use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;

use opentelemetry::metrics::{Meter, MeterProvider as _};
use opentelemetry::KeyValue;
use opentelemetry::{InstrumentationScope, Key};
use opentelemetry_prometheus::{ExporterBuilder, ResourceSelector};
use opentelemetry_sdk::metrics::SdkMeterProvider;
use opentelemetry_sdk::Resource;
use opentelemetry_semantic_conventions::resource::{SERVICE_NAME, TELEMETRY_SDK_VERSION};
use prometheus::{Encoder, TextEncoder};

const BOUNDARIES: &[f64] = &[
    0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 75.0, 100.0, 250.0, 500.0, 1000.0,

const BYTES_BOUNDARIES: &[f64] = &[
    0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 75.0, 100.0, 250.0, 500.0, 750.0, 1000.0, 2500.0, 5000.0, 7500.0,

#[ignore = ""]
fn prometheus_exporter_integration() {
    struct TestCase {
        name: &'static str,
        empty_resource: bool,
        custom_resource_attrs: Vec<KeyValue>,
        record_metrics: Box<dyn Fn(Meter)>,
        builder: ExporterBuilder,
        expected_file: &'static str,

    impl Default for TestCase {
        fn default() -> Self {
            TestCase {
                name: "",
                empty_resource: false,
                custom_resource_attrs: Vec::new(),
                record_metrics: Box::new(|_| {}),
                builder: ExporterBuilder::default(),
                expected_file: "",

    let test_cases = vec![
        TestCase {
            name: "counter",
            expected_file: "counter.txt",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter| {
                let attrs = vec![
                    KeyValue::new("A", "B"),
                    KeyValue::new("C", "D"),
                    KeyValue::new("E", true),
                    KeyValue::new("F", 42),
                let counter = meter
                    .with_description("a simple counter")
                counter.add(5.0, &attrs);
                counter.add(10.3, &attrs);
                counter.add(9.0, &attrs);
                let attrs2 = vec![
                    KeyValue::new("A", "D"),
                    KeyValue::new("C", "B"),
                    KeyValue::new("E", true),
                    KeyValue::new("F", 42),
                counter.add(5.0, &attrs2);
        TestCase {
            name: "counter with suffixes disabled",
            expected_file: "counter_disabled_suffix.txt",
            builder: ExporterBuilder::default().without_counter_suffixes(),
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter| {
                let attrs = vec![
                    KeyValue::new("A", "B"),
                    KeyValue::new("C", "D"),
                    KeyValue::new("E", true),
                    KeyValue::new("F", 42),
                let counter = meter
                    .with_description("a simple counter without a total suffix")
                counter.add(5.0, &attrs);
                counter.add(10.3, &attrs);
                counter.add(9.0, &attrs);
                let attrs2 = vec![
                    KeyValue::new("A", "D"),
                    KeyValue::new("C", "B"),
                    KeyValue::new("E", true),
                    KeyValue::new("F", 42),
                counter.add(5.0, &attrs2);
        TestCase {
            name: "gauge",
            expected_file: "gauge.txt",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter| {
                let attrs = vec![KeyValue::new("A", "B"), KeyValue::new("C", "D")];
                let gauge = meter
                    .with_description("a fun little gauge")
                gauge.add(1.0, &attrs);
                gauge.add(-0.25, &attrs);
        TestCase {
            name: "histogram",
            expected_file: "histogram.txt",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter| {
                let attrs = vec![KeyValue::new("A", "B"), KeyValue::new("C", "D")];
                let histogram = meter
                    .with_description("a very nice histogram")
                histogram.record(23.0, &attrs);
                histogram.record(7.0, &attrs);
                histogram.record(101.0, &attrs);
                histogram.record(105.0, &attrs);
        TestCase {
            name: "sanitized attributes to labels",
            expected_file: "sanitized_labels.txt",
            builder: ExporterBuilder::default().without_units(),
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter| {
                let attrs = vec![
                    // exact match, value should be overwritten
                    KeyValue::new("A.B", "X"),
                    KeyValue::new("A.B", "Q"),
                    // unintended match due to sanitization, values should be concatenated
                    KeyValue::new("C.D", "Y"),
                    KeyValue::new("C/D", "Z"),
                let counter = meter
                    .with_description("a sanitary counter")
                    // This unit is not added to
                counter.add(5.0, &attrs);
                counter.add(10.3, &attrs);
                counter.add(9.0, &attrs);
        TestCase {
            name: "invalid instruments are renamed",
            expected_file: "sanitized_names.txt",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter| {
                let attrs = vec![KeyValue::new("A", "B"), KeyValue::new("C", "D")];
                // Valid.
                let mut gauge = meter
                    .with_description("a fun little gauge")
                gauge.add(100., &attrs);
                gauge.add(-25.0, &attrs);

                // Invalid, will be renamed.
                gauge = meter
                    .with_description("a gauge with an invalid name")
                gauge.add(100.0, &attrs);

                let counter = meter
                    .with_description("a counter with an invalid name")
                counter.add(100.0, &attrs);

                let histogram = meter
                    .with_description("a histogram with an invalid name")
                histogram.record(23.0, &attrs);
        TestCase {
            name: "empty resource",
            empty_resource: true,
            expected_file: "empty_resource.txt",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter| {
                let attrs = vec![
                    KeyValue::new("A", "B"),
                    KeyValue::new("C", "D"),
                    KeyValue::new("E", true),
                    KeyValue::new("F", 42),
                let counter = meter
                    .with_description("a simple counter")
                counter.add(5.0, &attrs);
                counter.add(10.3, &attrs);
                counter.add(9.0, &attrs);
        TestCase {
            name: "custom resource",
            custom_resource_attrs: vec![KeyValue::new("A", "B"), KeyValue::new("C", "D")],
            expected_file: "custom_resource.txt",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter| {
                let attrs = vec![
                    KeyValue::new("A", "B"),
                    KeyValue::new("C", "D"),
                    KeyValue::new("E", true),
                    KeyValue::new("F", 42),
                let counter = meter
                    .with_description("a simple counter")
                counter.add(5., &attrs);
                counter.add(10.3, &attrs);
                counter.add(9.0, &attrs);
        TestCase {
            name: "without target_info",
            builder: ExporterBuilder::default().without_target_info(),
            expected_file: "without_target_info.txt",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter| {
                let attrs = vec![
                    KeyValue::new("A", "B"),
                    KeyValue::new("C", "D"),
                    KeyValue::new("E", true),
                    KeyValue::new("F", 42),
                let counter = meter
                    .with_description("a simple counter")
                counter.add(5.0, &attrs);
                counter.add(10.3, &attrs);
                counter.add(9.0, &attrs);
        TestCase {
            name: "without scope_info",
            builder: ExporterBuilder::default().without_scope_info(),
            expected_file: "without_scope_info.txt",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter| {
                let attrs = vec![KeyValue::new("A", "B"), KeyValue::new("C", "D")];
                let gauge = meter
                    .with_description("a fun little gauge")
                gauge.add(2, &attrs);
                gauge.add(-1, &attrs);
        TestCase {
            name: "without scope_info and target_info",
            builder: ExporterBuilder::default()
            expected_file: "without_scope_and_target_info.txt",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter| {
                let attrs = vec![KeyValue::new("A", "B"), KeyValue::new("C", "D")];
                let counter = meter
                    .with_description("a fun little counter")
                counter.add(2, &attrs);
                counter.add(1, &attrs);
        TestCase {
            name: "with namespace",
            builder: ExporterBuilder::default().with_namespace("test"),
            expected_file: "with_namespace.txt",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter| {
                let attrs = vec![
                    KeyValue::new("A", "B"),
                    KeyValue::new("C", "D"),
                    KeyValue::new("E", true),
                    KeyValue::new("F", 42),
                let counter = meter
                    .with_description("a simple counter")

                counter.add(5.0, &attrs);
                counter.add(10.3, &attrs);
                counter.add(9.0, &attrs);
        TestCase {
            name: "with resource in every metrics",
            builder: ExporterBuilder::default().with_resource_selector(ResourceSelector::All),
            expected_file: "resource_in_every_metrics.txt",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter| {
                let attrs = vec![KeyValue::new("A", "B"), KeyValue::new("C", "D")];
                let gauge = meter
                    .with_description("a fun little gauge")
                gauge.add(2, &attrs);
                gauge.add(-1, &attrs);
        TestCase {
            name: "with select resource in every metrics",
            builder: ExporterBuilder::default()
            expected_file: "select_resource_in_every_metrics.txt",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter| {
                let attrs = vec![KeyValue::new("A", "B"), KeyValue::new("C", "D")];
                let gauge = meter
                    .with_description("a fun little gauge")
                gauge.add(2, &attrs);
                gauge.add(-1, &attrs);

    for tc in test_cases {
        let registry = prometheus::Registry::new();
        let exporter = tc.builder.with_registry(registry.clone()).build().unwrap();

        let res = if tc.empty_resource {
        } else {
                        // always specify because the default depends on the running OS
                        KeyValue::new(SERVICE_NAME, "prometheus_test"),
                        // Overwrite the semconv.TelemetrySDKVersionKey value so we don't need to update every version
                        KeyValue::new(TELEMETRY_SDK_VERSION, "latest"),

        let provider = SdkMeterProvider::builder()

        let scope = InstrumentationScope::builder("testmeter")
            .with_attributes(vec![KeyValue::new("k", "v")])

        let meter = provider.meter_with_scope(scope);


        let content = fs::read_to_string(Path::new("./tests/data").join(tc.expected_file))
        gather_and_compare(registry, content,;

fn gather_and_compare(registry: prometheus::Registry, expected: String, name: &'static str) {
    let mut output = Vec::new();
    let encoder = TextEncoder::new();
    let metric_families = registry.gather();
    encoder.encode(&metric_families, &mut output).unwrap();

    let expected = get_platform_specific_string(expected);
    let output_string = get_platform_specific_string(String::from_utf8(output).unwrap());

    assert_eq!(output_string, expected, "{name}");

///  Returns a String which uses the platform specific new line feed character.
fn get_platform_specific_string(input: String) -> String {
    if cfg!(windows) && !input.ends_with("\r\n") && input.ends_with('\n') {
        return input.replace('\n', "\r\n");

fn multiple_scopes() {
    let registry = prometheus::Registry::new();
    let exporter = ExporterBuilder::default()

    let resource = Resource::builder()
            // always specify because the default depends on the running OS
            KeyValue::new(SERVICE_NAME, "prometheus_test"),
            // Overwrite the semconv.TelemetrySDKVersionKey value so we don't need to update every version
            KeyValue::new(TELEMETRY_SDK_VERSION, "latest"),

    let provider = SdkMeterProvider::builder()

    let scope_foo = InstrumentationScope::builder("meterfoo")
        .with_attributes(vec![KeyValue::new("k", "v")])

    let foo_counter = provider
        .with_description("meter foo counter")
    foo_counter.add(100, &[KeyValue::new("type", "foo")]);

    let scope_bar = InstrumentationScope::builder("meterbar")
        .with_attributes(vec![KeyValue::new("k", "v")])

    let bar_counter = provider
        .with_description("meter bar counter")
    bar_counter.add(200, &[KeyValue::new("type", "bar")]);

    let content = fs::read_to_string("./tests/data/multi_scopes.txt").unwrap();
    gather_and_compare(registry, content, "multi_scope");

fn duplicate_metrics() {
    struct TestCase {
        name: &'static str,
        custom_resource_attrs: Vec<KeyValue>,
        record_metrics: Box<dyn Fn(Meter, Meter)>,
        builder: ExporterBuilder,
        expected_files: Vec<&'static str>,

    impl Default for TestCase {
        fn default() -> Self {
            TestCase {
                name: "",
                custom_resource_attrs: Vec::new(),
                record_metrics: Box::new(|_, _| {}),
                builder: ExporterBuilder::default(),
                expected_files: Vec::new(),

    let test_cases = vec![
        TestCase {
            name: "no_conflict_two_counters",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter_a, meter_b| {
                let foo_a = meter_a
                    .with_description("meter counter foo")

                foo_a.add(100, &[KeyValue::new("A", "B")]);

                let foo_b = meter_b
                    .with_description("meter counter foo")

                foo_b.add(100, &[KeyValue::new("A", "B")]);
            expected_files: vec!["no_conflict_two_counters.txt"],
        TestCase {
            name: "no_conflict_two_updowncounters",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter_a, meter_b| {
                let foo_a = meter_a
                    .with_description("meter gauge foo")

                foo_a.add(100, &[KeyValue::new("A", "B")]);

                let foo_b = meter_b
                    .with_description("meter gauge foo")

                foo_b.add(100, &[KeyValue::new("A", "B")]);
            expected_files: vec!["no_conflict_two_updowncounters.txt"],
        TestCase {
            name: "no_conflict_two_histograms",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter_a, meter_b| {
                let foo_a = meter_a
                    .with_description("meter histogram foo")

                foo_a.record(100, &[KeyValue::new("A", "B")]);

                let foo_b = meter_b
                    .with_description("meter histogram foo")

                foo_b.record(100, &[KeyValue::new("A", "B")]);
            expected_files: vec!["no_conflict_two_histograms.txt"],
        TestCase {
            name: "conflict_help_two_counters",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter_a, meter_b| {
                let bar_a = meter_a
                    .with_description("meter a bar")

                bar_a.add(100, &[KeyValue::new("type", "bar")]);

                let bar_b = meter_b
                    .with_description("meter b bar")

                bar_b.add(100, &[KeyValue::new("type", "bar")]);
            expected_files: vec![
        TestCase {
            name: "conflict_help_two_updowncounters",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter_a, meter_b| {
                let bar_a = meter_a
                    .with_description("meter a bar")

                bar_a.add(100, &[KeyValue::new("type", "bar")]);

                let bar_b = meter_b
                    .with_description("meter b bar")

                bar_b.add(100, &[KeyValue::new("type", "bar")]);
            expected_files: vec![
        TestCase {
            name: "conflict_help_two_histograms",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter_a, meter_b| {
                let bar_a = meter_a
                    .with_description("meter a bar")

                bar_a.record(100, &[KeyValue::new("A", "B")]);

                let bar_b = meter_b
                    .with_description("meter b bar")

                bar_b.record(100, &[KeyValue::new("A", "B")]);
            expected_files: vec![
        TestCase {
            name: "conflict_unit_two_counters",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter_a, meter_b| {
                let baz_a = meter_a
                    .with_description("meter bar")

                baz_a.add(100, &[KeyValue::new("type", "bar")]);

                let baz_b = meter_b
                    .with_description("meter bar")

                baz_b.add(100, &[KeyValue::new("type", "bar")]);
            builder: ExporterBuilder::default().without_units(),
            expected_files: vec!["conflict_unit_two_counters.txt"],
        TestCase {
            name: "conflict_unit_two_updowncounters",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter_a, meter_b| {
                let bar_a = meter_a
                    .with_description("meter gauge bar")

                bar_a.add(100, &[KeyValue::new("type", "bar")]);

                let bar_b = meter_b
                    .with_description("meter gauge bar")

                bar_b.add(100, &[KeyValue::new("type", "bar")]);
            builder: ExporterBuilder::default().without_units(),
            expected_files: vec!["conflict_unit_two_updowncounters.txt"],
        TestCase {
            name: "conflict_unit_two_histograms",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter_a, meter_b| {
                let bar_a = meter_a
                    .with_description("meter histogram bar")

                bar_a.record(100, &[KeyValue::new("A", "B")]);

                let bar_b = meter_b
                    .with_description("meter histogram bar")

                bar_b.record(100, &[KeyValue::new("A", "B")]);
            builder: ExporterBuilder::default().without_units(),
            expected_files: vec!["conflict_unit_two_histograms.txt"],
        TestCase {
            name: "conflict_type_counter_and_updowncounter",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter_a, _meter_b| {
                let counter = meter_a
                    .with_description("meter foo")

                counter.add(100, &[KeyValue::new("type", "foo")]);

                let gauge = meter_a
                    .with_description("meter foo")

                gauge.add(200, &[KeyValue::new("type", "foo")]);
            builder: ExporterBuilder::default().without_units(),
            expected_files: vec![
        TestCase {
            name: "conflict_type_histogram_and_updowncounter",
            record_metrics: Box::new(|meter_a, _meter_b| {
                let foo_a = meter_a
                    .with_description("meter gauge foo")

                foo_a.add(100, &[KeyValue::new("A", "B")]);

                let foo_histogram_a = meter_a
                    .with_description("meter histogram foo")

                foo_histogram_a.record(100, &[KeyValue::new("A", "B")]);
            expected_files: vec![

    for tc in test_cases {
        let registry = prometheus::Registry::new();
        let exporter = tc.builder.with_registry(registry.clone()).build().unwrap();

        let resource = Resource::builder()
                    // always specify because the default depends on the running OS
                    KeyValue::new(SERVICE_NAME, "prometheus_test"),
                    // Overwrite the semconv.TelemetrySDKVersionKey value so we don't need to update every version
                    KeyValue::new(TELEMETRY_SDK_VERSION, "latest"),

        let provider = SdkMeterProvider::builder()

        let scope_ma = InstrumentationScope::builder("ma")
            .with_attributes(vec![KeyValue::new("k", "v")])

        let scope_mb = InstrumentationScope::builder("mb")
            .with_attributes(vec![KeyValue::new("k", "v")])

        let meter_a = provider.meter_with_scope(scope_ma);
        let meter_b = provider.meter_with_scope(scope_mb);

        (tc.record_metrics)(meter_a, meter_b);

        let possible_matches = tc
            .map(|f| fs::read_to_string(Path::new("./tests/data").join(f)).expect(f))
        gather_and_compare_multi(registry, possible_matches,;

fn gather_and_compare_multi(
    registry: prometheus::Registry,
    expected: Vec<String>,
    name: &'static str,
) {
    let mut output = Vec::new();
    let encoder = TextEncoder::new();
    let metric_families = registry.gather();
    encoder.encode(&metric_families, &mut output).unwrap();

    let output_string = get_platform_specific_string(String::from_utf8(output).unwrap());

        "mismatched output in {name}"