Flush 1 relay module responds to commands ALL ON / ALL OFF that may be sent by the main controller or by other controller belonging to the system.
Set value from 0 - 100 (0% - 100%). 0 - Reporting Disabled. 1 – 100 = 1% – 100% Reporting enabled. Power report is send (push) only when actual power (in Watts) in real time changes for more than set percentage comparing to previous actual power in Watts, step is 1%. Default value 1
Set value means time interval (0 - 65535) in seconds, when power report is send. 0 - Reporting Disabled. 1 - 65535 = 1second - 65535 seconds. Reporting enabled. Power report is send with time interval set by entered value. Default value 300 (power report in Watts is send each 300s)
Module may include power and energy used by module itself in reports sent to the main controller
This parameter defines selection between two operating modes. NOTE: After setting a mode the module needs to be reconfigured. Please check the detailed description in the product manual.
This parameter defines the time necessary for slats to make a full turn (180 degrees). 0 – tilting time disabled. Values range from 1 – 32767 = 0,01 seconds – 327,67 seconds. Default value 150. NOTE: If the time is set too high the shutter will move the slats up or down until the duration is reached.
This parameter defines slat position after up/down movement through UI or push button.
This parameter defines shutter motor moving time of complete opening or complete closing. 0 – moving time disabled (working with limit switches). 1 – 65535 = 0,1seconds – 6553,5 seconds After that time motor is stopped (relay goes to off state). Default value 0
Power threshold to be interpreted when motor reach the limit switch. Available settings: 0 – 127 (0-127 W). The value 0 means reaching a limit switch will not be detected. Default value: 10 (10W).
By modifying the parameters setting from 0 to 1 a Shutter enters the calibration mode. Once the calibration process finished the parameter is reset back to 0.
The parameter defines the maximum time before motor power consumption is read after one of the relays is switched on. If there is no power consumption during this time the relay will switch off. Default value is 0 which signifies automatic detection. Value 3 signifies a time of 0,3 seconds.
The parameter defines the time delay between output relay switching (time between switching up/down and vice versa). The value 1 of this parameter corresponds to a 0,1 second delay. Default value is 5, which corresponds to 0,5 seconds.