syntax = "proto3"; package; import "google/protobuf/duration.proto"; service Ort { rpc Get(ResponseSpec) returns(ResponseReply) {} } message ResponseSpec { message Success { // Specifies the number of bytes to include in the ResponseReply `data`. int64 size = 1; } message Error { // If non-zero, specifies the status code that should be used // messages. int32 code = 1; // Specifies the status message that should be used in reply messages. string message = 2; } oneof result { Success success = 1; Error error = 2; } // Specifies the server-side latency to be added to this response. google.protobuf.Duration latency = 3; // An opaque blob that allows clients to transmit request data. bytes data = 4; } message ResponseReply { bytes data = 1; }