#![allow(clippy::cognitive_complexity, clippy::expect_fun_call)] extern crate color_backtrace; extern crate env_logger; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::sync::Once; use std::time::Duration; use openidconnect::core::{ CoreApplicationType, CoreClientRegistrationRequest, CoreClientRegistrationResponse, CoreProviderMetadata, }; use openidconnect::{ ClientContactEmail, ClientName, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, IssuerUrl, RedirectUrl, }; pub const CERTIFICATION_BASE_URL: &str = "https://rp.certification.openid.net:8080"; pub const RP_CONTACT_EMAIL: &str = "ramos@cs.stanford.edu"; pub const RP_NAME: &str = "openidconnect-rs"; pub const RP_REDIRECT_URI: &str = "http://localhost:8080"; static INIT_LOG: Once = Once::new(); thread_local! { static TEST_ID: RefCell<&'static str> = RefCell::new("UNINITIALIZED_TEST_ID"); } pub fn get_test_id() -> &'static str { TEST_ID.with(|id| *id.borrow()) } pub fn set_test_id(test_id: &'static str) { TEST_ID.with(|id| *id.borrow_mut() = test_id); } #[macro_export] macro_rules! log_error { ($($args:tt)+) => { error!("[{}] {}", rp_common::get_test_id(), format!($($args)+)) } } #[macro_export] macro_rules! log_info { ($($args:tt)+) => { info!("[{}] {}", rp_common::get_test_id(), format!($($args)+)); } } #[macro_export] macro_rules! log_debug { ($($args:tt)+) => { debug!("[{}] {}", rp_common::get_test_id(), format!($($args)+)); } } #[macro_export] macro_rules! log_container_field { ($container:ident. $field:ident) => { log_info!( concat!(" ", stringify!($field), " = {:?}"), $container.$field() ); }; } fn _init_log() { color_backtrace::install(); env_logger::init(); } pub fn init_log(test_id: &'static str) { INIT_LOG.call_once(_init_log); set_test_id(test_id); } pub fn http_client( request: HttpRequest, ) -> Result { retry::retry( (0..5).map(|i| { if i != 0 { warn!("Retrying HTTP request ({}/5)", i + 1) } Duration::from_millis(500) }), || openidconnect::reqwest::http_client(request.clone()), ) .map_err(|err| match err { retry::Error::Operation { error, .. } => error, retry::Error::Internal(msg) => openidconnect::reqwest::Error::Other(msg), }) } pub trait PanicIfFail where F: std::error::Error, { fn panic_if_fail(self, msg: &'static str) -> T; } impl PanicIfFail for Result where F: std::error::Error, { fn panic_if_fail(self, msg: &'static str) -> T { match self { Ok(ret) => ret, Err(fail) => { let mut err_msg = format!("Panic: {}", msg); let mut cur_fail: Option<&dyn std::error::Error> = Some(&fail); while let Some(cause) = cur_fail { err_msg += &format!("\n caused by: {}", cause); cur_fail = cause.source(); } error!("[{}] {}", get_test_id(), err_msg); panic!("{}", msg); } } } } pub fn issuer_url(test_id: &str) -> IssuerUrl { IssuerUrl::new(format!( "{}/{}/{}", CERTIFICATION_BASE_URL, RP_NAME, test_id )) .expect("Failed to parse issuer URL") } pub fn get_provider_metadata(test_id: &str) -> CoreProviderMetadata { let _issuer_url = issuer_url(test_id); CoreProviderMetadata::discover(&_issuer_url, http_client).expect(&format!( "Failed to fetch provider metadata from {:?}", _issuer_url )) } pub fn register_client( provider_metadata: &CoreProviderMetadata, request_fn: F, ) -> CoreClientRegistrationResponse where F: FnOnce(CoreClientRegistrationRequest) -> CoreClientRegistrationRequest, { let registration_request_pre = CoreClientRegistrationRequest::new( vec![RedirectUrl::new(RP_REDIRECT_URI.to_string()).unwrap()], Default::default(), ) .set_application_type(Some(CoreApplicationType::Native)) .set_client_name(Some( vec![(None, ClientName::new(RP_NAME.to_string()))] .into_iter() .collect(), )) .set_contacts(Some(vec![ClientContactEmail::new( RP_CONTACT_EMAIL.to_string(), )])); let registration_request_post = request_fn(registration_request_pre); let registration_endpoint = provider_metadata .registration_endpoint() .expect("provider does not support dynamic registration"); registration_request_post .register(registration_endpoint, http_client) .expect(&format!( "Failed to register client at {:?}", registration_endpoint )) }