version: 2.1 description: Sample orb description display: home_url: "" source_url: "" orbs: gh: circleci/github-cli@1.0 slack: circleci/slack@4.2.1 commands: command0: description: > # What will this command do? # Descriptions should be short, simple, and clear. parameters: target: type: string default: "Hello" description: "To whom to greet?" steps: - run: name: Hello World environment: ORB_PARAM_TARGET: << >> command: echo "Hello ${ORB_PARAM_TARGET}" command1: description: > # What will this command do?? # Descriptions should be short, simple, and clear. parameters: target: type: string default: "World" description: "To whom to greet?" steps: - run: name: Hello World environment: ORB_PARAM_TARGET: << >> command: echo "Hello ${ORB_PARAM_TARGET}"