# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html [package] name = 'osmgraphing' # lib.rs default-run = 'osmgraphing' # bin/osmgraphing.rs # Changing this version in a branch 'release' and pushing it to # GitHub will lead to publishing it automatically to crates.io. # Hence do not forget updating Unreleased in CHANGELOG.md. version = '1.1.1' # !!! description = 'Playing around with graphs created via parsing OpenStreetMap data' edition = '2018' authors = [ 'Parga Cacheiro, Dominic (dominic.parga@gmail.com)', ] repository = 'https://github.com/dominicparga/osmgraphing' readme = 'README.md' keywords = ['osm', 'route', 'routing', 'pbf', 'xml'] categories = ['algorithms', 'data-structures', 'parser-implementations', 'parsing'] license = 'Apache-2.0' build = "build.rs" [features] default = [] # TODO different test-lengths # https://testing.googleblog.com/2010/12/test-sizes.html custom = [] 'gpl' = [ 'nd-triangulation' ] [[bin]] name = 'osmgraphing' path = 'src/bin/osmgraphing/mod.rs' [[bin]] name = 'multi-ch-constructor' path = 'src/bin/multi-ch-constructor.rs' required-features = ['gpl'] [[example]] name = 'parser' path = 'examples/parser.rs' [[example]] name = 'dijkstra' path = 'examples/dijkstra.rs' [[example]] name = 'exploration' path = 'examples/exploration.rs' required-features = ['gpl'] [[example]] name = 'playground_actix' path = 'examples/playground/actix.rs' [[example]] name = 'playground_edge-containers' path = 'examples/playground/edge_containers.rs' [[example]] name = 'playground_graph' path = 'examples/playground/graph.rs' [[example]] name = 'playground_multithreading' path = 'examples/playground/multithreading.rs' [[example]] name = 'playground_nd-triangulation' path = 'examples/playground/nd_triangulation.rs' required-features = ['gpl'] [[example]] name = 'playground_pipes_and_filters' path = 'examples/playground/pipes_and_filters.rs' [[example]] name = 'playground_random' path = 'examples/playground/random.rs' [[example]] name = 'playground_xml_reader' path = 'examples/playground/xml_reader.rs' [[bench]] name = 'routing' harness = false [dependencies] chrono = '0.4' # date and time clap = '2.33' # cmdline-parsing env_logger = '0.6' # logging for external use, e.g. main.rs and examples kissunits = '2' # units like Meters or Coordinate log = '0.4' # logging for internal use, e.g. lib.rs nalgebra = '0.21' # vectors and matrics nd-triangulation = { version = '0.3', optional = true } # CGAL for convex hulls osmpbfreader = '0.13' # read osm.pbf-files progressing = '3' # progress-bar rand = '0.7' # generate random numbers rand_pcg = '0.2' # generate random numbers serde = '1' # serialization serde_yaml = '0.8' # (de-)serialization smallvec = '1' # inlining small vecs [dev-dependencies] actix-rt = '0.2' # backend-server actix-web = '1' # backend-server criterion = '0.3' # benchmarking futures = '0.1' # backend-server quick-xml = '0.14' # read xml-files