The lower the value, the more sensitive the PIR sensor. Available settings: 8 - 255 Default setting: 10 Period of time through which the PIR sensor is "blind" (insensitive) to motion. After this time period the PIR sensor will be again able to detect motion. The longer the insensitivity period, the longer the battery life. If the sensor is required to detect motion quickly, the time period may be shortened. The time of insensitivity should be shorter that the time period set in parameter 6. Available settings: 0 - 15 Formula to calculate the time: time [s] = 0.5 x (value + 1) Default setting: 15 (8 seconds) Sets the number of moves required for the PIR sensor to report motion. The lower the value, the less sensitive the PIR sensor. It's not recommended to modify this parameter settings. Available settings: 0 - 3 Formula to calculate the number of pulses: pulses = (value + 1) Default setting: 1 (2 pulses) Period of time during which the number of moves set in parameter 3 must be detected in order for the PIR sensor to report motion. The higher the value, the more sensitive the PIR sensor. It's not recommended to modify this parameter setting. Available settings: 0 - 3 Formula to calculate the time: time [s] = 4 x (value + 1) Default setting: 2 (12 seconds) Motion alarm will be cancelled in the main controller and the associated devices after the period of time set in this parameter. Any motion detected during the cancellation delay time countdown will result in the countdown being restarted. In case of small values, below 10 seconds, the value of parameter 2 must be modified (PIR sensor's "Blind Time"). Available settings: 1 - 65535 Default setting: 30 (30 seconds) The parameter determines the part of day in which the PIR sensor will be active. This parameter influences only the motion reports and associations. Tamper, light intensity and temperature measurements will be still active, regardless of this parameter settings. Default setting: 0 (always active) The parameter defines the difference between night and day, in terms of light intensity, used in parameter 8. Available settings: 1 - 65535 Default setting: 200 (200 lux) The parameter determines the command frames sent in 1-st association group, assigned to PIR sensor. Values of BASIC ON and BASIC OFF command frames may be modified by dedicated parameters. Default setting: 0 (ON and OFF) The value of 255 allows to turn ON a device. In case of the Dimmer, the value of 255 means turning ON at the last memorized state, e.g. the Dimmer turned ON at 30% and turned OFF using the value of 255, and then turned OFF, will be turned ON at 30%, i.e. the last memorized state. Available settings: 0 - 255 Default setting: 255 The command frame sent at the moment of motion alarm cancellation, after the cancellation delay time, specified in parameter 6, has passed. The value of 0 allows to turn a device OFF while the value of 255 allows to turn ON a device. In case of the Dimmer, the value of 255 means turning ON at the last memorized state, e.g. the Dimmer turned ON at 30% and turned OFF using the value of 255, and then turned OFF, will be turned ON at 30%, i.e. the last memorized state. Available settings: 0 - 255 Default setting: 0 The parameter determines the changes in forces acting on the Fibaro Motion Sensor resulting in tamper alarm being reported - g-force acceleration. Available settings: 0 - 122 (0.08 - 2g; multiply by 0.016g; 0 = tamper inactive) Default setting: 15 (0.224g) Time period after which a tamper alarm will be cancelled. Another tampering detected during the countdown to cancellation will not extend the delay. Available settings: 1 - 65535 Default setting: 30 (seconds) The parameter determines the behaviour of tamper and how it reports. Tamper: Tamper alarm is reported in Sensor Alarm command class. Cancellation: Cancellation is reported in Sensor Alarm command class after the time period set in parameter 22 (Tamper Alarm Cancellation Delay). Orientation: Sensor's orientation in space is reported in Fibaro Command Class after the time period set in parameter 22. Vibration: The maximum level of vibrations recorded in the time period set in parameter 22 is reported. Reports stop being sent when the vibrations cease. The reports are sent in Sensor Alarm command class. Value displayed in the "value" field (0 - 100) depends on the vibrations force. Reports to the association groups are sent using Sensor Alarm command class. Default setting: 0 (Tamper) The parameter determines whether the tamper alarm frame will or will not be sent in broadcast mode. Alarm frames sent in broadcast mode may be received by all of the devices within communication range (if they accept such frames). Default setting: 0 The parameter determines the change in light intensity level resulting in illumination report being sent to the main controller. Available settings: 0 - 65535 (1 - 65535 lux; 0 = reports are not sent) Default setting: 200 (200 lux) Time interval between consecutive illumination reports. The reports are sent even if there are no changes in the light intensity. Available settings: 0 - 65535 (1 - 65535 seconds; 0 = reports are not sent) Default setting: 0 (no reports) NOTE Frequent reports will shorten the battery life. Parameter value under 5 may result in blocking the temperature reports. The parameter determines the change in level of temperature resulting in temperature report being sent to the main controller. Available settings: 0 - 255 (0.1 - 25.5C; 0 = reports are not sent) Default setting: 10 (1C) The parameter determines how often the temperature will be measured. The shorter the time, the more frequently the temperature will be measured, but the battery life will shorten. Available settings: 0 - 65535 (1 - 65535 seconds; 0 = temperature will not be measured) Default setting: 900 (900 seconds) NOTE Frequent reports will shorten the battery life. Parameter value under 5 may result in blocking the illumination reports. The parameter determines how often the temperature reports will be sent to the main controller. Available settings: 0 - 65535 (1 - 65535 seconds; 0 = reports are not sent) Default setting: 0 The value to be added to the actual temperature, measured by the sensor (temperature compensation). Available settings: 0 - 100 (0 to 100C) or 64536 - 65535 (-100 to -0.10C) Default setting: 0 The parameter determines the way in which LED behaves after motion has been detected. Values 1 and from 3 to 9 = single long blink at the moment of reporting motion. No other motion will be indicated until alarm is cancelled. Values from 10 to 18 = single long blink at the moment of reporting motion and one short blink each time the motion is detected again. Values from 19 to 26 = single long blink at the moment of reporting motion and two short blinks each time the motion is detected again. Default setting: 10 (flashlight) The parameter determines the brightness of LED when indicating motion. Available settings: 0 - 100 (1 - 100%; 0 = brightness determined by the ambient lighting - see parameters 82 and 83) Default setting: 50 The parameter is relevant only when the parameter 81 is set to 0. Available settings: 0 to parameter 83 value Default setting: 100 (100 lux) The parameter is relevant only when the parameter 81 is set to 0. Available settings: parameter 82 value to 65535 Default setting: 1000 (1000 lux) NOTE The value of the parameter 83 must be higher than the value of the parameter 82. This parameter is relevant only when parameter 80 has been properly configured. Available settings: 0 to parameter 87 value (degrees Celsius) Default setting: 18 (18C) This parameter is relevant only when parameter 80 has been properly configured. Available settings: parameter 86 value to 255 (degrees Celsius) Default setting: 28 (28C) Indicating mode resembles a police car (white, red and blue). Default setting: 1 (on)