/*! Example "frontend" server for testing distributed traces Start backend before making any calls to the frontend ```sh cargo run --example server ``` Basic call ```sh curl '' -i ``` And then check jaeger to see multiple spans across services. */ use opentelemetry::{ global, trace::{FutureExt, TraceContextExt, Tracer}, Context, }; use opentelemetry_tide::{MetricsConfig, TideExt}; use std::collections::HashMap; use tide::Request; mod shared; type MainResult = Result<(), Box>; const SVC_NAME: &str = env!("CARGO_CRATE_NAME"); const VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); const UPSTREAM_SERVICE: &str = "http://localhost:3000/"; #[async_std::main] async fn main() -> MainResult { tide::log::with_level(tide::log::LevelFilter::Warn); shared::init_global_propagator(); let tracer = shared::global_tracer(SVC_NAME, VERSION, "frontend-753")?; let mut app = tide::with_state(surf::client()); let route = std::env::var("METRICS_ROUTE").unwrap_or_else(|_| "/metrics".into()); let config = MetricsConfig { route, global_labels: Some(vec![opentelemetry::KeyValue::new("K", "V")]), ..MetricsConfig::default() }; app.with_middlewares(tracer, config); app.at("/").get(|req: Request| async move { // collect current tracing data, so we can pass it down let cx = Context::current(); let span = cx.span(); let mut injector = HashMap::new(); global::get_text_map_propagator(|propagator| propagator.inject_context(&cx, &mut injector)); let client = req.state(); let mut surf_request = client.get(UPSTREAM_SERVICE).build(); for (k, v) in injector { surf_request.insert_header(k.as_str(), v.as_str()); } span.add_event("upstream.request.started", vec![]); let upstream_res = async { let tracer = global::tracer("(child)"); let span = tracer.start("surf.client.send"); let cx = Context::current_with_value(span); client.send(surf_request).with_context(cx).await }; let body = format!( "upstream responded with: \n{}", upstream_res .with_context(cx.clone()) .await? .take_body() .into_string() .await .unwrap() ); span.add_event("upstream.request.finished", vec![]); Ok(body) }); app.listen("").await?; opentelemetry::global::force_flush_tracer_provider(); opentelemetry::global::shutdown_tracer_provider(); Ok(()) }