---meta fullscreen: true title: A Demo --- # Rich Text This is $an$ simple *example* of rich text. Enjoy. _*Nested style*_ is ~supported~ as well. No /new line/ here. > This line is quoted. > This line is quoted as well. \# Escape Click to to find more. Or visit my profile: [Fralonra](https://github.com/fralonra). :P # Headings # 1 ---t ## 2 ---t ### 3 #### 4 ---t ##### 5 ###### 6 --- # Images ---t1 Picture with width of 50: ``. Will show up after one click. ![test](test.png) ---t2 Picture with width of 50 and height of 100: ``. Will show up after two clicks. ![test](test.png) ---t0 Picture with width of 100 and height of 50: ``. Will show up initially. ![test](test.png) --- # Unordered List ---t2 - Will show up after two clicks - Level 2 - Level 3 - ✨Magic ✨ - Support four levels - Another level 3 - Foo - Bar t--- - Will show up initially # Ordered List 1. Ordered List 1. Next level 1. Foo 1. Auto indexing is supported 2. Below is a horizontal separator ---- ----v 2. Above is a vertical separator 3. Custom indexing is supported 4. Bar --- # Code Block ```javascript let a = 1; console.log(a); ``` ``` This is the last page. You can use arrow keys to navigate. ```