# Contributing ## Get Started - `cargo check` to analyze the current package and report errors. - `cargo build` to compile the current package. - `cargo clippy` to catch common mistakes and improve code. - `cargo test` to run unit tests. - `cargo bench` to run benchmark tests. Useful tips: - Check/Build/Test/Clippy all code: `cargo --tests --benches --examples` - Test specific function: `cargo test tests::it::services::fs` ## Tests We have unit tests and behavior tests. ### Unit Tests Unit tests are placed under `src/tests`, organized by mod. To run all unit tests: ```shell cargo test ``` ### Behavior Tests Behavior Tests are used to make sure every service works correctly. ```shell # Setup env cp .env.example .env # Run tests cargo test ``` Please visit [Behavior Test README](./tests/behavior/README.md) for more details. ## Benchmark We use Ops Benchmark Tests to measure every operation's performance on the target platform. ```shell # Setup env cp .env.example .env # Run benches cargo bench ``` Please visit [Ops Benchmark README](./benches/ops/README.md) for more details.