# org-tangle
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- [Main Repo](https://github.com/parsing-tech/org-rs)
A command line tool to tangle code blocks in org file to source code file.
- A faster way to tangle org-mode.
## Note About Restriction
- The use case is restricted to global tangle property-line
- code block level tangle property-line is NOT supported
- headline level tangle property-line is NOT supported
I recommend [ntangle](https://github.com/OrgTangle/ntangle),
if you need more complete org-mode supports.
## Getting Start
To build the program, nightly rust toolchain is needed.
`rustup` is the tool to help programmers install rust toolchains.
- One can get rustup from :: https://rustup.rs
Then do:
rustup install nightly
cargo +nightly install org-tangle
## usage
org-tangle [FLAGS] [PATH]...
-r, --recursive recursively traverse
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
... can be or
ignore non unicode
ignore non `.org` files
ignore `.org` files without tangle property
## Example
In file `engine.org`
- Add tangle property-line
#+property: tangle lib.rs
- The following code block will be tangled into `lib.rs`
- where code blocks are marked by `#+begin_src ` and `#+end_src`
#+begin_src rust
fn tangle (string: &str) -> Result {
let mut result = String::new ();
let mut lines = string.lines ();
while let Some (line) = lines.next () {
if block_begin_line_p (line) {
tangle_collect (&mut result, &mut lines)?;
Ok (result)
- For a complete example,
see [this directory](https://github.com/parsing-tech/org-rs/tree/master/org-tangle-engine/src)
where `engine.org` is tangled to `lib.rs`
## Related Project
- [md-tangle](https://github.com/parsing-tech/md-rs/tree/master/md-tangle) -- same tool for markdown file.