Flush 1 relay module responds to commands ALL ON / ALL OFF that may be sent by the main controller or by other controller belonging to the system.
0 => Auto OFF disabled. 1 - 32535 => 1 second (0,01s) - 32535 seconds (325,35s). Auto OFF enabled with define time, step is 1s or 10ms according to parameter 15. Default value 0
0 - Auto OFF disabled. 1 - 32535 => 1 second (0,01s) - 32535 seconds (325,35s). Auto ON enabled with define time, step is 1s or 10ms according to parameter 15. Default value 0
Set value is added or subtracted to actual measured value by sensor. Available configuration parameters : default value 32536. 32536 offset is 0.0C. From 1 to 100 = value from 0.1°C to 10.0°C is added to actual measured temperature. From 1001 to 1100 = value from -0.1 °C to -10.0 °C is subtracted to actual measured temperature.
If digital temperature sensor is connected, module reports measured temperature on temperature change defined by this parameter. Available configuration parameters : 0 = reporting disabled. 1 to 127 = 0,1°C to 12,7°C, step is 0,1°C. Default value is 5 = 0,5°C