# ordo Latin language utility library for Rust. [![Tests](https://github.com/donmccaughey/ordo/actions/workflows/tests.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/donmccaughey/ordo/actions/workflows/tests.yml) ## Usage ### `Numerus` struct _Numeri_ are integer Roman numbers in the inclusive range `1..=3999`. Like other Rust integers, math operations on _Numeri_ will panic on overflow in debug builds. ```rust use ordo::Numerus; let xlii = Numerus::try_from(42).unwrap(); let ix = Numerus::try_from(9).unwrap(); let xxxiii = xlii - ix; println!("The answer is {}", xxxiii); // prints "XXXIII" ``` ## License `ordo` is made available under a BSD-style license; see the `LICENSE` file for details.