use std::env::current_exe; use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use metrics::{describe_counter, increment_counter}; use opinionated_telemetry::{ current_span_as_env, current_span_as_headers, run_with_telemetry, set_parent_span_from_env, AppType, }; use tokio::{ io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt, BufReader, BufWriter}, net::tcp::OwnedWriteHalf, process::Command, }; use tracing::{instrument, Level}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { // Set up all our telemetry. // // We can't create any spans until we're inside `main_helper`, because we // need to wait for `run_with_telemetry` to start the tracing subsystem. run_with_telemetry( AppType::Cli, env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), main_helper(), ) .await } #[instrument( level = Level::INFO, name = "client-tracing", fields(version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")) )] async fn main_helper() -> Result<()> { // Hook into any existing trace passed via `TRACEPARENT` and `TRACESTATE` // headers. If we can't find one, start a new trace. set_parent_span_from_env(); // Update a metric. Note that if you want to do this from a CLI tool, you // probably want to run // instead of the standard Prometheus push gateway. describe_counter!("", "Number of times we've run"); increment_counter!(""); // Make some sample requests. make_request_to_server().await?; call_cli_tool().await } /// Make a request to an HTTP server, passing the current trace information. #[instrument] async fn make_request_to_server() -> Result<()> { // Open a TCP connection to the server. let stream = tokio::net::TcpStream::connect("").await?; let (read_half, write_half) = stream.into_split(); let mut wtr = BufWriter::new(write_half); let mut rdr = BufReader::new(read_half); // Get our headers from OpenTracing and write them. let headers = current_span_as_headers(); eprintln!("Headers: {:?}", headers); for (header, value) in headers { if !value.is_empty() { write_header_line(&mut wtr, &header, &value).await?; } } wtr.write_all(b"\r\n").await?; wtr.flush().await?; wtr.shutdown().await?; // Read the response. let mut body = String::new(); rdr.read_to_string(&mut body).await?; Ok(()) } async fn write_header_line( wtr: &mut BufWriter, header: &str, value: &str, ) -> Result<()> { wtr.write_all(header.as_bytes()).await?; wtr.write_all(b": ").await?; wtr.write_all(value.as_bytes()).await?; wtr.write_all(b"\r\n").await?; Ok(()) } /// Invoke a CLI tool, passing the current trace information. #[instrument] async fn call_cli_tool() -> Result<()> { // Find our example CLI tool. let exe = current_exe()?; let exe_dir = exe .parent() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("expected executable to have a parent directory"))?; let cli_tracing_exe = exe_dir.join("cli-tracing"); // Build and run our command. let status = Command::new(cli_tracing_exe) .envs(current_span_as_env()) .status() .await?; if !status.success() { return Err(anyhow!("CLI tool failed: {:?}", status)); } Ok(()) }