# `oscd` [![Build](https://github.com/karnpapon/oscd/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/karnpapon/oscd/actions/workflows/build.yml) [![Release](https://github.com/karnpapon/oscd/actions/workflows/release.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/karnpapon/oscd/actions/workflows/release.yml) [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/oscd.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/oscd) `oscd`, a simple interactive [OSC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Sound_Control) debugger for the terminal by using [nom](https://github.com/Geal/nom) as a lexer/parser, `oscd` offers auto type casting and support sending multiple osc arguments. It has two simple features: * Monitor OSC messages (over UDP) sent to a port * Send OSC messages (over UDP) to a port - default port = `57110` - default address = `` ## Install / Run - easiest way is to `cargo install oscd` - alternative way is downloading [latest released binary files](https://github.com/karnpapon/oscd/releases), unzip and put it where executable file lives based on your Operating System eg. `usr/local/bin` (for OSX) - type `oscd` to run program ## Usage - Use the following format to send messages: `
` - `
` is osc path to communicate with. - `` is a number or a string (double quotes can be omitted) and can have multiple arguments. - eg. `/s_new "default" -1 0 0 "freq" 850`, will be parsed as `("s_new", [String("default"), Int(-1), Int(0), Int(0), String("freq"), Int(850)])`) - by default `oscd` automatically casting type for you, and it also support [numeric literals type conversion](https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/types/cast.html) - eg. `65.4321_f64` is equivalent to `65.4321 as f64` (`Explicit conversion`) - it will be parsed osc as `Double(65.4321)`, otherwise `osc` will parsed it based on the input (eg. `65.4321` = `f32`). - see supported types below. - complete osc example `/s_new "default with whitespace" 1002 'A' 12_i32 12_i64 -12 -12_i32 -12_i64 12.4533 1.234_f64 #2f14DF12 ~00110011 @12345:23 [12,20,true] %[10,20,30]` ## Types `oscd` follows [OscType](https://docs.rs/rosc/latest/rosc/enum.OscType.html) from [rosc](https://github.com/klingtnet/rosc) library | status | types | example | notes | |---------|----------------------|------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ☑ | Int(i32) | `1234` or `1234_i32` | | | ☑ | Long(i64) | `1234_i64` | | | ☑ | Float(f32) | `1234.32` or `1234.32_f32` | | | ☑ | Double(f64) | `1234.25434_f64` | | | ☑ | String(String) | `"str goes here"` | wrapped in doulble quotes is needed | | ☑ | Bool(bool) | `true` or `false` | | | ☑ | Char(char) | `'S'` | wrapped in single quote is needed | | ☑ | Blob(Vec<u8>) | `%[10,20,30]` | prefix with `%` separated by `,` number which is not `u8` will be discarded | | ☑ | Time(OscTime) | `@123456789:20` | prefix with `@` separate fractional by `:` eg. `@:` | | ☑ | Color(OscColor) | `#2F14DF2A` | prefix with `#` followed by base16 `#` | | ☑ | Midi(OscMidiMessage) | `~01F14FA4` | prefix with `~` followed by base16 `~` | | ☑ | Array(OscArray) | `[10,20,true]` | | | ☑ | Nil | `Nil` | | | ☑ | Inf | `Inf` | | ## Development - `cargo run` ## Building / Release - binary building with Github Action and supported following architectures - aarch64-linux - x86_64-linux - x86_64-macos - x86_64-windows ## Bypass security settings. (OSX) (optional, in case of manual install binary file instead of `cargo install oscd`) With each iteration of OS X from Mountain Lion onwards, Apple have made it progressively harder for users to access un-certificated downloaded applications/binary, such as those coming from the Open Source/Free Software community. The problem typically manifests when trying to launch a newly downloaded application/binary whether directly or via the Dock. At the point of downloading a new app, the OS places it on a “quarantine list”. An alarming error message is displayed indicating the application is “damaged”, or from an unidentified developer, and has been prevented from running. A standard workaround for a single application/binary is to launch using “Open” from the menu that pops up using Right-Click (or Ctrl-Click) on the application’s/binary's icon. ## Resources - https://ccrma.stanford.edu/groups/osc/index.html - https://ccrma.stanford.edu/groups/osc/spec-1_0.html - https://ccrma.stanford.edu/groups/osc/files/2009-NIME-OSC-1.1.pdf ## Credit - inspired by [osc-debugger](https://github.com/alexanderwallin/osc-debugger).