# Versioning This project follows [semantic versioning](https://semver.org/). Some events may trigger a major (breaking) version like option deprecation or mandatory option. # Architecture osc-cost's code is organized in order to have: - a choosen input (Outscale API, json, ...) - a core which compute costs - a choosen output format (hour, month, json, ...) # Debuging You can get more details by setting environement variable `RUST_LOG=debug`. Check [env_logger documentation](https://docs.rs/env_logger/0.9.3/env_logger/) for more details. # Sending a Merge Request If you plan to make some change in source code, consider making a pull request in [openapi-generator project](https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/). Otherwise: - Your merge request must be rebased on the latest commit. - Be sure that tests still pass by running `make test`. # How to release Gitub bot should have produced a new version and creating the new release tag should push release to crate.io. If this is not the case: 1. Be sure have the latest version from repository. 2. `make test` and fix any issue. 3. `make helm-docs` to generate helm docs 4. Update Cargo.toml and Cargo.lock with new version following [semantic versioning](https://semver.org/) and commit 5. PR, review and merge 6. Create new release