set term svg enhanced size 800,600 lw 1.2 background rgb 'white' set output 'plot.svg' set grid set key bottom right set multiplot layout 2,2 set style line 1 lc 'dark-green' lw 1.5 pt 4 ps 0.7 set style line 2 lc 'dark-red' lw 1.5 pt 6 ps 0.7 set style line 3 lc 'dark-yellow' lw 1.5 pt 8 ps 0.7 set size 0.5,0.5 set datafile separator ',' set ylabel "Execution time (ns.)" unset xlabel set logscale x 2 set xrange [8/2:65536*2] input_path = "../target" set origin 0,0.5 set title "{/:Bold u8}" plot \ input_path.'/ordsearch.csv' skip 1 using 1:2 with lp title 'ordsearch' ls 1, \ input_path.'/sorted_vec.csv' skip 1 using 1:2 with lp title 'binary search' ls 2, \ input_path.'/btreeset.csv' skip 1 using 1:2 with lp title 'BTree' ls 3 unset ylabel unset key set origin 0.5,0.5 set title "{/:Bold u16}" plot \ input_path.'/ordsearch.csv' skip 1 using 1:3 with lp title 'ordsearch' ls 1, \ input_path.'/sorted_vec.csv' skip 1 using 1:3 with lp title 'binary search' ls 2, \ input_path.'/btreeset.csv' skip 1 using 1:3 with lp title 'BTree' ls 3 set xlabel "Array size" set ylabel "Execution time (ns.)" set origin 0,0 set title "{/:Bold u32}" plot \ input_path.'/ordsearch.csv' skip 1 using 1:4 with lp title 'ordsearch' ls 1, \ input_path.'/sorted_vec.csv' skip 1 using 1:4 with lp title 'binary search' ls 2, \ input_path.'/btreeset.csv' skip 1 using 1:4 with lp title 'BTree' ls 3 unset ylabel set origin 0.5,0 set title "{/:Bold u64}" plot \ input_path.'/ordsearch.csv' skip 1 using 1:5 with lp title 'ordsearch' ls 1, \ input_path.'/sorted_vec.csv' skip 1 using 1:5 with lp title 'binary search' ls 2, \ input_path.'/btreeset.csv' skip 1 using 1:5 with lp title 'BTree' ls 3