use rust_htslib::bcf; #[test] fn check_haplotype_fractions_5050() { let mut output = std::path::PathBuf::new(); output.push("test_output.csv"); let _ = orthanq::calling::haplotypes::hla::CallerBuilder::default() .haplotype_variants(bcf::Reader::from_path("tests/B.vcf").unwrap()) .variant_calls( bcf::Reader::from_path("tests/Sample_HLA00318-0.5_HLA00319-0.5_B.bcf").unwrap(), ) .xml("tests/hla.xml".into()) .common_variants(false) .enable_equivalence_class_constraint(false) .outcsv(output) .prior("diploid".to_string()) .lp_cutoff(0.01) .threshold_equivalence_class(1) .extend_haplotypes(true) .num_extend_haplotypes(3) .build() .unwrap() .call(); //check if the haplotype is correct let mut rdr = csv::Reader::from_path("test_output.csv").unwrap(); //access haplotype names let headers = rdr.headers().unwrap().clone(); //check if the fractions are 0.5 each let mut iter = rdr.records(); if let Some(result) = { let record = result.unwrap(); let mut check_two_alleles = 0; for (fraction, header) in record.iter().zip(headers.iter()) { if header.contains("B*") { let splitted = header.split(':').collect::>(); let first_two = splitted[0].to_owned() + ":" + splitted[1]; if (first_two == "B*44:02" && fraction == "0.50") || (first_two == "B*44:03" && fraction == "0.50") { check_two_alleles += 1; } } } let mut check = false; if check_two_alleles == 2 { check = true } assert!(check); } }