## OSM fixtures The sample OSM files to use are the *.osm.pbf ones. For now, they contain a really small subset of real OSM data. To add data to the OSM fixture : * open the *.osm source file, with JOSM (File > Open) * use the "Dowload Object" dialog (File > Dowload Object..) to select existing OSM object * save the new source file (File > Save As...) * transform the *.osm file into an *.osm.pbf file using osmosis Example of osmosis command line : `osmosis --read-xml file="osm_fixture.osm" --write-pbf file="osm_fixture.osm.pbf"` > NB: osmconvert can be used for the conversion, but some *name* tags disapears on ways and relations Do not forget to commit the usable *.osm.pbf file and the *.osm source file to ease the updates. Note that if you modify the OSM data in JOSM you will need te remove the additions of the JOSM file-format in order to get a valid *.osm.pbf file. See http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JOSM_file_format to learn more.