whenever sqlerror exit failure -- Get the path of this file. -- See https://dba.stackexchange.com/a/168154/142186 set termout off spool _SetupTest.tmp @@_nonexistent_script.sql spool off; var path varchar2(100); set serverout on declare output varchar2(1000) := regexp_replace(replace(q'{ @_SetupTest.tmp }',chr(10)),'.*"(.*)".*','\1'); begin if length(output) > 24 then :path:=substr(output,1,length(output)-24); else :path:='.'; end if; end; / col path new_val path select :path path from dual; set termout on @&path/../odpi/test/sql/SetupTest.sql create type &main_user..udt_issue19_obj as object ( FloatCol float ); / create type &main_user..udt_issue19_col as varray(10) of float; /