{ "data_format": 1, "project": { "name": "osm_transit_extractor", "description": "Extract public transport data from OSM and write it to CSV files", "project_url": "https://github.com/hove-io/osm-transit-extractor", "contact_name": "Pascal Rhod", "contact_email": "pascal.rhod@kisio.com" }, "tags": [{ "key": "type", "value": "route_master", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "to filter the public transport line objects" }, { "key": "type", "value": "route", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "to filter the public transport route objects" }, { "key": "ref", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "the code of the public transport line/route" }, { "key": "to", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "the destination of the public transport route" }, { "key": "from", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "the origin of the public transport route" }, { "key": "colour", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "the colour of the public transport line/route" }, { "key": "operator", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "the name of the public transport operator" }, { "key": "network", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "the name of the public transport network" }, { "key": "route", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "the public transport mode of the route" }, { "key": "route_master", "object_types": ["relation"], "description": "the public transport mode of the line" }, { "key": "highway", "value": "bus_stop" }, { "key": "public_transport", "value": "stop_area", "object_types": ["relation"] } ] }