In separate mode button 1 works with Group A, button 3 with Group C. Click is ON, Hold is dimming UP, Double click is OFF, Click-Hold is dimming DOWN. In pair button 1/3 are UP/DOWN correspondingly. Click is ON/OFF, Hold is dimming UP/DOWN. Single clicks works with Group A, double click with Group C.
In separate mode button 2 works with control group B, button 4 with control group D. Click is ON, Hold is dimming UP, Double click is OFF, Click-Hold is dimming DOWN. In pair button B/D are UP/DOWN correspondingly. Click is ON/OFF, Hold is dimming UP/DOWN. Single clicks works with Group B, double click with Group D.
This parameter defines the command to be sent to devices of control group A when the related button is pressed.
This parameter defines the command to be sent to devices of control group B when the related button is pressed.
This parameter defines the command to be sent to devices of control group C when the related button is pressed.
This parameter defines the command to be sent to devices of control group D when the related button is pressed.
If the Wall Controller wakes up and there is no controller nearby, several unsuccessful communication attempts will drain battery.
If the Wall Controller wakes up and there is no controller nearby, several unsuccessful communication attempts will drain battery.