## openmv_h7_bsp A board support package for experimenting with rust on the [OpenMV H7](https://openmv.io/products/openmv-cam-h7) open hardware machine vision board. ## Embedded Examples The examples are designed to be used with a debug probe that supports J-Link / RTT. We provide a couple different ways to run these: - With the Segger tools (this is the default configuration for examples) - With [probe-run](https://crates.io/crates/probe-run) (This may not yet work.) #### With probe-run installed - Simply run the example (see below) with a JLink debug probe attached to your PX4FLOW - If you have problems, edit [config](.cargo/config) to ensure that the probe-run runner is selected #### With segger tools installed - Edit [config](.cargo/config) to select the `segger.gdb` runner - In one shell run: `./start_gdb_server_jlink.sh` - In another shell run: `JLinkRTTClient` - Then run your choice of examples ### Running examples ```shell script cargo run --example blinky ``` ```shell script cargo run --example play --features rttdebug,mt9v034 ``` ## Status This is work-in-progress - [x] Interoperates with the default Micropython bootloader. You can reinstall the micropython firmware easily via USB from the OpenMV IDE. - [x] Debug build runs on board - [x] Example with LED blinky - [ ] Support for running examples with [probe-run](https://crates.io/crates/probe-run) (WIP) - [ ] Camera reading example - [ ] SDIO card support ## Clocks - 12 MHz high speed external (HSE) clock crystal - LSE TBD ## Notes on buses ### I2C Buses Format: `(SCL, SDA)` - (PB8, PB9) I2C1 is used for configuring camera sensor - Other i2c TBD ### SPI Buses Format: `(SCK, MISO, MOSI)` - TBD ### GPIO - TBD ### USB OTG - TBD ### LEDs - LEDs r,g,b = PC0, PC1, PC2 on OpenMV H7 - IR led on PE2 ### UARTs / USARTs Format: `(RX, TX)` , `(CTS, RTS)` - TBD ### DCMI (Parallel Camera Data Interface) - Control pins: PA6 (DCMI_PIXCK), PA4 (DCMI_HSYNC), PB7 (DCMI_VSYNC) - Data Pins D0-D7: PC6, PC7, PE0, PE1, PE4, PB6, PE5, PE6 - External clock provided to camera on PA8. This is required to enable the camera. ## External Accessories Support - TBD ## Resources - [OpenMV H7 base schematic](https://github.com/openmv/openmv-boards/raw/master/openmv4/base/base.pdf) ## License BSD-3-Clause, see `LICENSE` file.