# Prerequisite - Kubernetes (>=1.22.0) - Helm (>=v3.9.3) - Prometheus (>=0.57.0) - Grafana (>=6.31.0) # Deploying osc-cost as prometheus exporter Please set your ak/sk in osc-cost charts values.yaml: ```yaml secret: # -- enable secret enable: True # -- Outscale Access Key oscAccessKey: supersecret # -- Outscale Secret Key oscSecretKey: topsecret # -- Outscale Region oscRegion: region ``` or create your own secret in the same namespace and set in values.yaml: ```yaml secret: # -- enable secret enable: True ``` and create secret: ```bash kubectl create secret generic osccost-secret --from-literal=OSC_ACCESS_KEY=supersecret --from-literal=OSC_SECRET_KEY=topsecret --from-literal=OSC_REGION=region -n kube-system ``` This step will deploy osc-cost as prometheus exporter: ```bash helm install osccost -n kube-system ./osccost/ NAME: osccost LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Mar 6 09:53:49 2023 NAMESPACE: kube-system STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None NOTES: # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Outscale SAS # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause Thank you for installing osccost Your release is name osccost To learn more about this release, try: $ helm status osccost $ helm get osccost ``` # Create your own grafana dashboard You can create your own grafana dashboard using [prometheus query](https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/datasources/prometheus/query-editor/) # Uninstall osc-cost prometheus exporter You can uninstall osc-cost: ```bash helm uninstall osc-cost -n kube-system ```