#usda 1.0 ( expressionVariables = { # Define path to reference that can be changed as needed string ASSET_PATH = "/finalAssets/SetA" # Define the expression variable that can be changed as needed string VARIANT_CHOICE = "variantA" bool UseProxyModel = false int64 IDENTIFIER = 3254 string[] renderPassList = ["foreground", "background", "FX"] string RENDER_PASS = "fx" } subLayers = [ @`"render_pass_${RENDER_PASS}.usd"`@, ] ) def "asset0" ( # Use a variable expression to complete the reference asset path references = @`"${ASSET_PATH}/extraAssets.usda"`@ ) { } def Xform "asset1" ( variants = { # Use a variable expression for specifying the variant string displayVariantSet = "`${VARIANT_CHOICE}`" } prepend variantSets = "displayVariantSet" ) { }