@tailwind base; /* GLOBAL */ body, html { @apply scroll-smooth h-full; font-family: var(--font-face); } .container { @apply min-h-full flex flex-col; } .page-body { @apply grow; } *:focus { @apply outline outline-offset-4 outline-2; } body { background-color: var(--bg-color); color: var(--fg-color); } /* TEXT */ a { color: var(--link-color); @apply hover:underline hover:underline-offset-4; } .title { @apply text-center text-6xl sm:text-8xl pb-2; } h1 { @apply heading-1; } h2 { @apply heading-2; } h2, h3 { @apply mt-12 sm:mt-24; } h3 { @apply heading-3; } h4 { @apply heading-4; } h5 { @apply heading-5; } h6 { @apply heading-6; } p, table { @apply text-base sm:text-lg leading-relaxed mb-8; } b, li { @apply text-base sm:text-lg leading-relaxed; } /* TABLES */ table { @apply my-16; } table th { @apply text-left uppercase; padding: 1rem; } table td { @apply align-top p-4 text-sm font-mono; } table td > code { @apply text-sm; } table tbody tr { @apply border-t; border-color: var(--fg-color); } div.table { @apply grid grid-cols-4 w-full my-16; } div.table .th { @apply text-left uppercase font-bold border-t text-lg p-4; border-color: var(--fg-color); } div.table span:not(.th) { @apply text-sm font-mono border-t p-4; border-color: var(--fg-color); } /* LISTS */ ul, li { @apply list-none; } .rendered-markdown ul, .rendered-markdown li { @apply list-disc; } li { @apply sm:ml-8 ml-4 mb-4; } /* CODE */ code { @apply whitespace-pre-wrap text-base sm:text-lg leading-relaxed mb-4; color: var(--link-color); } div.table code { @apply text-sm; } h1 code, h2 code, h3 code, h4 code, h5 code, h6 code { font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; } pre { @apply p-4 overflow-auto my-16; } pre > code { @apply text-xs sm:text-base; } hr { @apply text-center my-20 border border-dashed w-64 md:w-96 m-auto; } img { @apply inline; } /* In Markdown, you'll want standalone images to live in their own paragraph - which is why we can target only these standalone images and center them probably. */ p > img:only-child { @apply block m-auto; } blockquote { @apply border-l-2 text-2xl pl-6; border-color: var(--link-color); } main { @apply mx-auto my-24 lg:max-w-4xl max-w-[80%]; } .github-icon { @apply w-5 h-5 bg-github-logo; } .dark .github-icon { @apply bg-github-logo-dark; } .dark .artifacts, .light .artifacts { @apply p-8; } .logo { @apply m-auto block max-w-xs; } .inline-code { @apply text-center break-all; }