syntax = "proto3"; package openfga.v1; import "protoc-gen-openapiv2/options/annotations.proto"; option (grpc.gateway.protoc_gen_openapiv2.options.openapiv2_swagger) = { info: { title: "OpenFGA"; description: "A high performance and flexible authorization/permission engine built for developers and inspired by Google Zanzibar."; version: "0.1"; contact: { name: "OpenFGA"; email: ""; url: ""; }; license: { name: "Apache-2.0"; url: ""; }; }; consumes: "application/json"; produces: "application/json"; schemes: HTTPS; responses: { key: "400" value: { description: "Request failed due to invalid input." schema: { json_schema: {ref: ".openfga.v1.ValidationErrorMessageResponse"} } } } responses: { key: "404" value: { description: "Request failed due to incorrect path." schema: { json_schema: {ref: ".openfga.v1.PathUnknownErrorMessageResponse"} } } } responses: { key: "409" value: { description: "Request was aborted due a transaction conflict." schema: { json_schema: {ref: ".openfga.v1.AbortedMessageResponse"} } } } responses: { key: "500" value: { description: "Request failed due to internal server error." schema: { json_schema: {ref: ".openfga.v1.InternalErrorMessageResponse"} } } } };