In separate mode button 1 works with group A, button 3 with groups C. Click is On, Hold is dimming Up, Double click is Off, Click-Hold is dimming Down. In pair button 1/3 are Up/Down correspondingly. Click is On/Off, Hold is dimming Up/Down. Single clicks works with group A, double click with group C. In separate mode button 2 works with group B, button 4 with groups D. Click is On, Hold is dimming Up, Double click is Off, Click-Hold is dimming Down. In pair button 2/4 are Up/Down correspondingly. Click is On/Off, Hold is dimming Up/Down. Single clicks works with group B, double click with group D. This parameter defines the command to be sent to devices of control group A when the related button is pressed This parameter defines the command to be sent to devices of control group B when the related button is pressed This parameter defines the command to be sent to devices of control group C when the related button is pressed This parameter defines the command to be sent to devices of control group D when the related button is pressed Send the following Switch All ON/OFF commands Invert meaning of On/Dim up and Off/Dim down in pairs of buttons. This applies only to pairs in grouped mode. Buttons 1 and 2 will become Off/Dim down, buttons 3 and 4 On/Dim up. If the KFOB wakes up and there is no controller nearby, several unsuccessful communication attempts will drain battery