use openstreetmap_api::types; use openstreetmap_api::Openstreetmap; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use rstest::*; use wiremock::matchers::{method, path, query_param, QueryParamExactMatcher}; use wiremock::{Mock, MockServer, ResponseTemplate}; use super::utils::credentials; use super::utils::no_credentials; #[rstest(node, response_str, expected, case( types::Node { id: 1234, changeset: 42, version: 2, uid: Some(1), timestamp: "2009-12-09T08:19:00Z".into(), user:Some( "user".into()), visible: true, lat: Some(12.1234567), lon: Some(-8.7654321), tags: vec![types::Tag { k: "amenity".into(), v: "school".into(), }], }, "10", 10 ) )] #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_create_element( credentials: types::Credentials, node: types::Node, response_str: &str, expected: u64, ) { /* GIVEN an OSM client WHEN calling the create() function THEN returns the ID of the created node */ // GIVEN let mock_server = MockServer::start().await; Mock::given(method("PUT")) .and(path("/api/0.6/node/create")) .respond_with(ResponseTemplate::new(200).set_body_raw(response_str, "application/xml")) .mount(&mock_server) .await; let client = Openstreetmap::new(mock_server.uri(), credentials); // WHEN let actual = client.nodes().create(node).await.unwrap(); // THEN assert_eq!(actual, expected); } #[rstest(element_id, response_str, expected, case( 1234, r#" "#, types::Node { id: 1234, changeset: 42, version: 2, uid: Some(1), timestamp: "2009-12-09T08:19:00Z".into(), user:Some( "user".into()), visible: true, lat: Some(12.1234567), lon: Some(-8.7654321), tags: vec![types::Tag { k: "amenity".into(), v: "school".into(), }], }, ) )] #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_get( no_credentials: types::Credentials, element_id: u64, response_str: &str, expected: types::Node, ) { /* GIVEN an OSM client WHEN calling the get() function THEN returns the node */ // GIVEN let mock_server = MockServer::start().await; Mock::given(method("GET")) .and(path(format!("/api/0.6/node/{}", element_id))) .respond_with(ResponseTemplate::new(200).set_body_raw(response_str, "application/xml")) .mount(&mock_server) .await; let client = Openstreetmap::new(mock_server.uri(), no_credentials); // WHEN let actual = client.nodes().get(element_id).await.unwrap(); // THEN assert_eq!(actual, expected); } #[rstest(element, response_str, expected, case( types::Node { id: 1234, changeset: 42, version: 2, uid: Some(1), timestamp: "2009-12-09T08:19:00Z".into(), user:Some( "user".into()), visible: true, lat: Some(12.1234567), lon: Some(-8.7654321), tags: vec![types::Tag { k: "amenity".into(), v: "school".into(), }], }, "10", 10 ) )] #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_update_element( credentials: types::Credentials, element: types::Node, response_str: &str, expected: u64, ) { /* GIVEN an OSM client WHEN calling the update() function THEN returns the ID of the updated node */ // GIVEN let mock_server = MockServer::start().await; Mock::given(method("PUT")) .and(path(format!("/api/0.6/node/{}", .respond_with(ResponseTemplate::new(200).set_body_raw(response_str, "text/plain")) .mount(&mock_server) .await; let client = Openstreetmap::new(mock_server.uri(), credentials); // WHEN let actual = client.nodes().update(element).await.unwrap(); // THEN assert_eq!(actual, expected); } #[rstest(element, response_str, expected, case( types::Node { id: 1234, changeset: 42, version: 2, uid: Some(1), timestamp: "2009-12-09T08:19:00Z".into(), user:Some( "user".into()), visible: true, lat: Some(12.1234567), lon: Some(-8.7654321), tags: vec![types::Tag { k: "amenity".into(), v: "school".into(), }], }, "10", 10 ) )] #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_delete_element( credentials: types::Credentials, element: types::Node, response_str: &str, expected: u64, ) { /* GIVEN an OSM client WHEN calling the delete() function THEN returns the ID of the updated node */ // GIVEN let mock_server = MockServer::start().await; Mock::given(method("DELETE")) .and(path(format!("/api/0.6/node/{}", .respond_with(ResponseTemplate::new(200).set_body_raw(response_str, "text/plain")) .mount(&mock_server) .await; let client = Openstreetmap::new(mock_server.uri(), credentials); // WHEN let actual = client.nodes().delete(element).await.unwrap(); // THEN assert_eq!(actual, expected); } #[rstest(element_id, response_str, expected, case( 1234, r#" "#, vec![types::Node { id: 1234, changeset: 42, version: 2, uid: Some(1), timestamp: "2009-12-09T08:19:00Z".into(), user:Some( "user".into()), visible: true, lat: Some(12.1234567), lon: Some(-8.7654321), tags: vec![types::Tag { k: "amenity".into(), v: "school".into(), }], }], ) )] #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_history( no_credentials: types::Credentials, element_id: u64, response_str: &str, expected: Vec, ) { /* GIVEN an OSM client WHEN calling the get() function THEN returns the node */ // GIVEN let mock_server = MockServer::start().await; Mock::given(method("GET")) .and(path(format!("/api/0.6/node/{}/history", element_id))) .respond_with(ResponseTemplate::new(200).set_body_raw(response_str, "application/xml")) .mount(&mock_server) .await; let client = Openstreetmap::new(mock_server.uri(), no_credentials); // WHEN let actual = client.nodes().history(element_id).await.unwrap(); // THEN assert_eq!(actual, expected); } #[rstest(element_id, version_id, response_str, expected, case( 1234, 1, r#" "#, types::Node { id: 1234, changeset: 42, version: 2, uid: Some(1), timestamp: "2009-12-09T08:19:00Z".into(), user:Some( "user".into()), visible: true, lat: Some(12.1234567), lon: Some(-8.7654321), tags: vec![types::Tag { k: "amenity".into(), v: "school".into(), }], }, ) )] #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_version( no_credentials: types::Credentials, element_id: u64, version_id: u64, response_str: &str, expected: types::Node, ) { /* GIVEN an OSM client WHEN calling the version() function THEN returns the node at specified version */ // GIVEN let mock_server = MockServer::start().await; Mock::given(method("GET")) .and(path(format!("/api/0.6/node/{}/{}", element_id, version_id))) .respond_with(ResponseTemplate::new(200).set_body_raw(response_str, "application/xml")) .mount(&mock_server) .await; let client = Openstreetmap::new(mock_server.uri(), no_credentials); // WHEN let actual = client .nodes() .version(element_id, version_id) .await .unwrap(); // THEN assert_eq!(actual, expected); } #[rstest(element_id_params, request_qs, response_str, expected, case( vec![types::ElementIdParam::new(1234, None)], query_param("nodes", "1234"), r#" "#, vec![types::Node { id: 1234, changeset: 42, version: 2, uid: Some(1), timestamp: "2009-12-09T08:19:00Z".into(), user:Some( "user".into()), visible: true, lat: Some(12.1234567), lon: Some(-8.7654321), tags: vec![types::Tag { k: "amenity".into(), v: "school".into(), }], }], ), case( vec![types::ElementIdParam::new(1234, Some(2))], query_param("nodes", "1234v2"), r#" "#, vec![types::Node { id: 1234, changeset: 42, version: 2, uid: Some(1), timestamp: "2009-12-09T08:19:00Z".into(), user: Some("user".into()), visible: true, lat: Some(12.1234567), lon: Some(-8.7654321), tags: vec![types::Tag { k: "amenity".into(), v: "school".into(), }], }], ), case( vec![ types::ElementIdParam::new(1234, None), types::ElementIdParam::new(2000, None) ], query_param("nodes", "1234,2000"), r#" "#, vec![ types::Node { id: 1234, changeset: 42, version: 2, uid: Some(1), timestamp: "2009-12-09T08:19:00Z".into(), user:Some( "user".into()), visible: true, lat: Some(12.1234567), lon: Some(-8.7654321), tags: vec![types::Tag { k: "amenity".into(), v: "school".into(), }], }, types::Node { id: 2000, changeset: 42, version: 2, uid: Some(1), timestamp: "2009-12-09T08:19:00Z".into(), user:Some( "user".into()), visible: true, lat: Some(12.1234567), lon: Some(-8.7654321), tags: vec![], }, ], ) )] #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_multi_get( no_credentials: types::Credentials, element_id_params: Vec, request_qs: QueryParamExactMatcher, response_str: &str, expected: Vec, ) { /* GIVEN an OSM client WHEN calling the multi_get() function THEN returns the list of nodes */ // GIVEN let mock_server = MockServer::start().await; Mock::given(method("GET")) .and(path("/api/0.6/nodes/".to_string())) .and(request_qs) .respond_with(ResponseTemplate::new(200).set_body_raw(response_str, "application/xml")) .mount(&mock_server) .await; let client = Openstreetmap::new(mock_server.uri(), no_credentials); // WHEN let actual = client.nodes().multi_get(element_id_params).await.unwrap(); // THEN assert_eq!(actual, expected); } #[rstest(element_id, response_str, expected, case( 4507, r#" "#, vec![types::Relation { id: 4507, visible: true, version: 1, changeset: 3198, timestamp: "2010-02-25T19:52:18Z".into(), user: "rus".into(), uid: 96, tags: vec![], members: vec![types::Member { member_type: "way".into(), node_id: 80976, role: "outer".into(), }], }], ) )] #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_relations( no_credentials: types::Credentials, element_id: u64, response_str: &str, expected: Vec, ) { /* GIVEN an OSM client WHEN calling the relations() function THEN returns the element's relations */ // GIVEN let mock_server = MockServer::start().await; Mock::given(method("GET")) .and(path(format!("/api/0.6/node/{}/relations", element_id))) .respond_with(ResponseTemplate::new(200).set_body_raw(response_str, "application/xml")) .mount(&mock_server) .await; let client = Openstreetmap::new(mock_server.uri(), no_credentials); // WHEN let actual = client.nodes().relations(element_id).await.unwrap(); // THEN assert_eq!(actual, expected); } #[rstest(node_id, response_str, expected, case( 49780, r#" "#, vec![types::Way { id: 49780, visible: true, version: 1, changeset: 2308, timestamp: "2009-12-09T08:51:50Z".into(), user: "guggis".into(), uid: 1, node_refs: vec![types::NodeRef { node_id: 1150401 }], tags: vec![], }], ) )] #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_ways( no_credentials: types::Credentials, node_id: u64, response_str: &str, expected: Vec, ) { /* GIVEN an OSM client WHEN calling the ways() function THEN returns the ways for a given node */ // GIVEN let mock_server = MockServer::start().await; Mock::given(method("GET")) .and(path(format!("/api/0.6/node/{}/ways", node_id))) .respond_with(ResponseTemplate::new(200).set_body_raw(response_str, "application/xml")) .mount(&mock_server) .await; let client = Openstreetmap::new(mock_server.uri(), no_credentials); // WHEN let actual = client.nodes().ways(node_id).await.unwrap(); // THEN assert_eq!(actual, expected); } #[rstest(way_id, response_str, expected, case( 49780, r#" "#, types::WayFull { way: types::Way { id: 49780, visible: true, version: 1, changeset: 2308, timestamp: "2009-12-09T08:51:50Z".into(), user: "guggis".into(), uid: 1, node_refs: vec![], tags: vec![], }, nodes: vec![types::Node { id: 1234, changeset: 42, version: 2, uid: Some(1), timestamp: "2009-12-09T08:19:00Z".into(), user:Some( "user".into()), visible: true, lat: Some(12.1234567), lon: Some(-8.7654321), tags: vec![], }] } ) )] #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_way_full( no_credentials: types::Credentials, way_id: u64, response_str: &str, expected: types::WayFull, ) { /* GIVEN an OSM client WHEN calling the ways().full() function THEN returns the full nodes of the given way */ // GIVEN let mock_server = MockServer::start().await; Mock::given(method("GET")) .and(path(format!("/api/0.6/way/{}/full", way_id))) .respond_with(ResponseTemplate::new(200).set_body_raw(response_str, "application/xml")) .mount(&mock_server) .await; let client = Openstreetmap::new(mock_server.uri(), no_credentials); // WHEN let actual = client.ways().full(way_id).await.unwrap(); // THEN assert_eq!(actual, expected); } #[rstest(relation_id, response_str, expected, case( 4507, r#" "#, types::RelationFull { relation: types::Relation { id: 4507, visible: true, version: 1, changeset: 3198, timestamp: "2010-02-25T19:52:18Z".into(), user: "rus".into(), uid: 96, tags: vec![], members: vec![types::Member { member_type: "way".into(), node_id: 80976, role: "outer".into(), }], }, ways: vec![types::Way { id: 49780, visible: true, version: 1, changeset: 2308, timestamp: "2009-12-09T08:51:50Z".into(), user: "guggis".into(), uid: 1, node_refs: vec![], tags: vec![], }], nodes: vec![types::Node { id: 1234, changeset: 42, version: 2, uid: Some(1), timestamp: "2009-12-09T08:19:00Z".into(), user:Some( "user".into()), visible: true, lat: Some(12.1234567), lon: Some(-8.7654321), tags: vec![], }] } ) )] #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_relation_full( no_credentials: types::Credentials, relation_id: u64, response_str: &str, expected: types::RelationFull, ) { /* GIVEN an OSM client WHEN calling the relations().full() function THEN returns the full nodes and ways of the given relation */ // GIVEN let mock_server = MockServer::start().await; Mock::given(method("GET")) .and(path(format!("/api/0.6/relation/{}/full", relation_id))) .respond_with(ResponseTemplate::new(200).set_body_raw(response_str, "application/xml")) .mount(&mock_server) .await; let client = Openstreetmap::new(mock_server.uri(), no_credentials); // WHEN let actual = client.relations().full(relation_id).await.unwrap(); // THEN assert_eq!(actual, expected); }