Default value 0. Default value 0. Flush dimmer module responds to commands ALL ON / ALL OFF that may be sent by the main controller or by other controller belonging to the system. Default value 255. 0 - Auto OFF disabled. Set value from 1 to 32536. 1 second – 32536 seconds Auto OFF enabled with defined time, step is 1 second. Default value 0. 0 - Auto ON disabled. Set value from 1 to 32535. 1 second – 32535 seconds Auto ON enabled with defined time, step is 1 second. Default value 0. If Double click function is enabled, a fast double click on the push button will set dimming power at maximum dimming value. Default value 0. Default value 0. Set value from 0 - 100 (0% - 100%). 0 - Reporting Disabled. 1 - 100 = 1% - 100% Reporting enabled. Power report is send (push) only when actual power in Watts in real time change for more than set percentage comparing to previous actual power in Watts, step is 1%. Default value 5. Set value means time interval (0 - 32767) in seconds, when power report is send. 0 - Reporting by time interval Disabled. 1 - 32767 = 1 second - 32767 seconds reporting enabled. Power report is send with time interval set by entered value. Default value 0. 1 - 98 = 1% - 98%, step is 1%. Minimum dimming values is set by entered value. Default value 1 (Minimum dimming value is 1%). 2 - 99 = 2% - 99%, step is 1%. Maximum dimming values is set by entered value. Default value 99 (Maximum dimming value is 99%). Set value means time of moving the Dimmer between min. and max. dimming values by short press of push button I1 or controlled through. 1- 255 = 10mseconds - 2550mseconds (2,55s), step is 10mseconds. Default value 100 (Dimming time between min. and max. dimming values is 1s). Time of moving the Dimmer between min. and max dimming values by continues hold of push button I1. 1- 255 = 1 second - 255 seconds. Default value 3 (Dimming time between min. and max. dimming values is 3s). This parameter is used with association group 4. A receiving device SHOULD respect the start level if the Ignore Start Level bit is 0. A receiving device MUST ignore the start level if the Ignore Start Level bit is 1. Default value 0. This parameter is used with association group 3. The Duration field MUST specify the time that the transition should take from the current value to the new target value. A supporting device SHOULD respect the specified Duration value. Default value 0. 1 - 127 from 1 to 127 seconds. Set value is added or subtracted to actual measured value by sensor. 32536 – offset is 0.0C. From 1 to 100 – value from 0.1 °C to 10.0 °C is added to actual measured temperature. From 1001 to 1100 – value from -0.1 °C to -10.0 °C is subtracted to actual measured temperature. Default value 32536. If digital temperature sensor is connected, module reports measured temperature on temperature change defined by this parameter. 0 – Reporting disabled. 1- 127 = 0,1°C – 12,7°C, step is 0,1°C. Default value 5 = 0,5°C change.