn create_def() -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_LATCH_create(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { LATCH, core::Algorithm, cv_xfeatures2d_LATCH_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { LATCH, crate::features2d::Feature2D, cv_xfeatures2d_LATCH_to_Feature2D } impl std::fmt::Debug for LATCH { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("LATCH") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::LUCID] pub trait LUCIDTraitConst: crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst { fn as_raw_LUCID(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn get_lucid_kernel(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_LUCID_getLucidKernel_const(self.as_raw_LUCID(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_blur_kernel(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_LUCID_getBlurKernel_const(self.as_raw_LUCID(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_default_name(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_LUCID_getDefaultName_const(self.as_raw_LUCID(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::LUCID] pub trait LUCIDTrait: crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait + crate::xfeatures2d::LUCIDTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_LUCID(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_lucid_kernel(&mut self, lucid_kernel: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_LUCID_setLucidKernel_int(self.as_raw_mut_LUCID(), lucid_kernel, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_blur_kernel(&mut self, blur_kernel: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_LUCID_setBlurKernel_int(self.as_raw_mut_LUCID(), blur_kernel, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Class implementing the locally uniform comparison image descriptor, described in [LUCID]( /// /// An image descriptor that can be computed very fast, while being /// about as robust as, for example, SURF or BRIEF. /// /// /// Note: It requires a color image as input. pub struct LUCID { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { LUCID } impl Drop for LUCID { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_LUCID_delete(self.as_raw_mut_LUCID()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for LUCID {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for LUCID { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for LUCID { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LUCID, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst for LUCID { #[inline] fn as_raw_Feature2D(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait for LUCID { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Feature2D(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LUCID, crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst, as_raw_Feature2D, crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait, as_raw_mut_Feature2D } impl crate::xfeatures2d::LUCIDTraitConst for LUCID { #[inline] fn as_raw_LUCID(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::xfeatures2d::LUCIDTrait for LUCID { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_LUCID(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { LUCID, crate::xfeatures2d::LUCIDTraitConst, as_raw_LUCID, crate::xfeatures2d::LUCIDTrait, as_raw_mut_LUCID } impl LUCID { /// ## Parameters /// * lucid_kernel: kernel for descriptor construction, where 1=3x3, 2=5x5, 3=7x7 and so forth /// * blur_kernel: kernel for blurring image prior to descriptor construction, where 1=3x3, 2=5x5, 3=7x7 and so forth /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * lucid_kernel: 1 /// * blur_kernel: 2 #[inline] pub fn create(lucid_kernel: i32, blur_kernel: i32) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_LUCID_create_const_int_const_int(lucid_kernel, blur_kernel, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## Parameters /// * lucid_kernel: kernel for descriptor construction, where 1=3x3, 2=5x5, 3=7x7 and so forth /// * blur_kernel: kernel for blurring image prior to descriptor construction, where 1=3x3, 2=5x5, 3=7x7 and so forth /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [LUCID::create] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * lucid_kernel: 1 /// * blur_kernel: 2 #[inline] pub fn create_def() -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_LUCID_create(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { LUCID, core::Algorithm, cv_xfeatures2d_LUCID_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { LUCID, crate::features2d::Feature2D, cv_xfeatures2d_LUCID_to_Feature2D } impl std::fmt::Debug for LUCID { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("LUCID") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::MSDDetector] pub trait MSDDetectorTraitConst: crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst { fn as_raw_MSDDetector(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn get_patch_radius(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_getPatchRadius_const(self.as_raw_MSDDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_search_area_radius(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_getSearchAreaRadius_const(self.as_raw_MSDDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_nms_radius(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_getNmsRadius_const(self.as_raw_MSDDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_nms_scale_radius(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_getNmsScaleRadius_const(self.as_raw_MSDDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_th_saliency(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_getThSaliency_const(self.as_raw_MSDDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_knn(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_getKNN_const(self.as_raw_MSDDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_scale_factor(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_getScaleFactor_const(self.as_raw_MSDDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_n_scales(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_getNScales_const(self.as_raw_MSDDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_compute_orientation(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_getComputeOrientation_const(self.as_raw_MSDDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_default_name(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_getDefaultName_const(self.as_raw_MSDDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::MSDDetector] pub trait MSDDetectorTrait: crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait + crate::xfeatures2d::MSDDetectorTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_MSDDetector(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_patch_radius(&mut self, patch_radius: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_setPatchRadius_int(self.as_raw_mut_MSDDetector(), patch_radius, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_search_area_radius(&mut self, use_orientation: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_setSearchAreaRadius_int(self.as_raw_mut_MSDDetector(), use_orientation, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_nms_radius(&mut self, nms_radius: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_setNmsRadius_int(self.as_raw_mut_MSDDetector(), nms_radius, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_nms_scale_radius(&mut self, nms_scale_radius: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_setNmsScaleRadius_int(self.as_raw_mut_MSDDetector(), nms_scale_radius, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_th_saliency(&mut self, th_saliency: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_setThSaliency_float(self.as_raw_mut_MSDDetector(), th_saliency, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_knn(&mut self, k_nn: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_setKNN_int(self.as_raw_mut_MSDDetector(), k_nn, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_scale_factor(&mut self, scale_factor: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_setScaleFactor_float(self.as_raw_mut_MSDDetector(), scale_factor, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_n_scales(&mut self, use_orientation: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_setNScales_int(self.as_raw_mut_MSDDetector(), use_orientation, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_compute_orientation(&mut self, compute_orientation: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_setComputeOrientation_bool(self.as_raw_mut_MSDDetector(), compute_orientation, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Class implementing the MSD (*Maximal Self-Dissimilarity*) keypoint detector, described in [Tombari14]( /// /// The algorithm implements a novel interest point detector stemming from the intuition that image patches /// which are highly dissimilar over a relatively large extent of their surroundings hold the property of /// being repeatable and distinctive. This concept of "contextual self-dissimilarity" reverses the key /// paradigm of recent successful techniques such as the Local Self-Similarity descriptor and the Non-Local /// Means filter, which build upon the presence of similar - rather than dissimilar - patches. Moreover, /// it extends to contextual information the local self-dissimilarity notion embedded in established /// detectors of corner-like interest points, thereby achieving enhanced repeatability, distinctiveness and /// localization accuracy. pub struct MSDDetector { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { MSDDetector } impl Drop for MSDDetector { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_delete(self.as_raw_mut_MSDDetector()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for MSDDetector {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for MSDDetector { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for MSDDetector { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { MSDDetector, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst for MSDDetector { #[inline] fn as_raw_Feature2D(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait for MSDDetector { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Feature2D(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { MSDDetector, crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst, as_raw_Feature2D, crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait, as_raw_mut_Feature2D } impl crate::xfeatures2d::MSDDetectorTraitConst for MSDDetector { #[inline] fn as_raw_MSDDetector(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::xfeatures2d::MSDDetectorTrait for MSDDetector { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_MSDDetector(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { MSDDetector, crate::xfeatures2d::MSDDetectorTraitConst, as_raw_MSDDetector, crate::xfeatures2d::MSDDetectorTrait, as_raw_mut_MSDDetector } impl MSDDetector { /// ## C++ default parameters /// * m_patch_radius: 3 /// * m_search_area_radius: 5 /// * m_nms_radius: 5 /// * m_nms_scale_radius: 0 /// * m_th_saliency: 250.0f /// * m_k_nn: 4 /// * m_scale_factor: 1.25f /// * m_n_scales: -1 /// * m_compute_orientation: false #[inline] pub fn create(m_patch_radius: i32, m_search_area_radius: i32, m_nms_radius: i32, m_nms_scale_radius: i32, m_th_saliency: f32, m_k_nn: i32, m_scale_factor: f32, m_n_scales: i32, m_compute_orientation: bool) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_create_int_int_int_int_float_int_float_int_bool(m_patch_radius, m_search_area_radius, m_nms_radius, m_nms_scale_radius, m_th_saliency, m_k_nn, m_scale_factor, m_n_scales, m_compute_orientation, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [MSDDetector::create] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * m_patch_radius: 3 /// * m_search_area_radius: 5 /// * m_nms_radius: 5 /// * m_nms_scale_radius: 0 /// * m_th_saliency: 250.0f /// * m_k_nn: 4 /// * m_scale_factor: 1.25f /// * m_n_scales: -1 /// * m_compute_orientation: false #[inline] pub fn create_def() -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_create(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { MSDDetector, core::Algorithm, cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { MSDDetector, crate::features2d::Feature2D, cv_xfeatures2d_MSDDetector_to_Feature2D } impl std::fmt::Debug for MSDDetector { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("MSDDetector") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::PCTSignatures] pub trait PCTSignaturesTraitConst: core::AlgorithmTraitConst { fn as_raw_PCTSignatures(&self) -> *const c_void; /// Computes signature of given image. /// ## Parameters /// * image: Input image of CV_8U type. /// * signature: Output computed signature. #[inline] fn compute_signature(&self, image: &impl ToInputArray, signature: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(image); output_array_arg!(signature); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_computeSignature_const_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR(self.as_raw_PCTSignatures(), image.as_raw__InputArray(), signature.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Computes signatures for multiple images in parallel. /// ## Parameters /// * images: Vector of input images of CV_8U type. /// * signatures: Vector of computed signatures. #[inline] fn compute_signatures(&self, images: &core::Vector, signatures: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_computeSignatures_const_const_vectorLMatGR_vectorLMatGR(self.as_raw_PCTSignatures(), images.as_raw_VectorOfMat(), signatures.as_raw_mut_VectorOfMat(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Number of initial samples taken from the image. #[inline] fn get_sample_count(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_getSampleCount_const(self.as_raw_PCTSignatures(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Color resolution of the greyscale bitmap represented in allocated bits /// (i.e., value 4 means that 16 shades of grey are used). /// The greyscale bitmap is used for computing contrast and entropy values. #[inline] fn get_grayscale_bits(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_getGrayscaleBits_const(self.as_raw_PCTSignatures(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Size of the texture sampling window used to compute contrast and entropy /// (center of the window is always in the pixel selected by x,y coordinates /// of the corresponding feature sample). #[inline] fn get_window_radius(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_getWindowRadius_const(self.as_raw_PCTSignatures(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space /// (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast. e = entropy) #[inline] fn get_weight_x(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_getWeightX_const(self.as_raw_PCTSignatures(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space /// (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast. e = entropy) #[inline] fn get_weight_y(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_getWeightY_const(self.as_raw_PCTSignatures(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space /// (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast. e = entropy) #[inline] fn get_weight_l(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_getWeightL_const(self.as_raw_PCTSignatures(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space /// (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast. e = entropy) #[inline] fn get_weight_a(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_getWeightA_const(self.as_raw_PCTSignatures(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space /// (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast. e = entropy) #[inline] fn get_weight_b(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_getWeightB_const(self.as_raw_PCTSignatures(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space /// (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast. e = entropy) #[inline] fn get_weight_contrast(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_getWeightContrast_const(self.as_raw_PCTSignatures(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space /// (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast. e = entropy) #[inline] fn get_weight_entropy(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_getWeightEntropy_const(self.as_raw_PCTSignatures(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Initial samples taken from the image. /// These sampled features become the input for clustering. #[inline] fn get_sampling_points(&self) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_getSamplingPoints_const(self.as_raw_PCTSignatures(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ** clusterizer *** /// /// * Initial seeds (initial number of clusters) for the k-means algorithm. #[inline] fn get_init_seed_indexes(&self) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_getInitSeedIndexes_const(self.as_raw_PCTSignatures(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Vector::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Number of initial seeds (initial number of clusters) for the k-means algorithm. #[inline] fn get_init_seed_count(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_getInitSeedCount_const(self.as_raw_PCTSignatures(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Number of iterations of the k-means clustering. /// We use fixed number of iterations, since the modified clustering is pruning clusters /// (not iteratively refining k clusters). #[inline] fn get_iteration_count(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_getIterationCount_const(self.as_raw_PCTSignatures(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Maximal number of generated clusters. If the number is exceeded, /// the clusters are sorted by their weights and the smallest clusters are cropped. #[inline] fn get_max_clusters_count(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_getMaxClustersCount_const(self.as_raw_PCTSignatures(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// This parameter multiplied by the index of iteration gives lower limit for cluster size. /// Clusters containing fewer points than specified by the limit have their centroid dismissed /// and points are reassigned. #[inline] fn get_cluster_min_size(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_getClusterMinSize_const(self.as_raw_PCTSignatures(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Threshold euclidean distance between two centroids. /// If two cluster centers are closer than this distance, /// one of the centroid is dismissed and points are reassigned. #[inline] fn get_joining_distance(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_getJoiningDistance_const(self.as_raw_PCTSignatures(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Remove centroids in k-means whose weight is lesser or equal to given threshold. #[inline] fn get_drop_threshold(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_getDropThreshold_const(self.as_raw_PCTSignatures(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Distance function selector used for measuring distance between two points in k-means. #[inline] fn get_distance_function(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_getDistanceFunction_const(self.as_raw_PCTSignatures(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::PCTSignatures] pub trait PCTSignaturesTrait: core::AlgorithmTrait + crate::xfeatures2d::PCTSignaturesTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; /// Color resolution of the greyscale bitmap represented in allocated bits /// (i.e., value 4 means that 16 shades of grey are used). /// The greyscale bitmap is used for computing contrast and entropy values. #[inline] fn set_grayscale_bits(&mut self, grayscale_bits: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_setGrayscaleBits_int(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(), grayscale_bits, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Size of the texture sampling window used to compute contrast and entropy /// (center of the window is always in the pixel selected by x,y coordinates /// of the corresponding feature sample). #[inline] fn set_window_radius(&mut self, radius: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_setWindowRadius_int(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(), radius, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space /// (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast. e = entropy) #[inline] fn set_weight_x(&mut self, weight: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_setWeightX_float(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(), weight, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space /// (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast. e = entropy) #[inline] fn set_weight_y(&mut self, weight: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_setWeightY_float(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(), weight, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space /// (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast. e = entropy) #[inline] fn set_weight_l(&mut self, weight: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_setWeightL_float(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(), weight, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space /// (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast. e = entropy) #[inline] fn set_weight_a(&mut self, weight: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_setWeightA_float(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(), weight, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space /// (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast. e = entropy) #[inline] fn set_weight_b(&mut self, weight: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_setWeightB_float(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(), weight, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space /// (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast. e = entropy) #[inline] fn set_weight_contrast(&mut self, weight: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_setWeightContrast_float(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(), weight, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space /// (x,y = position; L,a,b = color in CIE Lab space; c = contrast. e = entropy) #[inline] fn set_weight_entropy(&mut self, weight: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_setWeightEntropy_float(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(), weight, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space. /// ## Parameters /// * idx: ID of the weight /// * value: Value of the weight /// /// Note: /// WEIGHT_IDX = 0; /// X_IDX = 1; /// Y_IDX = 2; /// L_IDX = 3; /// A_IDX = 4; /// B_IDX = 5; /// CONTRAST_IDX = 6; /// ENTROPY_IDX = 7; #[inline] fn set_weight(&mut self, idx: i32, value: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_setWeight_int_float(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(), idx, value, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Weights (multiplicative constants) that linearly stretch individual axes of the feature space. /// ## Parameters /// * weights: Values of all weights. /// /// Note: /// WEIGHT_IDX = 0; /// X_IDX = 1; /// Y_IDX = 2; /// L_IDX = 3; /// A_IDX = 4; /// B_IDX = 5; /// CONTRAST_IDX = 6; /// ENTROPY_IDX = 7; #[inline] fn set_weights(&mut self, weights: &core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_setWeights_const_vectorLfloatGR(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(), weights.as_raw_VectorOff32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Translations of the individual axes of the feature space. /// ## Parameters /// * idx: ID of the translation /// * value: Value of the translation /// /// Note: /// WEIGHT_IDX = 0; /// X_IDX = 1; /// Y_IDX = 2; /// L_IDX = 3; /// A_IDX = 4; /// B_IDX = 5; /// CONTRAST_IDX = 6; /// ENTROPY_IDX = 7; #[inline] fn set_translation(&mut self, idx: i32, value: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_setTranslation_int_float(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(), idx, value, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Translations of the individual axes of the feature space. /// ## Parameters /// * translations: Values of all translations. /// /// Note: /// WEIGHT_IDX = 0; /// X_IDX = 1; /// Y_IDX = 2; /// L_IDX = 3; /// A_IDX = 4; /// B_IDX = 5; /// CONTRAST_IDX = 6; /// ENTROPY_IDX = 7; #[inline] fn set_translations(&mut self, translations: &core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_setTranslations_const_vectorLfloatGR(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(), translations.as_raw_VectorOff32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Sets sampling points used to sample the input image. /// ## Parameters /// * samplingPoints: Vector of sampling points in range [0..1) /// /// Note: Number of sampling points must be greater or equal to clusterization seed count. #[inline] fn set_sampling_points(&mut self, mut sampling_points: core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_setSamplingPoints_vectorLPoint2fG(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(), sampling_points.as_raw_mut_VectorOfPoint2f(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Initial seed indexes for the k-means algorithm. #[inline] fn set_init_seed_indexes(&mut self, mut init_seed_indexes: core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_setInitSeedIndexes_vectorLintG(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(), init_seed_indexes.as_raw_mut_VectorOfi32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Number of iterations of the k-means clustering. /// We use fixed number of iterations, since the modified clustering is pruning clusters /// (not iteratively refining k clusters). #[inline] fn set_iteration_count(&mut self, iteration_count: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_setIterationCount_int(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(), iteration_count, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Maximal number of generated clusters. If the number is exceeded, /// the clusters are sorted by their weights and the smallest clusters are cropped. #[inline] fn set_max_clusters_count(&mut self, max_clusters_count: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_setMaxClustersCount_int(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(), max_clusters_count, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// This parameter multiplied by the index of iteration gives lower limit for cluster size. /// Clusters containing fewer points than specified by the limit have their centroid dismissed /// and points are reassigned. #[inline] fn set_cluster_min_size(&mut self, cluster_min_size: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_setClusterMinSize_int(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(), cluster_min_size, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Threshold euclidean distance between two centroids. /// If two cluster centers are closer than this distance, /// one of the centroid is dismissed and points are reassigned. #[inline] fn set_joining_distance(&mut self, joining_distance: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_setJoiningDistance_float(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(), joining_distance, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Remove centroids in k-means whose weight is lesser or equal to given threshold. #[inline] fn set_drop_threshold(&mut self, drop_threshold: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_setDropThreshold_float(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(), drop_threshold, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Distance function selector used for measuring distance between two points in k-means. /// Available: L0_25, L0_5, L1, L2, L2SQUARED, L5, L_INFINITY. #[inline] fn set_distance_function(&mut self, distance_function: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_setDistanceFunction_int(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(), distance_function, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Class implementing PCT (position-color-texture) signature extraction /// as described in [KrulisLS16]( /// The algorithm is divided to a feature sampler and a clusterizer. /// Feature sampler produces samples at given set of coordinates. /// Clusterizer then produces clusters of these samples using k-means algorithm. /// Resulting set of clusters is the signature of the input image. /// /// A signature is an array of SIGNATURE_DIMENSION-dimensional points. /// Used dimensions are: /// weight, x, y position; lab color, contrast, entropy. /// [KrulisLS16]( /// [BeecksUS10]( pub struct PCTSignatures { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { PCTSignatures } impl Drop for PCTSignatures { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_delete(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for PCTSignatures {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for PCTSignatures { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for PCTSignatures { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PCTSignatures, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::xfeatures2d::PCTSignaturesTraitConst for PCTSignatures { #[inline] fn as_raw_PCTSignatures(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::xfeatures2d::PCTSignaturesTrait for PCTSignatures { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PCTSignatures, crate::xfeatures2d::PCTSignaturesTraitConst, as_raw_PCTSignatures, crate::xfeatures2d::PCTSignaturesTrait, as_raw_mut_PCTSignatures } impl PCTSignatures { /// Creates PCTSignatures algorithm using sample and seed count. /// It generates its own sets of sampling points and clusterization seed indexes. /// ## Parameters /// * initSampleCount: Number of points used for image sampling. /// * initSeedCount: Number of initial clusterization seeds. /// Must be lower or equal to initSampleCount /// * pointDistribution: Distribution of generated points. Default: UNIFORM. /// Available: UNIFORM, REGULAR, NORMAL. /// ## Returns /// Created algorithm. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * init_sample_count: 2000 /// * init_seed_count: 400 /// * point_distribution: 0 #[inline] pub fn create(init_sample_count: i32, init_seed_count: i32, point_distribution: i32) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_create_const_int_const_int_const_int(init_sample_count, init_seed_count, point_distribution, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Creates PCTSignatures algorithm using sample and seed count. /// It generates its own sets of sampling points and clusterization seed indexes. /// ## Parameters /// * initSampleCount: Number of points used for image sampling. /// * initSeedCount: Number of initial clusterization seeds. /// Must be lower or equal to initSampleCount /// * pointDistribution: Distribution of generated points. Default: UNIFORM. /// Available: UNIFORM, REGULAR, NORMAL. /// ## Returns /// Created algorithm. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [PCTSignatures::create] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * init_sample_count: 2000 /// * init_seed_count: 400 /// * point_distribution: 0 #[inline] pub fn create_def() -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_create(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Creates PCTSignatures algorithm using pre-generated sampling points /// and number of clusterization seeds. It uses the provided /// sampling points and generates its own clusterization seed indexes. /// ## Parameters /// * initSamplingPoints: Sampling points used in image sampling. /// * initSeedCount: Number of initial clusterization seeds. /// Must be lower or equal to initSamplingPoints.size(). /// ## Returns /// Created algorithm. #[inline] pub fn create_1(init_sampling_points: &core::Vector, init_seed_count: i32) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_create_const_vectorLPoint2fGR_const_int(init_sampling_points.as_raw_VectorOfPoint2f(), init_seed_count, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Creates PCTSignatures algorithm using pre-generated sampling points /// and clusterization seeds indexes. /// ## Parameters /// * initSamplingPoints: Sampling points used in image sampling. /// * initClusterSeedIndexes: Indexes of initial clusterization seeds. /// Its size must be lower or equal to initSamplingPoints.size(). /// ## Returns /// Created algorithm. #[inline] pub fn create_2(init_sampling_points: &core::Vector, init_cluster_seed_indexes: &core::Vector) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_create_const_vectorLPoint2fGR_const_vectorLintGR(init_sampling_points.as_raw_VectorOfPoint2f(), init_cluster_seed_indexes.as_raw_VectorOfi32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Draws signature in the source image and outputs the result. /// Signatures are visualized as a circle /// with radius based on signature weight /// and color based on signature color. /// Contrast and entropy are not visualized. /// ## Parameters /// * source: Source image. /// * signature: Image signature. /// * result: Output result. /// * radiusToShorterSideRatio: Determines maximal radius of signature in the output image. /// * borderThickness: Border thickness of the visualized signature. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * radius_to_shorter_side_ratio: 1.0/8 /// * border_thickness: 1 #[inline] pub fn draw_signature(source: &impl ToInputArray, signature: &impl ToInputArray, result: &mut impl ToOutputArray, radius_to_shorter_side_ratio: f32, border_thickness: i32) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(source); input_array_arg!(signature); output_array_arg!(result); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_drawSignature_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR_float_int(source.as_raw__InputArray(), signature.as_raw__InputArray(), result.as_raw__OutputArray(), radius_to_shorter_side_ratio, border_thickness, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Draws signature in the source image and outputs the result. /// Signatures are visualized as a circle /// with radius based on signature weight /// and color based on signature color. /// Contrast and entropy are not visualized. /// ## Parameters /// * source: Source image. /// * signature: Image signature. /// * result: Output result. /// * radiusToShorterSideRatio: Determines maximal radius of signature in the output image. /// * borderThickness: Border thickness of the visualized signature. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [PCTSignatures::draw_signature] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * radius_to_shorter_side_ratio: 1.0/8 /// * border_thickness: 1 #[inline] pub fn draw_signature_def(source: &impl ToInputArray, signature: &impl ToInputArray, result: &mut impl ToOutputArray) -> Result<()> { input_array_arg!(source); input_array_arg!(signature); output_array_arg!(result); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_drawSignature_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR_const__OutputArrayR(source.as_raw__InputArray(), signature.as_raw__InputArray(), result.as_raw__OutputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Generates initial sampling points according to selected point distribution. /// ## Parameters /// * initPoints: Output vector where the generated points will be saved. /// * count: Number of points to generate. /// * pointDistribution: Point distribution selector. /// Available: UNIFORM, REGULAR, NORMAL. /// /// Note: Generated coordinates are in range [0..1) #[inline] pub fn generate_init_points(init_points: &mut core::Vector, count: i32, point_distribution: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_generateInitPoints_vectorLPoint2fGR_const_int_int(init_points.as_raw_mut_VectorOfPoint2f(), count, point_distribution, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { PCTSignatures, core::Algorithm, cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignatures_to_Algorithm } impl std::fmt::Debug for PCTSignatures { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("PCTSignatures") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::PCTSignaturesSQFD] pub trait PCTSignaturesSQFDTraitConst: core::AlgorithmTraitConst { fn as_raw_PCTSignaturesSQFD(&self) -> *const c_void; /// Computes Signature Quadratic Form Distance of two signatures. /// ## Parameters /// * _signature0: The first signature. /// * _signature1: The second signature. #[inline] fn compute_quadratic_form_distance(&self, _signature0: &impl ToInputArray, _signature1: &impl ToInputArray) -> Result { input_array_arg!(_signature0); input_array_arg!(_signature1); return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignaturesSQFD_computeQuadraticFormDistance_const_const__InputArrayR_const__InputArrayR(self.as_raw_PCTSignaturesSQFD(), _signature0.as_raw__InputArray(), _signature1.as_raw__InputArray(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } /// Computes Signature Quadratic Form Distance between the reference signature /// and each of the other image signatures. /// ## Parameters /// * sourceSignature: The signature to measure distance of other signatures from. /// * imageSignatures: Vector of signatures to measure distance from the source signature. /// * distances: Output vector of measured distances. #[inline] fn compute_quadratic_form_distances(&self, source_signature: &impl core::MatTraitConst, image_signatures: &core::Vector, distances: &mut core::Vector) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignaturesSQFD_computeQuadraticFormDistances_const_const_MatR_const_vectorLMatGR_vectorLfloatGR(self.as_raw_PCTSignaturesSQFD(), source_signature.as_raw_Mat(), image_signatures.as_raw_VectorOfMat(), distances.as_raw_mut_VectorOff32(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::PCTSignaturesSQFD] pub trait PCTSignaturesSQFDTrait: core::AlgorithmTrait + crate::xfeatures2d::PCTSignaturesSQFDTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_PCTSignaturesSQFD(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } /// Class implementing Signature Quadratic Form Distance (SQFD). /// ## See also /// Christian Beecks, Merih Seran Uysal, Thomas Seidl. /// Signature quadratic form distance. /// In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, pages 438-445. /// ACM, 2010. /// [BeecksUS10]( pub struct PCTSignaturesSQFD { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { PCTSignaturesSQFD } impl Drop for PCTSignaturesSQFD { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignaturesSQFD_delete(self.as_raw_mut_PCTSignaturesSQFD()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for PCTSignaturesSQFD {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for PCTSignaturesSQFD { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for PCTSignaturesSQFD { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PCTSignaturesSQFD, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::xfeatures2d::PCTSignaturesSQFDTraitConst for PCTSignaturesSQFD { #[inline] fn as_raw_PCTSignaturesSQFD(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::xfeatures2d::PCTSignaturesSQFDTrait for PCTSignaturesSQFD { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_PCTSignaturesSQFD(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { PCTSignaturesSQFD, crate::xfeatures2d::PCTSignaturesSQFDTraitConst, as_raw_PCTSignaturesSQFD, crate::xfeatures2d::PCTSignaturesSQFDTrait, as_raw_mut_PCTSignaturesSQFD } impl PCTSignaturesSQFD { /// Creates the algorithm instance using selected distance function, /// similarity function and similarity function parameter. /// ## Parameters /// * distanceFunction: Distance function selector. Default: L2 /// Available: L0_25, L0_5, L1, L2, L2SQUARED, L5, L_INFINITY /// * similarityFunction: Similarity function selector. Default: HEURISTIC /// Available: MINUS, GAUSSIAN, HEURISTIC /// * similarityParameter: Parameter of the similarity function. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * distance_function: 3 /// * similarity_function: 2 /// * similarity_parameter: 1.0f #[inline] pub fn create(distance_function: i32, similarity_function: i32, similarity_parameter: f32) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignaturesSQFD_create_const_int_const_int_const_float(distance_function, similarity_function, similarity_parameter, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Creates the algorithm instance using selected distance function, /// similarity function and similarity function parameter. /// ## Parameters /// * distanceFunction: Distance function selector. Default: L2 /// Available: L0_25, L0_5, L1, L2, L2SQUARED, L5, L_INFINITY /// * similarityFunction: Similarity function selector. Default: HEURISTIC /// Available: MINUS, GAUSSIAN, HEURISTIC /// * similarityParameter: Parameter of the similarity function. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [PCTSignaturesSQFD::create] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * distance_function: 3 /// * similarity_function: 2 /// * similarity_parameter: 1.0f #[inline] pub fn create_def() -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignaturesSQFD_create(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { PCTSignaturesSQFD, core::Algorithm, cv_xfeatures2d_PCTSignaturesSQFD_to_Algorithm } impl std::fmt::Debug for PCTSignaturesSQFD { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("PCTSignaturesSQFD") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::SURF] pub trait SURFTraitConst: crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst { fn as_raw_SURF(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn get_hessian_threshold(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_SURF_getHessianThreshold_const(self.as_raw_SURF(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_n_octaves(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_SURF_getNOctaves_const(self.as_raw_SURF(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_n_octave_layers(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_SURF_getNOctaveLayers_const(self.as_raw_SURF(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_extended(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_SURF_getExtended_const(self.as_raw_SURF(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_upright(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_SURF_getUpright_const(self.as_raw_SURF(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_default_name(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_SURF_getDefaultName_const(self.as_raw_SURF(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::SURF] pub trait SURFTrait: crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait + crate::xfeatures2d::SURFTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_SURF(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_hessian_threshold(&mut self, hessian_threshold: f64) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_SURF_setHessianThreshold_double(self.as_raw_mut_SURF(), hessian_threshold, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_n_octaves(&mut self, n_octaves: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_SURF_setNOctaves_int(self.as_raw_mut_SURF(), n_octaves, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_n_octave_layers(&mut self, n_octave_layers: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_SURF_setNOctaveLayers_int(self.as_raw_mut_SURF(), n_octave_layers, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_extended(&mut self, extended: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_SURF_setExtended_bool(self.as_raw_mut_SURF(), extended, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_upright(&mut self, upright: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_SURF_setUpright_bool(self.as_raw_mut_SURF(), upright, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Class for extracting Speeded Up Robust Features from an image [Bay06]( . /// /// The algorithm parameters: /// * member int extended /// * 0 means that the basic descriptors (64 elements each) shall be computed /// * 1 means that the extended descriptors (128 elements each) shall be computed /// * member int upright /// * 0 means that detector computes orientation of each feature. /// * 1 means that the orientation is not computed (which is much, much faster). For example, /// if you match images from a stereo pair, or do image stitching, the matched features /// likely have very similar angles, and you can speed up feature extraction by setting /// upright=1. /// * member double hessianThreshold /// Threshold for the keypoint detector. Only features, whose hessian is larger than /// hessianThreshold are retained by the detector. Therefore, the larger the value, the less /// keypoints you will get. A good default value could be from 300 to 500, depending from the /// image contrast. /// * member int nOctaves /// The number of a gaussian pyramid octaves that the detector uses. It is set to 4 by default. /// If you want to get very large features, use the larger value. If you want just small /// features, decrease it. /// * member int nOctaveLayers /// The number of images within each octave of a gaussian pyramid. It is set to 2 by default. /// /// Note: /// * An example using the SURF feature detector can be found at /// opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/generic_descriptor_match.cpp /// * Another example using the SURF feature detector, extractor and matcher can be found at /// opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/matcher_simple.cpp pub struct SURF { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { SURF } impl Drop for SURF { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_SURF_delete(self.as_raw_mut_SURF()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for SURF {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for SURF { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for SURF { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SURF, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst for SURF { #[inline] fn as_raw_Feature2D(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait for SURF { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Feature2D(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SURF, crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst, as_raw_Feature2D, crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait, as_raw_mut_Feature2D } impl crate::xfeatures2d::SURFTraitConst for SURF { #[inline] fn as_raw_SURF(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::xfeatures2d::SURFTrait for SURF { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_SURF(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { SURF, crate::xfeatures2d::SURFTraitConst, as_raw_SURF, crate::xfeatures2d::SURFTrait, as_raw_mut_SURF } impl SURF { /// ## Parameters /// * hessianThreshold: Threshold for hessian keypoint detector used in SURF. /// * nOctaves: Number of pyramid octaves the keypoint detector will use. /// * nOctaveLayers: Number of octave layers within each octave. /// * extended: Extended descriptor flag (true - use extended 128-element descriptors; false - use /// 64-element descriptors). /// * upright: Up-right or rotated features flag (true - do not compute orientation of features; /// false - compute orientation). /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * hessian_threshold: 100 /// * n_octaves: 4 /// * n_octave_layers: 3 /// * extended: false /// * upright: false #[inline] pub fn create(hessian_threshold: f64, n_octaves: i32, n_octave_layers: i32, extended: bool, upright: bool) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_SURF_create_double_int_int_bool_bool(hessian_threshold, n_octaves, n_octave_layers, extended, upright, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## Parameters /// * hessianThreshold: Threshold for hessian keypoint detector used in SURF. /// * nOctaves: Number of pyramid octaves the keypoint detector will use. /// * nOctaveLayers: Number of octave layers within each octave. /// * extended: Extended descriptor flag (true - use extended 128-element descriptors; false - use /// 64-element descriptors). /// * upright: Up-right or rotated features flag (true - do not compute orientation of features; /// false - compute orientation). /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [SURF::create] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * hessian_threshold: 100 /// * n_octaves: 4 /// * n_octave_layers: 3 /// * extended: false /// * upright: false #[inline] pub fn create_def() -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_SURF_create(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { SURF, core::Algorithm, cv_xfeatures2d_SURF_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { SURF, crate::features2d::Feature2D, cv_xfeatures2d_SURF_to_Feature2D } impl std::fmt::Debug for SURF { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("SURF") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::StarDetector] pub trait StarDetectorTraitConst: crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst { fn as_raw_StarDetector(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn get_max_size(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_StarDetector_getMaxSize_const(self.as_raw_StarDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_response_threshold(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_StarDetector_getResponseThreshold_const(self.as_raw_StarDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_line_threshold_projected(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_StarDetector_getLineThresholdProjected_const(self.as_raw_StarDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_line_threshold_binarized(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_StarDetector_getLineThresholdBinarized_const(self.as_raw_StarDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_suppress_nonmax_size(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_StarDetector_getSuppressNonmaxSize_const(self.as_raw_StarDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_default_name(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_StarDetector_getDefaultName_const(self.as_raw_StarDetector(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::StarDetector] pub trait StarDetectorTrait: crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait + crate::xfeatures2d::StarDetectorTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_StarDetector(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_max_size(&mut self, _max_size: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_StarDetector_setMaxSize_int(self.as_raw_mut_StarDetector(), _max_size, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_response_threshold(&mut self, _response_threshold: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_StarDetector_setResponseThreshold_int(self.as_raw_mut_StarDetector(), _response_threshold, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_line_threshold_projected(&mut self, _line_threshold_projected: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_StarDetector_setLineThresholdProjected_int(self.as_raw_mut_StarDetector(), _line_threshold_projected, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_line_threshold_binarized(&mut self, _line_threshold_binarized: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_StarDetector_setLineThresholdBinarized_int(self.as_raw_mut_StarDetector(), _line_threshold_binarized, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_suppress_nonmax_size(&mut self, _suppress_nonmax_size: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_StarDetector_setSuppressNonmaxSize_int(self.as_raw_mut_StarDetector(), _suppress_nonmax_size, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// The class implements the keypoint detector introduced by [Agrawal08](, synonym of StarDetector. : pub struct StarDetector { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { StarDetector } impl Drop for StarDetector { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_StarDetector_delete(self.as_raw_mut_StarDetector()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for StarDetector {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for StarDetector { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for StarDetector { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { StarDetector, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst for StarDetector { #[inline] fn as_raw_Feature2D(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait for StarDetector { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Feature2D(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { StarDetector, crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst, as_raw_Feature2D, crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait, as_raw_mut_Feature2D } impl crate::xfeatures2d::StarDetectorTraitConst for StarDetector { #[inline] fn as_raw_StarDetector(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::xfeatures2d::StarDetectorTrait for StarDetector { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_StarDetector(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { StarDetector, crate::xfeatures2d::StarDetectorTraitConst, as_raw_StarDetector, crate::xfeatures2d::StarDetectorTrait, as_raw_mut_StarDetector } impl StarDetector { /// the full constructor /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * max_size: 45 /// * response_threshold: 30 /// * line_threshold_projected: 10 /// * line_threshold_binarized: 8 /// * suppress_nonmax_size: 5 #[inline] pub fn create(max_size: i32, response_threshold: i32, line_threshold_projected: i32, line_threshold_binarized: i32, suppress_nonmax_size: i32) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_StarDetector_create_int_int_int_int_int(max_size, response_threshold, line_threshold_projected, line_threshold_binarized, suppress_nonmax_size, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// the full constructor /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [StarDetector::create] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * max_size: 45 /// * response_threshold: 30 /// * line_threshold_projected: 10 /// * line_threshold_binarized: 8 /// * suppress_nonmax_size: 5 #[inline] pub fn create_def() -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_StarDetector_create(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { StarDetector, core::Algorithm, cv_xfeatures2d_StarDetector_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { StarDetector, crate::features2d::Feature2D, cv_xfeatures2d_StarDetector_to_Feature2D } impl std::fmt::Debug for StarDetector { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("StarDetector") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::TBMR] pub trait TBMRTraitConst: crate::xfeatures2d::AffineFeature2DTraitConst { fn as_raw_TBMR(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn get_min_area(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_TBMR_getMinArea_const(self.as_raw_TBMR(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_max_area_relative(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_TBMR_getMaxAreaRelative_const(self.as_raw_TBMR(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_scale_factor(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_TBMR_getScaleFactor_const(self.as_raw_TBMR(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_n_scales(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_TBMR_getNScales_const(self.as_raw_TBMR(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::TBMR] pub trait TBMRTrait: crate::xfeatures2d::AffineFeature2DTrait + crate::xfeatures2d::TBMRTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_TBMR(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_min_area(&mut self, min_area: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_TBMR_setMinArea_int(self.as_raw_mut_TBMR(), min_area, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_max_area_relative(&mut self, max_area: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_TBMR_setMaxAreaRelative_float(self.as_raw_mut_TBMR(), max_area, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_scale_factor(&mut self, scale_factor: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_TBMR_setScaleFactor_float(self.as_raw_mut_TBMR(), scale_factor, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_n_scales(&mut self, n_scales: i32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_TBMR_setNScales_int(self.as_raw_mut_TBMR(), n_scales, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Class implementing the Tree Based Morse Regions (TBMR) as described in /// [Najman2014]( extended with scaled extraction ability. /// /// ## Parameters /// * min_area: prune areas smaller than minArea /// * max_area_relative: prune areas bigger than maxArea = max_area_relative * /// input_image_size /// * scale_factor: scale factor for scaled extraction. /// * n_scales: number of applications of the scale factor (octaves). /// /// /// Note: This algorithm is based on Component Tree (Min/Max) as well as MSER but /// uses a Morse-theory approach to extract features. /// /// Features are ellipses (similar to MSER, however a MSER feature can never be a /// TBMR feature and vice versa). pub struct TBMR { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { TBMR } impl Drop for TBMR { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_TBMR_delete(self.as_raw_mut_TBMR()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for TBMR {} impl crate::xfeatures2d::AffineFeature2DTraitConst for TBMR { #[inline] fn as_raw_AffineFeature2D(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::xfeatures2d::AffineFeature2DTrait for TBMR { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_AffineFeature2D(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TBMR, crate::xfeatures2d::AffineFeature2DTraitConst, as_raw_AffineFeature2D, crate::xfeatures2d::AffineFeature2DTrait, as_raw_mut_AffineFeature2D } impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for TBMR { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for TBMR { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TBMR, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst for TBMR { #[inline] fn as_raw_Feature2D(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait for TBMR { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Feature2D(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TBMR, crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst, as_raw_Feature2D, crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait, as_raw_mut_Feature2D } impl crate::xfeatures2d::TBMRTraitConst for TBMR { #[inline] fn as_raw_TBMR(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::xfeatures2d::TBMRTrait for TBMR { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_TBMR(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TBMR, crate::xfeatures2d::TBMRTraitConst, as_raw_TBMR, crate::xfeatures2d::TBMRTrait, as_raw_mut_TBMR } impl TBMR { /// ## C++ default parameters /// * min_area: 60 /// * max_area_relative: 0.01f /// * scale_factor: 1.25f /// * n_scales: -1 #[inline] pub fn create(min_area: i32, max_area_relative: f32, scale_factor: f32, n_scales: i32) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_TBMR_create_int_float_float_int(min_area, max_area_relative, scale_factor, n_scales, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [TBMR::create] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * min_area: 60 /// * max_area_relative: 0.01f /// * scale_factor: 1.25f /// * n_scales: -1 #[inline] pub fn create_def() -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_TBMR_create(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { TBMR, crate::xfeatures2d::AffineFeature2D, cv_xfeatures2d_TBMR_to_AffineFeature2D } boxed_cast_base! { TBMR, core::Algorithm, cv_xfeatures2d_TBMR_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { TBMR, crate::features2d::Feature2D, cv_xfeatures2d_TBMR_to_Feature2D } impl std::fmt::Debug for TBMR { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("TBMR") .finish() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::TEBLID] pub trait TEBLIDTraitConst: crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst { fn as_raw_TEBLID(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn get_default_name(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_TEBLID_getDefaultName_const(self.as_raw_TEBLID(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::TEBLID] pub trait TEBLIDTrait: crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait + crate::xfeatures2d::TEBLIDTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_TEBLID(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; } /// Class implementing TEBLID (Triplet-based Efficient Binary Local Image Descriptor), /// described in [Suarez2021TEBLID]( /// /// TEBLID stands for Triplet-based Efficient Binary Local Image Descriptor, although originally it was called BAD /// \cite Suarez2021TEBLID. It is an improvement over BEBLID \cite Suarez2020BEBLID, that uses triplet loss, /// hard negative mining, and anchor swap to improve the image matching results. /// It is able to describe keypoints from any detector just by changing the scale_factor parameter. /// TEBLID is as efficient as ORB, BEBLID or BRISK, but the triplet-based training objective selected more /// discriminative features that explain the accuracy gain. It is also more compact than BEBLID, /// when running the [AKAZE example]( /// with 10000 keypoints detected by ORB, BEBLID obtains 561 inliers (75%) with 512 bits, whereas /// TEBLID obtains 621 (75.2%) with 256 bits. ORB obtains only 493 inliers (63%). /// /// If you find this code useful, please add a reference to the following paper: ///
Iago Suárez, José M. Buenaposada, and Luis Baumela. /// Revisiting Binary Local Image Description for Resource Limited Devices. /// IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 8317-8324, Oct. 2021.
/// /// The descriptor was trained in Liberty split of the UBC datasets \cite winder2007learning . pub struct TEBLID { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { TEBLID } impl Drop for TEBLID { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_TEBLID_delete(self.as_raw_mut_TEBLID()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for TEBLID {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for TEBLID { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for TEBLID { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TEBLID, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst for TEBLID { #[inline] fn as_raw_Feature2D(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait for TEBLID { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Feature2D(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TEBLID, crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst, as_raw_Feature2D, crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait, as_raw_mut_Feature2D } impl crate::xfeatures2d::TEBLIDTraitConst for TEBLID { #[inline] fn as_raw_TEBLID(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::xfeatures2d::TEBLIDTrait for TEBLID { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_TEBLID(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { TEBLID, crate::xfeatures2d::TEBLIDTraitConst, as_raw_TEBLID, crate::xfeatures2d::TEBLIDTrait, as_raw_mut_TEBLID } impl TEBLID { /// Creates a default instance of the class by calling the default constructor #[inline] fn default() -> Self { unsafe { Self::from_raw(sys::cv_xfeatures2d_TEBLID_defaultNew_const()) } } /// Creates the TEBLID descriptor. /// ## Parameters /// * scale_factor: Adjust the sampling window around detected keypoints: /// - 1.00f should be the scale for ORB keypoints /// - 6.75f should be the scale for SIFT detected keypoints /// - 6.25f is default and fits for KAZE, SURF detected keypoints /// - 5.00f should be the scale for AKAZE, MSD, AGAST, FAST, BRISK keypoints /// * n_bits: Determine the number of bits in the descriptor. Should be either /// TEBLID::SIZE_256_BITS or TEBLID::SIZE_512_BITS. /// /// ## C++ default parameters /// * n_bits: TEBLID::SIZE_256_BITS #[inline] pub fn create(scale_factor: f32, n_bits: i32) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_TEBLID_create_float_int(scale_factor, n_bits, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// Creates the TEBLID descriptor. /// ## Parameters /// * scale_factor: Adjust the sampling window around detected keypoints: /// - 1.00f should be the scale for ORB keypoints /// - 6.75f should be the scale for SIFT detected keypoints /// - 6.25f is default and fits for KAZE, SURF detected keypoints /// - 5.00f should be the scale for AKAZE, MSD, AGAST, FAST, BRISK keypoints /// * n_bits: Determine the number of bits in the descriptor. Should be either /// TEBLID::SIZE_256_BITS or TEBLID::SIZE_512_BITS. /// /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [TEBLID::create] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * n_bits: TEBLID::SIZE_256_BITS #[inline] pub fn create_def(scale_factor: f32) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_TEBLID_create_float(scale_factor, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { TEBLID, core::Algorithm, cv_xfeatures2d_TEBLID_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { TEBLID, crate::features2d::Feature2D, cv_xfeatures2d_TEBLID_to_Feature2D } impl std::fmt::Debug for TEBLID { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("TEBLID") .finish() } } impl Default for TEBLID { #[inline] /// Forwards to infallible Self::default() fn default() -> Self { Self::default() } } /// Constant methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::VGG] pub trait VGGTraitConst: crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst { fn as_raw_VGG(&self) -> *const c_void; #[inline] fn get_default_name(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_VGG_getDefaultName_const(self.as_raw_VGG(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { String::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_sigma(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_VGG_getSigma_const(self.as_raw_VGG(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_use_normalize_image(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_VGG_getUseNormalizeImage_const(self.as_raw_VGG(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_use_scale_orientation(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_VGG_getUseScaleOrientation_const(self.as_raw_VGG(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_scale_factor(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_VGG_getScaleFactor_const(self.as_raw_VGG(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn get_use_normalize_descriptor(&self) -> Result { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_VGG_getUseNormalizeDescriptor_const(self.as_raw_VGG(), ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Mutable methods for [crate::xfeatures2d::VGG] pub trait VGGTrait: crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait + crate::xfeatures2d::VGGTraitConst { fn as_raw_mut_VGG(&mut self) -> *mut c_void; #[inline] fn set_sigma(&mut self, isigma: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_VGG_setSigma_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_VGG(), isigma, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_use_normalize_image(&mut self, img_normalize: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_VGG_setUseNormalizeImage_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_VGG(), img_normalize, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_use_scale_orientation(&mut self, use_scale_orientation: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_VGG_setUseScaleOrientation_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_VGG(), use_scale_orientation, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_scale_factor(&mut self, scale_factor: f32) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_VGG_setScaleFactor_const_float(self.as_raw_mut_VGG(), scale_factor, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } #[inline] fn set_use_normalize_descriptor(&mut self, dsc_normalize: bool) -> Result<()> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_VGG_setUseNormalizeDescriptor_const_bool(self.as_raw_mut_VGG(), dsc_normalize, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; Ok(ret) } } /// Class implementing VGG (Oxford Visual Geometry Group) descriptor trained end to end /// using "Descriptor Learning Using Convex Optimisation" (DLCO) aparatus described in [Simonyan14]( /// /// ## Parameters /// * desc: type of descriptor to use, VGG::VGG_120 is default (120 dimensions float) /// Available types are VGG::VGG_120, VGG::VGG_80, VGG::VGG_64, VGG::VGG_48 /// * isigma: gaussian kernel value for image blur (default is 1.4f) /// * img_normalize: use image sample intensity normalization (enabled by default) /// * use_orientation: sample patterns using keypoints orientation, enabled by default /// * scale_factor: adjust the sampling window of detected keypoints to 64.0f (VGG sampling window) /// 6.25f is default and fits for KAZE, SURF detected keypoints window ratio /// 6.75f should be the scale for SIFT detected keypoints window ratio /// 5.00f should be the scale for AKAZE, MSD, AGAST, FAST, BRISK keypoints window ratio /// 0.75f should be the scale for ORB keypoints ratio /// /// * dsc_normalize: clamp descriptors to 255 and convert to uchar CV_8UC1 (disabled by default) pub struct VGG { ptr: *mut c_void, } opencv_type_boxed! { VGG } impl Drop for VGG { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_VGG_delete(self.as_raw_mut_VGG()) }; } } unsafe impl Send for VGG {} impl core::AlgorithmTraitConst for VGG { #[inline] fn as_raw_Algorithm(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl core::AlgorithmTrait for VGG { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Algorithm(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { VGG, core::AlgorithmTraitConst, as_raw_Algorithm, core::AlgorithmTrait, as_raw_mut_Algorithm } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst for VGG { #[inline] fn as_raw_Feature2D(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait for VGG { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_Feature2D(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { VGG, crate::features2d::Feature2DTraitConst, as_raw_Feature2D, crate::features2d::Feature2DTrait, as_raw_mut_Feature2D } impl crate::xfeatures2d::VGGTraitConst for VGG { #[inline] fn as_raw_VGG(&self) -> *const c_void { self.as_raw() } } impl crate::xfeatures2d::VGGTrait for VGG { #[inline] fn as_raw_mut_VGG(&mut self) -> *mut c_void { self.as_raw_mut() } } boxed_ref! { VGG, crate::xfeatures2d::VGGTraitConst, as_raw_VGG, crate::xfeatures2d::VGGTrait, as_raw_mut_VGG } impl VGG { /// ## C++ default parameters /// * desc: VGG::VGG_120 /// * isigma: 1.4f /// * img_normalize: true /// * use_scale_orientation: true /// * scale_factor: 6.25f /// * dsc_normalize: false #[inline] pub fn create(desc: i32, isigma: f32, img_normalize: bool, use_scale_orientation: bool, scale_factor: f32, dsc_normalize: bool) -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_VGG_create_int_float_bool_bool_float_bool(desc, isigma, img_normalize, use_scale_orientation, scale_factor, dsc_normalize, ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } /// ## Note /// This alternative version of [VGG::create] function uses the following default values for its arguments: /// * desc: VGG::VGG_120 /// * isigma: 1.4f /// * img_normalize: true /// * use_scale_orientation: true /// * scale_factor: 6.25f /// * dsc_normalize: false #[inline] pub fn create_def() -> Result> { return_send!(via ocvrs_return); unsafe { sys::cv_xfeatures2d_VGG_create(ocvrs_return.as_mut_ptr()) }; return_receive!(unsafe ocvrs_return => ret); let ret = ret.into_result()?; let ret = unsafe { core::Ptr::::opencv_from_extern(ret) }; Ok(ret) } } boxed_cast_base! { VGG, core::Algorithm, cv_xfeatures2d_VGG_to_Algorithm } boxed_cast_base! { VGG, crate::features2d::Feature2D, cv_xfeatures2d_VGG_to_Feature2D } impl std::fmt::Debug for VGG { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("VGG") .finish() } } }