If not zero, automatically switch off/close blind after a user defined time If not zero, automatically switch off/close blind after a user defined time Defines if the dimmer shall ignore start level in StartLevelChange command despite it is specified or not. Defines if the switch should restore switch state to the last state prior to device power off (power cycle). Typical time used to differentiate click, hold, double and triple clicks. If disabled, the local operations by buttons will not switch the load, but only send commands to On/Off association group. In this mode buttons are not linked with the switch anymore. They can be used separately: buttons to control remote device, switch will operate by RF commands only. Defines which command should be sent on button single press or hold. Basic commands are sent to Association group. Switch All commands are sent broadcast. Defines which command should be sent on button double press or press-hold. Basic commands are sent to Association group. Switch All commands are sent broadcast. If not disabled, the device will wait for a click timeout to see if the second click would be pressed. This will introduce a small delay for single click commands.