/* Portions copyright (c) 2010-2018 Stanford University and Simbios. * Contributors: Peter Eastman * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject * to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include "SimTKOpenMMUtilities.h" #include "ReferenceCustomAngleIxn.h" #include "ReferenceForce.h" using namespace OpenMM; using namespace std; /**--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReferenceCustomAngleIxn constructor --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ ReferenceCustomAngleIxn::ReferenceCustomAngleIxn(const Lepton::CompiledExpression& energyExpression, const Lepton::CompiledExpression& forceExpression, const vector& parameterNames, const vector energyParamDerivExpressions) : energyExpression(energyExpression), forceExpression(forceExpression), usePeriodic(false), energyParamDerivExpressions(energyParamDerivExpressions) { expressionSet.registerExpression(this->energyExpression); expressionSet.registerExpression(this->forceExpression); for (int i = 0; i < this->energyParamDerivExpressions.size(); i++) expressionSet.registerExpression(this->energyParamDerivExpressions[i]); thetaIndex = expressionSet.getVariableIndex("theta"); numParameters = parameterNames.size(); for (auto& param : parameterNames) angleParamIndex.push_back(expressionSet.getVariableIndex(param)); } /**--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReferenceCustomAngleIxn destructor --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ ReferenceCustomAngleIxn::~ReferenceCustomAngleIxn() { } void ReferenceCustomAngleIxn::setPeriodic(OpenMM::Vec3* vectors) { usePeriodic = true; boxVectors[0] = vectors[0]; boxVectors[1] = vectors[1]; boxVectors[2] = vectors[2]; } void ReferenceCustomAngleIxn::setGlobalParameters(std::map parameters) { for (auto& param : parameters) expressionSet.setVariable(expressionSet.getVariableIndex(param.first), param.second); } /**--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calculate Custom Angle Ixn @param atomIndices atom indices of atom participating in bond @param atomCoordinates atom coordinates @param parameters parameters values @param forces force array (forces added to input values) @param totalEnergy if not null, the energy will be added to this --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ReferenceCustomAngleIxn::calculateBondIxn(vector& atomIndices, vector& atomCoordinates, vector& parameters, vector& forces, double* totalEnergy, double* energyParamDerivs) { double deltaR[2][ReferenceForce::LastDeltaRIndex]; for (int i = 0; i < numParameters; i++) expressionSet.setVariable(angleParamIndex[i], parameters[i]); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Compute the angle between the three atoms int atomAIndex = atomIndices[0]; int atomBIndex = atomIndices[1]; int atomCIndex = atomIndices[2]; if (usePeriodic) { ReferenceForce::getDeltaRPeriodic(atomCoordinates[atomAIndex], atomCoordinates[atomBIndex], boxVectors, deltaR[0]); ReferenceForce::getDeltaRPeriodic(atomCoordinates[atomCIndex], atomCoordinates[atomBIndex], boxVectors, deltaR[1]); } else { ReferenceForce::getDeltaR(atomCoordinates[atomAIndex], atomCoordinates[atomBIndex], deltaR[0]); ReferenceForce::getDeltaR(atomCoordinates[atomCIndex], atomCoordinates[atomBIndex], deltaR[1]); } double pVector[3]; SimTKOpenMMUtilities::crossProductVector3(deltaR[0], deltaR[1], pVector); double rp = sqrt(DOT3(pVector, pVector)); if (rp < 1.0e-06) rp = 1.0e-06; double dot = DOT3(deltaR[0], deltaR[1]); double cosine = dot/sqrt((deltaR[0][ReferenceForce::R2Index]*deltaR[1][ReferenceForce::R2Index])); double angle; if (cosine >= 1.0) angle = 0.0; else if (cosine <= -1.0) angle = PI_M; else angle = acos(cosine); expressionSet.setVariable(thetaIndex, angle); // Compute the force and energy, and apply them to the atoms. double energy = energyExpression.evaluate(); double dEdR = forceExpression.evaluate(); double termA = dEdR/(deltaR[0][ReferenceForce::R2Index]*rp); double termC = -dEdR/(deltaR[1][ReferenceForce::R2Index]*rp); double deltaCrossP[3][3]; SimTKOpenMMUtilities::crossProductVector3(deltaR[0], pVector, deltaCrossP[0]); SimTKOpenMMUtilities::crossProductVector3(deltaR[1], pVector, deltaCrossP[2]); for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) { deltaCrossP[0][ii] *= termA; deltaCrossP[2][ii] *= termC; deltaCrossP[1][ii] = -(deltaCrossP[0][ii]+deltaCrossP[2][ii]); } // accumulate forces for (int jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++) { for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) { forces[atomIndices[jj]][ii] += deltaCrossP[jj][ii]; } } // Record parameter derivatives. for (int i = 0; i < energyParamDerivExpressions.size(); i++) energyParamDerivs[i] += energyParamDerivExpressions[i].evaluate(); // accumulate energies if (totalEnergy != NULL) *totalEnergy += energy; }