# opsgenie_rust Light alerting client library for opsgenie This libaray in WIP status so be aware that API can be rewritten. I have created this API because `swagger-cli` is not able to genereate rust lib that is compiling and it was faster for me implement needed functionality(Alert creating) on my own. ## How to use it? ``` extern crate opsgenie_rust; use opsgenie_rust::*; use std::thread; fn main() { let alert_data = AlertData::new("Some message".to_string()) .alias("with alias".to_string()) .tags(vec!["certyficates".to_string(), "expiring".to_string()]) .entity("www.domain.com".to_string()) .source("alert-sourtce".to_string()) .priority(opsgenie_rust::Priority::P4); let opsgenie = OpsGenie::new("XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXX".to_string()); let mut alert_ops = opsgenie.alert(alert_data).unwrap(); thread::sleep_ms(10000); alert_ops.close().unwrap(); } ``` ## TODO: - Finish implementing alert API - Adding heatbeat API support - we will see