use argh::FromArgs; use enum_dispatch::enum_dispatch; use eyre::{Result, WrapErr}; use image::imageops::FilterType::Lanczos3; use image::{DynamicImage, GenericImageView, ImageReader, Rgba}; use indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle}; use log::{debug, info}; use regex::Regex; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{self, Cursor, Read, Seek, SeekFrom, Write}; use std::path::{Component, Path, PathBuf}; use std::sync::LazyLock; use zip::result::ZipError; use zip::write::SimpleFileOptions; use zip::{ZipArchive, ZipWriter}; static FIGURE_REF_REGEX: LazyLock = LazyLock::new(|| Regex::new(r#"(?i)]*?>]+?)".+?"#).unwrap()); static FILE_REFS_REGEX: LazyLock = LazyLock::new(|| Regex::new(r#"(?i)src\s*=\s*"([^"<>]+?)""#).unwrap()); #[derive(FromArgs, Default)] /// Optimize EPUB files by compressing images and removing unnecessary content. pub struct Cli { /// input EPUB file path #[argh(positional)] pub input: PathBuf, /// output EPUB file path (default: input_optimized.epub) #[argh(option, short = 'o')] pub output: Option, /// JPEG quality (1-100, default: 75) #[argh(option, short = 'q', default = "75")] pub quality: u8, /// maximum image dimension (default: 1440) #[argh(option, short = 'd', default = "1440")] pub max_dimension: u32, /// hash distance for considering images similar (default: 6) #[argh(option, short = 'h', default = "6")] pub hash_distance: u32, /// verbosity level (-v for debug, -vv) #[argh(option, short = 'v', from_str_fn(parse_verbosity), default = "1")] pub verbose: u8, /// hide progress bar #[argh(switch)] pub quiet: bool, /// perform a dry run without modifying files #[argh(switch)] pub dry_run: bool, } fn parse_verbosity(value: &str) -> Result { match value { "" => Ok(1), // -v "v" => Ok(2), // -vv "vv" => Ok(3), // -vvv _ => Err(String::from("Invalid verbosity level")), } } #[derive(Default)] struct Statistics { total_images: usize, optimized_images: usize, removed_unused: usize, removed_duplicate: usize, original_size: u64, optimized_size: u64, } impl Statistics { fn percentage_saved(&self) -> f32 { if self.original_size == 0 { 0.0 } else { (1.0 - (self.optimized_size as f32 / self.original_size as f32)) * 100.0 } } } struct ImmutableState<'a> { cli: &'a Cli, image_paths: HashMap, progress_bar: Option, } struct MutableState { zip: ZipArchiveEnum, outzip: ZipWriterEnum, image_hashes: HashMap, optimized_images: HashMap, stats: Statistics, } #[enum_dispatch(ZipArchiveEnum)] trait ZipArchiveOps { fn by_index(&mut self, index: usize) -> Result; fn by_name(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result; fn len(&self) -> usize; } #[enum_dispatch(ZipWriterEnum)] trait ZipWriterOps { fn start_file(&mut self, name: &str, options: SimpleFileOptions) -> Result<(), ZipError>; fn finish(self) -> Result; fn write_all(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<()>; fn copy_from(&mut self, src: &mut impl io::Read) -> Result; } impl ZipArchiveOps for ZipArchive { fn by_index(&mut self, index: usize) -> Result { Ok(self.by_index(index)?) } fn by_name(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result { Ok(self.by_name(name)?) } fn len(&self) -> usize { self.len() } } impl ZipWriterOps for ZipWriter { fn start_file(&mut self, name: &str, options: SimpleFileOptions) -> Result<(), ZipError> { self.start_file(name, options) } fn finish(self) -> Result { let mut inner = self.finish()?; Ok( } fn write_all(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<()> { Ok(::write_all(self, buf)?) } fn copy_from(&mut self, src: &mut impl io::Read) -> Result { Ok(io::copy(src, self)?) } } #[enum_dispatch] enum ZipArchiveEnum { File(ZipArchive), Memory(ZipArchive>>), } #[enum_dispatch] enum ZipWriterEnum { File(ZipWriter), Memory(ZipWriter>>), } fn comp_jpeg(image: DynamicImage, quality: f32) -> Result> { let mut comp = mozjpeg::Compress::new(mozjpeg::ColorSpace::JCS_RGB); comp.set_quality(quality); comp.set_size(image.width() as _, image.height() as _); let mut comp = comp.start_compress(Vec::new())?; comp.write_scanlines(&image.into_rgb8())?; Ok(comp.finish()?) } fn needs_alpha(image: &DynamicImage) -> bool { if !image.color().has_alpha() { return false; } if let Some(argb8) = image.as_rgba8() { let count = argb8.pixels().filter(|&pixel| pixel.0[3] < 200).count(); return count > argb8.pixels().len() / 20; } false } use image_hasher::{HasherConfig, ImageHash}; use imageproc::edges::canny; fn crop_transparent_and_black(img: DynamicImage) -> DynamicImage { let (width, height) = img.dimensions(); let gray_img = img.to_luma8(); let edges = canny(&gray_img, 50.0, 100.0); let is_content = |pixel: Rgba| -> bool { pixel.0[3] > 10 || pixel.0[0] > 10 || pixel.0[1] > 10 || pixel.0[2] > 10 }; let content_density = |x: u32, y: u32, w: u32, h: u32| -> f32 { let mut content_count = 0; let mut edge_count = 0; let mut total = 0; for dy in 0..h { for dx in 0..w { if x + dx < width && y + dy < height { total += 1; if is_content(img.get_pixel(x + dx, y + dy)) { content_count += 1; } if edges.get_pixel(x + dx, y + dy).0[0] > 0 { edge_count += 1; } } } } if total == 0 { return 0.0; } (content_count as f32 / total as f32) * 0.7 + (edge_count as f32 / total as f32) * 0.3 }; let mut left = width; let mut right = 0; let mut top = height; let mut bottom = 0; let window_size = 20; let step_size = 10; for y in (0..height).step_by(step_size as usize) { for x in (0..width).step_by(step_size as usize) { if content_density(x, y, window_size, window_size) > 0.05 { left = left.min(x); right = right.max(x + window_size - 1); top = top.min(y); bottom = bottom.max(y + window_size - 1); } } } macro_rules! density_check { ($i:expr, $is_horizontal:expr) => {{ if if $is_horizontal { content_density($i, 0, 1, height) } else { content_density(0, $i, width, 1) } > 0.01 { return $i; } }}; } let refine_edge = { #[inline(always)] |start: u32, end: u32, max: u32, is_horizontal: bool, is_forward: bool| { if is_forward { for i in start..=end { density_check!(i, is_horizontal); } 0 } else { for i in (start..=end).rev() { density_check!(i, is_horizontal); } max } } }; let (left, right, top, bottom) = ( refine_edge(left, right, width, true, true), refine_edge(left, right, width, true, false), refine_edge(top, bottom, height, false, true), refine_edge(top, bottom, height, false, false), ); if left < right && top < bottom && right < width && bottom < height { img.crop_imm(left, top, right - left + 1, bottom - top + 1) } else { img } } fn optimize_image(name: &str, image: &[u8], max_dim: u32, jpeg_quality: f32) -> Result<(&'static str, Vec, ImageHash)> { debug!("Optimizing image: {}", name); let mut img_rs = ImageReader::new(Cursor::new(image)) .with_guessed_format() .wrap_err_with(|| format!("Failed to guess image format for {}", name))? .decode() .wrap_err_with(|| format!("Failed to decode image {}", name))?; debug!("Original dimensions: {}x{}", img_rs.width(), img_rs.height()); img_rs = crop_transparent_and_black(img_rs); debug!("Dimensions after cropping: {}x{}", img_rs.width(), img_rs.height()); if img_rs.width() > max_dim || img_rs.height() > max_dim { img_rs = img_rs.resize(max_dim, max_dim, Lanczos3); debug!("Resized to: {}x{}", img_rs.width(), img_rs.height()); } if !needs_alpha(&img_rs) { let img_rs = DynamicImage::from(img_rs.into_rgb8()); let hash = calculate_image_hash_from_loaded_image(&img_rs); debug!("Optimizing as JPEG"); return Ok(( "jpg", comp_jpeg(img_rs, jpeg_quality).wrap_err_with(|| format!("Failed to compress JPEG for {}", name))?, hash, )); } let hash = calculate_image_hash_from_loaded_image(&img_rs); let mut bytes: Vec = Vec::new(); img_rs .write_to(&mut Cursor::new(&mut bytes), image::ImageFormat::Png) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("Failed to write image {} to buffer", name))?; debug!("Optimizing as PNG"); Ok(( "png", oxipng::optimize_from_memory( &bytes, &oxipng::Options { fix_errors: true, ..Default::default() }, ) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("Failed to optimize PNG for {}", name))?, hash, )) } fn calculate_image_hash(image_data: &[u8]) -> Result { Ok(calculate_image_hash_from_loaded_image( &image::load_from_memory(image_data).wrap_err("Failed to load image for hashing")?, )) } fn calculate_image_hash_from_loaded_image(image_data: &DynamicImage) -> ImageHash { let hasher = HasherConfig::new().hash_size(8, 8).preproc_dct().to_hasher(); hasher.hash_image(image_data) } fn add_mimetype_file(outzip: &mut ZipWriterEnum) -> Result<()> { let options = SimpleFileOptions::default().compression_method(zip::CompressionMethod::Stored); outzip .start_file("mimetype", options) .wrap_err("Failed to start mimetype file in ZIP")?; outzip .write_all(b"application/epub+zip") .wrap_err("Failed to write mimetype content")?; Ok(()) } fn collect_image_paths(zip: &mut ZipArchiveEnum) -> Result> { let mut image_paths = HashMap::new(); for i in { let file = zip .by_index(i) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("Failed to read ZIP file entry at index {}", i))?; if file.is_file() { if let Some(ext) = get_file_extension( { if ["png", "webp", "jpeg", "jpg"].contains(&ext.to_ascii_lowercase().as_str()) { let lowercase_name =; image_paths.insert(lowercase_name,; } } } } Ok(image_paths) } fn get_file_extension(name: &str) -> Option { Path::new(name) .extension() .and_then(|ext| ext.to_str()) .map(|ext| ext.to_ascii_lowercase()) } pub fn optimize(cli: &Cli) -> Result<()> { let log_level = match cli.quiet { true => log::LevelFilter::Error, false => match cli.verbose { 0 => log::LevelFilter::Warn, 1 => log::LevelFilter::Info, 2 => log::LevelFilter::Debug, _ => log::LevelFilter::Trace, }, }; env_logger::Builder::from_default_env().filter_level(log_level).init(); info!("Starting EPUB optimization"); debug!("Input file: {:?}", cli.input); debug!("Output file: {:?}", cli.output); if cli.dry_run { info!("Performing dry run - no files will be modified"); } let mut zip: ZipArchiveEnum = ZipArchive::new(File::open(&cli.input).wrap_err_with(|| format!("Failed to open input EPUB file: {:?}", cli.input))?)?.into(); let output_path = cli.output.as_ref().cloned().unwrap_or_else(|| { cli.input .with_file_name(format!("{}_optimized.epub", cli.input.file_stem().unwrap().to_string_lossy())) }); let outzip = if cli.dry_run { ZipWriterEnum::Memory(ZipWriter::new(Cursor::new(Vec::new()))) } else { ZipWriterEnum::File(ZipWriter::new( File::create(&output_path).wrap_err_with(|| format!("Failed to create output EPUB file: {:?}", output_path))?, )) }; let image_paths = collect_image_paths(&mut zip)?; let progress_bar = if cli.quiet { None } else { Some(ProgressBar::new(zip.len() as u64)) }; if let Some(p) = &progress_bar { p.set_style( ProgressStyle::default_bar() .template("[{elapsed_precise}] {bar:40.cyan/blue} {pos:>7}/{len:7} {msg}") .unwrap() .progress_chars("##-"), ); } let immutable_state = ImmutableState { cli, image_paths, progress_bar, }; let mut mutable_state = MutableState { zip, outzip, image_hashes: HashMap::new(), optimized_images: HashMap::new(), stats: Statistics::default(), }; mutable_state.stats.original_size = std::fs::metadata(&cli.input) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("Failed to get metadata for input file: {:?}", cli.input))? .len(); mutable_state.stats.total_images = immutable_state.image_paths.len(); if !cli.dry_run { add_mimetype_file(&mut mutable_state.outzip)?; } for i in { if let Some(p) = &immutable_state.progress_bar { p.set_position(i as u64); } let file =; let name =; if let Some(p) = &immutable_state.progress_bar { p.set_message(format!("Processing {}", name)); } debug!("Processing file: {}", name); if name == "mimetype" { continue; } let extension = get_file_extension(&name); match extension.as_deref() { Some("png" | "webp" | "jpeg" | "jpg") => {} Some("xhtml" | "html") => { let mut html_content = String::new(); { let mut file = file; file.read_to_string(&mut html_content) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("Failed to read HTML content from {}", name))?; } process_html_file(&immutable_state, &mut mutable_state, html_content, &name)?; } _ => { let mut file = file; if !cli.dry_run { copy_file_to_output(&mut file, &name, &mut mutable_state.outzip) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("Failed to copy file {} to output", name))?; } } } } mutable_state.stats.optimized_size = mutable_state.outzip.finish().wrap_err("Failed to finalize output EPUB file")?; if let Some(p) = &immutable_state.progress_bar { p.finish_with_message("Optimization complete"); } info!("Optimization complete"); info!("Total images: {}", mutable_state.stats.total_images); info!("Optimized images: {}", mutable_state.stats.optimized_images); info!("Removed unused: {}", mutable_state.stats.removed_unused); info!("Removed duplicate: {}", mutable_state.stats.removed_duplicate); info!( "Original size: {:.2} MiB", mutable_state.stats.original_size as f32 / (1024.0 * 1024.0) ); info!( "Optimized size: {:.2} MiB", mutable_state.stats.optimized_size as f32 / (1024.0 * 1024.0) ); info!("Percentage saved: {:.2}%", mutable_state.stats.percentage_saved()); if cli.dry_run { info!("Dry run completed. No files were modified."); } else { info!("Optimized EPUB saved to: {}", output_path.display()); } Ok(()) } fn process_html_file(immutable_state: &ImmutableState, mutable_state: &mut MutableState, html_content: String, name: &str) -> Result<()> { let html_folder = PathBuf::from(name).parent().unwrap_or(Path::new("")).to_path_buf(); let content = replace_image_references(&FILE_REFS_REGEX, immutable_state, mutable_state, &html_content, &html_folder); let content = replace_image_references(&FIGURE_REF_REGEX, immutable_state, mutable_state, &content, &html_folder); if !immutable_state.cli.dry_run { mutable_state .outzip .start_file( name, SimpleFileOptions::default().compression_method(zip::CompressionMethod::DEFLATE), ) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("Failed to start HTML file {} in output ZIP", name))?; mutable_state .outzip .write_all(content.as_bytes()) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("Failed to write HTML content for {} to output ZIP", name))?; } Ok(()) } fn replace_image_references( regex: &Regex, immutable_state: &ImmutableState, mutable_state: &mut MutableState, content: &str, html_folder: &Path, ) -> String { regex .replace_all(content, |cap: ®ex::Captures| { if let Some(img) = cap.get(1) { let resolved_path = join_path(html_folder, img.as_str()); if let Some(img_path) = immutable_state .image_paths .get(&resolved_path.to_string_lossy().to_ascii_lowercase()) { let new_path = get_or_create_optimized_image(immutable_state, mutable_state, img_path).unwrap(); let relativized = make_rel_path(html_folder, Path::new(&new_path)); return if cap[0].to_ascii_lowercase().starts_with(""#, relativized.display()) } else { format!(r#"src="{}""#, relativized.display()) }; } else { mutable_state.stats.removed_unused += 1; } } debug!("Skipping unknown image {} referenced in {}", &cap[0], html_folder.display()); cap[0].to_string() }) .into_owned() } fn get_or_create_optimized_image(immutable_state: &ImmutableState, mutable_state: &mut MutableState, img_path: &str) -> Result { if let Some(optimized_path) = mutable_state.optimized_images.get(img_path) { return Ok(optimized_path.clone()); } let mut buf = vec![]; buf).unwrap(); let original_hash = calculate_image_hash(&buf).unwrap(); let similar_image = mutable_state.image_hashes.iter().find(|(_, (hash1, hash2))| { hash1.dist(&original_hash) <= immutable_state.cli.hash_distance || hash2.dist(&original_hash) <= immutable_state.cli.hash_distance }); let new_path = if let Some((existing_path, _)) = similar_image { mutable_state.stats.removed_duplicate += 1; existing_path.clone() } else { let (new_ext, res, optimized_hash) = optimize_image( img_path, &buf, immutable_state.cli.max_dimension, immutable_state.cli.quality as f32, ) .unwrap(); let similar_image = mutable_state.image_hashes.iter().find(|(_, (hash1, hash2))| { hash1.dist(&optimized_hash) <= immutable_state.cli.hash_distance || hash2.dist(&optimized_hash) <= immutable_state.cli.hash_distance }); if let Some((existing_path, _)) = similar_image { mutable_state.stats.removed_duplicate += 1; existing_path.clone() } else { let new_path = swap_ext(img_path, new_ext); debug!("Saving optimized image to {new_path}"); if !immutable_state.cli.dry_run { mutable_state .outzip .start_file( &new_path, SimpleFileOptions::default().compression_method(zip::CompressionMethod::DEFLATE), ) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("Failed to start file {} in output ZIP", new_path))?; mutable_state .outzip .write_all(&res) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("Failed to write optimized image data for {} to output ZIP", new_path))?; } mutable_state.image_hashes.insert(new_path.clone(), (original_hash, optimized_hash)); mutable_state.stats.optimized_images += 1; new_path } }; mutable_state.optimized_images.insert(img_path.to_owned(), new_path.clone()); Ok(new_path) } fn copy_file_to_output(file: &mut zip::read::ZipFile, name: &str, outzip: &mut ZipWriterEnum) -> Result<()> { outzip .start_file( name, SimpleFileOptions::default().compression_method(zip::CompressionMethod::DEFLATE), ) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("Failed to start file {} in output ZIP", name))?; outzip .copy_from(file) .wrap_err_with(|| format!("Failed to copy file {} to output ZIP", name))?; Ok(()) } fn swap_ext(name: &str, new_ext: &str) -> String { let name_non_ext = &name['.').unwrap_or(name.len())]; format!("{name_non_ext}.{new_ext}") } fn make_rel_path(current_folder: &Path, target: &Path) -> PathBuf { let current_parts: Vec<_> = current_folder.components().collect(); let target_parts: Vec<_> = target.components().collect(); let common_prefix = current_parts.iter().zip(&target_parts).take_while(|&(a, b)| a == b).count(); let up_levels = current_parts.len() - common_prefix; let down_path = &target_parts[common_prefix..]; std::iter::repeat(std::path::Component::ParentDir) .take(up_levels) .chain(down_path.iter().cloned()) .collect() } fn join_path(path: &Path, img: &str) -> PathBuf { let rel_path = path.join(img); let mut components = Vec::new(); for ele in rel_path.components() { match ele { Component::ParentDir => { components.pop(); } _ => components.push(ele), } } components.iter().collect() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use imageproc::drawing::Canvas; use io::SeekFrom; use std::io::{Cursor, Seek}; use tempfile::{tempdir, NamedTempFile}; #[test] fn test_optimize_integration() -> Result<()> { // Create a mock EPUB file in memory let mut epub_data = Cursor::new(Vec::new()); let image_data = create_dummy_png(1000, 1000); { let mut zip = ZipWriter::new(&mut epub_data); // Add mimetype file zip.start_file( "mimetype", SimpleFileOptions::default().compression_method(zip::CompressionMethod::Stored), )?; ZipWriterOps::write_all(&mut zip, b"application/epub+zip")?; // Add a simple HTML file zip.start_file("OEBPS/content.xhtml", SimpleFileOptions::default())?; ZipWriterOps::write_all(&mut zip, br#""#)?; // Add a dummy image zip.start_file("OEBPS/images/test.png", SimpleFileOptions::default())?; ZipWriterOps::write_all(&mut zip, &image_data)?; zip.finish()?; } // Create a temporary file to save the mock EPUB let mut temp_file = NamedTempFile::new()?;; std::io::copy(&mut epub_data, &mut temp_file)?; // Create a temporary file for the output let output_file = NamedTempFile::new()?; // Create the Cli struct with our temp files let cli = Cli { input: temp_file.path().to_path_buf(), output: Some(output_file.path().to_path_buf()), quality: 75, max_dimension: 500, // Set to a smaller value to ensure resizing hash_distance: 6, verbose: 3, ..Default::default() }; // Run the optimize function // Run the optimize function optimize(&cli)?; // Verify that the output file exists and is smaller than the input let input_size = temp_file.as_file().metadata()?.len(); let output_size = output_file.as_file().metadata()?.len(); assert!(output_size > 0, "Output file should not be empty"); assert!(output_size < input_size, "Output file should be smaller than input"); // Verify the content of the output EPUB let mut output_zip = ZipArchive::new(File::open(output_file.path())?)?; // Check if the mimetype file is present and correct let mut mimetype = String::new(); output_zip.by_name("mimetype")?.read_to_string(&mut mimetype)?; assert_eq!(mimetype, "application/epub+zip"); // Check if the HTML content was updated correctly let mut html_content = String::new(); output_zip.by_name("OEBPS/content.xhtml")?.read_to_string(&mut html_content)?; assert!(html_content.contains("images/test.jpg"), "Image reference should be updated to JPG"); // Check if the image was actually optimized let mut optimized_image = Vec::new(); output_zip.by_name("OEBPS/images/test.jpg")?.read_to_end(&mut optimized_image)?; // Verify that the optimized image is smaller assert!(optimized_image.len() < image_data.len(), "Optimized image should be smaller"); // Verify that the optimized image dimensions are correct let img = image::load_from_memory(&optimized_image)?; assert!( img.width() <= 500 && img.height() <= 500, "Image should be resized to 500x500 or smaller" ); Ok(()) } fn create_dummy_png(width: u32, height: u32) -> Vec { let mut img = image::RgbImage::new(width, height); for pixel in img.pixels_mut() { *pixel = image::Rgb([255, 255, 255]); } let mut buffer = Vec::new(); img.write_to(&mut Cursor::new(&mut buffer), image::ImageFormat::Png).unwrap(); buffer } #[test] fn test_comp_jpeg() -> Result<()> { let image = DynamicImage::new_rgb8(100, 100); let compressed = comp_jpeg(image, 75.0)?; assert!(!compressed.is_empty()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_needs_alpha() { let rgb_image = DynamicImage::new_rgb8(10, 10); assert!(!needs_alpha(&rgb_image)); let mut rgba_image = DynamicImage::new_rgba8(10, 10); for pixel in rgba_image.as_mut_rgba8().unwrap().pixels_mut() { pixel[3] = 128; // Set alpha to 128 for all pixels } assert!(needs_alpha(&rgba_image)); } #[test] fn test_crop_transparent_and_black() { let mut image = DynamicImage::new_rgba8(100, 100); // Draw a white rectangle in the middle for y in 25..75 { for x in 25..75 { image.draw_pixel(x, y, Rgba([255, 255, 255, 255])); } } let cropped = crop_transparent_and_black(image); assert!(cropped.width() < 100 && cropped.height() < 100); } #[test] fn test_calculate_image_hash() -> Result<()> { let image_data = create_dummy_png(100, 100); let hash = calculate_image_hash(&image_data)?; assert_eq!(hash.as_bytes().len(), 8); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_optimize_image() -> Result<()> { let image_data = create_dummy_png(100, 100); let (format, optimized, _) = optimize_image("test.png", &image_data, 50, 75.0)?; assert!(format == "jpg" || format == "png"); assert!(optimized.len() < image_data.len()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_add_mimetype_file() -> Result<()> { let temp_dir = tempdir()?; let file_path = temp_dir.path().join(""); let file = File::create(&file_path)?; use ZipWriterOps; let mut zip = ZipWriterEnum::File(ZipWriter::new(file)); add_mimetype_file(&mut zip)?; zip.finish()?; let mut zip_reader = ZipArchive::new(File::open(&file_path)?)?; let mut mimetype_file = zip_reader.by_name("mimetype")?; assert_eq!(mimetype_file.compression(), zip::CompressionMethod::Stored); let mut content = String::new(); mimetype_file.read_to_string(&mut content)?; assert_eq!(content, "application/epub+zip"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_collect_image_paths() -> Result<()> { let mut zip_data = Cursor::new(Vec::new()); { let mut zip = ZipWriter::new(&mut zip_data); zip.start_file("image1.png", SimpleFileOptions::default())?; ZipWriterOps::write_all(&mut zip, b"fake png data")?; zip.start_file("image2.jpg", SimpleFileOptions::default())?; ZipWriterOps::write_all(&mut zip, b"fake jpg data")?; zip.start_file("not_an_image.txt", SimpleFileOptions::default())?; ZipWriterOps::write_all(&mut zip, b"not an image")?; zip.finish()?; } let mut zip = ZipArchiveEnum::Memory(ZipArchive::new(Cursor::new(zip_data.into_inner()))?); let image_paths = collect_image_paths(&mut zip)?; assert_eq!(image_paths.len(), 2); assert!(image_paths.contains_key("image1.png")); assert!(image_paths.contains_key("image2.jpg")); assert!(!image_paths.contains_key("not_an_image.txt")); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_replace_image_references() -> Result<()> { // Create a dummy PNG image let image_data = create_dummy_png(100, 100); // Create an in-memory ZIP file with the image let mut zip_data = Cursor::new(Vec::new()); { let mut zip = ZipWriter::new(&mut zip_data); zip.start_file("images/test.png", SimpleFileOptions::default())?; ZipWriterOps::write_all(&mut zip, &image_data)?; zip.finish()?; }; let regex = &FILE_REFS_REGEX; let cli = Cli { input: PathBuf::new(), output: None, quality: 75, max_dimension: 1440, hash_distance: 6, verbose: 3, ..Default::default() }; let immutable_state = ImmutableState { cli: &cli, image_paths: [("images/test.png".to_string(), "images/test.png".to_string())] .iter() .cloned() .collect(), progress_bar: None, }; let mut mutable_state = MutableState { zip: ZipArchive::new(zip_data)?.into(), outzip: ZipWriter::new(Cursor::new(Vec::new())).into(), image_hashes: HashMap::new(), optimized_images: HashMap::new(), stats: Statistics::default(), }; let content = r#"Test image"#; let html_folder = Path::new("chapter1"); let result = replace_image_references(regex, &immutable_state, &mut mutable_state, content, html_folder); // The result should now contain a reference to a JPG file (optimized version) assert!(result.contains("../images/test.jpg"), "Image reference should be updated to JPG"); // Check if the optimized image was created assert!( mutable_state.optimized_images.contains_key("images/test.png"), "Optimized image should be created" ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_make_rel_path() { let current_folder = Path::new("OEBPS/chapter1"); let target = Path::new("OEBPS/images/test.jpg"); let rel_path = make_rel_path(current_folder, target); assert_eq!(rel_path, PathBuf::from("../images/test.jpg")); } #[test] fn test_join_path() { let path = Path::new("OEBPS/chapter1"); let img = "../images/test.jpg"; let joined = join_path(path, img); assert_eq!(joined, PathBuf::from("OEBPS/images/test.jpg")); } }