A tool for generating a webring from Atom/RSS feeds.
`openring-rs` is a tool for generating a webring from Atom/RSS feeds, so you can populate a template with articles from those feeds and embed them in your own blog. An example template is provided in `in.html`.
This is a rust-port of Drew DeVault's [openring](https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/openring), with the primary differences being:
- we respect throttling and send conditional requests when using `--cache` (recommended!)
- the template is written using [Tera](https://keats.github.io/tera/) and is provided as an argument, not read from stdin
- we show a little progress bar
- we fetch all feeds concurrently
- we provide better error messages (via [miette](https://github.com/zkat/miette))
- we allow filtering feeds with `--before`
## Demo
To see this in action, you can look at the footer of this blog post.
## Install
cargo install --locked openring
## Usage
A webring for static site generators written in Rust
Usage: openring [OPTIONS] --template-file
-n, --num-articles Total number of articles to fetch [default: 3]
-p, --per-source Number of most recent articles to get from each feed [default: 1]
-S, --url-file File with URLs of Atom/RSS feeds to read (one URL per line, lines starting with '#' or "//" are ignored)
-t, --template-file Tera template file
-s, --url A single URL to consider (can be repeated to specify multiple)
-b, --before Only include articles before this date (in YYYY-MM-DD format)
-c, --cache Use request cache stored on disk at `.openringcache`
--max-cache-age Discard all cached requests older than this duration [default: 14d]
-v, --verbose... Increase logging verbosity
-q, --quiet... Decrease logging verbosity
-h, --help Print help (see more with '--help')
-V, --version Print version
## Using Tera Templates
The templates supported by `openring-rs` are written using [Tera](https://keats.github.io/tera/).
Please refer to the Tera documentation for details.
## Why a Rust Port?
Just for fun.