#+BIND: org-export-publishing-directory "./doc/" #+TITLE: Org-Mode #+SUBTITLE: A rust crate providing Org-Mode to the world outside emacs. #+AUTHOR: Pranav Vats #+LATEX_CLASS: tufte-book #+LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper] #+LATEX_HEADER: \setcounter{secnumdepth}{4} #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: #+DESCRIPTION: This crate aims to provide parser, exporters, & source code handling functionality for Org-Mode. #+KEYWORDS: #+LATEX_COMPILER: pdflatex #+DATE: \today #+OPTIONS: :date:nil :toc:5 * Introduction ** What? ** Why? * Build & Management ** Dependencies ** Configurations * Implementation * Credits * Appendix ** Files *** Source **** =src/lib.rs= #+NAME: src-lib.rs #+BEGIN_SRC rust :tangle ./src/lib.rs :mkdirp yes :exports code :noweb yes #+END_SRC *** Build **** Manifest (=Cargo.toml=) #+BEGIN_SRC toml :tangle ./Cargo.toml :mkdirp yes :noweb yes [package] name = "orgmode" version = "0.0.0" authors = ["Pranav Vats "] description = "A crate implementing Org-Mode, generic enough for other applications to use." documentation = "https://gitlab.com/pranavats/orgmode/raw/master/doc/orgmode.pdf" readme = "./README.org" homepage = "https://gitlab.com/pranavats/orgmode.git" repository = "https://gitlab.com/pranavats/orgmode.git" categories = ["org", "markup", "documentation", "literate", "note-taking"] keywords = ["org", "markup", "documentation", "literate", "note-taking"] license = "GPL-3.0" license-file = "./LICENSE" exclude = ["./doc/*", "./target/*", "./auto", "*.pdf"] [dependencies] #+END_SRC **** =.gitignore= #+BEGIN_SRC gitignore :tangle ./.gitignore /target ,**/*.rs.bk Cargo.lock /auto ,*.tex ,*.html #+END_SRC