{%- import 'macros.j2' as attr_macros -%} // DO NOT EDIT, this is an auto-generated file // // If you want to update the file: // - Edit the template at scripts/templates/registry/rust/attributes.rs.j2 // - Run the script at scripts/generate-consts-from-spec.sh //! # Semantic Attributes //! //! The entire set of semantic attributes (or [conventions](https://opentelemetry.io/docs/concepts/semantic-conventions/)) defined by the project. The resource, metric, and trace modules reference these attributes. {% for root_ns in ctx %} {% for attr in root_ns.attributes | rejectattr("name", "in", params.excluded_attributes) %} {{ [attr.brief, concat_if("\n\n## Notes\n\n", attr.note), attr_macros.examples(attr)] | comment }} {% if attr is experimental %} #[cfg(feature = "semconv_experimental")] {% endif %} {% if attr is deprecated %} #[deprecated(note="{{ attr.deprecated.strip(" \n\"") }}")] {% endif %} pub const {{ attr.name | screaming_snake_case }}: &str = "{{ attr.name }}"; {% endfor %} {% endfor %}